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November 24, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-24

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Vol. XXXIII. No. 53.



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$TP AUL S IN C E .1894
11ws Frequently Appeared in Court
Arguing Many Imporiant
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Nov. 23.-The nomina-
tion of Pierce, Butler, of Minnesota to
be associate justice of the Supreme
court of the United States to succeed
William R. Day of Ohio, resigned, was
sent by President Harding today to
the senate.
Mr. Butler is a practicing attorney
of St. Paul, 56 years of age, and a
He was admitted to practice before
the Supreme court May 26, 1894, and
since then frequently has appeared
before that body in the argument fof
important cases.
The nomination will place upon the
bench of the highest tribunal, anoth-
er lawyer who has not won the er-
mine by previous service/ upon the
bench. Like Justices Holmes and
Brandeis, the new justice has, never f
served in congress nor occupied a
cabinet or other important office.
Music and dances of, the Michigan,
Union opera, "In and Out" which,
~ t .. 41. ... . n nnffr I . .1 S

Head Suggested
For Free State'



MI1SSIGON F L D Late ReportsShowTot Mounting
DS , Although' the final figures have not
61 P 'HTI" EAe en computed, it is believed that
tha~t the Red Cross membership drive!
%or Ann Arbor will more than attaini
BORAH AND IT4cocK LEADERS the 2,500 mark, which was the quota
IN SENATE CRITIWISM OF set for the local chapter.
VISITOR. Wednesday a total of 1,016 mem-
berships had been secured, following
BOTH 1 F PERSO3N A L a house to house drive and a volun-
tary roil call in all the banks of the (
ATTRIBUTES OF 'I IGER city. A later count showed that sAme!
450 more memberships had been add-
Cfhage Stotesnian Brings Jfessa ge of ed. With yesterday's memberships
Puniiflishent, Vengeance, and added it is believed the full quota
War jwill be secured.;




Dec. 4 at the Whitney theater are
practically ready for their first show-
ing. .
Several catchy songs which haveq
already become popular with thoso.
who have heard them feature in the
show. "Mvaid~s of the Mill" is a. novelty
number in which the waltz music and
words of the song form a background
for a unique dance.
The "Love Theme" is another song
which is expected to prove a favorite
with the iaudiences before which the
opera will play this year. It is sung
in the first act and its repitition forms
a background for the closing scene.-
The dances which feature in the first
act are "the Dutch Cleansers" danced
by 8 men in the costumes of Dutch
girls, and the dance of the "Toy Sol-
diers 'and Dolls."
"V'anes" and "Vogue", fashion
parades, in which the new gowns de-
signed and made by Lester of Chica-
go will be displayed, will also take
place insthe second act , and such
dances as the "Belle Boys" and "HatI
Girls" will also be seen.
These are only a few of the songs
and dances, in this production, butl
these and many more are worked into
the story of the plot.


(13y Assocat ed Prss)
Wash'ngton, Nov. 2.-Former Pre-
mier Clemenceau, of France, and his
mission to America, as well as the
policies of the present French govern
Sment, were subjected to a bi-partisan
fire today in the senate in a frank
discussion of French-American rela-'
Senator Hitchcock, Democrat, Ne-
"Tim" Mlealy braska, former chairman of the for-
Irish and British governments are eign relations committee and leader
now considering candidates for the of the senate forces which sought rat-
first governor general of the new Free ification of the Versailles treaty, was
State. "'Tim" Healy is believed to be joined by Senator Borah, Republican.
the favorite candidate. The choice will Idaho, prominent treaty opponent in,
not be made until the new constitution the criticism.
goes into effect next month, if ratified Reject Co-operation Plea E
by parliament. Both rejected the plea of M. Cle-z
menceau for co-operation betweeni
America and France for peace as long
as present French policies are pur-
sued, but Senator Sterling, Republi-t
fSHULL DENOUNCES can, So. Dakota, who followed with a
brief defense of Clemenceau, support- 1
ed the statement that the French fear::
of German militarism was justified.
Senator Hitchcock flayed the French
policies toward Germany, which he
Darwinism' Not An Uypothess, But said wer "harsh," naming particu-
An Accepted Fact Declares larly' the reparations demand and usez
SCientist of black troops in Germany. "France,",
ho declared, "might have had a more
CALLS IDEAS OF BRYAN appropriate spokesman than M. Cle-t
Senator Borah, charging France
That evolution is not a mere hy- with being militaristic, also called onr
pothesis, but a natural process which M Clemenceau for a statement as tot
wtese, bu a natral pis the reply the French position on disarmament.t
we can see and trace, "He comes to us with no messaget
made by Prof. A. Franklin Shull of except that of punishment, of ven-,
he"I"*yeprtment to those in- geanme and anticipated war," said'
dividuals who denounce evolution and Senator Borah. "There is nota note
pronounce it to be a theory which of harmony, not a suggestion of a con-t
cannot be proved. He further be- structive policy or promise of actual
lieves that any person who favors peace."
suppression of knowledge which may Peace Union Improbable E
lead to a solution of the problem "is The American people, Mr. Bora.h
paying the part of a w~an in the dar's' predicted, woud rejeet the proposal
ages."; of M. Clemenceau for a peace union
Evolution Occurring Daily between France and America.E
In a recent interview, Dr. Shull Both Senators Hitchcock and Bor-
defined evolution as a change which ah paid personal tribute to M. Cle-'
takes place in a species through a, menceau but united in criticism of thet
series of generations, or, more speci- visitor's New York address.
ficially, "Evolution occurs every time'
offspring differ from all their. ances-
tors and transmit the difference ta'
succeeding 'generations by' Ierdity."'A bL HAD SEl
Dr. Shull stated that 'this is, not the;
interpretation of evolution held 7 ONGTO VLTO
the average individual. In his opin- I
ion, "People who are condemning
evolution as an hypothesis only, as LECTURER IS DR. . C. MERRIAM,
not having been proved and as incap- ONE OF AMERICA'S LEADING
able of proof, are obviously not ac-' SCIENTISTS
quainted with the facts which indi-
Scate that evolution is going onte tthe' Dr. John C. Merriam, president of
.present time. The :fact that evolution-' the Carnegie institute of Washington
ary changes can be witnessed taking'
place every day leads to a strong pre- and one of America's leading paleon-
sumption that similar changes occur- tologists, will give a lecture tonight in
red in the past. Natural Science auditorium on the
Best Explanation Yet Offered s"s
"This presumption is greatly subject, Are the Days of Creation
strengthened by the fact that many Ended?" The public is invited to at
phenomena connected with fossil ani- tend.
mals, distribution of animals and com- The lecture deals with the subject
partive anatomy are readily explain- of evolution, one which is rapidly
ed if evolution occurred in the past, growing in importance. 'Dr. Merriam,
and not explained d in any other pat- according to Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the
anner." ' geology deartment, is one of the, best
ural manner. p, t fitted men in the United States to deal
this question was once settled to the with this topic.
satisfaction of nearly everyone, even Dr. Merriam received his first de-
those who were not in a position to gree from Lenox college in Iowa,
know the facts at first hand, the gen- and was later awarded a Ph.D. by the'
eral public has recently been so in- University of Munich in 1893. In 1921
rfluehced by certain persons who like, he received the Sc.D. degree from Co-
wise are not acquainted with the ,lumbia university. Since 1920 he has
facts, that they have returned to the been president of the Carnegie insti-
(Continued on Page Two) tute in Washington. In 1919 Dr. Mer-
riam was made chairman of the Na-
- tional Research council.

Colonets of Railing Sold for Women's
League Fund; Steam Shovel
Aids '25 Men
Signifying the transition from the
conservative old to the progressivef
new campus, the first step in the raz-
ing of University hall was accom-
plished yesterday by the sophomores1
when they razed the portico which has
designated the entrance to the main,
building of the University since 1871.'
Razing Necessary
Since the steam shovel started its
work of excavating for the new liter-
ary building less than a week ago,
such progress had been made up to
Wednesday that this move was found i
necessary. Since 8 o'clock yesterday
morning curious onlookers inspected
the portico, doubting whether thel
sophomores could pull down sthe hugea
concrete and brick pillars. Eleven
o'clock found the crowd increased to!

Fuel Administrator Will Exercise Full
Power to Preventj
(By Associated Press)
Lansing, Nov. 23.--A. warning thati
the state fuel adminiatrtor will exer-
cise the broad powers conferred upon
him by the state fuel control get to
prevent profiteering was issued by W.
W. Potter, state fuel administrator,
In letters addressed to all county
administrators, Mr. Potter declared
that after Dec. 1 fair prices will be
fixed in localities where it is believ-I
ed unreasonable prices are being ask-
ed. Dealers guilty of charging extor-
tionate prices for fuel will be sum-!
moned before the fuel administrator
to show cause why their licenses
should not berevoked.
According to Mr. Potter's letter'
complaints have been received indi-
cating that in some localities dealers;
are demanding profiteering prices.
Accuses Dealers .
"In fact, there are some places in
this state," the letter asserts, "wheref
dealers, with considerable unanimity,
are charging unreasonable prices for]
Since the .enactment of the fuel
control law, the fuel administrator
has made no efTort to regulate fuelc
prices. Dealers were requested to!
hold themselves to the margin of
profit upon which they operated last
winter. There was general compliance
with that request, Mr. Potter said, and

J -J
Christ A. Neletis
To emphasize ;his disapproval of
French policy toward the Turks,
SChrist A. Meletis, sergeant in the
American expeditionary forces and
president of the Greek-American
World War veterans, has returned to
President Millerand the croix de
guerre he won on the fields of France.
Explosion Results When Coal Dust
Is Ignited By Breaking of
Electric Cable
Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 23.-Eighty-
four bodies, twenty white men and


more than 500. soon after that dour; the 'matter was left there until recent
rt sixty-four negroes, lay tonight in un-
the scaffolding was completed and complaints charging that extortionate dertaking establishments here and in
the sophomores, armed with pinch prices were being asked in certain lo-
bars, steel pikes,.and sledge hammers calities, were received. 1Bessemer, the death toll caused by a
clambered over the top of .the porti- "All dealers believed to be charg-; coal dust explosion yesterday in the
co and began their work of destruc- ing unreasonable prices on~Dec. 1 will Dolomite coal mine Number 3 of the
fian. be cited to appear before. the fuel a odar rncopn, ite
The railing was first attacked, and ministrator at Lansing. Since it would Wmlswest o Bim am. Eixty-
a number of colonets from it were giv- impracticable to fix the prices charg..mires west of Birmingham. Eight'-
en to the Women's league representa-! ed by an individual dealer, the plan I two bodies were taken from the mine
tives under the direction of Margaret will be to revoke licenses of dealers early today land of the 60 injured,
Shafer, '25, and were sold. Finally who persist in charging extortionate two succumbed. Reports received
the entire roof was removed, and the prices," the letter reads. from officials of the Woodward com-
concrete and brick columns were as- Will Summon Profiteers . ,-pany indicated that while several oth-
saulted. "In cases where it appears that the era are seriously hurt possibly all
Use Steam Shovel dealers of a town or city are showing' would recover.
The pikes and pinch-bars proved a concerted policy of charging unrea- Dolomite is a strip nine opened in
too puny for this work and were aban- sonable prices, all of the dealers in 1892, and operated until yesterday
doned for the steam shovel. Albert that town or city will be cited to ap- without Ca serious accident. The slope
Koepcke, '25, was hoisted in the dip- pear, and the retail prices to be =opened into the side of a hill and at
per of the machine. He succeeded in charged for coal in that locality will ! an angle of 30 degrees ran 800 teet
putting a chain around one of the.; be fixed. before reaching the level of the work-
pillars with one end attached to the "We hesitate -to fix definite prices' ers. At the foot of the slope is the
bucket of the shovel. The first swing or hard and fast margins. We have j mine railway yard where dump car-
of the shovel felled most of the pillar made every effort, in the issuance of riers loaded with coal are assembied
and the second uprooted the rest. licenses, to protect the dealers from; and drtawti by cable to the surface andt
I'snow birds' and other unfair comlpet- up the triple. A string of these dump
itors. In return the dealers should cars broke loose on the incline, liter-
YOSTsGIVES TEAM assist us in protecting the public ally dropped . 800k- feet to the yard
against unfair prices. <where great clouds of coal dust arose
"There are serious objections 'to with the impact, a high tension elec-
DRILL IN PRIVATE CAR1 price fixing but the state cannot per- tric cable severed with the crash and
mit unfair and dishonest prices to be ignited the dust.
---- charged." Only 800 feet from the surface, the
NEISCII TO START FOR GOEBEL; full force of the explosion and the
STEGER, ROBY MAY SEE mlu inurTn nrmaaiuu 1accompanying f;Rme went up the

War Hero Retut
Croix De G u


, I



Will Revise Sevres Treaty To Put
Turks at Peace Wht All
Allied Powers
Lausanne, Nov. 23.-Two treaties
will probably grow out of the Lau-
sanne Near East conference, if it has
a successful outcome. One will be a
treaty between Turkey and Greece
settling their boundaries and adjust-
ng the problems that have arisen out
of their conflict at arms; the other
will probably be the revised treaty of
Sevres designed to put Turkey at
Peace with all the allied powers which
were at arms iagainst Turkey in tha
great war.
The latter treaty will probably con-
tain provision for regulations of the
Turkish straits.
Thrace occupied the attention of
the conference until late tonight, and
will again be under discussion. A sub-
commission under General Weygand
of France, is struggling with the
question of Turkey's Western bound-
ary, the full commission on territor-4
ial and military questions having
found it advisable to turn the mat-
ter over to experts at every point.
Joseph C. Grew, the American min-
ister to Switzerland land F. ijamont
Berlin of the Paris embassy, are the
Amerlcan members of this sub-com-
Norman B. Johnson, '25, was award-
ed first place in the extemporaneous
speaking contest held last night in
Sarah rCaswell Angell hall, and as a
reward was presented with a silver
loving cup by the Oratorical associa-
tion of the University. Donald B.
Frederick, '24, placed second in the
contest and received a book for his
prize. Honorable mention was given
J. A. Miller, '24.
Eight minute speeches were given
t by the seven contestants on different
phases of the Near East situation.
The topics were assigned yesterday
The contest was judged by four
members of Delta Sigma Rho, na-
tin honorary blis eak ng fra-


' .y

ternity. The meeting was presided
over by J. K. Dunn, f24, the winner
of one of last year's contests.
A similar contest will be held next

(Special to The Daily)
Chicago, Nov. 23.-The Michigan'
team made connections here tonight
for Minneapolis only because the Chi--
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul official. GOPHER BATTLE ON SCORE
held the twin city special a half GBA N
h1. B

slope the flame 'projecting, beyond the semester. 'There will' also be-a decla*
triple several hundred feet. The mation contest for freshmen next
triple itself is of concrete and only a year,
wood hut erected as a shelter was de- _
stroyed. The men on the slope were I-Set Date for MiltaryBull
It is believed about 40 of the men The date has been set for the third
who lost their lives were in the yard annual Military ball, and plans are be-
at the foot of the slope and were kill- ing rapidly made for the event. April

Prof. G. W. Patterson, assistant
dean of the Engineering school, ad-
dressed the senior Engineers who
were present at their first smoker of
the y car, held last night at the Un-
ion, on the history of football. The
NMidnight Sons' quartette and Rhodes'
Bros. orchestra helped entertain those
Instituting a novel custom, the only
ticket required fqr admission to the!
smoker was a receipt for the amount
of the class dues.


'69 Wins Fight To Save Memorials'
As New Lit Building Encroaches!


Another battle has been won by the ing the class rack, out Washtenaw 'Woos
class of '69 in defense of its rock and road. This was placed '.beside the were
elm tree which stand in front of Uni- tree. At first it was unmolested and banq
versity hall. An announcement from Ithen the freshmen of that year endeav- forc
the secretary's office yesterday stated ' ored to bury it. Their efforts were last
that the tree, one of the most beau- balked and a guard placed around the was
tiful on the campus, would be care- tree each night. Next came an at- 'mem
fully transplanted to another site. tack by the sophomore class. They
When the excavator started his work, made an attempt to remove the big )
the tree lay directly in the path of stone and but for the courage of one Cl
the steam shovel, and for a while it lone senior'who stood on the rock with corl
was thought that it would be cut a club and held them off until help ar- mem
down with the rest. rived, the memorial would have disap- thir
One of the prominent alumni of De p eared. That battle marked the end of gheld
troit, hearing of this intention, visited hostilities until the University almos ing,
a- -I,---A .a ..t. .n . s ....o.1 i n3rla i m 4 ~,,nwv wit fhg nrl a ndanrk In ha

of. William A. Frayer, of the his-
department, and Prof. Clifford
)dy, of the School of Education,
the speakers at the first sociall
uet of the year given for the sen-
class of the School of Education
night at the Union. The class
represented by more than 50
frake Addresses Prescott Club
aude- Drake, of the Quarry Drug
pany, of Ann Arbor, addressed the
'bers of the Prescott club at their
,d monthly meeting of the year,
dlast night in the chemistry build-
on the subject, "Some Phases of

. team Car Cleared'ed by the concussion. 127 will be the night of the dance, ac-
The Michigan Central lost further Ticketsfor the grid graph reproduc- cording to Gordon Gale, '23L, general
time out of Ann Arbor and roed in- tion of the Michigan-Minnesota game To Give Episcopal Guild Dance !chairman of the affair. Committee
to the Twelfth street station at 8 , Saturday, are selling fast, according to A dance open to all members of the chairmen and committeemen will be
clock. The Wolverines spent the oth- Paul 0. Leidy, '09, business manager Episcopal guild and their guests will chosen some time next week to handle
er forty-five minutes transferrin of the Michigan Alumnus and chair-I be held at Harris hall at 8:30 o'clock the distribution of tickets, decorations,
tee lt-v mines andttheirrbgageo he man of the affair. It is thought that tonight. Admission will be free. vrograms, and music.
themselves and their baggage to the inradsaeasbn uedy
stationthe increased sale has been caused' by
station.the cancellation of the special train to'
bor Trainer Hahn banished all thethgae
nedscibe andfrotersn fro theISaturday's contest will also be the Brown Jug" Thief Detected
team car, upon Coach Yost's orders first Conference gamek to be reproduced Solving M ystery Of 19 Years
The Wolverines then engaged n skull i in this manner in Ann Arbor, with the
dri:l until dinner time.jmaJority of the student body remain-
In all there are about sixty in the;' ing at home. Other games being;
ihn pl1 thear, thiy- t pye shown thisyear were those with Van- Discovered! For years the state- the other athletic property in the Goo
Michian paty, tirty-ig priorer - pher camp.
and coaches. The remainder consist derbilt and Ohio State, and the latter ; ment has appeared in The Daily prior Ipher after the game, it was no-
of Detroit sports-writers, students, when more than half the school was to every Minnesota game concerng ticed that the Wolverne water jug
and townspeopleprominent among t tCthe little Brown Jug that "it had un- had disappeared. The invaders hunt-
which are Sid Millard, Charles Gra-' Tickets for the affair may be obtain-jdoubtedly been stolen by someone ed high and low all over Minneapo-
ed at 50 cents at Graham's, Wahr's, Iidoubtadny
ham, a eorge ofrom the enemy camp," and so it lortheir conainer, bu nowere
Kefr eht tr Slater's, Huston's, Alumni hall, and1Ifo teeey ap" a ftereee,1elc o tr could it be found. As soon as they
Yost tonight stated that Neisch will the Union. They will be on sale at had. But it is only recently, aft left for Ann Arbor, Oscar bore it out
start the game in Captain Goebel's these places as long as they lasti two weeks of investigation, that it is from the 1armory basement as a tro-
place. In case of a touchdown, Goe- possible to tell exactly who stole the phy of battle. The student body and
bel will go in to kick the goal and TRYOUT CALL ISSUED now famous fire gallon brown water the athletic association took the sug-
then will be succeeded by Roby. uggestion and draped it with Minneso-
Jack Keefer will start the game at Tryouts for membership I Comt'd Oscar Munson was his name! He ; ta colors, placing it in their trophy
left half but Steger will undoubtedly 'club, campus dramatic society' Will had been in the employ o the Univer- case, as a challenge to all future
see action. In case of injury to Kipke, be held from 9 to 12 o'clock tomorro sity of Minnesota for 24 years. At Michigan elevens.
Knode is slated for the place. morning in the auditorium of uuiye r the time he disappeared with Mic h- Slightly wrought up over the hap.
sityhall.A y , t t n n's historic water bottle he was ;pening, ichigan was led to see the
VCatholle Students To Give Party .j The Comedy club, 'limited to a mem-~ i janitor of the University armory. joke, but insisted that the jug should]


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