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November 26, 1922 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-26
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. - those of the realist. The lens of .her !startle you with revolutionary state-
-- ' mind is romantic--"they liked to slap ments, but her work insinuates itself
his strong back with. their rough into your consciousness until, instead
hands, which age was " making {delicate of standing aloof and coldly -observ-
- with filigree of veins and wrinkles"; ing, you enter ioto the story and live
or "This woman was throwing over j with the characters.
them a net of events as excessive as In brief, the novel deals with
herself". A picturesque method and Claude Wheeler, the- son of. a Nebrts-
transcending careful realism. . I ka farmer, who, after a short lived at-
, Rebecca West has done well with I tendance at college, is compelled to
THE INTRINSIC QUALI- be founded well. So, as Richard "The Judge". It moves with the col- Icome home and manage his father's
TY OF REBECCA WEST Yaverland enters upon the scene or and breath of life. She has a man- farm. He is essentially an aspiring
Ellen's trammelled life, with his rich ner which is neither obtrusive nor boy, with no liking for farm life, and
THE JUDGEby RebeboyWeswith nokglikingoforpefarmclifeasasd
THE JU;GE, by Rebecca West background of experience and as she uneven, which rolls over the tongue the resumption of routine on the
George H. Doran. 1922. $.50 'absorbs him in her furious thirst for smoothly with a rich and fulfarm is wellngh disastrous to his
beauty and adventure, they become famiIeiihdiatost i
Rebecca West was born in Ireland. y fr ,ed taste. Her work gives off the clear outreaching spirit. He marries a
She was educated in Scotlandsustantia us. They become in tone. of true craftsmanship. Hers childhood sweetheart, a girl who is
Sdividuals of three dimensions, with may not be a profound mind or a never his wife but only his house-
will be 30 years old on Christmas I close-woven, complex souls. This great one, but it is rare in its thor- keeper, who completes her household
Day. She is or. at least was, a suf- sense of profundity grows with the ouglh and original appreciation of duties only to hurry to W C. T. U.
fragette. She writes a sporadic col- progress of the story. The odd, life. meetings, and who firally packs off
mn of reviews the New Stas-charming Ellen, whose hair is a to China to sit by the bedside of her
umn of reviews for the New States- "burning bush of beauty", becomes Coney. issinaryositer.telaude o sur
man called "Notes on Novels" which !esoa ---- n he gh3f e missionary sister. Claude is not sure
ma ald"oe nNvl"wihreasonable to us in the light of herI whether he is glad or sorry, but feels
is frequently devastating, commencing, parents, the wild Irish father and her ROMANTIC REALISM I relieved, and when the United States
for Instance, Mr. Stephen McKenna mother, quiet and submissive but a e
is not wholly without merit." And she "true romantic". ONE OF OURS, by Wila Cather. Al enters the war, enlists. With this
leged. red . lnop. 192. 2JI step he sheds like an outgrown shell
is hag-ridden with legend. Perhaps the scene changes too !Fred A. Knopf. 1922. $2.50. rheseslkneswtoessel
is hg-ridenwithPeraps he cenechages ool all his old life, enters with zest into
Writing this we are aware of be- completely in the second part to seem It is refreshing to find, in the hec- his military career, is sent to France
traying the canons of the Young Re- to make for careful unity. The action tic atmosphere created by the young- and there loses his life in an attack.
viewer. We are not regarding the turns abruptly from the close human- er writers of the p
book as unique and isolated. But for ity of Edinburgh to the wide present day, an au- It would be difficult to say which is
the sake of an interesting character' spaces of the south coast weright thor who writes placidly, sanely, the better presented, Claude or his
and the correction of a curious mis- could be imagined that where It without fever and without haste, and mother. The former is very real and
ante csorecthonoanturiouythw;coulbimagnd thatmthe people Iwho at the same time does not follow very human-an ordinary boy with as-
take let us for the moment play the who lived under this immense sky Ithe school of our berufflled romantic- pirations beyond his grasp, who makes
literary historian, might come to lose the comnmon hu- ists, Harold Bell Wright and Gene the most of what comes to him, and
We write ourself on the books with man sense of their own supreme - CStratton Porter. Such an one is Wil- when opportunity arrives, joyfully
Mir. Grant Overton of Doran's as one portance'. la Cather, acclaimed by critics as severs connection with the millstone
of those "ho will help to scotch the But if the scene changes thorough- America's greatest woman novelist. I which has been hanging about his
myth of "Regina Miriam Bloch." In ly so does the temper of the story. Miss Cather's work is realistic in that neck. His mother is a former country
1918 when Rebecca West published The entrance of Marion Yaverland, it deals with the facts of life without school teacher married to a. prosper-
her first novel the Readers' Guide er- Richard's mother, that dark, preoccu- resorting to the tinselled garnishing }otus farmer--a figure that would be
red in saying "see Miriam Regina pied, pent-up woman, complicates a employed by the late romanticists, tragic if she did not accept her des-
Blochi." Amy Wellington hailed her situation which has been hitherto se- and at the same time it has a tinge tiny so mildly and cheerfully. She is
by this ungraceful appellation in an rene. Unhappiness broods over the of romantic style which is refreshing ,a placidly intellectual woman, in-
article in the Literary Review. Since landscape and as the story goes swift- to the reader who is jaded with har- tensely religious without snarling
then it has become tradition for the ly to its ordered, logical, and inevita.. Irassed visions and futuristic dreams. fanaticism, and above all, she is a
reviewer to remark on the peculiar ble tragic end, no hope of rescue is An especially noteworthy fact about beautiful mother. She is the epitomi-
pertinence of the name of Ibsen's held out. Miss Cather's work is the time she zation of the characteristics I have
strong-minded heroine as a nom-de- Marion's love, strong and full-bod- puts on it. She is not one of the alawys found dearest in mothers-she
guerre for this pungent personality. ied, that should have gone to Rich- "book-a-year" writers, who ought l resembles in many striking details
But she has legal as well as moral ard's father whom she never mar- rather to be writing advertisements, my own mother, and some other moth-
right to the name of Rebecca West, ried, is turned on Richard himself, so but she takes her time and when she :era I know. Willa Cather has almost
and it is time the myth was dislo- that he is held between Ellen's and, has finished, behold - a readable outdone herself in the presentation
cated. !his mother's loves. Thus his mother novel! of this character.
Aside from her political articles in unconsciously sentences him for his This tendency is quite noticeable in I In Enid. Claudes wife, ie also per-
the Freewoman and the book reviews father's sin. The situation -holds for her most recent book, "One of Ours",, ceptible the careful study and accur-
which are often appallingly right in Ellen and for Roger Peacey, the un- on which she spent three years, and ate delineation which is one of the
their judgments, she has written a (loved half-brother. And in the end which as a result flows along easily characteristics of the authors work,
study of H-enry James (which some Ellen finds herself facing Marion's and gracefully, at the same time be- We all know Enid. She is the girl we
one has called very. good Rebecca old predicament:Thest ory works in ing full of vital truth and keen char- mistook for q beautifully calm orca-
West), and two novels. The first, "The a hopeless circle, acter analysis. Miss Cather does not ture, a balm for our troubled souls,
Return of the Soldier," is a brief and When we speak of action we mean hurl truth at you, and she doe not an understanding, soothing soft af
nearly perfect tragedy. The second ( not action in the phiysical sense, but,
and immediate novel is "The Judge." in the sense of the movement of the
We refuse to make journalistic cap- mind, the processes of the soul. Miss
ital out of the- prefatory sentence West employs the method, so highly GIFTS FR EYOUNG
"Every mother is a judge who sen- developed by Henry James,sof creat-FT FOR NE UN
tences the children for the sins of the!ing a theater in the mind of the char-i T.

Clmenceau ,a-nd the Turkish MVein

The gist of M. Clemenceau's mes-.
sage to-.the United States, so far as
his addresses have been reported, may
be set forth in few words. There is
danger, he thinks, of a coup in Ger-
many which will restore the military
party to power and hasten the pre-
paration of another war againstI
France; if the French had forseen
the delay in the adjustment of repar-
ations, they would have gone on to
Berlin;. in the East there is a menace
to civilization in the alliance between
Turkish Nationalists and Bolshevik
Russia; and since the Armistice, theI
United States has been derelict in its
duty to the world, above all to France,,
which needs and deserves her support
against aggression.
No one who has av :, '; "now-
ledge of conditions is (>rminl will
minimize the danger of a revo:ution,
because revolution s *L n th' trail
of hunger. Unless some r-rpr-ement
can promptly be made, i t:e face of
the depreciation of the c rrency, by
which the failure of the cereal crop
in Germany can be offset through the
importation of grain from this con-
tinent, in the next few months tens
of thousands of the less robust of the
population will die of "insuifficient
nutrition", that is of starvation.
Moreover, no well informed person
'who is not blinded by ignorance or
prejudice will maintain that since the
war the foreign policy of the United
States has given evidence either oft
far-sighted statesmanship or of heed
to the humanitarian considerations
which were so earnestly stressed dur-
ing the War. Our handling of inter-
national questions has too frequently
been characterized by lack of vision
and an e'aston of responsibility int
facing paramount issues. Finally, not
least ' in 'the indictment of our for-
eign policy is a count which M. Clem-[
enceau, frank though he is, would!
.hardly mention.- In dealing with in-
ternational affairs at the present
time asin the past,' our country has
put itself under a handicap by ap-
pointing to important diplomatic
posts men without the-necessary diplo-
matic experience, knowledge of Euro-
pean languages and insight into the
psychology of the . foreign nations.
to 'grapple effectively with the por-
tentous problems now forced upon
Point is added to M. Clemenceau's
expressions of opinion because at this
moment all eyes are focused upon the
proceedings at Lausanne, where the
Turkish question °must be at least
temporarily settled. The penalty of
failure to sette it will be another
Balkan War, which it will be impos-

ByProf. Francis W. Kelsey
sible to confine within the limits of of other islands and of Smyrna with

the Near East. Nevertheless, after
full allowance has been made for the 1
inconsistencies and shortcomings in
the handling of our foreign relations,
a dispassionate review of outstanding
facts will make it clear that, however
sound at heart the French people
may be, the French government itself
is primarily responsible both for. the
recent horrors in Turkish lands and
for the imminent peril of another
war; and that the United States thus'
far has done well to hold aloof from
any kind of alliance that even in the
remotest degree would commit it to
an approval of French foreign policy,
or bring aggressive French policies'
into conflict with our pacific aims.
On January 10, 1917, the Allies dis-
patched from Paris a letter in FrenchE
replying to President Wi'son's note,
requesting a statement of the reasons
why they were fighting. The section
setting forth the objects for which'
they fought mentions first "the restor-
ation of Belgium'", and concludes
with "the liberation of the peoples
now subject to the bloody tyranny of
the Turk; the expulsion from EuropeI
of the Ottoman Empire, which is rad-1
ically alien to western civilization."
Before the end of 1917 General Al-
lenby captured Jerusalem, and in a
few months the Turkish resistancel
was completely broken. The Turkish
armistice, which. was equivalent to
an unconditional surrender, came in-
to force on October 31, 1918. At that'
time British garrisons held South-1
eastern Asia Minor, Syria and Meso-,
potamia; but Cclici.a and Syria werel
soon turned over to France under
the terms of the previous Sykes-
Picot agreement.
Not until 1920 was a final agree-,
ment reached regarding the territor-}
lal allotments in the Ottoman Empire.{
British military experts opposed thel
dividing up of Asia Minor,: on theI
ground that- the physical configura-1
tion of the country would facilitate=
unity of political administration anC
make difficult the holding of isolated
portions along the sea-coast againsti
attacks from the central plateau. The
experts, however, were over-ruled.
As a result of various conferences,,
by the end of 1920 Italy, which sincej
her war with Turkey in 1911-12 had
held a group of islands off the coast,
of Asia Minor known as the Dodeca-
nese, received not only these but oth-
er islands and a "zone of influence"
about Adalia on the mainland; France
held Cilicia and Syria; Greece not on-
ly had possession of Thrace on the
European side but was given control

about half of the vilayet or territor-
ial division in which Smyrna lies.
Of other arrangements it is not nec-
essary to speak. On August 10, 1920,
these arrangements were supposed to
be ratified through the signing of theE
so-called treaty of Sevres by the Turk-
ish delegates. These delegates, how-

with the Nationalists, a
would stil be standing.
lured by the prospect of
nomic advantages as we
lief from military pressi
into a secret treaty with
to whom directly or in
supplied munitions of war
against her allies, the Gri
British. Italy also mac
treaty with the Turks, bu
have had slight influence

ever represented the government cen- result if if it had not 1:
tered in Constantinople, which in a support and help which
sense was subject to the Allies. The received from the French.
Turkish Nationalist movement, com- M. Clemenceau can not
mencing in the middle of 1919 in Asia size the danger of a re
Minor, had gained such headway that I Turkish empire with a ba
its leaders already felt strong enough pean soil, especially in a
to refuse to accept the treaty and con- the Bolshevists. It is a'
tinned to insist upon the withdraw- that, all professions of t
al of the Greeks, French and Italians jtie contrary, the Nationa
from Asia Minor, with the aim of ul- ment is the successor nc
timately regaining the control of power but in spirit and
Constantinople. Their program wa') the "Ottoman Empire whi
specifically announced in a proclama- ally alien to western civil
tion which was posted in Konia, an expulsion of which from
ancient Turkish capital on the site of a cardinal aim of the grey
the Iconium of New Testament times, Yet the case is not h
September 29, 1919. 1 ha%.nng witnessed the ter
The available military forces of Ita- quences to civilization o
ly and France were not adequate to fidy, France, and also Ita
hold the regions allotted to them tinue to stand side by sid
against the forces and generalship of land and avoid secret c
Mustapha Kemal, who had showi and understandings, it wil
himself able both as a military or- sible to safe-guard the liv
ganizer and as a commander in the perty of native Christians
field and who had an advantageous foreigners in Constant
position in the control of the central Turkish lands.
plateau of Asia Minor. In visiting I But what of the United
Konia at the end of 1919 I was amaz- aide-memoire forwarded b
ed to find a force of fewer than one Hughes in reply to the u
hundred Italian soldiers representing participate in the Near E
the authority of Italy in one of 'the ence is technically correci
most fanatical of Moslem cities. I that the rights of the U
. The Nationalists harried the French must be safeguarded. Bu
in Cilicia, and several isolated French he expect to safeguard th
garrisons were cut off. In fact, the The United States ough
Turks soon came to hold the French resented at the Confereni
in contempt, and Kemal, before the sanne by a delegation hav
signing of the Treaty of Sevres, ac- ity to vote as well as sp
cording to current report declared case of the failure of thi
Ithat he could drive the French out, meet reasonable requi
of Cilicia whenever he wished.But would be salutary to hav
It was to the advantage of the Turks ly the Pittsburgh but in
to gain their'ends by secret diplom- considerable fleet of battl
acy. plementing the fleet of des!
IHad France remained true to her I n the Eastern Mediterra
professions expressed in the note to I Turk respects nothing bu
President Wilson in 1917, and to her twenty and odd treaties
solemn obligations to England and tions made by Turkey in t
other Allies which had saved her hundred and fifty years
from German domination, a reason- been lived up to witho
able settlement might have been made pressure.

father," and the dedication "To the; acter in which the action happens.
memory of my mother." Whatever is ; Thus she achieves reality for her peo-
implicit in this juxtaposition may be ple by making us live with them.
left to the post-mortems of the biog- The development of this reality is,
tapher. paradoxically, backward. That is, we
Superficially "The Judge" seems find a character given and then ex-
oddly proportioned. The first part, plained. Instead of a steady and cu-
nearly Xial the four hundred and nulative growth there is a retro-
ninety pages, is given over to an gressional progress. The character of
idyllic courtship between Ellen Mel- Richard never , approaches explana-
ville and Richard Yaverland. An idyl- tion until the remarkable series of
ic affair if such a thing is possible in flashbacks two-thirds of the way
Edinburgh where "Holyrood, under a through the book in which his mother'
black bank surmounted by a low bit- recalls her early life. It is like hear-
ten cliff, would lie like the camp of ing a tale that fills in vast and un-
an .invading and terrified army. " realized, though suspected,~spaces in
But this lavish use of space is not your understanding of a person.
disproportionate if you consider it as The esthetic demand for old wine
a foundation for the action to fol- in new bottles is well satisfied in
low. Great demands are to be made ! Rebecca West's style. The pattern of
on the souls of Ellen and Yaverland1 her mind is not in the conventional
and, for the reader's sake, they must i form. Her style and view are not


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