p~aTHE MICHIGAN DAILY sUNd ,s iN 'Emma Fischer Cross; "Sanctus," Male . j Quartet; Anthem, "Praise the Lord", *U~lI(Turner), the chorus choir; "The Lord viinnurJs My Light," (Allistsen), Mrs. Louise CHURN U h cO illioray; Postlude, "Thanks be 'rge Nine? Guild house at noon. At the Students' "ifield, '25, will t Guild meeting at 6:30 o'clock, Prof. America Going Leroy Waterman will give the address. I),. Baker will speak at. 7 :"0o'clock r, 1,0 ion "P resent Conditions in India." iwll szpeak at QlL, uirk to Talk ning in the; Morning Prayer and ai sermon on re will be n "The Unanswered: Call", wil be :given this morning at 10:30, o'clock in St. tian Endeavor i ndr'ew's church. There will he a' :k. 1 Barn Service and address :by the rec- of Onugole, In- tor at 5:00 o'clock. "Two Mules rur- ars' experience den of Earth" is the subject. ~ Tollow- guest today of, jug the supper at Harris hall at 6:0'0 h. Rev. R. E. o'clock Mr. D. L. Quirk will speak on :30 o'clock on the tonic, "The Community Theater as, 'The follow- a Means of Developing Local Art." Ivin~g musical There will be open house for men and epared for the women from 46 to 6 co'clock: on Wed- Qrgan Prelude, nesday at Harris Hall. tewart); Mrs.! Communion services will be con- ducted in German this morning at the otEg ';901111!1INKII3~IE dhI~lUIIIEIEIEudZ IE~lhrlhEEUII3! Bethlehem church. The -subject, "The "I " Ihitneof the Sai n ts, has beenIN chosen forit te seron "A Broader Human Sympathy" is - 1 the sermon tonic for the service at. L i C 10:40 o'clock this morning in the Uni- idm" tarian church. This is the last in the w series on applied psychology. The of- TEM' T N V fering will be given to the Near Eas-t rw p Emergency Fund of the Red Cross. ti Following the supper in the church. parlors at 5:45 o'clock, Mr. George,~ 215 E. HURON PHONE 214_Fl 1t Wilner. of thc department of public speaking, wil give a series of Thanks -_______________________________________________ giving readings.I :i i i r i ' 4 ,. s S rv J I1 I -I *-I r I !._ RII as LL$CILRAFFTP, O F course it is!t Nothing is too good nowadays when the -girl is sure to be well informed on chocolates. She may not know that SCHRAFFI"S CHOCOLATES represent the highest skill in present- day candy making, but she does appreciate the deli- cious taste of that rich chocolate coating and those tempt- ing centers of creamy creams, nougatines, caramels, nuts, maple. sugar and many other dainty confections. 115 Try giving her a box to-night find let her taste decide f lso. THE WHITE PALACE J.13. Sumner, Prop. 1217 PROSPECT STREET GROSS AND DIETZEL SHOE CR.AFTSMAN proer UA4T protectionfr JF YOU want to properly protect your feet and your reputation as a gladly garbed person we urge the wearing of our quality shoes. If you want to win the admiration of your fellows and ward off criticism allow.. us to att~end to your foot wants. GROSS AND DITZL i WASHINGTON STREET SCHUMACHER HARD WARE COMPANY A STORE OF INDIVIDUAL SHOPS 308-10-12 SOUTH MAIN STREET PHONrES 174-1 75-M PLAY Don't Fail to 'Visit u.C1, Toyland "Bring Grand Mtore." the and Children to 'wonderful this Toy UNCLE WIGGLY A, TELEGRAPH GAME r ' COLOR SETS PASTRY SETS BEADS STRINGING - SERVING SETS TALECROQUET II~MA N TC °Trrv-i