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November 26, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-26

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Xipke, Blott, Cappon, Keefer, Uterit7
Play Brilliant Game for
TehnicaIlly speaking, Michigan
is tied with lowa and Chicago
for premier Conference honors.
In reality Michigan is without,
doubt the greatest eleven in the
Big 'e n today .and is' in a. posi-
tion to lay strong efatims on the
national gridiron title. Wisconsin
tied Chicago, thus putting the.
Maroons out of consideration.
Ihlough leaiving themi with a clean
zero in the detest columnns the
Badgers caht a shadow on the
record of tihe Staggmen that can-
not be erased. Iowa, undefeated,
can claim Conference honors with
five games played. Comparative
scores tell the story. lowa 8,
Illinois 7; Michigan 24, Illinois
0. Iowa 12, Ohio State 9; Michi-
gil 19, Ohio state 0; Ioa 2,
Minnesota 14;7. Ichigan 16, iM-
uesof a 7.j

on the fourth attemr t 1o boot a per-
fect field goal from the 20 yard line.
Seniors Play Last Game
In the final minutes of play Coach
Yost gave his senior substitutes their
final chance in Maize and Blue uni-
forms. Captain Goebel, who had
been replaced by Roby, who performed
brilliantly in his last appearance, re-
turned to help bring the victory to a
close, and Van Orden and Curran
were also sent into the battle, ihe
Wolverines closing the game on the
point of scoring, a penalty with thej
ball on the 3 yard mark alone pre-
venting one more touchdown.
The play called for a duel between
Kipke and Martineau for premier hon-
ors of the day and the two respond-
ed nobly, the Michigan star having
the edge. Martineau was unable toI
gain successfully with any degree of
consistence except on running back
kicks, which he did in a way that had
the Wolverine rooters worried time
after time. Kipke, on the other hand,
was carefully watched by the Gopherj
defense, but even so succeeded in
tearing off many good gains. In the
aerial end of the struggle Martineau
passed oftener than his Maize and
Blue rival, but his heaves were less
successful, the Michigan defense cov-
eying well.
g wCappon in Fine Form
Cappon played a brilliant game in1
n.LU61itr. hi idir .nnU r nra L r4 T sT w(

Michigan's football team, which went through the whole season of 1922 without defeat.



Subjects of Friday's (onfere
National Legislation and
ing Program

V Albert Lockwood
Appears Today In CAS N H
Faculty ConcertINT"
The program of the Facu ty con-
cert to be given at 4:15 o'clock this
O Iafternoon in Hill auditorium has been
augmented by the addition of a piano-
forte number by Albert Lockwood,
i:DEiuwT Chopin's Andante Spianato and Polo~ TOLDEN, '24, AN) AMES, '4, TO
Ny,, This will be Mr. Lockwood's first ap-
prarance of the season, arranged
largely in response to demiands from'
MAN his many admirers that he be heard. SIXTY-FIVE TO TAKE
NTED" In addition to Mr. Lockwood's solo PART IN PERFORMANCE
OESBECK which will open the program, the
Glee club w1ill offer two groups of Production Nearly Ready for Opening
nce Were chorA numbers and Mrs. Grace John- December Fourth at Whitney
Build- son-Tonold will sing two groups of Theaer
songs. _____

-c Losing his griaron car eer . te was
(By a Daily Staff Correspondent) in championship form from start to
NorthropField.Minneapolis Minnfinish, backing up the Michigan line
No. 25 Fichigd, wntinos, i., Iwith wonderful power and time and
Nov. 25.-Michigan went into a tri- again hurtling himself through the
ple tie for the championship of the l Gopher wall with splendid success.
westiern Conference here today by Uteritz crept into the limelight on
defeating the Minnesota eleven in a numerous occasions with his remark-
deseate tte to 7 leen i a ably direct passing to Keefer and
desperate battle, 18 to 7, while Iowa Kirk. He hurled the ball with uncan-!
was downing the Purple of North- ny accuracy, and on one occasion ran
western and Wisconsin was dropping the ball 5 yards around the Gopher
Chicago from consideration by hold- end with several Gophers on his
ing 'the Maroon aggregation to a back. Uteritz and Blott share one
i black mark against the Wolverine
scoreless tie. record when a weak pass by the lat-
Except for a few minutes of rag- ter aided the former's fumble.
ged football in the first period when Blott Stars
Minnesota scored its lone touchdown, Blott, however, was the starof the,
Michigan outplayed the Gophers, but Wolverine line, outplaying Captaind Kirk
it will never be said that the home 1were brilliant in snagging Uteritz'
team didn't fight. Captain Aas' men 1 and Kipke's passes, and Keefer and
showered forward passes until the Kipke were remarkably powerful in
final whistle blew in a vain attempt intercepting and breaking up Gopher
aerial attempts. Kirk was scintillat-
to, place the "little brown jug" backj ing on defense, bringing his grid ca-
in their own trophy room, but with reer to a memorable close that stamp-
the exception of one long aerial ed him definitely as one of the great-
heave for 29 yards all the efforts were est ends in football.
The sumamry of the game follows:
in vain.
Minnesota Scores ' FIRST QUARTER
For the first time this season Mich- The field was comparatively dry,
igan came from behind to win. The due to the cold weather. Blott kicks
Gophers recovered_ Uteritz' fumble of, off to McCreery on the 12 yard, and
Blott's poor pass after Martineau had he returned it to the Michigan 43 yard
reture a Blott's kick-off to midfield line. Martineau goes off tackle for
and punted. Schjoll fell on the loose 4 yards. A long pass fails, Martineau'
ball on the 8 yard line and the to Ecklund. Martineau- goes off his
Gophers went over in two plays. right tackle for 4 yards.
The Wolverines, however, wereynot McCreery made first down on the
,to be denied. In the second quarter 33 yard line through center. McCreery
the Yostmen gained the ball In mid- I loses 2 around right tackle. Schjoll
field and by a series of brilliant pass- drops a long pass for an incomplete.
es mixed with flashy runs carried the Martineau gained nine yards around
ball to the two yard line. Here they { Neisch. 'Time out for Martineau. Ball
were halted by a determined Minneso- on Michigan's 24 yard line.
ta stand, but Martineau punted weak- McCreery loses. He fails to gain
ly to the 16 yard line and Cappon, on off tackle. The ball goes to Michigan.
a succession of plunges, carried the Kipke loses three yards on left end.
oval to the 5 yard mark. From this Kipke punted to Martineau on 30 yard
point Kipke carried the ball across lia line who returned five yards. Martin-
plunges at the Gopher line. Captain eau goes off Kirk's end for nine
Goebel was inserted in the play at yarde.
this point to kick goal, but failed. Martineau makes two on first down.
, Two Scores In Second Period McCreery goes off right tackle for two
The second touchdown came soon yards. McCreery hits right tackle for
afterwards. Blott had kicked off to13 yards. McCreery was stopped by
Martineau, but the Gopher offensive ! Rosatti for no gain.
was held and Ecklund punted to Ute- Martineau punted to Kipke on Mich-
ritz in midfieid. Kipke, Cappon, and igan's 25 yard line where Schjoll
Keefer carried the ball down the field nailed him. A bad pass to Uteritz gave
on a succession of plunges, one pase Minnesota the ball on the Michigan
was grounded when Keefer slipped, a 8 yard line. Schjoll recovered.
pass from Uteritz to Kirk put the Peterson kits center for l yard. Mc-
ova, even nearer the goal, and a bril- Creery goes off his left tackle for a
liant plunge by Capon carried the touchdown.
ball 30 'yards to the Minnesota yard Ecklund goals. Score Michigan 0,
mark from which the big Wolverine Minnesota, 7. -
fullbek crossed the line in two tries Michigan elects to receive. Martin-
Blott kicking goal. eau kicked off and Kipke returned it
The second half found the Minne- to his own 24 yard line. Keefer gains
,...*.- -a1 -.nnrdne hgn cit nnz _nqo -1 2n on n.nA ,n r' nnnn fnmh1 oPCnit

___~~~ ~ ~---~~~~~-Members of the cast 'and chorus of
Detroit, Nov. 25.-" :scused with T llTthe seventeenth annual Michigan Un-
President Burton his views on nation- - lfl ri ion opera, "In and Out", were an-
al legislation, and also the Univcrsitr nounced yesterday by E. Mortimer
building program, but did not couple Shuter, director of the production. As
the two subjects," Gov. Alexi J. Grow- I I19 [ 7 usual. all parts in the show will be
beck said today, when asked about 1is taken by men students, and more than
five-hour conference with President . 65 individuals will take part.
Marion L. Burton of the University.' Banquet Held i Union Followng Arthur Holden, '24, will play Jimmie
of Michigar in Ann Arbor last night. I emt'r('i)dirs; Faculty Wien Eii Van, the male lead in the story which
"The fact that I visit with men who gineerĀ° Speak was written by E. R. Meiss, '23; Lyon-
have been mentioned for United el Ames, '24, will play opposite him
States senator does not in the least !11'ON ANI) I. 1. COFFIN as Wilhelmina. Edward Parnell, '25,
indicate a final decision," Governor I APE IONOIIAIRY MEMBERS and William MacVey, '25M, will play
Groesbeck said. "I am finding out j the parts of father and mother to
all I can concerning the views of Tan Beta Pi, national honorary en- Wilhelmina,arespectively. Michael, a
these men on national questions, and gneering fraternity, honored seven- Dutch boy and lover of, Wilhelnna,
after I have all the information I canw teen men in the annual fall initiation ill be played by Myron E. Scholl
get I shall take a little time and iI'23. Poll and Mell, comedy parts, will
gtn it sall ove. tn of this organization at 5 o'clock yes- 1e taken by Sherwood Judson, '25, and
"hn I am rconvinced that oe terday afternoon at the Union. In- 1Buckley Robbins, '23. Hans Brinker,
man is the best qualified, inder all cluded in this number was President Michael's father, will be played by
the circumstances, to be of the great-I Marion L. Burton who became an hoar- onward S. Stimpson, '24.
est service to Michigan, I shall ap- orary member of the fraternity at thi of a musical director, father of the
point him."time.male lead. Mademoiselle, a modiste,
Following the formal initiation cer- Henri Faunchon, a he-modiste,-'and
The possibility of opposition from IKtoeo h ormlin ilb
the Board of Regents to the accept- emonies, the new members were hon- ate one of the fou illion, wil be
ance by President Burton of the sen- or guests'at a banquet. Franklin D. Guske, grad., and C. 3. Dresbach, '24,
atorship,. if it is offered to him, is in- Johnston, grad., gave the address of respectively. John Grylls, '24E, will
dicated by the attitude of several of welcome, R. W. Townsend responding take a comedy role in the part of An-
its members on the question of Pres- for the initiates. Prof. H. B. Merrick, asphasia, a maid, and John D. Bris-
ident Burton's spending at least a t coe, '24E, will take the part of Marion,
part of his time in the senate. Threeoftheeart ofgeodosur- almost fiancee of Jimie.
members, Junius E. Beal of Ann Ar- veying, who has returned recently Douglas Flood, '24, and Thomas Mil-
bor, William L. Clements of Bay City, from a three year's stay in China then ler. '23M, play the parts of boy and
and Benjamin S. Hanchett of Grand spoke on "Chinese Life". Other speak- girl, introducing the dance of the "Toy
Rapids, have gone on record as being ers of the evening were B. F. Haus- Soldiers." The announcers are Ver-
in favor of President Burton confining man. '23E, and Mr. C. E. Fowler of non B. Myers. '23, and Charles Mur-
his attention entirely to University af- Detroit, the chief engineer of the pro- ray, and the maid will be played by
fairs. All three regents admitted that posed Detroit-Windsor bridge. Herbert Treadway, '25. The "Spirit
their first interest lay in the Univer- New members of the local chapter of Vogue" wil be taken by Alex C.
sity and its expansion plan. are the following senior engineers: Goetz. '25. The above named men
W. C. Abendroth, W. E. Bachmann, form the cast of the production only.
113. A. Butcher, C. C. Farnam, V. S. In the men's chorus are included:
Firestone, C. E. Grigsby, M. G. Hink- H. E. Fritsche, '24, T. Hames, '24, S.
.ley, L. W. Kempf, C. E. Mueller, A. T. Stancevitch, '23, S. Goodspeed, '25,
D. Oetjen, J. R. Polhamus, M. R. { David Endres, '23, J. B. Pattinson, '25,
S-o S'chrayer, M. C. Sperry, J. E. Steg- 1W. K. Whitehead, '25, E. C. Allmand,
THICI__ I f nieier, R. W. Townsend, and E. R. '25, W. C. Valentine, '23, T. B. Wheat-
Wolfert. ley, '24, W. D. Roesser, '25, Grant
I FUMBLES AND PENALTIES HURT =G. H. Griffin who was unable to be Whitman, '23, D. S. Scott, '24, H. S.
BADGERS; MAROONS HURL present at the initiation ceremonies Gould, '23, P. W. O'Hara, '23, and S.
MANY PASSES today due to his being with the cross M. Finn. '23.
country squad in the Conference meet The girl's chorus will include L. B.
iChicago, Nov. 25.-Wisconsin's fight- at Purdue, and Howard E. Coffin, '03E, Stokesbury, '24, M. E. Croxton, '23, E.
ing eleven closed like a vice on Chi- of Detroit also unavoidably kept away S. Watterson, '24, Dickran Nahikian,
cago's famous line smashing back-- will be initiated within a few weeks. '23, M. B. Duffield, '25, J. C. McGregor,
field here today and battled the Ma ------ 1'25. E. C. Stark, '24, R. J. Hummer, '25,
roons to a scoreless tie. The gam lP URl)UFE TE INI)ANS WhEN J. F. Proctor, '25, C. L. Brace, '24, Mil-
was an upset of the predictions, as iRu'T iAiEs THRILLING RUN ton Peterson, '25, J. A. Rice, '24, J.
i Chicago was a favorite. N "W. McCabe, '25, L. S. Gannon, '23, D.
Today's tie marked the Maroons' W. Bacome, '26M, Maxwell Fead, '25,
first failure to win in a Conference Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 25.-Joe Brout L. D. Stauback, '24, P D. Speer, '24, W.
Igame this season. is the hero of Purdue university to- J. Alexander, '24, and C. C. Chapple,
Badgers Superior night, his dodging, twisting run for '24.
U nconvering a brilliant running cand a touchdown in the last minute of the These men have been working on

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