____ ____ ____ ____ 'FE MICHIGAN ,,DAL~Y > 9YU TFINHFRgTO Nw Govern°o O flRf~FORSIRATIflN IY N :, t f" L; ... .I g HOLD AMET OF EETINGT ,:.__ LOEJOY, ORMR 17 FoutrthA f1al (f,9ienton f $tte .I'"', h;4. Phyi cal Educationi Body to Be CO(NFE RNEI Hel . ~d Dec. 3}!1 1 y _. , ",J . Pf,eresentatives o. all t: ~, in Michigan concernedY OVI16TO FAIMBERS O ACLY et toay in Lansing t - : plans for reforest ration. The denuding of Mih Memibers of .the State Council of ands and the state's pe] Physical Eduction of the Michigan viding some plan that ' 1e artmeAnt~, a1Public.Instruction will ) I timber for the future has1 hand their fourth, annual convention'r of much discussion for ma D. , 2, td 13 ,'in Ann 'Arbor, with it is exected that the coy their headquarters at' the Uniondvlp oceepa This council, directed by F. A. Rowe put into a bill to be pres from his Lansing office, has charge of 1923 session of the legisa all 'gymnnatic work ,in the publc I Representatives of the scboaolsa of 5the , tate . Their conven- i ' terets, land companies,f fionp, lexe wiil be, addressed by many remn.ent officials and men prof#ilneut ij niversity people in ad- vital interest in frestry h ditiot to the speakers: procured from ' ited to the conference cl other pars f thiestate. Plans will ". bert Stoll, Jr, secretary of bse inane fos art in nox year's. gym- IGallb Pasa vation commission. P. W. naslu cl~gesThe appointment of Gallib Pasha to Ann Arbor, former profess ,D phe uisssior, wibhascus1 succesd Refet Pasha as governor of try in the University of M 7'h fistseaiCOtwil b a iscssConstantinople is expected to snoothe be chairman. Mr. Lovejoy ,ion ofY the 'junior igh sehool pro-. out many wrinkles now corrugating 3etdwihte1uts raa. Th. will lie held at 9 "oc~ock J h rw falidsaemn h anis considered one of t lvhu&'morning,' December 11, in neiiay oenri wlIhuh writers on forestry i h roo 30 o~ th Uion Mr L.M. os of by the alliest and it is believed that Iinterest will be cente, wrill' ,talk .about suitabl~e com ettivehe ilaiinteeteetofheopc.Astbemas athietdnics ,torljwonior high s4chool boys, NlweariEast problems.stlmn o h tcsn timber lands is to be fo tr:+ george A Ma, director of Water-_________________ mate the destructive waste fa gyunastik, ,wllldiscss lappara- mnwonwIerteb tus' work -far.. boys. ,Mr. Frank, Aa perty of the University mineralogical thentawho.nowmbermtebii 1 ;i~,will diesribe. Iarciing tactic)~ collections. tetxs ubre for E junior. h ; o shgols, and =Miss:i The Indian relics have been placed ____________ Gladly&(ray will ive some hints onI in the hands of Dean W. B.1jinsdale, . apparatus 'work 'for girls, formerly dean of the Homeoepatheto After, a luncheon in room 319, at 'school and now curator of Michigan whieh Pr'ofs. James B Edmonson, of archaeology, They will be. exhibited T H A\ the; tiondaty ' edutcation .deartmet atogiclateueidm nt.Unvr'lyZo wil' b~ stmaster fthe dsusslon 1 logicta=lmeum.id nte nvrst J411 r ;igh schol policies will be jMr. Candler had two sons who were tcuntinued. Mr. Gertrude ,'Beach swill{M ichgan men, bth in the class of. I ouln h wmigporm r.92, Henry, h., and George V. Cand-, Coti~ wmigporz,,Msdrai lbffeirs will describe some of tl tler. sinilng , work; that :has been plan,: nol,= ;Mis thl..~Rckwell. will'di- ' Clvel tLeetir Post~one: F u I( cuess ~ ynaium .' work "fo ,girls7 ani -Prof.' Mrcel lave, of tl a F e ici i r. 1 DYoS. 1;eland w ll give. his Edepartment, will not ecure tap'kght views on a recess :period, for junir in Tapan hall as originalv p! r tie. s ehools. , '.The timueand 'place have be. ci' el DInner I n ion o ec 6 in Natural S~ccS li. Mo l~ay *1veziffi there .will be a : ium, dJ~jneriln tirop 319of thie Uion, pre-' idedl onvrbyDean Allen S. Whtney ________________ oir tree .;c zho. f-9ducaalnand Mrs. plusea to the onvetion' atbths' oc- A reMi' "Competitve Atleics f~r Grls' High Qulity wll lie '#poken ontheynext morning b i Miss ryta] l orneri fass' Ruth Dnn IAR T T T bar,' a id I rtLinda ; loth.l~Folow4i U A AR lI1TEE this'r. John i u'dwall, director of. stuldenit' pl, caI',wlfare n the;Un~. lose"for lMen B utla verslty, wiil ive 'isilews on thetUI "Reponi~ity,:fr.the Helt Pr-' Here we are, back to the ay~ sL4U of assured service in men's ho- eery Nickel's Ar EILU'iO EDU ATORRV" A, the guaranteed, high- T LE T R HE E quality lise or silk hose for ____men.___ Studlents "f tpoliical science wrill( h urne en xcl have "seveal new, curos to set ''r Te urateienseacl Iwhat it says: No darning neces- hs la,who wpill Eone t thebs University ary during the priods 'speci-T of ;Micigaiiias &xik echange rofes- flied.________ oronte Univrity of the Phil--: ippines, will remain 1in .residence: here' f r.Drigthstiehewll Thout D arning N hereforoneyear b eginni ng Septen- give courses in the adminstration of rMeans freedom prom a very tile Philippines,. proablems f the Pa-; nuisance; a nuisance for the citcad the Far', East, and' other wearer and for the women who problems. Most of his subjects will have to mend. Hot Shot Bat h+ ~ i .retere Orienatal point of Get away from it now by buy- ve..ing "OtVO" at these prices. alcohol, perj Prof. Joseph . Hayden, of the pc- ,'c lztical :science department, is now iniC rHe t s exhnea he University of the isl5e C r 'eaer Philippiens. He will 'remrain there Hood Covers for the remander of the school yea 3 pairs $ 1 20 and on ;his' return -Professor Callaw 3 moths .2 W eed Tire C wzill accompany. him to. the United! States. Intead of having both po Thread Silk W'ind Shield1 fessors exchange in the same year it2 was thought best to have them work pairs e odD fe t toagethier t the same university in the' 3 months 541.lie.year - -Bullet Proof WILL SEND OUT 6.pairs $1.50 WARNINGS SOON; 6 mionths tin sati sfactor y results of students Tm R in rnid-se~ncsters. are being reporte.;R H COAV l' Humnphreys, assistant dean of the lit-E Next to Wuerth Theater 20 EA TH R erary co~ lege,. and, when all instruct- ors havre reported, letters of Warning -, woefully, waste timber just to ecape aT nC '6tx according to Prof. R~ussell Watson te'~~~nofcI hyaet p I fretry' efar in the a nual, according to Shel- ofthe _orty departmnent. if ,a gen-" don X. Brown, '23, business manager tora tax is provided, more favorable d MPto lumbermen, the lumberetn "'have the publication. RI promised a decrease In the destruction At present practically all of the o.' oress. Pofeso~' atso1,0eniors' have applied for their picture N VEi I "T'he ret system of fire' protec receipts, but it is urged that they make )fAN OF' tion in' theb sttae of Michigan is longappitet meiaeywthi N;~~ out of 'date and is causing an iii- tefphotographers for a sitting. the need! mense loss each year. It is expected for promptness in the making of the the interest. that this conference will proielan. ateis due to the greatly increased with forests 1 for a complete revamping of te } - eadfrstngocrigaths oa formu'late t of fire proptection#," s .d Prof r io tim," of the year. :. -A '_' 1- i _________ Parker Praises Ann Arbor Audiences Sir 'Gilbert Parker, who lectured W'vILL; MOVE .. , herb this fail, stated in a recent letter LM THS E 9K to Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geology department, that he has spoken to I thousands of people on his recent lec- Acting upon at resotlution of the; turn tour, but has nowhere encount- IBoardionge n Inthedei"vatm et ol Bred an audience to which he enjoyed. I Bildngsand(~rund w1 beinspeaking more than the one in Ann Work this week transpla itI thie tre# ro.,sad i..lo o nle It hall as a, memorial: to the class of 18- '69. The tree Is an elm planted by ti 25 rate for students. 445 Huron St. Imembers' of :the class. It will .be p..ae -____,________________,.._ ed In front of the new Literary buid- ing, about S0 or 100t yards from where1 it now stands. The actioni comes: as 'a.resuzlt. of Thanksgiving Dinner protest voiced'by the Detroi't alumai,' who learning that thb. tree 'was .to be taken out, objected to thie'4estjruction }of this memorial. Y PllOT'~ 11 BY IEC~BIR U ilis Best .f Celery A4: prints of senior, pictures to ap-! O +lives Wafers pear in the 1923, *'Aiganleholan, MU t((' be trnedin.on o ~'Roast Yodng Turkey i * SAMPLES Permanently on ilsplay at GUY WOOLFOLK & CO 336 South State Street Ann Arber. Millugan Desigtnulclby C'W&H,192? :NCaRroatAag BROADIWAY a-r 40' STREET 14 4 WEST 42" S tRET MrjmovourAN O'e On.MovesiBuws, Km4;KteCVRBoc~UILDfl4G NEW YORK ; The ,pictures of the ~KSGIVINIG Tenderloin of Beef Mushroom Sauce Hubbard Squash .Mashed Potatoes Ctanberr y Sherbet '.Rolls, Sop homores Razing U- Hall Portico OWERS ,t.; II brne N ewi JJ~iSfER'T n ade Mince or Pumpkin Pie kngland Pruit Pudding Vanilla Sauce trick Ice Cream Coffee Milk are ready at O UR TABLES )RSA AGES -)fic ost.Apopit " a .- . t .. . t°. : r <. , 4 15 8SO;Tlt ST ATE :STREET Phone l? J 219 N. UNIVERSITY L .rza7 LI51.I5D1905' sir' i Wr i:r! irrf ir , i . i. w ,..w~+ . ze Bossom Shop, L1I.JLIG 21 3 . Liberty. { ire A utombilae I . wcesstiea THANKSGIVING CANDIES $2.13 gallon ... .... $ .75 * .. $1.75to'$27.50 s . . $3*00 to $10.00 ; hains-30 x3* 12 . $ 5.501 Cle aners. $1.5to'75 ,ors-Ford Car . .. $.6 We have prepar(-d special candies to make your Thanksgiving a more agreeable day I [OBILE NECESSITIES. ON ST. COR. 4TH AVE. and probation will, be sent out. With thie e'nd of this 'week, it is ex- pected that nearly all of =the' reports will conec'in and 'the-letters may be yetnt. There are several types of let- ters, 'one a letter of warning which felts the recipient that heLis doing un- :satisfactory work in one or' more sul)- je~ts.' Another 'reads that, since .the recipent bas been- on warning'-and his ,*vrk is' still unsatisfactory, he is now. placed on probation and is forbidden to engage' in~ any campus activities. Since all of' the grades are not iin as yet, students are requested not to call at Professor Humphrey's office to enquire about their standings ir. ally courses. UN[VERSI"TY GIVEN MINERAL 'RELICS, Announcement was made Monday by Dean Edward H. Kraus, dean of the Summer , session, of a recent gift to the University, from the family of the late William R. Candler, of De- 2 } ;, i Tomorrow! Turkey, 'roasted. t o perfection and served with eranberries and every. thing else that a Than ksgivAv ingdinner should include! p\) Open Tiinrsda3 front 12 to 2:30~ only 41 Vj"- 7rIL gD ,..1 tor