~k L7iL~ ~Vii'.~r11~1-i~lN 1-UL.. I " 3s ' , ,: 4 7.K 7 .Y .., s't D tIfl lTbt 11 1 Annual all iEvent to Hielp. Defray 11J 1tses of Bland~ For Year Q0JE ACT FARCtE (OFFERJS VARIETY IN' VZOROdA-1 Plans for the annual fall Band Blounce, which will be giv en Tuesday in Hill audtoriumn by the Varsity boandr to help delfray the current expenses of the organization, are nearing con- pleti~n, only the finishiljg touches be- ing . necessary before the~ presenta1 tion-ofthe programi. On the bill are three numbersb' the band, each a collection of 'coinpo- sitions varying from Michigan songs to Spanish rhapsody. Burton Hyde, '2611, will appear on the program with a inarimbapJhone solo;' Hortense Hoade. '24, and' Gordon AWier, '24, will do a Rusin dance; the Varsity ban- jo du ntette will play; and Robert Dietere, '23M, will render vocal se- lections. Ay 'a departure froift- the musical nature of thie remainder of thie pro- grain, IBethany Lovell, '25, and How- ard D~onahuie, '24, will co-star in a ones act fare, "The Scoop," written by .De Joisey Boid and Caligula," r The band will close the progr~am with "The Victors". Last season the band made an ex- perimental concert tour to forM gacities~. Onaccounit of theMunu-' ual success of this first trip, on which all fou~r 'cities asked return engage- nients, the band contemplates taking! a more extensive trip this spring, and plans are under way for all itinerary which.'will include eight cities in four different states. It is primarily in an effort to finance the contemplated con- cert, tour that the Band Bounce is be- ing staged. Tickets will be sold, starting Mon- day, by teams assigned to the var- ious districts of tie' city, and will also, be on~ sale in the, State street book stores, an~d on the campius. The tick- ets will sell at 50 and 35 cents. Cl'vii Serivice Appjlcat ns Isued Applicants for :Unite. States Civil Service examination Dec. 13 and. 14 . here for Junior engineer and deck of-! flcer under the United States Coast and Geodetic survey are directed to I apply to 'the secretary of the local Board of examiners at the postofficei or' at Sta~tion 1, Nickels arcade for the necessary blanaks. E~xamnations for these poitions have been held, several times during the past year,"'without producing a sufficient number of eli-1 giliesto m~eet the needs of'the serv- ice.{ s Mkchzgan' Varsity Band . . z. PROF. SADLE FAVORS BI One of- nte inrter c:V n'pha es of thie . SHIP SUBSIDY L (-uestion, accorii g to Professolr Sad- let-, is the fct tha t the farm "loc,' l ) (' A I E S P I Q P S E ) E A U R n d f a r m ,g r a n ge s a r a g n t t e a 9d1:.° w 1' N 9 RtALei bill, whien as a matter of fact they' Is tllPPN( ' will be the clas s mos-t directly be ,-, 0 efited by the passage ofsuch a im;as- -- "hip subsidy is one of the few tire. Ili normal time s by farthtie means of dLeveloping our shipping so Iof cfarrrp iiielroct\ , that it eanl adeluatply compete with a wider inarlhet is developed, sulus 1lL' 1 ignations in 'tehat will soon be fa rmin)W ,c 's c(<