newed, however) that Boston, Chica- dents must drop courses before the upon payment of a one dollar fe, the Llbraia Arrves ln Europ ad go, Philadelphia and all the othet mid-semester has been reached, un- change may be made. Word has bee received Aof the a,- N great centers have admired. less they are to suffer a loss of cred- Dean Humphreys pointed out that it rival in Europe of W. W. Bishop, Un- ni it," he continued. j is'now too late for new courses to be iversity librarian. Mr. Bishop, who is - This leaves only today, tomorrow, elected by individuals, the time limit on business for the University, ex- and Friday in which students of the for that having expired a few weeks I pects to return in two weeks. Td Last Ca eses i ago. Consequently courses may not!' Tbe discontinued unless the student is Humphreys to Talk at Mount Pleasant work in any ourse and still maintain carrying enough hours to maintain his Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys, assit- "Students desiring to drop any a satisfactory standing. Dean Hum- standing in the University. ant dean of the literary college, will courses which they are now taking phreys added that before courses may - must arrange for this action before be dropped students must secure the Saturday, save under extraordinary perinission of the instructor concern- circumstances, or a grade of "E" will ed, as well as permission from the be turned in for the semester's work dean. A "change of elections" blank A in the subject which they wish to I must first be filled out in the regis- re ouGoing H om e hnsm as. discontinue," said Dean R. rumn-, trar's office, 'stating the proposed phreys, assistant dean of the Literary change and all courses in which the college, yesterday afternoon. "The student is enrolled. Then with theo ance . University rulings require that stu- approval of the proper authorities and If not, come to me at once and I will teach you in time so that you may partici- pate in the Yuletide Festivities. 4 Sur- prise the Folks back Home! HALSEYSDANCESTUDIOS WUERTH THEATRE BLDG. L mlI I i On Thanksgiving Day -- or any other day - when you feel the need for a meal that is entirely different, with delicious home-cooked foods, silently served amid quiet and harmonious surroundings - try the Wisteria Shop. It is pos- sible that here we have attained that unexpected ideal of the perfect lunch- room, that lurked in your mind. FOR THURSDAY HERE IS OUR REGULAR TURKEY DINNER MENU Hearts of Celery Create of Tomato Soup Roast Turey nith Chestnut Dressing Cranberry Jelly Mashed Potatoes Mince Pie 11 If we are not disappointed in our shipments from Boston we will be able to serve live lobsters on Thursday I We are located diagonally oiposite from the Englieering Arch *. Si - I I From now on we will have facilities to serve a limited number of transcients. Given the opportunity of serving you we are sure that our delicious cooking NOW TH AT THANKSGIVING IS HERE! WE WANT YOU TO SEE THE EXCEP- TIONAL VALUES IN SUITS AND )VE RCOATS - NONE COULD BE BETTER UNIVERSITY DINING RooMs UUTZ CL THING STORE