THE WEATHER SNOW FLURRIES; COLI)' ET TODAY jo~ A#p A6F 4f[ t r 4 t Ag an :4IahI FIGHT, TEAM; DOWN THE GOPHERS VOL. XXXIII. No. 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS --- ----__-- t i , SROESBECK CONFERS WITH PRESIDENT BURTON CONCERNING SENATORSHIP1 APPOINTMENT APPERS IMMINENT COMEY CLUB TO HO CLEMIVENCEAU SAS L TROUTS TO EUROPENEESS rNIVERSITY HEAD MAINTAINSI NEUTRAL STANO 1EN MATTER GOVERNOR AND AIDES RETURN TO LANSING Yesterday s Conference The Fit t Held To Find Successor For Newberry eov. Alexander Groesbeck in company with Lt. Gov. Thomas Reed, George Welch of grand Rapids, and Jlohn S. Ilaggerty of Detroit, arrived in Ann Arbor at 5 o'ciock last night and went intoy conference with resident Marlon Off To Rome To Receive Red Hat . . . r .w... .,..... .*. L. Burton.3 At the conference which took place last night in the President's office at which Governor Groesbeck and oth- er state officials were present the pending appointment to the vacancy in the United States Senate was one of the topics of the conversation. The subject of legislative program for next year was also discussed. r Archbishop Giovanni Bonzano This information was given out by Archbishop Bonzano, for the past President Burton at 11 o'clock last 11 years Roman -Catholic apostolic night, upon the departure of fov. delegate to the United States, has sail- Groesbeck. President Burton refus- ed for Rome. He has been recalled ed to comment further ' upon what by Pope Pius XI, according to dis- took place at the meeting. patches, to be created a cardinal at Presldent Will Not Discuss the consistory to be held Dec. 11. *When asked if he had been offered the appointment,,.President Burton replied, "I cannot discuss the matter -I further." shUeInIskIL ULUIeIJhe - lHe was then asked if 'he were will-I nnnniinr Drr'rnDiAanaw Tryouts for members in the Come- dy club, campus' dramatic society, will be held from 9 to 12 o'clock this morning in the auditorium of Univer- sity hall. Several students will be taken into the organization to fill the places left vacant by graduates last year. All tryouts will be expected to bring with them something with which they are familiar to read. The Comedy club, which is limited by its constitution to 40 members, ,hooses all its actors by tryout. There are now several vacancies, and some )f theP'e will be filled this morning. Monthly meetings open to members and their guests only are held by the organization. At each of these a dra- matic nresentation is rendered by a" small number of the group. Once a year a large production is offered to the public at the Whitney theater. This is directed by Prof. J. Raleigh Nel- son, of the English department. bTUDENTS LAZY States Disapproval of College Men Is Lacking In Life's Funda- ientals PROF. WHIPPLE EXPRESSES CONTRARY VIEWS ON MATTER In an interview granted to the Daily Princetonian recently Thomas A. Ed- ison made several statements with re- gard to college students of the pres- ent day that have created much dis- cussion throughout the country. He charged that at the present time col- AID AT LAUSANNE IIEEITS SENATE CRITICISM WITH AD)MISSION OF REAL PUR- POSE PLEADS FOR UNITY PEACE, AND FREEDOM Tiger in isaston Speech Declares America Can Settle Question Boston, Nov. 24.--Iis fighting blood up, the Tiger of France turned from' the abstract to the specific today and warned his critics at Washington with barbed phrases, declaring that what he really came to America for was to seek to draw the United States into he conference at Lausanne for the settlement of the Eastern question. Asked ti Tell Pui-pose Speaking in Fremont Temple be- fore a fashionable audience, Clemen- ceau said he did not intend to tell America how to run its own business. "But they have asked me to go fur- ther," he said, referring to assertions 3f senators at Washington that his ad- dresses were too vague. "They dare me. I am ready today in Boston to go a little further. I'll give you, not advice, but what I think.. It is the u'simplest thing in the world. Claims U. S. Can Settle "There is at Ibausanne a conference where England and France are sup- posed to agree with Italy, which might meet with some difficulty. Let the Yankee come and say 'Good day, gentlemen, is there a seat for me?' They will give him an armchair. "Never were circumstances better. Go there and you will meet the East- 4500 SPECTATORS WILL WATCH GRID GRAPH CAME Although Michigan's Varsity eleven is playing 600 miles from home, its i progress on the field of battle will be watched by more than 4500 spec- tators in Ann Arbor this afternoon.The entire reproduction of the game, play by play, and quarter by quarter, will be accomplished by means of the elec- trical grid graph in Hill auditorium.j Ticket sale indications are that ev- ery seat in the auditorium will be fill- ed this afternoon. the doors will be opened at 2:30 o'clock, a half hour, before the game begins. At 2:15 o'- clock the Varsity band will form on the steps of Hill auditorium where it will play until the doors open. It, will then march inside the auditor- ium where it will play throughout the performance. William Frankhau-' ser, '25L, Varsity cheerleader, will be on the platform to lead the assembly in yells. Members of the freshman and re- serve squads are to be guests of the Alumni association at the affair. They may obtain tickets by calling at the Athletic association ticket office be- fore noon today. "M" club member:I wll also be admitted as guests. General admission tickets, remain- ing at 2 o'clock. will be placed on sale at the auditorium. Tickets are now being sold by the Women' league, Wahr's, Graham's, Slater's, Huston's, the Union, and the Alumni association. MERRIMI APPEALS FORVI5iONARY MEN I amnegie Institute President C4alls for WOLTERINES STRUGGLE FOR CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP IN MINNESOTA GAME TODAY ing to say that it hadi not been ofered rnUU lege students are lazy, and lacking in ern question which has troubed the remers tV .ruuu I- to him and again, if it were offered to the broad understanding necessary to world for the last 500 years. And you him, would he accept it. These two success in later life. will do more-you will settle it be-; questions were in turn met with the Lausanne, Nov. 24-Eliptherios Ven- "I do not approve of the present day cause you can do it; because the SHOWS DEELOPMENT OF AN same reply as the first' izelos, former premier of Greece, and college graduate," said Mr. Edison, president in Europe again will tell . TYPE Governor Groesbeck with the other j M. Stamboulisky faced each other at "for, as a rule, the right kind of man the Germans that you won't go fur- state officials returned to Lansing ati Voicing an appeal for men of vi-l 10:30 o'clock last night. today's session of the Near East con- doesn't go to college. What youngj ther than certain limits, and because t lnrte hno at ogie h :men need is a broad general under- everybody will understand that there sIon rather than of facts to guide the -- ~~~ference when an effort was mtto'wolInisu artedtwrd o With the visit of Governorrs c n at a standing of every little thing in life, is a moral and material power which world in its upward trend toward the tGg such s would fit them to be able to is to take possession of the world, mastery of' natural and intellectual beck toAnnArbor last nlght and the cla to an jtlet into the Aegean answer my qunsttonnaire. not for domination, but for freedom., forces and to guard civilization froml subsequent conferene with President Sea. Both men showed great emo- "The main objection that I have -the dangers of human passion :and Burton, the question of the appoint. against a college graduate is that he Gselfishness, Dr. John C. Merriam, ment of a successor to Truman FI. tion. betto rspcay fiisd- president of the Carnegie Tzstitution Newberry has been brought defi- Stamboulisky was holding out for ty.jecsos trk, especiayl yi fiti s I Iof Washington, answered last night nIte fact' hat no othercandidatethe actual possession by Bulgaria of work to it, and when he does get a If the fact that no other candidate the port of Dedegatch, contending that position he expects to be promoted at ! Doptimistic negative his query, Are has been approached in this man1er' in no other way cou:d Bulgaria be the end of the sixth week. Most ofDr. th.Merriam firstoutlined the con- as a likely indication, the conference guaranteed free commerce. tVenize-.'he men working for me have neverUtqL.'ftributions of the sciences of astrono- last night in which the question of los opposed this proposal in an im- gone to college. Those college grad-rmy, ology, p lenog and hi- the appointment was one of the pill- assioned speech holding out for a g et 1g. os oeg i my, geology, palaeontology, and ii- 1 thses of the meeting, the naming of ut p oe speech ng t fo- uates that I have usually show a lack "The Approaching Renaissa'wee Of ology with their assistants, physics,! posesofdhen metng, the amng ofsfree port at Dedegatch under the con- of imagination." Western ('ivilization" Is chemistry, and mathematics in en- in the United States senate may be tItr 'a mid comision. When approached with regard to his Topic larging the bounds of our knowledge,' considered almost a certainty within e ris a d n eet to iviews in this matter, Prof. Guy M. and in making use of these discovered cshorttime ae ro of Bulan entene t in- Whipple, of the educational depart- YOUNG SP EAKER CARRIES forces toward the control of nature Indicates Offer to Burton JuGreec, Bia Rum ana an ment, declared that Edisons state- RE PUTATION AS ORATOR and the enlargement of man's vision of Jugo-Slavi, which rumors have been 1 In summing up the situation from circulated in Lausanne for the past ments caused him little concern. the universe. Astronomy, he showed, the outset the statement of President few days. Bulgaria today made reser- When I read the statement, said Speaking Dec. 7, on "The Approach- has given us a more definite concept Burton that he would "consider noth-! Professor Whipple, "my first impres- of the meaning of time and space,! ing which will alter his connection Ivations on the decision to give her the sion was that it was a joke. I attach tug Renaissance of Western iviiza- while geology and paleaeontology with the University", his 'position on use of Dedegatch as a free port and little importance to his remarks." tion, Mr. Glenn Frank, the brilliant 'have shown us the records of the his- positionong rit-rofurkeyetumadega reservationsart ofdththeogplano gardless of whether he is appointed for dIemiitarization of the neutral Professor Whipple then declared young editor of the Century Maga- tory of the earth and the progression or not, he would remain the active zone along iher western border with- that contrary to Mr. Edison's views, zine, will deliver the fifth of the num- of life during time. head of the University oout giving her any guarantee that the best young men of the country bers of the University Oratorical as- Dr. Merriam then tuned toward a neutrality would be respected. were attending the universities, that sociation series, consideration of man, indicating how Ex-Aeademy Men to Iicpeite 'sc;A Ismet Pasha today wanted a clear the uneducated men who rose to Mr. Frank is well known as an ora- he had developed intellectually and Ex-Naval and Military academy 'understanding in the ' treaty which prominence were the exception rather tor and publicist and brings to the physically from a beast type to the men on the campus will receive the ( the Lausanne conference frames that than the rule. He also pointed out that platform the same -gifts as a thinker present creature that is securing large scores of the Army-Navy and Michi- the powers will guarantee the neutral- the university graduate had a real which have distinguished him as en control of the physical world though gan-Minnesota games on the upper ity of the zone which Turkey requests right to expect quick advancement in editorial writer, his use of increased knowledge. floors of the Chinese Gardens on Main shall be crated from the Black Sea his work, if he was a hard worker, He was graduated from Northwest- Dr. Merriam prophesied that the street today. Dancing wi:l start at to Aegean Sea. He asks that a belt j because of the superior training that ern university in 1912 after receiving man of the future will have, to a large 2: 30 o'clock and will continue while1exetthdsinofhepycaad of territory 60 kilometers wide be his education had given him. his earlier education at the Kirks- extent, the destiny of the physical and the returns are coming in. Dinner laid out Profssor"Whipple ended his re- ville (Mo.) State Normal' school. Af- social world in his own hands. ie w:ll be served at 7 o'clock. All ex- marks 'y showing that it was im- ter acting as asssitant to the Presi- believes that man will continue to de- Military and Naval academy men and Clements Library Near Compjletion possible for any man, young or old, dent of Northwestern university he : velop unless some unforeseen catas- offlicers in both branches of the serv-; People walking past the Clements to obtain that "broad, general under- became associated in research and or- trophe occurs or his passions and sel ice are cordially invited to attend. ' library, probably have noticed a large standing of every little thing in life" ganization work with Edward A. F-I f shness best the finer things which ~carved piece of white stone poised on that Mr. Edison prescribes, lone of Boston, Mass. In 1921 he be- Ihe has in his nature. To guard aga4st huierurban Service 'Changed ' the ledge over the door. This care- came editor of the Century magazinethedangesucontfreerram An 8:50 o'clock night express car ing, together with another copy of It, after spending two years as associate urged an education from generation out of Detrot to Ann Arbor will be! will eventually 'be let 'into the build- editor of that publication. Mr. Frank to generation such that men of vi- added to the interurban service of the ing on each side of the piece carrying was a member of the group headed by sion may be supplied properly to in- D. J. & C. railway commencing Tues- the name in such a position as to ap- ex-Pres. Howard A. Taft that drafted tepret the facts and use the forces day,. Nov. 28. The 9 o'clock night lo- pear to be holding it. Thip work vir- TCL R IO a covenant for the League of Nations, which have been entrusted to them. cal will terminate at Ypsilanti in- tually completes the outside of the V ICITwhich was considered by the Peace stead of Ann Arbor. edifice. Conference at Paris. RED CROSS DRIVE Plans for the celebration of the Besides having submitted numerous L - -Q'looked for victory over Minnesota will studies for the Century magazine, Mr. APPROACHES Daily Publishes Minnesota Extra Details of the Michigan-Minnesota game this Saturday will be available first in printed form when The Daily extra appears on the street here a few minutes after the final whistle blows at Minneapolis. The Daily office will be connected direct with Northrup field by special wire which will carry a play by play account of the 'big battle as well aF numerous short stories on the details of the most spectacular plays of the game. This account, together with scores of other games, will be on the streets when the p.ayers leave the field in victory or defeat Saturday. TAUv IN ITIATEIODA Burton and 17 Undergraduates Will Enter Senior Engineering i Society FOWLER NAMED AS GUEST SPEAKER AT CEREMONIES Pres. Marion L. Burton and seven- teen undergraduates will become members of Tau Beta Pi, national hon- orary engineering fraternity in thQ annual fall initiation ceremonies at 5 o'clock this afternoon at the Union. Howard E. Coffin of Detroit, who was chairman of the wartime aviation board, was chosen along with Pres-! ident Burton to become an honorary member of the society, but will not be initiated until January due to his inability to be present today. Following the'initiation a banquet will be held at 6:30 o'clock at the Union. Charles Evans Fowler, chief engineer of the proposed Detroit- Windsor bridge, is to be the only guest speaker on the program, and Professor Howard B. Merrick, pro- fessor of geodosy and surveying, who has returned recently from a three years' stay in China, will represent the faculty. Student speakers for the ev- ening are Franklin D. Johnston, grad., and B. F. Hausman, '23E. Election to this fraternity is con-' ducted on the following basis; men are picked from the quarter of the class 'having the highest scholastic record, choice from these being in turn made on the basis of character, personality, and activities on the campus. All faculty and alumni members of the local chapter are urged to attend the initiation ceremonies and ban- quet. .|' SUMMER SCHOOL BUDGET INGREASEO BY REGENTS 3 l 1 i , ''7 1 1 i ONLY TWO CHANGES IN THE LINEUP USED AGAINST WISCONSIN HARD FIELD FAVORS MICHIGAN'S CHANCES Outcome of Chicago-Wisconsin, Iowa. Northwestern Contests Is Determining Factor (Special to The Daily) Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 24. - The weather conditionshere today though quite cold are all favorable to the Michigan team in the final game to- morrow with Minnesota. The ther- mometer resting at about 20 is cold enough to solidify the ground on Northrup field, and give the Wolver- ines a sound footing for their diver- sified attacks. A clear sky showing little evidence of rain or snow is overhead today. In spite of this evidence the Minnesota Athletic association took care to in- sure a hard field by covering the grid- iron with several inches of hay. On a cleared spot of this covered field the Varsity worked out for a short time today. It was only a light drill of an hour. Protected by heavy Eskimo coats the Maize and Blue warriors went up and down the field until, despite the cold weather, the perspiration was running douw a their faces. Punting Good Harry Kipke was lifting beautifpl punts of 50 and 60 yards while Bob Knode was also sending off some pretty spirals. All the passers on the team were working at this specialty with the other members of the squad going down under their heaves. The Michigan squad reached Min- neapolis at noon today, two hours late. During their stay they are stopping at the Curtis hotel, a secluded hotel. Accompanying the Wolverines are a group of about 20 supporters, What little betting there is favors Michigan. The Gopher moneyed en- thusiasts are placing their money on the score, their demands vvinning about 13 points. Behind this veil of pessimism, however, lurks a hope of downing Michigan. There is an iota of assurance which warns the Wolver- ines not to be over confident. Coach Yost announced today that Keefer would start at half and Neisch at end in place of Goebel. Besides the skull talk on the train Coach Yost ordered a °final meeting for this eve- ning before the Wolverines retired early to bed. Iowa Victory Expected Upon the result of today' de- pends Michigan's claim to one of the country's greatest gridiron honors, champions of the Western Confer- ence. The greater the victory the greater the claim, for while Chicago may go down before the attack of Wisconsin, Iowa, the third undefeated Big Ten team, is conceded an easy vic- tory over the Purple of Northwest- ern. Thus, though ,Chicago is tum- bled by the Cardinal, a Michigan vic- tory will leave Iowa and the Wolver- ines deadlocked for first honors. The Hawkeyes, in fact, will have the edge in point of games played, having taken part in one more contest than the Wolverines, but the only logical method of comparison, that of com- parative scores, shows Michigan far the superior. All this, of course, pro- vided the dope comes out as expected, Michigan winning from Minnesota and the Purple remaining the under dog against Iowa. (Continued on Page Seven) CATHOLIC CLUB TO HOLD DANCE AT. UNION TODAY Catholic students will be entertain- ed by a dance, from 2:30 to 5:30 o'- clock this afternoon" at the Union. The dance is being given by the Cath- olic Student's club. No admission wil1 be charged but members will be re- quired to present their membership cards at the door. Kennedy's first or- chesra will furnish the music and it is planned to have singers ' as an added feature. Returns from the Michigan-Minnesota football game will be received during the dance. Appoint' (Conference Re entaties Guillermo D. Herrera and Carlos Garcia-Prada, instructors in the Ro- nance language department of the University, will be the joint repre- sentatives of Columbia and the 'Uni- versity of Michigan at the meeting of the Intercollegiate Prohibition associa- tion now convening in Toronto, Can- ada. J-Hop Committee Meets Tmorrow J-Hop committee members will meet An appropriation of approximately $185,000, an increase of more than, $6,000 over last year's budget, was granted to the University of Michigan Summer session at the meeting of the meeting of the Regents yesterday. Dean Edward H. Kraus said that this. would enable a Summer session to of- fer an increased number of courses in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for both undergraduate and graduate students and that the same would apply to the School of Educa- tion. It is expected that this will, in a measure, lessen the overcrowded Huge Rock, irees, Prominent Among Old Campus Memorials! be discussed at a meeting of Student council committeemen at 10 o'clock this morning in the council office. There will. be no official celebration ?I I c a c ' +nnlo'h+ i'n nncn nT a vintnrV it line tUonJnt in cas eo a victry,, iLas Disposition of the memorials of the campus in an effort to make it beau- been announced. class of '69 and '67 and the respect tiful for the classes that followed. It is thought best by the council tos accorded them ,by University author-; The class of '72 not to be outdone postpone any kind of celebration byt ities has brought into prominence the in an effort to make the campus the student body at large until theI memorials left by other classes of beautiful, planted ivy near the walls team returns. This will enable the long ago. of the south wing. squad to take a part in the festivi-. Probably the most familiar is the ! ties so that the celebration given in huge rock at the northwest corner of E. E. MCKNIGHT, '94E, ALPENA their honor will be held with it pres- the diagonal. It was placed there by MAYOR, DIES AT HOSPITAL ent. the class of '62 in February of their Among the plans being considered senior, year. Members of the class Dr. Edward E. McKnight, '94, for-- by the council is the holding of a bar-t discovered it where the old county mer mayor pf Alpena, Mich., died becue, a large public display of fire-i jail stood at that time. They excavat- Thursday at the University hospital. works in the presence of the entire< ed the rock which weights 7 tons, I Dr. McKnight was born near Grand school, and a tremendous bonfire tot loaded it on a sledge and ' had it Rapids, Mich., in 1868. A graduate of' be held at Ferry field where there drawn to the University by five teams j the Indiana State normal school in will be room for thousands to partic-i of' horses. The stone is of jasper 1887, he came to the University of ipate in the doings. Something alongc conglomerate and is considered to be Michigan for a course in medicine. this line will undoubtedly be carried a fine snecimen. He practiced medicine in Alnena for out. r s t i" 1 t I :( r Prank is the author of "Politics in condition in both of these schools dur- Industry", and is part author of "The i Memberships for the Ann Arboq ing the summer. Stakes of the War," and "The League Red ;Cross drive now amount to Dean Kraus said .that additional of Nations-The Principle and the $1,875. This does not quite reach courses would be offered in the Med- Practice." last year's record of $2,000, however ical school, as well, but that the work The Oratorical association is pre- there is still one more day of the in the remaining departments would senting a type of man different from campaign and it is believed by the offi"- be about the same as before. The eng- the English posit cian in securing Mr. cers of the Ann Arbor chapter that 'ineering camp, held at Camp Davis Frank to speak on a subject distinctly the $2,000' mark will be more than during the summer, will be conducted American in its material and treat- I equalled. in one session instead of two as has ment. ( Some difficulty has been experienc- been the case in the past. There will ed in soliciting this year because so also be an expansion of the work in Game Return" to Be Given Out many people have been found away I library methods, as a course is to be Returns from the Minnesota game from home resulting in two or three added for the summer school alone. will be given out this afternoon at calls being made to the 'same' house. It is expected to prove popular with the following places: Hill Auditor- Because of this the local chapter has librarians who have a comparatively ilm, Union Tap room. Huston's, Ar- decided to extend its drive until the short time to spend at the University. cade and Majestic theaters, and at entire territory has been covered. The course in athletic coaching and the bridge party of the Chi Omega Students have supported the drive administration, under Coach Fielding1 sorority. The plan of receiving game well this year and it is reported that IH. Yost, which was a success last returns by wireless was given up be- three fraternities subscribed 100 per summer, will be continued next year. cause it was not possible to secure ;cent memberships. : I All this should tend toward an in- a receiv ig apparatus oVl sulfficient creased attendance next summer, ac- strength. lleged Draft Deserter Cleared : cording to Dean Kraus. He said that