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November 26, 1922 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-26
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WRITE TERRQ1) Italy stand three parties, reay to as- continue the work in the field of Bib- ing discussion of differences between
sume power just as soon as the Fas- lical scholarship which was commenc- Njtd and South European literature.
(Continued from Page One) cisti government begins to wchken. ed with the publication of Freer Bibli- It sounds suspiciously like notes for a
powerful-- have had, in the course of The Communists, the Socialists, and cal manuscripts, the originals of I completer study to come. Louis Bau-
their expanslon, to make a good many the Catholic Workers' party are each which form the well-known and pre- ry, writing under the heading of The-
promisessto the very Italian workers watching for their chance. cious Freer collection, housed in the atre, upholds the thesis that American
woms they were combating. On the Some pretty turnover may be looked Freer Gallery of Art in Washington. drama lies in the direction of "The
other hand, the merchants and manu- for in Italy before long. And no Ital- It will be many years before the schol- Old Homestead," "The First Year," and
faeturers who supported the Fascists ian political turnover is peaceful. An ;astic work and publication made pos- "The Old Soak." A particularly sym-
are expecting their reward in the ordinary Italian election generally sible by the University's great collec- pathetic consideration of John Free-
form. of legislation favoring them. It brings as many casualties as a good Lion will be finished. rm's "Portrait of George Moore" is
remains to be seen how the Black- sized battle in a small war. And te {remarkable among the book reviews.
shirts will be able to satisy both next election, when it comes, will be ! AMONG THE MAGAZINES Co.
sides and remain in power. more than ordinary.
Professor Parker was told by many -T(Continued from page two) Books Received
people of the middle classes, while in THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION younger generation's "exaltation of
Italy, that after having broken up thel the lawless and the"illegal." And he The Critical Vame, by John Macy
power of the Communists there was (Continued from page five) . touches a sympathetic note when he (Boni & Liveright). $2.00.
really no more excuse for the exist- out of the country. In making his speaks of what little comment it is
once of the Fascisti. They have a -ay out of Abyssinia he stopped in possible for any of Matthews' essaysramping on Life by Harry Kemp.
hard road ahead of them. No power the tiny ancient hamlet of Arus, lo- to elicit. For "where there are no (Boni & Liveright). $3.00.
that has builded on violence can be a cated near Addis Abeba, the capital ideas there can be no discussion." Pushcart at the Curb, by John dos
lasting power. Now that they are in city. He stayed with a very old priest, S, C. Passos. (Doran).
power, the Fascisti will themselves named Cabut, who lived alone in a THE FREEMAN for November 22 The Seex'ct Glory, by Arthur Machen.
have to insist on a stricter and more nmiserable little hut. This old priest, permits itself to become more heated (Knopf). $:.50.
honest interpretation of the meaning though he did not know his age, than customary when it sneaks of our Dcwn the River, by Roscoe Brink.
of "law and order". They will have
to urbther frme detrutiv ac thought himself to be about 120 yearsI deep, (lark, and unofficial policy of (Henry 1-oit & Co.) $1.90.
to curb their former destructive ac- old. From a musty corner of his hut I imperialism. "Mr. Hughes is no doubt Command, by William McFee. (Dou-
tivities in order to be able to carry on he brought forth many curious things right" say the editors in Current Com- bleday, Page.) $1.90.
the functions of government. And which he had gathered. Among them mcnt, "when he says that 'we do not
just as soon as they remove their iron were these two manuscripts, and he covet anY territory anywhere on God's
from the neck of Italian labor, the gave them to his guest on his depart- broad earth'; if we did, we should cer- EDITORIAL STAFF
Communists will come back into ure for America. tainly go out and take it." The Delbert Clark, Editor
power.. Safely arrived, the Armenian en- editors are righteous and almost Donald Coney, Literary Editor
At best, the position of the Fascisti deavored to find someone in New York Leaccckian in their satiric arraign- Leo L. Niedzielski, Dramatic
is precarious. The only possibility I competent to read them, and was re- ment of Lord Curzon's moral indigna- Editor
they have of remaining in power is ferred by the librarian to scholars at tion against the Turks. "Strange as Max Ewing, Music Editor
through the very real personal influ- Columbia University, where no one it may seem, this backward, sullen William M. Randall, Exchange
ence of their leader, Mussolini. could be found at the time who was people actually shows a disposition to Editor
Mussolini is an ex-Socialist who had able to determine the language in run its own country!" One more sa- Bethany Lovell, Staff Artist
repudiated the Socialist principles at ,which they were written. I tirib shaft. Speaking of Paxton Hib- . James House, Jr., Caricaturist
the outbreak of the war. As editor He then came to Detroit, and ben's article in the Times on Russia's Virginia Vaughn Tryon
of one of the most influential Italian through an Armenian friend, who is surprising return to normalcy: "Mr. I W. Bernard Butler
newspapers, he bears much of the re- I somewhat of a scholar, the manu- Hibben visited a gambling house con- Saul Carson
sponsibility for Italy's participation scripts were brought to the attention ducted on the blue sky order and as John P. Dawson
in the war, and for the moulding of 'of the University. Their true char- he left the place he was bespoken by Howard A. Donahue
Italian public opinion immediately acter was immediately recognized and two women nationalized after the Jane Ellingson
afterwards. His personal following is they were promptly added to the col- fashion tacitly condoned in the most M. A. Klaver
the greatest of any Italian of the lection of Biblical manuscripts in the advanced Christian civilizations." An Helen G. Lynch
present time. And, so far, he has Library. article on the Republican slump in Hortense O. Miller
been able to retain the confidence of ! The value of the collection of manu- the recent election and the impending Dorian G. Sayder
t he Italian bourgeoisie and some of the scripts as a whole, to the University, fall of Mr. Harding (appositely en- Regular staff meetings will be
p-toletariat. But he has, as yet done is great. The possession of it has add- titled "The Funeral March of a Mar- held at five o'clock every Mon-
nothing along the line of reconstruc- ed more than almost any other one ionette") is in the best Freeman Vein. day. Attendance of all Maga-
tion. His promises are those of a thing to its standing in lines of schol- Its refinement of irony suggests a fe- zine writers on these meetings is
liberal, with an eye for the wishes of I astic research. Their acquisition will male touch on the editorial typewriter. Imperative.
Capital. In the political offing of make it possible for the University to Edwin Muir continues his enlighten-





Now is not too soon to think about your holiday
many social gatherings that take place aound Chistmas-
wardrobe be replenished now and in tip-top condition
for the holidays.

/ -w
wearing apparel. The
time demand that your
when you arrive home
terials. Especially do
rices at which we offer
he benefits of unbroken VELVET

(Saul Carson)
What has taken place in Italy? T
question is asked by all who h
watched the recent phenomenal ris
power of the Fascisti, and the assui
tion of the Italian premiership by t
organization's young leader, Mus
lini. One year ago, according to P
fessor DeWitt H. Parker who was
Italy at the time, the Fascisti w
quite apparently a minority party.
day they are at the head of the g
ernment. Several weeks ago, the F
cisti cohorts made their triumphal
try into Rome led by their own 9
orals and heroes. A year ago t
were forced to postpone their cony
tion which was to have met in R(
on account of the refusal on the p
of the Italian railroad workers to
low them entrance into that city.
To understand the nature of
wave that swept the Fascisti into p
er, one must first see what the nat
is of the organization itself; what
its aims, its beliefs and its method
procedure; and, lastly, who are
7' M:I'' rl" and what class of society
they represent.
Prcfessor Parker had the opport
ity to come into contact with memb
of the Fascisti in various parts of
aly. In general they are from
middle strata of society. The g
majority are young men-am
whom are many ex-soldiers-com
from the families of the. great mi
class of Italian merchants, profess
al men and the better paid worker
the industries.
The Fascisti party is a party
strife and warfare. It was born sh
ly after the armistice, and brough
light by the renegade Socialist, Be
Mussolini, whose alarm over
spread of Communist ideas in I
prompted him to bring together
der one banner all those who s
one hundred per cent for a Gre
Italy in the fullest meaning of
term. In 1920 the Italian metallu
cal workers, after a long and bi
struggle with their employers fc
higher living standard, seized
plants themselves and attempted
run them under Communistic pri
pies. Sabotage on the part of Ca
throughout Italy, failure to obtain
raw materials necessary for the ca
ing on of production, and others
disturbing factors caused this exp
ment to collapse. But the wor
had made a start toward Commun
and Capital felt the need of a
tector. The Italian government
not strong enough to fight openly
Communist and Socialist forces. (
ital turned to Mussolini and his 1
for aid. And In November, 1924,
Fascisti party was baptized in
blood of the Socialists whom they
tled for the first time in Bol
"This" (I am quoting The Nat
"was the beginning of the declin
Italian bolshevism and the rise of
Their growth from that time on
slow but quite steady. The gov
ment openly connived at their ac
ties and, probably, gave them all
secret aid at its command. Whil
first they had no definite prog
but the suppression of the Com
ists and the glorification of Italy,
gradgally evolved "ideals" and
larged their program until they
stand for a definite trend in Ita
politics. That trend is toward
thing that helps to intensify nata
ism and to develop in Italy a p
that will insure Capital adequate
tection from the Communist wor
of Italy.
In order for a party of this kin
grow .effective, its leaders ha
build up a sentimental mysti
which wduld be sufficient, to unify
hordes that crowded-and were
ed to crowd-toward its banner.1

e to
I of
s in
r of
t to

t Y a
r r.f 2ff


Terror in lace -

We are now displaying stunning models in
we recommend our small hats of Slipper Satin.
these hats are so low as to be unbelievable.

sclini turned to the tradi
cient Rome and to much
formalism for that purp
ganized his Fascisti int(
cohors and legions mo
those of ancient Rome.'
were organized into suppc
societies-athough each
ier of- the societies alwa
black shirt and other d
insignia. They were swo:
ice for Italy "with a sx
with a deep mysticism, 1
unshakable faith, domin
inflexible will. . -. conscic
burden of a terrible mis
the great mother of all (
to strengthen and purify
For these purposes, t
were organized-into "acti
serve" forces. Some dis
also made between the I
the military branches of
zation. But that differe
the main, artificial as all
ed to one branch were al
cally members of the oti
Nowhere in their prog
Fascisti mention that it
duty to combat Socialisr
was their chief work, am
formed it well. Professo
lates of meeting a young
a train who was very prow
ing to that party. When
the purposes of the Fasc
did not speak of the de
formation of "a formidab
based on purity and absc
and of all the other hi
but meaningless abstrac
Mussolini concocted for b
His reply was frank and 1
was to tell of the Fascisti.
to kill the bolsheviks".
sor Parker was glad that
er gone in for whiskers a

all ma
The p

Every morning, accord
ater fessor Parker, the news
that fe g
that ied stories of the murde
fitterposed Communists and S
)ttr a the Fascisti. Shops thro
te a sold, and advertised ope
the clubs which were used as
to (these black-shirted princ
nci- It was "la terreur", open
pital 'sinterference by the gove
th B ' ela ivin. P etronsFascisti roamed in wild
rry ~ ,.'~1.4 I bands, killing, pillaging:
such Wherever the workers b
kers Repirnted from "A Reviwer s Note, long before their superzealousness home of their own, of
ism, book" in the Freeman for November carries them into such absurdities ples", these homes were
pro- 15. that the collective common sense and the Fascisti. Municip
was One of the most amusing spectacles collective humour of the people spon'= there were many sue
r the presented by this age of high eccen- taneously rise up against them and elected Socialist ormCom
Cap- tricity, is that of a magistrate sitting laugh them off their little stage. ernments, were stormed b
tricityis tat f a agisrat siting ics of destruction, the la
band solemnly upon the question whether If I were a magistrate, which Godedofcial ereimpriso
the " he "Satyricon" of Petronius Arbiter! forbid! and had to deal with th edadFsit lcdi
, is fit for general circulation. Somehow "Satyricon", I should hand down an It was civil war, with
bat- this performance seems to me pecu- opinon such as I can somehow imag w capitalists - dressed in
gna. hiarly to epitomize and embody the ine Gaynor handing down in his days shirts - on the offensive
ie of1 great general movement to extend the on the bench-Gaynor, great man that Occasionally the goz
standards of morality to cover and he was, in his evotion to Don Quixote send troops to quell a ri
the control the practice of the arts. Such and Benvenuto Cellini! I should rule peace where the fightini
was a movement, if given a free run, al- j that the "Satyricon" was not inter- heavy as to endanger
was ways manages to wind itself up in esting and therefore could not do any the government troops ge
ern- some especially conspicuous and ex- harm; and hence that it might be aged to enforce peace b
tiv- quisite absurdity like this, always freely published, because no one would shoot down the side op
l at manages to make itself openly and bother his head about it for any Fascisti. Business men
grat manifestly ridiculous; and thus it is length of time. The "Satyricon" real- contributed to the funds
nun- that we get a respite from its hector- ly is a pretty tedious business, and its cisti, and the job of cle
they ings and are preserved from its worst so-called pornography is dullest of from the pestiferous bo
en- consequences. Because it always does all. If the youth of the land, which done -quite thoroughly. I
work out that way, it never seemed to the morality-monger is always 'moat es the workers who syml
alian me worth opposing; or rather, I gratuitously trying to protect, is al- the Communists were fo
any- should say, opposition never seemed ready so far gone as to be endangered up arms against themo
aal- the best or most effective way to de by the "Satyricon," there is not death. Mussolini and his
ower feat it. There is something in the enough salvage in it to make the sup- dreds" completely swept
pro- saying that the best way to nullify a pression of the book worth while; communists and Socalii
rkers bad law is to enforce it; and simi-, and I should set this forth explicitly feet. And now. they are
larly the best way with those in my judicial decision. I should also of the government.
Id to who wish to purify and norallie our fully exonerate Mr. Cabell's "Jurgen" How long a party thi
d to 'practice of the arts, or who wish to and Mr. Joyce's "Ulysses", on pre- power after a campaign
cism regulate and supervise our practice of cisely the same grounds, and let them and rapine can last, is p
y the t e individual life, is simply to let go forth as the free merchandise of The Fascisti leaders --
fore- them do it, or even surreptitiously to any publisher who wished to put them not the only one, althou
rat an1 encrew them It is never on the market. (Continued on Page

An early inspection is desirable in order to reap ti


Emma B. Fogerty's


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Y ijz;u a-mu. GiLuvtkia6u L11Gu1. it, io iic YCi.

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