_____________ TH!E MI-CM N -DAILY_ _ _ _ _ _ RD1DATES PRlEP it r a2 tremer MERRIAM TO TALK FORB TAU BETA P!' At Ho el Savofa TO*MORROW NIGHT I I AT Till TIJATERS Scree--'Toy Arcade-Wallape° Reid in "Clar- ence;" and ,Buster Keaton in "The Paleface." Majestic- "White Shoulders,"I with X-Aberine MacDonai1. and 12ryapt . Wa.lbbutu; and amlntltons Tomorrow Night SATU"AY TO BIE DATE SET j FOR INITIATION CVER E3IONY Seventeen men will take txie cus-, tomnary examination tomorrow night! to test their fitness 'to become mem- hers of Tau Beta Pi, national honor- ary engineering fraternity, in the an- nual fall initiation which wi'I be R I event of. Saturday afternoon. At this; time the fraternity 'will also initiate! President Marion L. Burton, as an honorary member, Howard E. Coffin,I '03E, of Detroit, formerly announiced as a candidate for honorary wemuber- ship, will not be able to attend the in- itiation ceremonies and ll be taken; int o the organization in January. f At the pre-initiation banquet held at the Union 'Tuesday evening, more than 60 members of. the society wer3 ini *ttendance, including 25 faculty mnembers. Prof. A. HT. White, head of the chemical Fngineering department gave the opening address on the pro- gram. Depan George W. Patterson. of the engineering college, then intro- duced Pres'dent Burton who gave a short; talk,. Lee 0. Case, grad., closed the program with a message, from the d uimni members. IPresiTdt'nt of Speakiil in A. S. Anditer- IMn Dr. .John C. Merriamx, Iresident of the Carnegie institute of Washingtoh j and a leading Amer~can paleontologic~ will d liver a lecture at 8 &'c cck to- =Morroww e-.en i ng in Natural scilencc auditorium on the subject, "Aire the D) ys of Creation Ended ?" Dr. Merriam is the brother of Dr{ (Cha rles Ed warid Merriam, professor of political science at, the (Iniversity of Chieago, one of the leading author- !ties in his field. D r. .John C . iMum'- rini who is to S,:eak here received his earlier degree frontsLenox ( 'ollege _n Iowa, but later was awm ~rded in 1393 a Ph. D. from the University or Munich, and an Sc. 1). fromx Columbi4. university' dur'ing 1991. From 13$94 tC 1920 1e1E o:e friomU the rank of instruc- tor cf Ipaleontology and historical geology to tihe professorship) in the University' Of (alfom'n~a. In 1919 lDr., it: M' iiafli was5ni, (de chairm an of the National Rlesearch Council and has b~een president of the Carnegie Insti- tute of Washington1 since 1921. H-e is the' author of many ' apers; on fossi' rep~tiles and fossul mammlals of Wes,- er~n North Anivrica and on the general{ historical g'eology of the Pacific Coast region. The lecture has b~een arranged1 with r-the cooperation of Sigma Xi. The i' PilblO is invitedi to attendl. 4rpheaam --- F.l 'BringJIllm la,;" niews. Williarnmsin eComk dy and BLMES UNREST ON SENTE; "ger" Lays All European Tronble-' tit Door of U~. S. New York, Nov. 22.--Georges Cleui- enceau tonight laid at the door of the United States Senate blrame for all the unrest in which Europe note se-etbes. Speaking before his second New York audience, an audicnce o.' bu .iness men at the Chamber of Comn- merce of the state of New York, the, aged French war premier declare~d that America had left Frauce "in the ! lurch" after the war. "It was a great mistake to leave without any propos- al or an adjustment of matters," he (decU red. Plan O('hiuge In IRuwiiing Aladison, Nov. 22.--Sorority rushing" will undergo a comp lete reversal of r6Vcy next fall if present plans are S approved by the faculty and the var~ s ous sororities involved. Rushees will pay part of the expenses, school work wi1l not be iimpa red, hasty de, icislor-% will not be made, and then shall not be used to aid in rushing S!under the new system.. sandwich. .'hone 1995-f Coney Island Lunch Ycu don 't hare to walk for that We deliver . .._ ....4. ...._;......._........_..... . Wuerth. - Marie Prevost in 'the Married Flaappe-- "" and lMax lUnder's "'TU62 Three li E! Garrick M-etrott) -. "Spice of 1922," a big usical revua. S11u4flrt " MIChi1gan (Detroit) --Ponstelle cCenpany in "Call the IDocto." Wte ternr s to Give Dance Nov. A ,, - I 1 11 1 11 mw A Al I At tlre third mcei~ng of the Western (flub in the Michigan Union last night, it was deflnitely decided that 'a dance would be given by the club, Saturda Nov. 25; in thielackard dance halt. I HILL A UDITORtIUM ELECTRI CAL SCOREBOARD NOVEMIBER 2 TI I "_ VIN 4I D~ean Bates T"ells Fais Inttercst.'ng .F~acts m 1a; victor Ir, nu eI, 01' Italy, rE Concerning Sharp, mil ad l formal visit oIrli Rrn t . rg-Ie roniio. i x'th, his sed " -* ... 1G 6 i i t% --An nteresting fact fhas been brought out in the death of W'P. G. Sharp, for- mer, ambassador to France, by Dean Henry X. Bates, of the Law school. ShortlIy before the death of Mr. Sharp, Dean Bates wrote the formr.' ambaissador asking him to recoin- mend some American lawyer ins Paris w'o would help Librarian W. W. 5,b 1rp' determpine whetl'e the tit'e I( a' library which Mr. Bishop is now in France to purchase is clear.! lor, ° several years past, Mr. Sharp has had tn active interest in Univer-; sity. affairs, -according to thed Dean. Conisequently; in spite' of being too ill to'write !a, letter himself, he dictated an' answer to his son two days be- fore' big death. The son is William Graves Sh~arp, Jr., who graduated from thze:literary college here. last year, lean, bates tells of an incident which occured' in Ann Arbor when Mr: Sharp, Otto H. Kahn, and several other notables were dining at his' homne. "At that time," Dean PBates said -yesterday, ."41rK4 hr made th, statement to me that Mri. Sharp was as useful if not more useful f~ma~ any other minister during the war, and he declared that the ambassador worked without seekingr the limelight and never asking for credit or applause." Need Clothes For Near Faist Relief Men and women, having any. dis- card ed clothes,, will have an oppor- tunity. to put them to 'good use. A campaign is on to gather old clothes for the. Near. "East Relief "in, Greece.1 One' needs only to, phone, 967 and someone will 'call, for the contribu-; tions. Anyth'ingm that can possibly be, worn wil .beused. t~ary greetedi the ruler on the stel Of. tle 1hotel. res herior EIso Bancupt Tiojnig3kt Senior educational students will have a b~anquet at 6 o'clock in room .21 Union. Prof. 1Frayer and Prof, Clifford Woolly will Speak. M'ethoists to lRam mtiet, rt'omorrow, M\ethodist studeints plan t a,.= nual Weseyan Cuild ba~nfo 4; C clock tomorr'iow rii'gi tt d Wasl'N ia' Ir. A. E. Day 'f atfin, t' , 11 "sec, secured as 1rpei; k e.' fo r f hor !;P), Tickets can be piooutter c . IL , i .L odist chiurch, at Wesley nail, or from gu~id inemnbirs. E )Rt. V. S, MILLS Offle'e II'irzs Phone- Thanksgiving is Drawing Near It is now time °to begin planning your Thanksgivng Dinner, that "B est of All Dinners." Your first choice is undoubtedly Poultry. Let us suggest that you order early from our - exceptional line of'' TURKEYS, CHICKENS. DUCK,'lS' .AND. GEESE z , '. CALL ,3100 d tt . AR"GFELL N . MAIN ST. SHIRTS mn handsome patterns' and in your favorite fab- rics. Everything you need, from sports to formaiwear. Silks,. poplins, madras- an exceptionally fine' display focr youto select from. T hey're3 made, wellU and they look good. L' A. #I Senir L11,('hio t udeimt ('onwilors Burton [+. Dmilop andl Edward Lambreclit were elected to represent the senior' class ini the Student coun- cil for the remainder of time year at a class mneeting held yesterday after- noon in' Natu r al Science auditorium. . .1 $2 to $10 I HIILL' AllI} IT(}IUMi ELE CTRICL V7 SCOREORD NOVEM1i BER 25' I l -I' I .) I W'adhams ,& c( TWO STORES h, . STATE ST. l'AIN ST. RENT A 11 1 i i i C Y :y ' 4 2'a j x x k \' g S T1 1-y. v } . ,y y e y r.. 1 r , . 7_ TPEJYWR I TER hlI O . C ," ,. Mw. M Y..... .r. Phone .'42-R un S, Hamilton Business Colleg'e STATE and W-'ILLIAM STS - -- ---of the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -UNION Present - -' i- tU U. 9. SE..VENTENTH ANNU11AL PRODUCTION GRAND OPENIN 4' ON..DAYI' DECEI E1 4 ',: a-' CONTINUES THROUGHOUT WEEK at E-Y THETER z Tickets for Y rOy Members of Union I-