__________THE MICHIGAN DARUA ILY - OF'FICI'AL BULLETIN ' Publication in" the University. Volume 3 the Bulleti is constructive notice to all members of Copy received until 3:30 v. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) WED)NESIDAY, NOVEMBIER 29, 1822 Number 57 Tor eDas Ta he D's'hr will be no conferenc of the Deans en Wednesday, Nov. 29. M L. BURTON. 'Senate Committeet on Student Affars: There will be it meeting of the committee at # o'clock Wednesday, Nov.' 29, in Room 2, University hall., .".To Teachers of reshimen in the College9f In oewing : Teachers of Freshmen in the Entgineeing Coqllee are requested to 1111 Et the information ealled for on the report cAWd8 recently sent out and toI return them to the Assistant Dean's. Offie obu 'r' before Friday, Dec. 1. In' O order to save time in sorting the cards for teo-- nto tr,, teachers are re- quested to arrange them alphabetically wthr resect to the0 mentors whse " sames appear on the cards. l ,FXID . LEE, i Chairman of the Freshmenlielltor Committee. Ble Prints: Beginnaing. Moday, Nov. 27, students d.'I"'~nvrsity dpartmets may have blue prints made in any sive and quatityy #n> :he Phtgaphic :Iabor- atoryl of the Departmnet of Drawing. tudents should1e1 .their tracings in the ofice of the Secretary of the Uiveeityr. ad my receive and p y for the prints at the same offce. University departmeants may deliver their tracings either to the Secretary's affce o' to the. photographic laboratory, x"- Eugineering builaig. *All tracings left at the laboratory ri atothewScretary's office before 10 . n. wllbe printed and ready for dehivry at 2 30. racings lft before 4 oelock will be printd and re6tred at. 16 o'eob* a. r,m.fallowing. The pride for "blue prints will be 1 cent, pr ,QLor raction thereof. The min- imum charge is'5. ents. Special airanig~ezts 'eore ma4S fr the business *f1 'niversity departments. The laboratory is prepared. also to ae rdrwn print negatives from ?tracings, and traciRegs delivered before 10 . is. swllbe tirind ad the neg- atives -returned at .10 a. in. following. heprietr thegat vs is 2 cents per square foot, withi a minimum charge of 10 VeCits. 1. W. MILLER. Club night anid entertainment Friday,.Dec. , t h p.im. ItiRY'" 5)A~I, Secretary. Amearican "'Field erVice Feluowsip s: " 1ifteen felowships, of the value of,, 2> 4 .pus 8,000o franc, which are "renrveale for a So oxd year, will be o, lil4 y the So ety for American iehId Service.Fellowships for French unlorslee this year. These fellow- sips are assigned, upon a comptitive bis,~a to radluats of American col- lages and other suitably qualified canddate. Aplicatos shuld reach the Sdiretaty. of 'the Society not ater ta Jail 1 923 Prof. C B. Vib- . bert, ofP the Department of Philosophy,ha been dsignated to act as ad- viseix to students. in connection .with "these. Fellowshtis.those wh wish toi..W, application for them are advised to cnusu~t Professor Vibber. .~F , . ROBBINS. Art Exhibtion: Bcause of the unprecedentd iteret iz te aintings. of Nikolai '4oericb, now on dsplay in the West allery of 4jnni, Mlerial hall, a- raneet have been made to coentinue th e ehibitionthrouzgh Wednesday aftenoon Nov 29.B. M DOALDSO)N." Mary Gardenl,assisted. ly Mr. Max t e j ya, Cllis, and' Mr. Emil Polak, Pianist, ,will give .the following ,rogram hn n 6ith Chrl, U nonSeries in H3ill Auditrium Tue"sday evening, IDe. 5, The school .of Music -Manaeent hs, arrakzged "o sl1a limited num- brer of ,ticketsadmtting to'"seats on the stage.. Thse may }}o secured at the ' University School of Musi. '., .; ' .Sonate (Henry=Ecces)) . Largo, V. Al~egro con spirito, M. Gegna; B- henme:(Puccini), Arloaso (Leo Dlibes)'liss Garden; Seenade .(Joseph Hiaydn),iuett, Shepherd Boy ( avowed) Mr .tegna.; Laes Brceux" (G. iatibre), Mahon (Pucctii, Le Nil (With vilincell) "(X. eroux) Miss Gar-, den. lntermission Beau .Soil ':(Debussy),, Zeigung (R. Strauss), Jocelyn (with violoncello) (. Godard) Mliss Gren; Rhapsordie (Popper) Mr. Gtegna; Louise (G Charpenier) Miss Gaden OAR.LES A. SINK, Secretary. Alfred Cort#ot Conert: Afred Cortot, the -distinguished Frenih °pinit, will .give the third program in the Extra Concert Series $oday evening De. 4, at which time he will play,'the fllowing program: Cocerto da Camera (Vivaldi); Andante Spanato aet.Polonaise (Chop- in); Agtato-C major (Waiting fevriShl Y fo'r e ' e:beloved ,one); Lento- minor (Sad; meditations; in =the distanc e.", deseted sea); Vivace-G major (The song f the rook) ; LargoE minor (eside a om); Allegro moto -n major (A. tree full of song). Lnto Assai- ilnzir (i'oneicness); An- dantino-A major' (Delicious ,recollectt Ilon at 'ie, perfume through the mnemaory) ; Molto agitato-F sharp minor (he snow falls, the wind' howls, te tempest 'rages, but in my sad heart there; is .a "ore terrible storm); Largo-E= mAjr (Prophetic ,voices); Allego mltoC sharp minor (Falling, m. rockets);: Vivac-B major (A young; gil's wish)i; Presto-G sharp minor ., (The'rider in the night); Lento-F sharp minor (In a strange and, underi a starkry sky, thining of thebeloved one far away"; Allegro-E flat minor (A stormy scene); Sostenuto D "fat malo, (But'the dead is here in the dusk) ; Preto con fuoo-13B flat minor ;(Tihe road to the abyss) ; Allegret- to-A fiat major (She told m e she loved me); Allegretto motoF minor (Im- precations), Vivace-E fiat major (Had I but wings, I would fy to you my beloveod) Largo-C mi nor (Funerals); Cantabile-$",fat major (Returning sol- itary to the spt where vows; were made) ; 1.ot, agitat-G minor (Revolu- turn) ; Moderato-F major (Naiads paying); Allegro appasionato-D minor (D SN, .de la Volupte, do la mgrt); Etudes en formie de Valse (Saint- Saens) ; Bouree pour Ia, main gauche Soule (ant Saens) ; La Cathe- , dtrale engloutie (Debussy); Saguidilllas (Abeniz); 2nd Itapsodie (Liszt). CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary. Barbou, °;niasiufti The class -in Playground Activities will meet today in Barbour Gyni- nasiumn at 2 'clock. MARION . WOOD. Sophomore 11o1110: All ffophoniore women who have not yet paidt the one dollar tax for the Freshman Spread must mail the, money immnediately to Grace G. Hall, 1036 Oakland Ave. Make checks payable to. Freshmnan Spread' Committee. GRACE G. HALL, Treasurer, Freshman Spread Committee. "Xuch Ado About Nothing Rehearsals Wednesday at 2, Act , Scene 3. Wednesday at 2:30, Act 11, Scene Wednesday at 3, Act V, Scene 2. Wednesday at 3:&0, Act III, Scene Wednesday at 4, 'Act V, Scene 2. Wednesday at 4:30, Act III, Sene Friday at 2, Act IV, Scene 1. Friday at 3, Act II, Scene 3. Friday at 4, Act 11, Scene 1. Alpha Nn. ! There will be a special business i Ion account of the meeting for that e' WH TISGOING ON, INOTICE--Copy for this column should be submitted by 5:30 o'clock Of 1 the day before publication. WEDNESDAY 4:15--Twilight organ recital by Earlf V. Moore in Hill auditorium. 4 :80--Presbterian hors choir re- bearsal at Lane hall. 7 :00--Vetran's of Foreign Wars meet in Assembly hall, Union.j. 7:00-Richard N. Hal post 422, meets; in 'Union. ' 715-Round Up club meets li n 'Iion. 7 ;3-Green'ville-Beldng club mlets in room 302, Union.r 5 :00-Unitarian students union party for members and friends. 8:00_1U Creooo Italano meets in{ room 202, South Wing. Professor Tealdi will lecture.; 8:00-Engineering society dance at 'Union. THURSDAY 11:00 A4 ,--Thanksgivng day serice1 in 11111 auditorium. 4:006:30-Openi house a. fWesey hall.I movie 5:00-Party at Presbyterian curch. SU-NOTICE For all courses in. the literary college{ dropped after Friday, save under ex-j traordinary circumstances, a grade} of "H" will be turned in on the stu-?, dent's record. Today Is the last day on _wich the paintings of Nicolas Roerich, noted Russiani artist, will be on exibition la the west gallery of Alumni Memo- oral hail. This collection has been. placed on dsplay under the auspic- es o the Ann Arbor Art associa- tion.I All class pre iens should have their list of Officers and committees turn-a ed in at the Michiganensian office before Dec. 1. "The Value of Mental Test.', in 'the Sunday Magazine for December 3.- Adv. 'r, DR. W. S. MILLS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN t 616 First Nat'l Bk. Bideo. Oece Hours Phone j 1 I 04; U3046 32141F May Qualify 2. For Two Jobs e 2. e . R. D. T. HOLLISTER. meeting at 4 p. in. on Friday, Dec. 1, ?""' f.i vening having been postponed. " ELMER SALZMAN. i"J" { LITTLE THEATER LAUDE QUIRK SAYS MO'EIE\T LEAD) .A tONG MEDII MfS 1FOR IXPRES- SION OF CO MMXLMTY ART, I"The little theater is one of the ,r best mediums for artistic expression1r1 in a community, it combines the work j of every kind of individual, those who ldeSmcAchlr can act, those who can write, thoseJug a clAhlr who can paint scenery, and raises the Judge Samuel Aschuler of Chicago, whole aesthetic tone of the commun-1 was appointed to membership on the ity". Thus Daniel L. Quirk, president federal coal commission by President of the Ypsilanti players corporation; 'Harding, but has never qualified as a defined the little theater movement mnember of that body because he can- in his address before the Episcopal not do so and retain his place on the students in Harris Hall. The theater,I bench. Congress may grant him per- of which he is the president, is one mission. of the best known little theaters 1-1 __________________ this section of the country. Manyf pays which were produced there for Michigan Daily and' Chimes for $4.50. the first time now have a regular~ ~place in the big circuits. Mr. Quirk{ N accompanied his lecture by slides, oe us showing many pictures of his theater, oe tu e which was formerly a barn, 18 by 361 No lWritten Work feet large. It will seat 75 people. At Babson Institute they make a :dr. Quirk came here at the invi- business of teaching business to tation of the Episcopal church with a college trained men who-wish to fill positions of responsibility and view to advising the church as to the' and trust without spending years at adaptability of the stage in Harris routine work. Hallto poduc suc plas asare Standard office equipment through- Hallto rodce uch lay asare out. No classes or lectures, but a given in the Ypsilanti theater. business schedule of work from 8:30 _________________to 5:00 o'clock, including daily con- ferences directed by men with years Your bank should be sound, accurate and efficient. But that is not enough. Banking service to be of the most use to you should be also intelligent and interested. INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED That is what this bank tries to be. FARMERS& MECHANICS BANK 101-105 So. MAIN 330 So. STATE ST. Announsing that: .1 1ei Z5Oes New York " Philadelphia wit Visit UNIVERSITY-.OFMICHIGAN thruout the coming collej year with the newest and best in 'con- servativly correct footwear at prices ranjing from $7 to $1. The next display of the season wil be at:" KYER'S Corner N. Upiversity Ave. and Thayer St. November.29, Dec.1, 2: General Offises: vu1iDuane gtreet New' York. City I, May Give Plays at Harris Hall Members of the Board of Trustees of Harris hall held their annual meet-s ing yesterday afternoon in'l Harri l hall The recommendation''wras pre- sented to the Board that the ball room stage may be altered and, other nec- essary features be added so that playa could .be given in the hail. Mr. Webb, who is in charge at Har- ris ball, said that. there was much talent, not utilized and that the stags Swould be b)eneficial. The income and budget were also discussed. ' HOTEL ALiENEL Splendid Thanksgiving turkey din- ner, $1.50. 12-2 p."m.-Adv., "Stevenson and-His Art", by Heuien G. Lyndh in TheSunday Magazine for December.'3.-Adv. IVING WARMWOLTS, D.S.C. CHIROPODIST I 706 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 1746-J of business experience, and discus- sions with active factory and office executives at their plants. This re- moves the instruction from the hypo- thetical stage and helps the student to look at things in the same light as a man actually engaged in business'. Babson Institute, an educational in- stittition endowed for the purpose of fitting men for executive responsi- bilities, invites you to send for the booklet, " Training for Business leadership." Write today. Balbson Institute Wellesley Hills, (SMass c.ot,, rrhSJops, 1401;-nBroadway, 'ond in downtown, anhall~n and Broojlyn Ph t adclpIi Shop 1223-23 Chestput street j«st b ell the flIotel AMelphim The _________A_ EDR_192 LIMITED EDITIONS 75 c A MICHIGAN INSTITUTION UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE L- A Thankful Strengthen the bonds of friendship by giving a t Christmas-photographs! Thanks- giving For the many, folks of Ann Ar- 'bor and vicinity owho have a Say- WlllY, S I a4'ti1\ yl t J1 I I' ji 710, " r . ;. # ' /, ''' P '$' jj(jff y4 ' j... . I / ' '' .1 , !!, I \ t ,' IV y l , ; i C III{ ! I , , 1 ._f . ;e ' f '. , I Regardless of Iv hat you pay nothing else ]pill be so api- preciated. 'Phone 604- W nolv to insure an early appointment ings 1 iCCOUnt in this strong, reli- able bank, Thanks- giving Day is a day of true thankfulness. I Are You Going, Hoe hism ? Ha ve You Learnedto Dance?. If not, come. -to me . a at 'once and 'I will teach you in time so that you may partici- pate in the Yuleid Festivities. 4 prise the Folks Home ! s back L Portraits Quality 619 East Liberty Struet Remember how the Puritans prospered because they saved and were able to t~ ke advantage of opportunities which arose. You and your family will 'be celebrate this Thanksgiving by equally as thankful next Thanksgiving if you starting a Savings Account here. I The Ann Arbor Savings Bank "The 7lank of Friendly Service". HT'«TTHEA,,TRe flLiG. ,:I , ! I 11 1 RC!11 [*Pc mooC.flf nnnlfi '~vTCre-"bpplt7 CI'I