or.. . ..-o - U s ,m _ ... ..._ w ..,-. .. . - - .. .... . . ....A . . '1, . . . . r ; ..-1_ r- ,.. _. ( .. r h' p1' _ - -, A I , ,-, r" i . PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1922 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY !jltilttttiitliItiItHliilIilIt iililiIlHIUP Swedish contralto, late of the Munich THE NATION for November 22 de- j{T T 'T Opera who has been imported by A ogIvot 1W md LZInb es a gooddeal of space to review- SMV SIC A N D Gatti-Casazza to smug leading roles at' ing the results of the recent elections, the Metropolitan-particularly in the W. M R. =' U I CIA N : Wagner operas. Her American debut, THE SMART SET for December is and to rejoicing over the, to me some- CXhowever, was made as soloist with the remarkableforwhat doubtful, victory of erasm .A,.B .G. Philadelphia Orchestra in Carnegie rmral frte tr y e ir he lleral element has -be , victor- ..l'I NG Ha dlphn a Orchestraning Carnegi Jones called "Ain't We Got Fun." ios especially in the middle west and ~iiititiitiiii itiii~~ttIIIIIfltllIIrt HallNew York, the evening of Octo- ber 31. By way of introducing the Smart Set seems to be instituting t the west Michigan's senatorial choice, Innumerable tears have been shed y I submit the following extracts regular campaign against modern the "good grey governor," is spoken of over the fate of the composer who, from the ress notices music, modern dance, modern women, quite favorably as a man of "genuinely like pirepouedhiswhlecoes.t jmodern everything. Last month w :democratic philosophy," and is-cor- like Bizet, poured his whole soul into Writes Pitts Sanborn in the Globe: ad the story by, Paul Tanaqmullabout !ended for hisfine stand against New- the creation of masterpieces which "Onegin has a voice one is likelier to the man who wouldn't kiss the girl. berryism. That his was an "election were laughed-at failures during the dream of than to hear. It is pure, a And this month we have "Ain't We Got by disgust" does not .detract from the composer's life, but which rose tof golden mezzo; its range is enormous I1pun." And. by the way, Paul Tana-I real victory which he scored. LaFl grtheights of recognition and oe and its power seems unlimited. For quilhas another story this month-. lette in Wisconsin; the Farmer-Labor- gartat erhs dreait And wtes sheer dazzling brilliance it blazes like I "The Last Class"-which is not so ite Shipstead in Minnesota; Davis, op- a e h aew r the noonday sun on Africa. And the good. "Let the Law Take Its Couise," jposed to the Industrial Court, in Kan- have been shed In a more worthy singer's command of this voice is as a play by John Torcross, is the logical sas; the election of all these points to cause. But what about the tears for rare a thing as the voice itself." outgrowth of the prohibition law. The a change of heart on the part of the interpreters of genius who failed to Deems Taylor in the World: "After editors must have been hard up fo American voter. In Colorado, the can- win recognition while they lived? hearing Mme. Onegin sing her three material to print so banal a thing. didate for governor who had sufficient None are shed. For interpreters who numbers it is impossible not to believe Cleverness will sometimes make up courage to denounce the kidnapping of are unknown while they live are un- that she will do great things at the for a lack of truth-but this one is William Z. Foster, was elected by a known for all time. Bizet's "Carmen," Metropolitan, for she has voice, per- not even clever. The piece do resist- comfortable majority. although received frigidly at its pre- ! sonality, looks, and an unerring dra- ance this month seems to be Thyra An article of timely interest on the miere is now accepted everywhere as matic instinct. . . The voice rolled Samter Winslow's short novel, "Th new Turkish democracy by the "son one of the most glorious flowerings of through Carnegie Hall with such huge Best." We can't give it much. "Rp-- of a former Turkish foreign minister" French art. In it Bizet lives on for- effortless power that one could almost tition Gnrale has a lot of stuff in it throws some light on the situation in ever. Immortality may be a slight see it. Mme. Onegin herself is no that we knew before, but had forgot. the Near East. Ludwig Lewisohn re- consolation, but it is at least some- weakling-she looks like a caryatid- ten and wanted to keen on forgetting, views Pirandello's "Six Characters in thing. The art of the interpreter, but impressive as she was her voice About the only ground for encourage- Search of an Author" and a dull play however, can ive after his death only dwarfed her." ment in the whole issue is that Mr. cf the mcralita genre by Josef and i the memories of those who have Finck declares that "had Wagner Nathan finds the Theatre growing in- Karl Kapek. Among the book reviews, heard him-with these it disappears been in Carnegie Hall last night he teresting. If it is interesting enough a criticism of Brander Matthews' "The oreve'. . would have thrown his hat clear up to to inject into Mr. Nathan a little of1 Tocsin of Revolt and Other Essays" Because the interpreter's art 0s an the ceiling and shouted for joy. . . his old time pep, he may give us a de- seems especially worthy of mention. ephemeral thing it is not to be scorn- It gives me an anticipatory thrill to cent number next month. Let's hope The reviewer attempts to appease Pro- ed, but rather to he doubly prized. The think of her as Brangeane in "Tris- so. fessor Matthews' alarm over the interpreter of music is fully as import- tan and Isolde! How those huge tones IL. M. (Continued on page eight) ant as the creator himself, for with- of hers will in the warning scene rolli out the former the latter is helpless, like a tonal avalanche down the para- Music is the only art in which the pet across the orchestra to the exult- creator's work passes through other ant audience! I can hardly wait to hands on its way to the public. The hear it!" INTELLIGENT AND INTERESTED composer cannot appeal directly to his audience. A symphony, an opera, or After this will we not all say that a. sonata is only so much paper and we can hardly wait to hear about it? our ank should be sound accurate and ink until.it is heard. To be sure some Yu b u d teisoBan superior persons can appreciate it at Alfred A. Knopf's ten best sellers effiient. B a not a glance, but after all there are more fr e K s tene"thershts enough. pleasant things to c ok at than musi Shawl," by Joseph Hergesheimer, service to be of the most use to you should cal scores. Since music is ultimate], hw, b oehHegsemr to be heard and not seen we shour "One of Ours," by Willa Cather, "Ire- be alsointelligent and interested elevate the interpreter to his deserves land's Literary Renaissance," by Ern- heights. In him we have almost a est Boyd, "Prejudices: Third Series," duty flung at us, for the recognitior by H. L. Mencken, "Far Off Things," That is what this bank tries to be. cf his genius-the only reward he willby Arthur Machen, "Nana," by Zola. ever get-rests with us. And since orzoi Classics edition), "The Middle the period during which he is at his Things," by J. S. Fletcher, "Knut FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK printeuiarelatively short, he must g Te Hamsun, by Hanna Astrup Larsen his recognition early. "Tertium Organum," by Ouspensky, 101-105 So. AIN 330 So. STATE ST. Most duties are odious, but this one nd "The Master Mistress," by Rose is a delight. It is exhilarating to be ever in search of a new interpretive talent of the first order. And to be present at the unfolding of such a tal ent is a rare experience. Somehow one takes part of the credit to oneselfE Anyone can split gloves over Galli- Cursi now, for she is a "national insti- H tution." But the people who "discov- ered" her at her debut as Gilda in Chi- cago, November 18, 1916, when she was unheralded and unheard of, know a The quality that the world ad mir e s most in any man is little better than anyone else how wonderful she is. And she belongs to sheer unadulterated honesty. Honesty of the kind that them a little more than to the nthers.u- The duty involved and the pleasure took Abraham Lincoln seven miles through w in d and derived ought to be sufficient to make anyone keep himself informed on the snow, after a hard days work, to correct a mistake that subject of the new artists. But for h ha d '' ind in those who demand a more powerfu made, wi ndappreciation in any land and in all spur there is a more powerful one- time. namely, that not to keep up with the new artists puts one artistically hors de combat. New York takes its music these days on the scale it takes every- The man who is honest with himself, and with thing else. Musical events race by be- wilderingly, and the concert goer or his family, will have a saving account as a mat- "music lover" who puffingly lags along behind is not a very imposing spec. ter of course. And nothing is more natural than tacle. Members of the literary van-in guard shrug their shoulders at the his having the account here, where safety and old fogy who is just arriving at"Moon- Calf," To ask among them, "Well.service are combined in their correct proportions who is Ben Hecht anyway?" is no- thing less than incriminating. It is quite the same in music. Anyone be- comes hopelessly declass6 if he con- fuses for a minute Erna Rubenstein with Ida. And he who does not yet et TH E ANN A RBOR SAVINGS BANK know Gigli is relegated at once to the mob of the mid-Victorians. "The ank of Friendly Servee" The new season in New York is only some six weeks old. And thus far Resources $5,600,000 Two Offices amongs the instrumentalists. But one singer has arrived who has set all the! critics of Goerhin toh swriting erteprose po- ems about her inh wtis pse ph Today we are displaying a Russian 1,000 rouble note. This banknote heroic grand manner as the journal- contains propaganda printed in the following languages: German, Russian, istic style will permit. In contrast to French, Italian, English, Chinese, and Yiddish. some, the venerable Henry T. Finck' waxes almost hilarious! The singer's name is Sigrid Onegin. She is THrIHGA AL person, but found instead that she was a snowdrift, glazed with a shimmer- ing crust which could be thumped but not broken. She kept Claude's house In order, provided him with .more clean shlirts than he had ever before possessed, cooked his meals (or left a cold lunch in the refriger- ator), and refused to allow her hens to associate with roosters. Her house- hold duties religiously performed, she spent the remainder of her time at, missionary meetings and ladies aid so- cieties, or campaigned forthe Prohi- bition candidate for congress. Yes, we all know Enid and. we read Willa f ather's picture of her with a twisted smile of grim remembrance. The bellicose ultra-realist, upon reaching the part of the book which deals with the war, .will bare his feature story writer calls "human in- terest" at the end of a chapter, with a very abrupt ending that leaves one with breath suspended-and doomed Ito remain so suspended until the strings are once more taken at the following reading. One feels keenly the absence of transition from chap- ter to chapter. We have had our civilization viewed -in fiction-by beings from Mars, by creatures from strange mythical lands and by a great many other impossible characters. Here, however,r we have ourselves subjected to the scrutiny of a real, breathing, living and suffering god. It takes Christ just four days and ifive nights to size up the situation and to make up his mind that badly as he is needed on earth, he is not yet want- ed. or the "Illiterate Digest"!) People are usually sensitive about any criticism that strikes home. And this book strikes at our own miniature collegi- ate civilization as none other that I have ever read. it makes cis think' seriously about the" mob spirit that controls us in this world of our own, where we could certainly be the mas- ters if we only chose to. S,C(. KING ARTHUR'S SOCKS. By Floyd Dell. Alfred A. Knopi. $2.50. By the publication of two novels Floyd Dell has risen to the envious ranks of the so-called "important An-i-rrcan novelists." When his book their beliefs, idea% to the world in the displays their true rect desi-'ns. The playlets in Socks" are a curfm tire, tragedy, and Floyd Dell, in a cribes then as "s tllectual play-4ime cC play writing, the even the casual rea ful to him for the thit he has found i The thinker will Gems that are his i The technique is of the plays and p perfect, but the pla teeth in anticipation of an outburst A Los Angeles club man, himself of natriotic sentimentality. But he an ex-soldier, takes refuge in a church will perforce sheath them again, for when attacked by a mob of ex-service at no time does Miss Cather wax sen- !men for disregarding their warning timental. Claude is represented as not to attend the exhibition of a Ger- full of the altruistic sentiment which man made film. A blow on the head porsessed many of the American so!. makes the young man delirious, and diers, and the author makes no silly in his dream he sees the white-robed attempt to conceal this trend by rep- Christ step out of his accustomed resenting him and his associates as place behind the altar. sour-faced, dispirited wretches seek- Billy, the club man, becomes escort Ing an opportunity to shoot the com- and guide to Christ-Mr. Carpenter. pany commander in the back. And it does not take this Carpenter This, however, is not to say that very long to discover the worst char- Miss Cather fails to show the reverse acteristic of our society. We live in of the picture. The soldier is pre- a Moband. We are dominated by the sented in all his moods and under all blind mind of the mob everywhere we conditions, pleasant and unpleasant, turn. Our capitalists use mob tactics but the author's regard for truth will to rule their workers. Our colleges not permit her to show him either as and churches uphold, and tr'n men a gallant young demigod who is al- in the tactics of this mob spirit. Even ways cheerful and heroic, or on the our labor leafders have not yet sue- other hand as a glooning, glowering ceeded in rising above the influences recalcitrant, filled with distrust and of the mob. Broken spirituality, as hate. well as hurt bodily from contact with Neither does Miss Cather bore us the mob, Christ resumes his place in with an obvious moral based cn the the church window. "Let them die for experience of the war. Drawing of themselves," he tells Billy. The world conclusions is left largely to the is not ready for its saviour. reader, who, like Claude's mother, is And we stand condemned as "Mob- apt to be glad that the boy was killed land." overseas instead of coning home to It is a tribute to Upton Sinclair's commit suicide in the bitterness of mastery of the American language his disillusionment. Miss Cather that he was able to translate excerpts nourishes no false illusions about the from "certain ancient records known purpose and the results of the war, as the Bible" and still retain their but she does not snarl, and somehow original earnestness and prophetic the book is better for it. clarity. Throughout the book, Mr. I can sincerely and indiscriminate- Carpenter speaks the thoughts of the ly recommend "One of Ours", ordi- old and new testaments. But the lan- narily a dangerous thing to do, but guage those thoughts are spoken in, in this case entirely safe. For the is twentieth century American as veriest hundred-percenter can find in spoken in Zenith or Gopher Prairie. it nothing about which to writerin- Next to H. L. Mencken's rendition into dignant letters, and the fieriest radi- American of that other ancient and cal can find no occasion to sneei' half-forgotten document, "The Declar- Delbert Clark, ation of Independence," this book must stand in the foreground of the CHRIST IN MOBLAND early literature written in our lan- guage. THEY CALL ME CARPENTER. By' There is only one reason why I Upton Sinclair. Boni and Liverlght. might hesitate to recommend this book 1922 $1,75, for campus reading. (As if the stu- Whatever else may or may not be dent body, by and large, ever read said in criticism of Upton Sinclair's anything more weighty than "Cosmo" works-from "The Jungle" to his "Book of .Life" and the volume here under consideration-one thing all his critics must agree to. Sinclair isj the most sincere, and probably one of the most effective, social propagand- ists of our time. An apostle of free- dom with an eye for every sore spot in our cancerous civilization, and an ability to expose those sore spots in the clearest and most convincing American prose-this is Upton Sin- clair, the penetrating muck-raker who is himself so superior to the dunghill which he is turning over that his per- sonality is not detracted from in theDELICIOU least by the contact. "They Call Me Carpenter" is, in a sense, another book of the muck-rak- COFFEEj ing variety. But there is this differ- ence. Whereas most of Sinclair's Everyone has heard books deal with just one phase of so- ciety-the filth of the packing indus- try, or the harlot press-this bookTUTTL' deals with our daily life as a whole. Our churches, our press, our indus- and trial organization and our narrow life THEIR DELICIOUS views are mercilessly laid open for all to gee. --COFFEE The book has one grave fault which,C E though technical, is annoying enough! Come in and get a lunch to deserve first mention. Having been and try our blend. first published in serial form, the storyt e has all the earmarks of the magazineIts different serial in its style. One can easily, and quite unerringly, point to just the1UT1TLES chapters that served as "breaks" in 338 MAYNARD STREET the serial. There is, in every one of South of the Maj. these "breaks" a piling-up of what the i , p e r f e c t, b utJt hepi of playlets, "King Arthur's Socks,", perusal before eve was published the fickle buffoons I faults can be found shook their heads. They had not yet ing faults are but : driven from the realms of their naive The playlet, "Kir ohilcsophy the belief a novelist could is a satirical come not be a successful playwright. But, new. Love comes new that they have read these playlets new cloak. To som thcy unroll their prayer rugs, face to some it is glittez the East. bow low in reverence, and to others it is noth leg for more authors of the same type an end, a sort of -,.tors with a. deem) and thorough tion. The most a underctanding of life who can serve Chaste Adventures two masters at the same time. In or- version of the si der to classify these dual knights of wife, the precurso the pen they have created a new mis- historical burlesqu( temer wi witvhicl they can placard jplaywriting will fin theni- --"iimportant American writers." ing example of wlh T sit back and chortle heartily. How calls "the reversal. mupici! l ow amusing! trudes is a pleasa j j verbial triangle sip Any man is limited only by the ex- !iris the sa tent of his horizons-the magnanimity mwelt-sxecuted. or narrowress of his ambitions. Grant- IThe wealth of ing this, why should we arbitrarily Socks" lies in its limit his efforts by placing restrictionsI lines. They s< on him -we. who ought to listen antin unes . Ths not dictate? America-the land of free of any labored the free and the Bone of the brave. Itir. Thay ared have often wondered why this phrase' has been tacked on, but now I see. realistic or fantast One has to be brave in order to gain free and easy. any freedom. The plays have 1 produced by little Floyd Dell is one of these brave zations of this type souls who fears nothing of popular a valuable addition superstition-one who has enough grit and the general rep to attempt the unusual-and, what is charming and inte more, he is rewarded with success. Some of his cohorts may well make an example of him, and if they have I material that will not lend itself to A new book mo being woven into the orthodox pattern Notes has just mo -hey will choose the pattern that suits fror. the shop of ^hi ^ cro ho ~ ,- -~ vv~ 114.,''.7' T_ ^ their material best. 'rhea will give' ' Mitchell in Hartfar Exquisite Gifts in Ivory Toil For Christmas You would really delight Milady by presenti with an Ivory Set. Note the Beautiful Patte carry: Du Barry - Rosemont - Berkshire - fax -- Also Shell and Amber in Two-Tone Priced $7.50 to $40.00 per Set SONLANDERER AND SEYFRIED, JE1 113 EAST LIBERTY STREET Wisconsin BIleacher Pictu and Pictures of the Spring Gar are ready at Lyndon and Compan