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November 26, 1922 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-26

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A6V A61F






Germany Leads World In Literacy,
Says Legion Commission Director

|| |gQQ|%p~g( Red
nru inim nnri-unun'


Estimate For Fiscal{
Totals Twenty Million Dollars


IN fl I U'I Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 25.-Ger- last decade, according to the state- HIIIII. 5 R1
!many leads the world in literacy, ac- ment.
cording to a statement today by Gar- 1 "The American Legion is appalled
Tland W. Powell, national director of at the discovery of America's low S. . A. Statistics Most Exact o
the American Commission of the standing," he said. "The correction Thosc Compiled by
Amrcn einbsd pnesti- of this deplorable state of affairs will Universitie;
mates of the 1920 census. The United be one of the foremost activities of the
WORLD-WIDE CRUSADE FOR ANTI- States is eleventh on the literacy list Americanism Commission." 1ERESTING FACTS ARE
ALCOHOLISM IS STARTED of leading nations, Mr. Powell said. Among the first steps which the IVE IN FULL REPORT
AT TORONTO Countries which have fewer illiter- Legion will take is the holding of an
ates than America, according to Mr. American Education Week, Dec. 3 to 9, Religious census of the University.
Powell, are Germany, Denmark, Switz- inclusive, and the undertaking of a . C s
5000 DELEGATES FROM erland, Holland, Finland, Norway, fight for total exclusion of immigra- assciation, fy all de nt iv-n
22 COUNTRIES CONVENE Sweden, Scotland, England, Wales and tion for a period of five years, it was ssg t n ber of stdent ember
France. "The 1920 census showing announced. The Legion's hope is to each church, and also the number of
that more than five million persons, or eliminate illiteracy by 1927, accord- students who are either members of or
Representatives of Churches and six percent, of the American popu'a- Ing to Mr. Powell. e sswho reneithraymem of tr
S Dlfferenit Reform Clubs tion, are illiterate, is too low, because in~ to Mrte P wtl.Naioa E-
Inicooreratienowith the NationalEd- eprssprefrence for any one of the
Gathez a confession of illiteracy to a census ucation Association, the Legion has churches listed in the following state-
taker was necessary to enroll the per- adopted as its slogan, "Adopt an Illit- in t, has been published, and s given
I son among those who can neither read erate Today," recommending that its The folun ofrfgres .u
(By the Associated Press) nor write," Mr. Powell declared. "This members and other patriotic citizens The first column of figures includes
Toronto, Nov. 25.-A world-wide Imade it easy for the illiterate to con- teach immigrants to read and write the total number of students mn every
crusade for prohibition will find ex- ceal his ignorance, since there was no and to make them familiar with Ameri- des the ser o tuents
pression in Toronto during the next test of literacy." can history. American institutions and either belonging to one of the churches
three days, for some 5000 delegates A gain in illiteracy of 117,344 in system of govern'ment. Army draft 'isted, or expressing a preference for
twelve states during the period 1910- tests showed that out of 1,552,256 per- htechurch.
have assembled here to bald an anti- 1920, was, for the most part, due to sons examined, 24.9 percent could that church.rand
alcoholic conference under the aus- those states having received the great- nc'ither read nor write, Mr. Powell de- (Mmal
pices of the World League against Al- est influx of immigrants during the clared. (Denomination) (Members) total
coholism. They have come from no Methodist 1247 1620
less than 22 different countries, and um1 i nrrrn nniinnrn I NDIANS AR N'T esbterin 1043 1214
7 no fi

(By the Associated Press)
Washington, Nov. 23-Twenty mil-
lion dollars is the estimate of the
American Red Cross for this fiscal
year. Officers said this would be di-
vided between the national organiza-
tion and the active chapters on ap-
proximately an equal basis.(
Budget allotments of the nationall
organization for domestic operations
aggregate $6,335,795, or $488,015 lessl
than similar expenditures for last;
year, while the allotment for foreign
operations will be $3,404,077, about
$2,247,959 less than the year before.
It was stated that the reduction in the
cost of domestic operations represent-
ed a saving in overhead expenses and
decreased personnel through the com-
bining of divisional units. The for-'
eign operations with the exception of
the Junior American Red Cross, prac-
tically were terminated last July.
Relief work for disabled former ser-
vice men and their dependents re-

. .-

rmains the main obligation which the
Red Cross is giving in funds and ser-
vice. Approximately $3,000,000 of the
domestic budget is set apart for sol-
dier service, this representing an in-
crease of $366,000 over last year.
Other outstanding domestic items
in the 1922-1923 budget, are: for dis-
aster relief, $750,000; for emergencies
in chapter work, $500,000; for service
and assistance to chapters and their
branches, $1,293,000; for assistance to
other organizations and educational
institutions that train Red Cross nurs-{
es and workers, $200,000; for Roll Call
assistance furnished to chapters,
$190,000; for unforseen contingencies,
Less than $500,000 is set aside for
management of the national organiza-
tion. The ratio of management ex-
penses to the total expenditures last
year was placed at ve and two-tenths
percent, and officers said the ratio this
year probably would fall below five

Idea of Yearly Convocation Has Been
Supported by Many Noted
Purposes and ideas of the annual
Christian Callings conferences, the
second of which will take place from
Dec. 8 to 10 at Albion, Mich., this year,
have been heartily endorsed by Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton and Senator
Elect W. N. Ferris, of Michigan. Pres-
ident Burton, who addressed the first
annual conference held last year in
Ann Arbor, expressed himself in favor
of the idea behind the conference, say-
ing that just such a fostering of
Christian callings in a state university
was admirable.
Governor Elect Ferris in a recent
letter to W. I. Kelsey, state student
secretary of the Y. M. C. A., made the
following statement to. Mr. Kelsey:

their purpose is to attain "by means of
education and legislation, the total

iu i rri rT i i Inlfv


suppression thorughout the world oj III LLErIU 1 '[ L1,V11ij (By the Associated Press)
alcoholism, which is the poisoning o. Uashington, Nov. 25.-The Indian
body, germ-plasm, mind, conduct and ENINEERIN rceEisE TO HOL r s not a dying one, . B. Merritt,
I ENINERIN COLEGETO OLDAssistant Indian Commissioner, says
society, produced by the consumption CLASSES DURING SPRE\G the
of acohoic bveraes.~ VACThO 340, 917 Indians now in the United
Re'resentticbverofges."yknAwnATorceStates represent an increase of ap-
Representative of every known force --Ilroximately 13,500 over the number
in social reform, temperance organi- Co-operation of the electrical en- ten years ago.
zations, churches, young people's so- gineering department with public util- The increase has been brought
cieties, and Sunday Schools, the gath- ities and generating stations in this about, the assistant commissioner
eying will mark the beginning oi: a section of the country has resulted in says, by improved housing conditions
new intensified campaign against liq- the announcement of . short courses and increased hospital and medical fa-
uor traffic, and it is expected that it in elementary electrical work and cilities. There are 78 hospitals at the
will perfect complete plans for carry- meter testing which will be offered Indian reservations and schools, and
ing on the international work. While during spring vacation in the eng- there are employed in the Indian Ser-
it is being held under the auspices of ineering school. More than 60 men vice 150 physicians, 81 nurses and 70
the World League, the gathering will from power companies in Michigan field matrons, the latter visiting the
be five conventions in one-the World and Illinois have signified their inten- homes of Indians to improve living
prohibition convention, Dominion of{ tion of taking the course. conditonN.
Canada >prohibiton convention, Ontar- Prominent men ' who are working "We are educating in our Indian
In provincial prohibition convention. with the electrical engineering de- schools and in the public schools of
the World's Student Federation, and f partment in arranging the details of the country 60,000 Indian children,"
the International Enforcement Con- the courses are the following: J. C. Mr. Merritt says, "And are asking for
vention. Langdell of the Commonwealth Edi- increased appropriations with a view
Adopt Sloe t_. son company of Chicago, A. S. Al- of ultimately placing every Indian
The latter convention will be at- bright, Herbert Sylvester, and Oscar child of school age in school, on the
tended by represntatives of all the E. Hauser, all of. the Detroit Edison theory that education, industry and
provinces of Canada, of the border company and H. D. Wines, secretary sanitary living conditons are the solu-s
States, and those particularly affect- of the Michigan Public Utilities com- tions of the Indian problem."
ed by rum-running, together with Na- mission. Present plans call for morn-
tional, Provincial and State enforce- ing, afternoon, and evening sessions
ment officers "with a view to arriving during the entire week. Prof. B. F.
at a mutual understanding that will Bailey, Prof. A. H. Lovell, Prof. J. H. L IS TR 9 SHF
end the present outrageous border sit- Cannon, and Prof. H. H. Higbie, all
uation." The slogan of the enforce- of the departments of electrical en- STATE Iec nEASTERNwThrt
nentconvetiohes "Thvetrum-run- gineering, will have charge of the Iifl
ner must go." The convention of the courses offered.
Dominion Temperance Alliance will - (By the Associated Press)
be an important one, as, aside from its JAP FISHERMEN IN Lansing, Nov. 25.-Elope that East-
elationsip to the worldwide gathe ern standard time will be fixed for the!
ig itr"wi d Cakeastesn a ne"can m-sentire state by the 1923 legislature hass
paisgn for "a dry Canada," and it is been expressed by several state offi-
promised that no effort will be spared (By the Associated Press) cials recently. There appears to be
until the manufacture, sale. importa- {Tokio, Oct. 26.-The failure of the a likelihood that a bill proposing the
tion and transportation o' liquor ir. Changohun conference has placed the establishment of a single time will be
any part of the Dominion have been Japanese fishermen who carry on their offered. The officials most interested
made illegal by the laws of the Fed- industry in Russian territorial waters in the proposed change are sounding
eral and Provincial Parliaments. under the Fisheries' Treaty of 1905 out the sentiment in various parts of
The three joint presidents of the concluded in connection with the the state. If assured that the switch
World League, Right Hon. Leif Jones, Portsmouth Peace Treaty, in a pre- to daylight saving time would not
York, England ;Dr. Howard H. Rus- carious situation. Lacking an under- draw too vehement a protest from the
sell, Westerville, O.; and Dr. Robert standing with the Vladivostock Gov- farmer members, and would obtain
Hercod, Lausanne, Switzerland, will ernment the fishermen have carried enough votes from city representatives
preside over the gathering alternately, on their calling for the past two sea- for enactment, it probably will come
and the individual conferences of the sons under the protection of Japanese before the legislature.
various organizations, which make up gunboats. Uniform time, the state ofti-
the whole, will be in charge of their With the advent of the Reds into cials point out, would be better for all
respective chiefs. the Primorla, they have a different concerned than the system now in use,




piscopa 86
Congregational 570 846
Roman Catholic 671 697
Jewish 367 510
Baptist 363 440
Lutheran 385; 407.
Christian Science 51 172
Disciplo 138 154
Reformed 110 116
Unitarian 38 96
United Brethren 21 21
Evangelical 18 18
Friends 10 11
Free Methodist 11 11
Al. Meth. Episc. 6 8
Greek Orthodox 8 8
Adventist 5 7
Latter Day Saints 6 6
New Jerusalem 6 6
Brethren 5 5
Mennonite 2 2
New Thought 1 2
Federated-Union, etc. 9 :?
Miscellaneous i 14
"Protestant" 10 42
Total 5871 7324
It. is interesting to note that 83
per cent of the student body have affil-
iation with some church, even though
this affiliation is indirect in many
cases. It is believed by those who have
made a study of the annual statis-
tics that many of the remaining 17
per cent have expressed no prefer-
ence for one or more of the follow-
ing reasons: (1) they do not wish tq
be bothered by letters and notices,
(2) they see no purpose in express-
ing preference, (3) they are suspicioul
of the motive behind the request.
Some of this failure of the students
to express preference is due to care-
lessness of the students.

Fifteen framed pictures have been
presented to the electrical engineer-
ing department by the Commonwealth
Edison company of Chicago, and are"
being hung in the second floor corri-
dor of the engineering building.
Charts with statistics regarding the
increasing use of electricity, its de-
creasing price during the past ten
years, the number of power stations
in the several sections of the country,
and pictures of electrical laborator-
ies and power stations of this coin-
pany comprise the collection. This
assortment of pictures, according to
Professor Bailey of the electrical en-
gineerjng department, lrepresents a
considera~be outlay of money and will
be a great addition to. the depart-
ment's equipment.
Negro Education
Has Advancement
(By the Associated Press)
Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 25-More has
been accomplished in the last three
years for the education and advance-
ment of the negroes in America, upon
which the Board of Education for Ne-
groes of the Methodist Episcopal
church has expended $2,000,000 during
that time, than during any other like
period in the history of the race, ac-
cording to Dr. I. Garland Penn, one of
the corresponding secretaries of the
The money expended by the board
has been used in erecting new build-
ings, enlarging endowments, advonc-
ing teachers' salaries and equipment,
he said.
Student's Comfort Increased
"Every building in the nineteen in-
stitutions receiving aid from the board


Prof. Fred N. Scott, head of the "You are certainly doing a worthwhile
rhetoric department of the University, work." Such commendations as these
has been selected to carry on the cor- coming from men who are in respon-
respondence for a group of American sible public positions seem to be num-
scholars who hope to bring about co- erous.
operation among the scholars of the More than 50 students are expected
various nations of the English speak- to go from here to the conference at
ing world, in order to maintain the Albion college. Those who will ad-
purity and ;insure the healthful de- dress the conference are Dr. John W.
velopment of the English language. Laird, president of Albion college, Dr.
The plan of the American group is Frank W. Padelford, executive secre-
to co-operate in some way with the tary of the Board of Education of the
Society for Pure English, which is car- Northern Baptist convention, New
rying on the work in England, and in York City, Dr. J. A. Artman, of the
general to bring about a liaison be- University of Chicago, Dr. E. D. Soper,
tween the two. Just what methods of Northwestern university, A. J. Elli-
will be employed to accomplish this ott, of the Geneva conference, and Dr.
result have not as yet been worked Samuel Zwemer, authority of the Mos-
out, but while Professor Scott was in lem World.
England last summer he found English I_ _ _
scholars favorably inclined towaxd the
project, and later correspondence .hav First Journalsm
confirmed their interest.e ,
The Americans interested in the Class H ee 189
plan include such men as Charles Hall
Graudgent, Robert Underwood, John-! "Michigan was the first University
son, John Livingston Lowes, John Mat- to establish journalism as a con-
thews Manly, Charles Grosvenor Os- tinuous subject," said Prof. F. N.
good, and Professor Scott, all of them Scott of the rhetoric department re-
scholars of national reputation. - cently. He explained that, although
A committee of five men has already other institutions had begun the teach-
been appointed by the Society for Purk ing of journalism before 1890, when his
English in England to draw up sug- own course in "Rapid writing", as it
gestions for the practical working out was then called; was first given, the
of the project. The members of the other schools were unable to continue
committee are Henry Bradley, Robert it as a regular part of their curricula.
Bridges, the pest laureate, Sir Arthur Professor Scott's course in rapid
T. Quiller-Couch, Sir Henry Newbolt, writing covered practically the same
and J. Dover Wilson. The appoint- ground that is now covered by the
ment of this committee is sufficient in- various courses in journalism offered


Canada Must Not Have Liquor
In reviewing the work of the tem-
perance forces in Canada for the sup-
pression of the liquor traffic to a re-
presentative of the Canadian Press,
Rev. H. Spence, Secretary of the Do-
minion 'Temperance Alliance and host
of the great convention, expressed his
confidence that the object of his or-
ganization was nearing its goal. Pro-
hibition in Canada, he said, could nev-
er be effective while liquor is legally
made and transported in any part of
the dominion. National prohibition
could not be made safe in any nation
while an adjoining nation permitted
the traffic, and the campaign must be
carried on with renewed vigor until
liquor was eradicated in every land
and every clime, and the world was
made safe against the ravages of al-
coholism in every possible form.
First With Young Church People
Chicago, Nov. 25.-Thomas Edison
stands first in the estimation of the
young people of the Methodist Episco-
pal Church, according to a ballot tak-
en by The Epworth Herald, official or-
gan for the 750,00 organized college-
age people of Methodism.
Seventy-four names of the great ana
near-great were included in the bal-
lot, and voting was done on a scale
of ten above and ten below zero indi-
cating indiffernce toward or ignor-
ance of. the nerson concerned.


government to deal with. The capital which keens part of the state on East-
invested in these enterprises aggre- ern time the year round, part on Cen-
gates from thirty to forty million yen. tral time during the winter, and prac-
Then number of Japanese engaged in tically the entire state on Eastern time
the industry is estimated at 24,000. during the summer.

The statistics given herein, while have been renaired and improved, in thathon 0fthe interest in Gnep pan I at the University, all of which are an
they do not give the correct ratio of some cases receiving the first coat of hmexpansion of that foundation course.
religious affiliations for a cosmopoli- paint in years," Dr. Penn said. "Heat- I -an. He gave his students practice in the
tan group, do give fairly accurately ing plants have been installed and the I 'The new group is organized primar. writing of news stories, and editorials,
the ratio for the average student body, general comfort of the students in- ily for the study of the language and and in addition gave lectures 6n news-
and the exact ratio for the student creased as well as the greater safety 'dissemination of scholarly information paper policies and ethics.
body here. for life and property. by means of published tracts, accord- Professor Scott's ideas on newspa-
----- "Several properties have been pur- ing to Professor Scott. It has no in- per ethics were somewhat in contrast
A T THE THEATERS chased, one each at Nashville, Tenn., tention of attempting to act as a-so- to the average views on that subject
ST l T EMeridian, Miss., Owensboro, N. (, ciety, no thought of trying to dictate in 1890. He had lectured in Michigan
Baltimore, Md., Holly Springs, Miss., usage. The danger of an academy Is and in the East, on newspapers, and
ARCADE and Orangeburg, S. C. In other insti-- that it tends to divorce the spoken 1 had voiced the sentiment that newsp.a-
"The Light in the Dark," adapted tutions additions have been made to from the written language, and it is pers were essentially a social organ,
from William Dudley Pelley's highly existing buildings and equipment." f at te language is too much con- and not weapons for the political or
romantic and imaginative novel, opens More to be Done necte with life to admit of regulation, financial aggrandizement of any one
this week's program. The story re- Dr. Penn declared the advance In I ( man or group of men. The lecture
volvEs around the experiences of ai) education and evangelism of the ne-- Athletic Reception Committee Named caused considerable discussion at the
orphan girl struggling alone in Newf time.
orkher rmanceith as in Nf gro had just begun and that more Charles F. Noonan, '25L, and E. W.tI
York, her romance with a scion of would be done in enlarging church Thomson, '25, have been appointed to During the following year, the
wealth and society, their parting and and educational plants in the next ten the Union Athletic Reception commit- course in rapid writing was founded,
reunion under most dramatic c:rcum- years than has been done in the past tee of which S. R. Boyer, '24L, is and a year or two later, the Michigai;
stances brought about by a myster- thirt . , chairman. I Daily was founded by a private
ous cup found in the ruins of an old (_closed corporation. It existed for some
English castle. This cup, believed to eight years in a small building down
be the legendary Holy Grail, disap- town, when it was bought by the Un-
pears again while a test is being h-versity senate from the stockholders,
made of its strange powers. The mys- day en hurches and was thenceforth controlled by the
tery of the cup, with the thief who ___Board in Control of Student Publica-
stole it, is finally plunged to the bot1 tions, of which Professor Scott has
tom of the East River when escape Thanksgiving services are featured Right of Free Speech." Prof. W. D. been president ever since.
from the pursuers seems impossible; in many Ann Arbor churches this Henderson's class will meet at noon__
A picture with scenes actually film- morning by snecial sermons and ap- Ito discuss, "What We Know about the
ed in Paris, New .York, Los Angeles, propriate music. Dr. James M. Baker Bible." At the Young People's meet- Ideal Road To Be
and San Francisco, is "The Impossible from India, who is the guest of' the',ing at 6:30, which will be their

Following is a list o. corrections and additions, compiled by The
Daily to supplement the 1922-23 Students' directory:
Abrahams, Morey L, '25 414 E William Frederic 1780-M
Alen, Harold J, '23E 921 Huron Niagara Falls, N Y 1195-W
Allen, Miles N, '25E 719 Oakland Saginaw 9815
Andrews, Charles T, '23 816 E Huron Ridgewood, N J 1848-R
Anspach, Robert 1, '26 1025 Packard St. Louis 2663-J
Baxter, Stanl'ey M, '25 725 Haven Auburn, Ind 2574-M
Brown, Phyllis G, S of M 418 Thompson St. Clair 782-J
Budge, Pasqual M, '26E 207 S Ingalls, Saginaw 1808-M
Curtz, Alban W, '23 613 Hill Erie, Pa 1660-J
Dorr, Harold M, '23 429 Hamilton P1 Lake City 2451
Etheridge, William B, '25 806 Hill Chattanooga, Tenn 374
Fenwick, Herbert S, '23E 811 Monroe Cliiax
Fisk, Marion, '24 508 ,E William Ludington 1981-M
Galloway, Cletus, '24E 510 E Jefferson Ann Arbor
Green, Elizabeth, S of M 418 Thompson Port Clinton, O 782-J
Hill. Lloyd R, '23E 514 Benjamin Avon Lake, O 2613-Jf
Hopkins, Douglas A, '26D 917 E Huron Detroit 2310-R
Hornung, Robert M, '23E 337 E Jefferson Gibsonburg, O 811-W
Le Fevre, William M, '23M Homeopathic Hosp Muskegon Univ. 191
Livingston, Lee, '24P 117N State Ann Arbor
Marcus, David M, '25M 715 Anne Detroit 707-W
Mitchell, Catherine L, '25 204 N State Monaca, Pa 1248-W
McIntosh, Robert B. '23E 818 Church Ann Arbor 3124-M


Mrs. Bellew," a Paramount production Baptist church, is the only outside
starring Gloria Swanson, which will speake:.
be shown for the remainder of the Regular services will be held this'
week, beginning Wednesday. morning by Dr. Stalker at the First
Conrad Nagel plays the role of a Methodist church. "The Adventures
young novelist who is the only one of Life" has been chosen as the sub-
to see the real good woman behind ject for the sermon. Five Bible class-
the mask of "Mrs. Bellew," and wim es will meet at noon in Wesley Hall.
eventually brings her the love and Margaret Stair, '24, will lead the Wes-
happiness the world has denied her. leyan Guild Devotional meeting at 6:30
Deauville swimming scenes have o'clock. At the service at 7:30 o'clock
been given added realism because one this evening, Mr. Ralph Carson,
hundred beautiful bathing girls ap- Rhodes scholar, will speak on the sub-
pearing therein were especially coach- ject, "England to America."
ed for the sequence by Duke Kahano- Gundermanof to Give Two Sermons
moku, world's champion speed swim- "Making Gratitude Habitual" is the
mer. subject chosen for this morning by the

Thanksgiving meeting, the discussion .iPlanned By-



will cepter on the subject, "The Good-
ness of God."
Walick to Lead Student Forum Two graduate students in highway
Services in English will' be held at engineering, brought here by the De-
the Zion Lutheran church. "God's troit Edison company fellowships in
Flan for the Administration of Re- highway engineering, the department
demption" is the sermon topic. The of highway engineering of the Uni-
Student Forum will meet at 5:30 o'- versity, Washtenaw county road com-
clock under the direction of Rev. Wal- mission, and the state highway de-
lick to discuss, "A School of Religion partment will collaborate during the
at Michigan." Evening service will be coming year in an investigation which
held at 7:30 o'clock. A Thanksgiving it is hoped will lead to the evolving of
day service will be held at 10:00 o'- a gravel road for Michigan which
clock next Thursday, Nov. 30. will pack readily, which can be main-
"The Thrust o fthe Religion of Je- tamed easily, and which will be prac-
sus" is the subject Mr. Atchison Jump tically dustless.
of the First Congregational church has Washtenaw county has agreed to
chosen for this mnning. npcial mn-turn over a section of road to the

Nathanson, Joe L, '24
Pierson, Artrur E, '26E
Pullon, Alton E, '23M

341 E Jeffers(
1107 5 State
418 Lawrenc
9C n -ail.

On Minneapolis, Minn
. Pasadena, Calif
e Ansonia, Conn 715-M
Tom,-.rd+ , .-b 1101 mT


Rev. L. E. Gundermanof the Trinity
I ithean church The Luther League

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