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November 25, 1922 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-25

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i 1 1L lvllLl 11\1

bA~ I ...Pd &6.d 1


'tforewarning can hardly be given, and.- (__ _ __ _
: ttas a result the: assemblies will. tend he DTO ILCO M N
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _to hamper. the work of instructors or IT RA C M NT k
OFFIC;IAL NEWSPAPER OF THE make a change In their schedule nec- 0
UI hR8TY OF MICHIGAN eswary. On the other hand, if to DGON, THOUlI he ~RE A~f~
ru'ablished every, morning ,ecp MondayI avoid this the adeans -intend to call k Qt1AT AND DARK iC
during the Ulniversty year by the Board in convocations at. a late hour and not I.1STEAM SH1OVEL..E ~ (Newv York Tiges)
Coto fSuetPbiaindismiss classes. for the occfaon,.it ITEERLScnedad I Mr. Ediso's quetionnare 'an dhis
Member of Western Conference Edtorial would be decidedly unfair to those fr niscnetota h ta poor opinion of college educatin have
Association. men .who are engaged in studies atbensprvcteofhlulo-
the tme ad canot et aay, soyel over in the new Lit buildingbensprvcteofelulon
thumaniin its cntelligenceawAs.atroversy that he must be regar'ded as
The Associated Press is exclusively en-,1 ua n t nelgnc.A
tited 4.to the use for; republication of all( There is a place for convocations ofse o tImnswhttea pblic benefactor. Singuar Y it
news dispatches credited to it or not other- I h ~iest ceue hy'4pofsehwi id ' at thewsnvrhsIneto
riRse credited in this paper and the local nteUiest ceue hyaepwsnvrhsitninta i en
nespbihdteen nfrhrn h is grimy 1iiai yto it. $F., !&'isay, ytsthud e ta hsmm
nespblse thri.importantinute g-team of-. he. And the shovel bites off another oytsshulb. made public. HIs k-
Eneeia i otofc tAnAbr the University both by helping tolhu oftesealko.wihu' fame as a man of science had cast a
blichligan, .as second claws Matter, consolidate -the stu}de t body. and by fthnspae abe sfehe long shadow before Sae attaiec aeleb-
Suseiptnib a~e rmi.$. bringing it into closers relation 'lth Icitya self-made authority oned
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, may-(I*s. * it'a.asn d+
nd Street. the faculty and adminstratio. I cation. Thousands now know him as
'hones: Editorial, 2414 and 1x5-M; Bui Iarrangements werec made ,definitely IN THEF LIGHT of this great in-11 such who could not tell for the life1
tie a, goo. 1' for a series of convocations to lie 914 ee we think it.old be nice of them what he has invented. One
Communications niot to exced 300 wordts held onl definite dates, instructors to. christen, the :stem.i shovel with morning hie awke to find himself -
If e ineprinat ue nstaneviece of arith_,. would have no diffiulty in, providing spire, apparopriate name. Personally famous as a critic of the colleges. He
a',di notices of events will be published in so that four hours a semester wudcuchiewudle.Afe"Afe a elrdgalts"vi umte
th6 Daily at the discretion of the Editor, ifwul u.ciewolbe-Afd"AfdhadcardgaatswosbmteI
ltft- at or miled to Te (Daily office. 17n- not detract from the efficiency of the team shovel. Bt wed be pleased to his questionnaire in the hope of
signled com munications wl rceive no con- Uiesity courses. I to hiear sugestions frdni the vast mu- getting a job amazingly ignorant,"
sideration. Noi manuscript will be returned tiue fredrswvkoeteeiol
unless the writer encloses postage. Thc Daily tiueofraer-eknwtes-ol with comparatively few exceptions.
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments A)AOI ~ERS must have. And when we find a good Nvrhlste - o oeo
expressed in the communications. N VODTE UHN. teettemeoresqfotef
Withthegoo weaherjus bename we shall have a tag day to col- the "(plucked" were ectraordinarily
EDIITORIAL STAFF lect enough Money to bvy a bttle of good, for they could give a list of
Tleplines, 414 ~17G~1 ginning to fail, and the first flurries champagne to bust over the bow ofI most of thequsin ake thm
-of snow unusually late in their ar- the steam shovel. (Ye-es we will!)' Subsequently the complete question-
X AGGEITRrival, with the interveing period, ba'- * * m naire was published with the right
11ARION B. STAHL, tween the approaching Thanksiving VALE answers. A. lot: of people refreshed
and-" Christmas !cut dlown by almost a We'reiiot so sad at losing ! their memories 'by reading the a-
News Editor....... ....Paul :Watzel s *frus t h U Halpriogwrs or learned somet hing new. But
ityistait City.Editor James t. ougweek, it i b fr s orealize 4 Tes
Asitn Edt dtr :Mrion r httetet-it fDcme sgTc~hi anthl-a ok Mr. Edison's strictures upon coleeq
editorial Board Chairman ..... E. R. taMhiwnt-itsfDeebrishug tws' hl-a ok
igtMssIonly one month off. ing; courses made himt a target for retorts
Rlh1 Byers Hary Hocy It is rather °early in the year tol Too bad it had to go. frmeey point of the compass. He
j<. P.awon Jr . . Mack eto h oidysaobt;t I was assailed himself as "amazingly
I. I1 er'shdorfer R.C. M >oriarty mnintehldysaobtwatw'esdaoig 1inrn.
H.i A. Donahue really, does no, harm to do things a Buit wa er a tlsn goat
Sports Editor...... ....Ii. McPikjliteaad ftme
gsdyMagazinc Editor .Delbert Clark.'iteaea f-ie And in this ( In building program's sprees Dr. Henry van Dyke tells Mr. Edi-
'onrie's MEdtr.......Marion ochj conection th ere is al old plea, .oig- Is the air of true tradition son tat he misapprehends the- nature
Humlror Editor........Ionald Coney ,.
Conzferencoo Editor........ .. B ;rundy inatd by th plostal system of the I Aiidtle p.ry pegAlit t <ec9. of. a. codle Fe e t atPoP."theb'Objct tra dtrRbr;Tr onradtknu.b h uies. " :. i.rt.t nbeaai oa~
Mui d~ .I.Alsmen of the ,nation, "Do your Christ- hing, but to tclebhim lrl.qo-w to en
M. H., Pryor Maxwell Vead mas mailing early." To this has been , ~UMW ag -der~ i mi~~ u nr
Dorohy ,i -gTsaoete4 ariq puseal life, to le oe .f a. , to be
DorthyBenets ohnGariuhoue ddied the advice to. shop as soon as Der itr: a c4l-eroiatdnt erecog
MauriceBennzan Isabel Fisheosbestha emyaod h nl>ta rael f
R. A. Billington Winona A. H-ibbard possbl s3tatweaayavidth ~l bencpee'tomyate1,o
W. 1. Btler Samuel Moare rush. .. the n chiitey cf Induztry.1 ~" Drvan
Et. C. Clark XW. B. Rafferty 1t1,tIn ester'.a'-5 9coJlumnYqU hdjb#ewhe h
A. B. Connable w. H. Stoneman The advice is excellent, well-meant, - to ref r.t~ the ven ahle esepr" 'v, :h remarks that
3 vjyi . -Coaghlin Virginia Tryon tdhie al higtor' d rteeec
pseryn Cihl P. .Wagner ad lkIal hig o uhs dscrip- hetruble with diois ide;,.a£ fed-
erttade toeCte . P. Webbink ,til, trite. But to follow the line of I uil rtesdstnushgter cat!?% is that l ise mely .wants la-
WaII'ce kliott Joseph Epsteinl _t b aer filaIldg 3
Walae llotJ:"W. Ruwitch toghtrite tinsare usually iolyb ter bppnore -that e .can .esei ~is biess
T. E. ke . A thugh, tingr- poud #xie to irefer youto tall tpe pubh--
JA.Bacon those which are so .obviously sensible I r disn ha', ntiniatd that.
~~94ABSNSSTNFthat they are generally ignored. Andlied icue ofte gnle "rywrW
BUIESITN v,.herqiby ygo ala ~linly see that the irty wokc'f.rep~unt to ollegeE
Tealephonae 960 so it is in this case. The request onQe an .the ,let is called T-de andi.'en, r. van ykeentrsa tot de-
f hpsasytmadoth uI I n:ia. reeieit Gray of Btesalso;
BUSINSS MAAGER f th postl sysem ad of he bui- 1th~e .a on ,uthe rit Mark. In other taksu h ~igl.Qitn h
BUIESMNGRness men of the country is not that omed l~ ltul erferdt siada yntt the ma Qgjort of
ALBERT J. PARKER they alone may gain something. By Mr T mt a 4-r:- mih.sudns rearad"t lofdr
Mvriig-Jh .1lreJ.shopping, and shipping early, one ,Yoursis till. rubdb"eookditrir
Aderiin ,......JonJ.flrel r.-~gs.A s4be tires, the.fac, h as:"oeth hl
Advertising....... ...=dard F. Conlin may be assured of the best selec- I4P hC"n e;sy.:o,;haalj
Advertisin g..........Walter K. Scher e in n h atdlveryps kr eapedgemboQhr-9 the boys hee are 'earning a part
Accounts .............Laurence J-. Favrot tio ,-a d-th saestreallry pofe- thu'ire wayp throes, gho , Collegei y
iubliation.......D.au.MntParks e o atuntil the last minute sut41:leWa.-ti ikllg~
PCI~ircuation........,..,...Dau .montParkble. oswaitsfo oecan never sa-'* * ,These feijos -33aenot arid ,to look:
Asisibothtseneless forton
Townsend H. Wolfe Alfired M. White h et the best late In the season, awl- ir Asitat '-p h ft? t woutld appear
Kenneth Seick S\Vm,. D oesser inconsiderate, for the '' friendsW Ni 'A to pei~tofteta M.Eio. sntfmiirwt
('eorge Ro.ckwood Altn S. Morton whomn one sends presents ;prefer t nwo re ttetela h the chres t-hatt mny students do toi.
xPery ;M.Hayden Jamies A.Dryer tlsu te ~i cto.acvtgi
lgugene I. Dlunne i. IL Good receive them in good enough Cond tell stm i colecy~in~1ge.t an edcation. A ,list huld be
Wnin "Graulich, Jr. Clyde '-f E. a yrman - easg ave becilause it hls the -frh
Jodie . IHain A. Hartwell.:r -_ tion to enjoy using them, and in plan- IV~~ed preparedfoAln
tavyE.Re . Blumenthal ty of time to prevent ill-feeling. The * *wgn n t In justice to Mr." Edison}, it ,souldl
C. L. Putnam ldward '-Hayden -{ esi ht hieh sa-rtco
. D Armantrou \V. K. Kiiddr suggestion is a good one for all con-]bsad lawhe.=esa.cicof
e. W.-C er i-Ie-reud swik cerned. Send your presents _early,( ?410RE FROM QJI R -NOVYEL - college methods a. ie uP~rtadsI
Edw. B. Riedle L. Pierce -gind avoid the rush. ~ - th~Qem, he prefe ~trs to elply -grtd~ates,
Tiaroki _____________L.__ ___Mile__ifh.cn aththm on .Tirty
ST; I1VTHE CAMPS . " (tT rtwoaot of six (hunditred college men
SEEY TH CAPU Iwho took his questionnire ma! rde a
______________________________________ The -new system of campus guides I VI' - f9 prcntan eenae
SATURDAY, NOVEMBEft 2 5122! seems to b-c by 'far the most effient -.4 ~.'them. "Ms fte, esi e
IssueofEtito,,Llie.sHidSreDORF1R - method of~ acquainting - visitors with She met him on the Diagonal. with-' cently, "are now ill executive post-.
____________- ' the campus which has yet been d-1 out a topcoat. (Him, not the Dial- tions, and have executive ability and .,-
THE LAST'MILESTONE ised. The operation of the system is, ona.)1godJgmn.,M.dinwat1.
P his afternoon, Michigan meets uder the supervision of the Dean- "My, I should think you'd be cil- no manl about him whose memory is
Teof Students. ly!" she said in a melodious woice. not good. Ilis questionnaire as{
Mimic, ota on Northrop field.Th; The tours of the campus are con- "You should think i'm silly"d- mainly a test of memory. Much of-'the
contest means mor-e than is appar- ducted by students. Anyone who wisl- mnded him.j inforMation e asked for wouldbeI' of
eut at first thought. It mar-ks the es to be shown around the Uiver- "SilyL--I said CH 1iLY." r 't service in the Edison plants. The ;
end of the football season of 1922. stmy y plcto h fie "h, questionnaire was a. ob ihhm
Thegam mens hatonc moe tleof the Dean of Students, be assigned "Why, don't you think we should When h one of the mot pactial --ert
tradlitiol of plaiy~ig the 'last ganme of1 the uildings. Each hour a different Isay what we think?" she askedim. of the gage, George W. Goethals, cast
the year with Minnesota is breing man is on duty, and each tour lasts "oe"si e Frntne o i y vrI ehae h it
smboldofnuerousdhrd-foug, ht neHor say, Oil, my hairs' a fright' and I aside, and said "Good bye" to the re- -
symbl o numrou har-foghtcon-~ The advantage of this. system lies agree with you, you get angry." porter. Charles 1).- Schwab, another
tests, is again at stake. Whether it' in ;the fact that those who are -thus! "Well, it is,"she scowled. "But you hard-headed man, says there are no -
will reposer at Ann Arbor for the + ilt rod ulced1 to the campus maid be don't need to say so." questionnaires at the Bethlehem Steel
next year, or not will be decided this -crtainl that they arc missinig noth- "Ain't that just like a wimen," he Works A Yale gradute of 1910
uttegm thsafternoonhas lit, and that the important features m nurmnured as shierleft.I thought that the :was the mhan Edison -
But te gam thisafteroon hs a iof ech lilildig arebeingpoiatditetds for whtedhadr."an hid" exhaex stiblbe

dlceper significance than, those of oth- to thlemb ly personis who really know' spl fusls-no~mto.vN
er' years have had. On its outcom e tuture. The visitor whohs, hrog test of a man's powers of
clepends the charipionshipElf the Con-l thins seen. the University :goes away observation would prbhve his eligibil- I
ference, so far as Michigan is, coin-with a.- clear picture of all that ;he!1 ity for a jot} under an inventor bet-
+cerned. This, year has been a dlii I ihas seeni in his mind, and what is ; ter thlan hlis ability to answer ques-
cult one 'to -weather. Then climax equally .im portant, he passes this in- ; tions like: Where. is Kenosha? Who
of tI le season did not come at Co-; formation on. to is friends, who: thus - was Cleopatra and-, hose did she. died'
nluu, nor did it cone during cith -1jecome acqtuainted with thle Univer- :.. ._- _ ._- and Who wrote "Houle, Sweet-Home"?
er of the games on. Ferry field. The sity thenlselves. " a ; voe aied the AII.AAnericau There is room, for imuprovemnent, edu-
ner vous tension has been extant There appears. to -be no reason why.; -Fresh, "Bury U Hall-. In that- little ! cators agree, but, a-s Dr. van Dyke --
flbroughz all of the games. And to- this project should not be ,a suc- Ihleg. Can't be d : .subdmtoth rpodsonthellegeun
Ela's contest is no exception to its; ee iTe fact that there is no! *rtodth pros*f hec*lg
predecdssors.' - The team must re- charge, for the services of a ;guideI course and the college, life. Yet the,
tuim-n to Ann Arbor tomorrow with the: hudisueiIsmnyptosa THE OPEN season for Christmas: controversy isauay
33rown Cards is fast approaching. Watch for ,
ronjug under one arm, and thej it can care for. herlsOnXaCrd.( en ILN TAITO-
championship of the Big Ten under A'1___U_________________
th teUsed. to be that every stereotyped get aroundyto IL) .
picture of how a building was going Fully as niuch a tradition .as theI
CONVOCATIONS-CLOSED? to look wAhen completed had a few 1 The Shleep) front the Goats hbpadeitepreilptitin
Although the convocations plait buggies standing out in front. Then x'All organizations .and class- tredis. from the student body to be, excused
inuuae aels erwsstthey began .putting in automobiles. - ureirs fromn classes on Friday and Saturday
aside uast impractical byr the commit- And now the sketch of the new.,-Mich- Who play musical instrumnltsI following ThanksgiVing. As inevita-
tee of dleans at a meeting Thursday,. igan dormitory boasts an airplane fly- meet in front of Ebea ia amntosi h on
no reasons were given out for the lung overhead. What progress-Is regis- Waterman gym--°dol's. refusal. No school year is corn-
official disapproval which they be- tered in these, drawings! --OOD. plete without, it.
stowed. The : announcement was f Where they will .be, surrounded by each year some imaginative .student
made, however, that convocations of - Michigan _stands today on the, the state police and sent on a long -va-! is fired with the :zeal to.:take the i
tlhe student :body would be Icalled 'brink of nzot- only one, but two chain- cation to Jackson over the midse- matter, in- his own hands, to start the
from time to time during the year pionships. While the football Varsity m ester season. - particularly sago- petition that will' result in his and
"when time occasion presented itself", confronts Minnesota the cr~oss coun-! phoners!; More particularly incipient -9,000) other students being able to
The plan as used last spring called try squad fights for 6onference hon- e'%ponents of .the saxophone. !gather round the festive, board atl
for general assemblies to.- be held ors at Purdue. **I home. He phrases the petition ins
;)nee each moth on a specified date. -~---Ony t--Frst EdWe- pretty language adrsetuad
T1his provided for eight convocations The class of '69 °has shown its. spir"- "Knowing you to be a literary man I takes it about the campus until the
durin.g the year, requiring four hours it by demanding the salvation of its i I would life to know, is the hole be- list of signatures is yards long. Every- I
each sdmester to be cu~t" fox, the memorial tree~. Now all the old bays side the nmedic building the campus' body signs. It is,.tile annual custom.
classes otherwise held at the time of ought to come back here- for a -re- best cellar?" And everybody prepares to stay here.
the meetings. Four hours a semester unAion and move :it to, some safer:QWTEAL. It is a yearly habtit. Because the
is not evry much when comipared to place. . petition is always turned down as is
the number of times a course meets. '' ,,- -- - - ~_-the wont of these to whom the pe- '

xtra time in Jiune it they could go
Some for Thanksgiving. But they
:now 1tbey .wil go to their eight
clocks Friday morning unless they
Lve been Judicious in taking their
:ts. That is one of the Things' the
$udeuit body does at Illinois.
Who says we havye no traditions?}
$5,0.00 reward, for recovery of_ green
ardrobe trunk marked T. P. G. Call
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