____ ____ ____ ___THE MICHIGAN DAILY "I W A NCH ER-- IThe council committee which" will quarter with a 38 yard run that nm y call for them at the time which l nterurban Czar burnis to Ground arrange for the different phases of the threatened a touchdown. In desl~era- wil be announced in Tuesday's issue Short circuit in the trolley man's celebration are H. Liverance, '23,: tion the Maroons hurled passes to all of The Daily. booth caused a w«estbound car on the George Hoffmnan, '24, G. F. Young,' corners of the field in the closing n- n- Detroit, Jacksoni and Chicago rail- I '24D, J. A. Rice,='24, C. A. Campbell, utes, but the Badgers pounded them'C RAM A)way due in Ann Arbor at 7:50 0'- '24E, R tom. Kdams, '23, and C. w and kicked out of danger before the clock Friday night, to burnti) to theD Rice, '20 The arrangements were Chicagoans were within striping dis- Igr1 A VAM RTUN between_ Ypsilanti and Anni laid out at a special meeting of the tance of the goal. Arbor. Traffic was delayed until 1 Student council held at 7:15 o'clock More than 3000 Michigani rooters, (;clock Saturday morning. The eec- last night. Banid Contributions to 1~e Rth'undiedl assemblled iu Hill auditor"ium nester-, tric wires weA re burned in two lbut no Those students who gave money to I(day, afternoon to cheer the Michigan ione was injured. WISCONSIN TEAM BAT 1TLEShl edtebndt inst i team's victory as seen on the Grid: - i CHIICAGO TO fir-SCORE TW I' raph. The band was present in full, Pavlf; Ieftjre : i Edwardslmrfg ____have their contributions refunded to uniformiandi William Firank~hauser, Proj. C. 0. Davi s. oft the School o, (Cnine ro ae n) them sometime the latter part of this '24L, led the crow d in the cheering. 1 dcucation le'v erIed an extension te Baglne, week if they will go to the Snudent lcueFia n~wrsu couciloffcedngherecodlfoorof Lose something? A classified, in______ ____ In te lat qarte Coch SaggUniversity hall between the hours oz the Daily w ill find it.-Adv. Mcia al n hmsfr$.O played' his trump card and sent Micndg3no'clockanondaymafternoon.and JonyToahsgetpugn n 'lc odyatonadfull back, into the game to replace sign up for the amount that they con -__________________ V orn. Thomas had little luck, how- tiutd .IVICWA.iltS, gD.S.C. 11 SLEPxNYWARBU ever and, the' Badgers smothered hint The Student council will total the E AT T REAP before he could get started. susrpioswtHhemnyonhnEHRO O IT J CLUB LU1. +{1ll PihVl-,k1 Thrills Croivd, and then will divide it up as itw s 700' frst Nat. BanLIk Bldg. '10. Arbor Street Pulaski, the Wisconsin end, thrill- given in. Thle money will be p~laced 1n1 Phaone 1746J lI Near State and .Packarxd Streets ed the 32,000 spectators in the second separ'ate envelopes and the givers I_________________ Latest photograph of Michigan's Varsity band, takeni recently in front of Lane hall. This o ,anlzaition will appear infx ull force at the annual fal'l Bzc Bounce TFuesday in H-ill auditor- him. SCHOOL OF DANCING Private Lessons in iiALLET DAMPI tG ORITENTAL IDANXCING~ AESTHETIC )A7 CBl' MODERN BALLROOM DANCING STUDIO: 2ND FLOOR CHUBB HOUSE PHONE 2325-M JEANETTE KRUSZKA JOHNSON Instructor CAL AND CHy-IOICE SELECTION OF !i SEE OUR II fl ID S 24, w.ith Gordon Wier, '2-, will theni II ~give a Russian dance. After a second 0 -N B6 EE HIS goupby the band, Robert Dieterle YAWED ~ A Will render abaritone solo. P O~ ~farce "The Scoop," writtenr by De Annual Entertaiz>nment Tus day Nigh , joisey B~oid and Caligula, in which Wll.Iinclude "Iu lc, Ihlkiucing, two former "leading ladies" in cam- (3nea ct Fasre pus dramatics -a'iil play the stellar roles. Bethany Lovell, '25, who play-, _ N E cd the leading feminine part in theI VARSITY JAN~W F 1i 1 '.(H Ik Comedy;club ]play, "Arms and the W!D RAGE F SJJE'U fl an," last year, and Howard Dona hiue, '24, who was leading lady in thel -Numbers by the Varsity band, thel Union opera last year, will play op-I V arsi ty banjo quintette, Burton Hyde, posite each other in' this farce. '25-1, raid Robert Dicterle, '23M, are l After' a number by the Vasity ban- in~cluded in the program of the annual jo cluintette, the band will finish the fall Baud Bounce, wrhich wuill be giv-j program with "The Victors." eTusanihIn ll uioin.The band will start the perform-1r "Martha Ann Fruit Cake" for antce w it h four numibers of varied iin- Thanksgiving. Tices, 117 So. Main terest, ranging from classical to po- St.-Adv. puilar selections, under the direction 1- - of Captain Wilfred Wilson, Burton Martha Washington Candies. Fresh Hfyde's mairiinbaphone solo will be the every Friday. Tice's Drug Store. 1A7 next nnmnber.; and H1ortense Hoad, S. Main.-.adv. THOUS ANDS WILL GREET THE TEAM; (Continued from Page One) es will be directed by the Underclass I Conduct committee. Most of tlhe local stores will be dec- I orated with signs welcoming the fFOUNTAIN PENS, and EVERSHARP' PENCILS for FATHER, MOTHER, BROTHER,. Sf8 TER, or SWEETHEART NTHING MORE APPROPRIATE NOW JS THlE TIME .DE'S PEN SHOP ITHE' PLACE FOR SERVICE II f"Champions of the N the business places W q, t". Many of have already a !1 placed streamers and banners in their winodws, but others will do so today. Signs will be painted with lwhich to decorate the streets, and a huge nilaca rd will bid the victors wet- come to the campus when they come up) from the station. When the procession with the coaches and players reaches the cam- puts the rest of the great celebration will be held, and it is expected that free moving pictures will be shown i~ward at the theaters. Motion pictresof the whole aaffirl will he taken by }Pathe News. SEE OUR I HISTMAS S TOC KI It s Fine and Complete RIDER'S PEN SHOPj fr Irn- rn ST ARTS TODAY TODAY THRU TUESD AV Anounsing that: A k . New York . Philadelphia wil Visit ULNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN thruout the coming coilej year with the Newest and hest in con- -servativly correct footwear at prices ranjing from $7 to $10. -The next display of the season wil 'be at: KYER'S } C orincr N. Un varsity Avye. and Thayer St. Noveite° 28, 29, Dec. 1, 2 t1 , \ } ' \\ r I r r , \ \\ W ti, J rhoy t 1 . rf 6/ lY, 4 ' J 41, ct l . > 4 , "MEET ME at QUARRYS" IM, ":,/ I quo/ iiS -4 s 1. General Offises :1111.Duane iret Isew York City '-I The thousands upon thou- sands who have respond- ed to the sound of the above words are leaders in all parts of the world. When returning or pass- ing through the city they still send out the call with a ring which speaks of happy memories. J "o. w2 Ij Shops 190t"03 Broadway just bela Times s quart Q111 in downwwofinhatt~n and BrooItynr Ph Iladclphi a Shop ; 1221- 23 Chestnut' street fast Belo the Hiotel Adeiphia rp Alb Li 20% DISCOUNT --ON -- t! -, \N Chritms Gre eing Cards - AND - C rist it Stationery This large, well assorted stock includes Hurd, Crane, Whiting and other well We extend the greeting to you known lines. Prices range from $1.00 II to $20.00 per box. 41J A deposit will .hold any purchase until Dcgcember 10. 41J Ted per cent discount on engraving orders re- mlare radiantly gorgeous --more scintilla ting- -more fascinating --and yet more humainly appealing. in her-latest drama of a m-ysteriously iridescent cup- of the worshipping crook who }tole it, to bring her happiness when a foolish lover b lindly drove her'-from a glitterin-g social pedestal to the fringe of the underworld. w__q__ A -1) I ) - _ ___ "STILL GOINGI STRONG" 41§RCIIAM) FEI1iE SPORT lREVI EW A RC ADE RC1i T~ANK~llM PW A MPRS 0 NA "HE I z IBV 4. -4 HI 4 4 ceived before December 5. Bring your die or name plate. EjJOpen evenings. "The Quarry" Drug and .Prescription MSore On CLAUDE 'DRAKE PROPRIETOR Phone 308 0. D. MORRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADE SUNDAiY PRICES and Fie., All Seats bec SUN DAY 'SCHEPL~flJ MR~3 I II, 211 'II U I i