CIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE IVERSITY OF NICHIGAN ed every morning except Monday e University year by the Board in >f Student .Publications. r of Western Conference editorial The Assodiated Press 'is exclusively en- titled to (the use for republication of all rrews dispatches creditedtoeit or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffice" at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. OfficeseAnn Arbor Press Building, May-, nard Street,. Phones:: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- ness, qio. Communications not to exceed 300 words if signed, the signature not necessarilya to appear in print, but as an evidence' of faith, and iotices of events will be published in The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, ii left at or mailed to The Dailooffice. Un- signed communications will receive nio con-r sideration. No manuscript will be returned unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones, 2414 and 17604! MANAGING EDITOR- MARON.B. STAHL City Editor...........James B. Young Assistant Cit ditor......Marion KerrI Editorial Board Chairman ......E..R. Meis Ralph Byrs -arry Hoey J. P. Dawson, Jr. J. E. Mack 1,. f. flershdorfe~r R. C. Moriarty 1-. "A;"Donahu~e Sports Editor... ......F. H. McPike Sunday z agazne E ditor......Delbert Clark WVomen's, P ditoi..... ...Marion Koch, Humor Editor................Donald Coney Conference rd 'tor ..... ....H. B. Grundy Pictorial Editor..........-.Robert Tarr kMusic Edito.r..... ...........E. H. Ailed Assistants vI. J1 Pr yor Isabel Fisher Ma rice Irn ' yinona A, Hibbard R. A illinigton' " Victor Klein W. B Butler Paige Lehman II. C. Clark Samuel Moore A. B Conrable. "'; W. G. McDonald Evelyn J. Coughlin- T. G. McShane Walter O. Crane. W. R. Rafferty Eugene Carmichael W. H. Stoneman Bernadette Cote Virginia Tryon T. E. Fiske 11. M. Wagner Maxwell head . A. P. Webbink John Carlinehonse Franklin Dicknan J. W. Ruwitch Joseph Epstein BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER Advertising..........,...John J. Hamel, Jr. Advertising '...............Edward F. Conlin Advertising ..............Walter I". Scherer Accounts ...............Laurence 1-. Favrot Circulation........,.....David J. AM. Pairk Publication .... ...L. Beaumont Parks Assistants Townsend H. Wolfe Alfred l. White Kenneth Seick Win. D. Roesser reorge Rorkwood Allan S. Morton PerryM. Hayden James A. Dryer Eugene L~. Dunne Wmn. H. Good., Wm.Graulich, Jr. Clyde L. Hagerman John C. 1-askin A. Hartwell, Jr. Harvey: E."Reed J. Blumenthal C. L. Putnam.. Howard Hayden_ E. D. Armantrout W.1K. Kidder H I W A Cooper. Henry ,reud FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1922 competition is limited to teams out- side of the conference, and interclass and interfraW nity teams in all of the major sports except football, and most of the minor ones. In accordance with a Conference ruling only those with a full year's residence in the University are eligible for a Varsity team in a major sport. This does not apply to the minor aports as Conference teams are not played. The customary method of procedure in trying out for any team is merely to make application to the coach, anyone so doing being alway assured of a fair trial. A fraternity team is chosen by the athletic mn- ager of the respective house from its members. An interclass ,team is under the authority of the intramural departemnt, and any member is eli. gible. The reward which repays the am- bition of any aspirant for a Varsity team is the "M", which is given ac- cording to the judgment of the coach for successful endeavor in any ma- jor sport. Those who receive Iron- orable mention are awarded "AMA's". Class numerals are given for those recommended in minor and freshman athletics, while a large cup is given to the fraternity whose teams at the end of the year have secured the largest number of points in the inter- fraternity league. Michigan has felt a poignant need in the last few years for more ath- letes to round out her teams and fit them for the grueling contests which her rivals afford. But we we are coming to believe that what is even more important than for us to turn out winning squads is to stimulate practically every student to take part in some form of athletic en- deavor. S. P. C. AUTOS Perhaps the only thing that Is more pitiful than an old, broken-down horse is an old battered automobile. Ani- mals have a society to watch after their welfare. Why, then, could there not be a ociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Automobiles? Judging from the suecies of machine that the average student drives about the streets Hof Ann Arbor and the reck- lessness with which these young Old- fields handle their poor, . bed-ridden hulks, there would be much use for such a society. Many an infirm and faithful old servant could be sent out in the country to spend its last days basking in -the sunshine by the side of a tottering barn. But attempted humor aside, the way in which the majority of the student drivers of Ann Arbor drive the cars which they have been able to bring from home, or which, by starving, they, have been able to purchase, bids fair to clutter up the streets with prema- turely old conveyances which are an eyesore to those' who are forced to see them, a source of discomfort to those who are invited to ride in them, and a constant drain on the purses of those who are unfortunate enough to be their owners. A little more care on the part of the drivers in turning corners, in shifting gears, In speeding up, and in jamming on brakes would make things a lot more pleasant !for the no-participants. And then, perhaps the autos would get a little more enjoyment out of their servitude. "Its hard to work when you're old, Sonny, but there ain't nothin' so hard as a mean boss.", OSEDROLLEDITORIAL COMMENT LEAlIERSHIP HERE'S TO US! (The Purdue Exponent) Has the trend of modern affairs - ACROSTIC been such that mass or group action C once, call your Muse; haste, whet bids fair to eclipse and involve the thy wit and pipe real leaders and to do away with A round this campus poems full of leadership to' a great extent? This mirth, question is one which comes up time L ord Toaster, so that men their eyes after time with the statements that will wipe, all the great business men, captains I neline their heads and say: "Pan's of finance, editors, preacher statesmen back on earth." and educators were gone. When we 0 lean every campus nook and coign hear of a big accomplishment, we do TEXT BOOKS and SVPPL for all Colleges at Iloth Stores .&I RAHAM Both Ends of the Dfagonal Walk for squibs;. U pturn each stone where timid: smiles may hide; L augh, that's the word, e'en 'til we crack our ribs,. A bstain from grief-fore'er with Mirth abide. ZEKE. Is this, we ask our congregation, A compliment or exhortation? And . . And ther.r's a school of music right next to the dump where the daily hangs ou and where the rolls gets toasted and today when we were thinking hard about all the good we could do with the colyum an impassioned violin was all the time getting its ears twisted AND we thought right there that if we could get as much in- spiration listening to it as its owner gets per- spiration playing it, ' why WHAT a 'good colyum we could write! not think of any one man as directly DETROIT UNITED LINES responsible (but of some group 'of D men or syndicate. Ann Arbor and Jackson Just because the machinery of mod- TIME TABLE ern business has made it so that the majority of big things are done byrd groups must we concede that the . troit Limited and Express Carsa 6:o nzm., 7 :oo a.m., 8 :oo a.nm., 9 :o5 a.m. and real leaders are gone and that mdi- hourly to 9:05 p.m. viduality and personality are com J Jatkson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor)--9:47 a.m., and every two hours pletely submerged and unappreciated? to 9:47 p.m. Let us look at it this way. At the Local Cars East' Bound-7 :oo a.m. and ev- er two hours to 9-:oo p.m.,tr :oo To back of each group action, and di- Ypsilanti only--i1:40.p.m., 1:15 a.m. rectly responsible for all the work To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. done by that group may always be p. LncalCars West Bound-7:5o a.m., za:io found one man. No great work in To Jackson and Kalamazoo - Limited cars any branch of endeavor may be ac- 8:47, 10:47a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.m. any ranc of ndeaor my beac- To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8 :47 complished without the continued p.m.JL work and leadership of some single individual or of some small group of 12 Individuals. ,No accomplish- ment can be reebrded without the S T W T F S commanding genius of some strong 1 4 6 79 minded man who stands out above 10 "11 12 13 14 15 16 the crowd, directing their united 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 work. 24 25 26, 27 28 29 30 To say that individuality and per- Start Right With a Good Hat! sonality are lost in the mass action We do all kinds of HIGH CLASS of today is untrue. The man who has Cleaning and Reblocking of hats at[ the strongest of these is the man low prices for GOOD WORK. When whom you will find back of every un- you want a hat done RIGHT bring dertaking, and of every group or cor- it to us, our work is regular FACTO- poration. No banker will loan money RY WORK. Hats turned inside out to a corporation or company unless with all new trimmings are like new he knows that there is a real leader or a small group of real leaders behind r We also make and sell POPULAR that ccmpany,-men who are strong PRICE and HIGH GRADE hats, FIT enough and honest enough to merit THEM TO YOUR HEAD and save you the confidence of everyone. Even in a dollar or more on a hat. We give the' labor unions, where group action valuesand quote prices which cannot is the strongest, the leader is again 'be excelled in Detroit or anywhere found. In themost republican formsd s else. Try us for your next hat. of government where rule is suppos- FH edly by all the people, you will find FY HAT STORE leaders. 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 Leadership is inherent. Genius and (Where D.U.R. Stops at State Street) strength will always be recognized. COMINO Manslaughter" ? WHAT IS IT P FOR EXPERT PEN REPAIRING RIDER'S PEN SHOP 808 S. State St. 24HORSEVIE- AIr 11 .s, t Does really your family know y~u? Or do they judge by old pictures ( OLLEGE age is one of sudden develop- ment; y ou th learns quickly and shows, his maturity. Your, parents will watch interestedly every change. A new photograph is the best record" of advancement you, can send: I1 Down in the Sub-Cellar "That was ma close shave you last night," she said to him. had Night Editor-HARRY D. HOEY. TO HELP THE 'fHREE .HUNDRED According to statistics, approxi- mately one-fourth of. the students at Michigan in some maner or other con- tribute either 'wholly or partly to their own support. During the past; this enormous perc'eitage of men working their way through has earn- ed for Michigan the admirable name of "the poor man's college". The 'gen- eral atitude and close companionships betwkhe self-supporting students' and those who are not, has done much to maintain this reputation, and per- haps even more has been accomplished by the willingness of business men in Ann Arbor to employ student help wherever it is possible to do so. At present, however; three hundred men who desire to 'work their way through Michigan, find themselves un- able to get a job. The Wniversity Em- ployment bureau is making every ef- fort to get these men placed, but it is a hard task for a city the size of Ann Arbor to absbrb so many workers at one time. Eventually, when the first rush is over and things take on a more nor- malraspect, the present situation will be at least to some degree remedied. Meanwhile; if there is any individual, family, shopkeeper,, oorganization, in whose service either skilled or un- skilled labor is needed, the Univer- sity Employment bureau offers three hundred intelligent men and the chance to help someone earn an edu- cation. 1 - # "Ex-Crown Prince to Head Colony in Mexico City." Hot carrambas! Must we now con, eiid methods in future revolutions? TERRIBLE JOKES "That man takes a big interest in lending money?" State Street Nights De Joisey Boid, which hes dun lots' of choipin in this sheet they give thel Summer Daily monicker to, is in again. Hes gonna do lota sizzlin for this here kitchenette column, espe- cial hes askin you to not forget and look out for 'his red hot puns. Coupla nights ago I was boulevard-I in State street, which is a capital place, sorta lookin over the lay of the land. I stops in front of the Union watching the freshmen tip their pots to Dr. Lovell when a snappy looking she-male, sorta second Julian Eltinge le was, account you coudnt ges was, he or not, walks up to me and shifts his sweet-smelling pipe into neutral, shuts off the gas and parks along- side me. Golly he hisses handsomely the sun making his gold food clamps look like _,a Klondike washout golly, what a difficult town to find one's way about in. So I comes back at him, zatso? Yes, yes, I have just returned from Ypsilanti and I am weary. You mewji leary I says but not aloud and then louder Zatso. Yes, I went to have my nails mani- cured there and he storta blushed like Annette Kellerman after a nose-dive. Gosh buddy I choips but why did- n't you go down the Union instead of trailing down to Normal town. Well, he says sorta shy and slow and looking up the Union steps- to where the flunkey hangs out, well, I've only been here one week and I_ I--- It's time you had yours taken I No matter how much the is hidden'or what form it the- fact remains that it is always will be.' leadership may take, there and REAL PEN SERVICE RIDER'S PEN SHOP PEN SPECIALISTS 308 S. State St. PE RSHING AND HIS MEMOIRS (N'x York Tmes) As General Pershing is a man of considerable ability in the way of en- forcing his legitimate wishes and pgaferences on other people, it is distinctly surprising, as well as sad, to learn that he has changed his mind about renting at Great Neck for the winter simply because, his purpose, to do so having become known, lie feared that he would not have the privacy and freedom from interrup- tions he wanted while engaged in writing a book on the World War. But surely, at Great Neck or some- where else, the General should write his memoirs, and he should get at them soon, while his memory of the Great Adventure is fresh and no 'ac- cident has befallen his documents. He, beter than any other American, is qualified for settling some of the most interesting controversies started by the war, and it would never do for him to be the only outstanding figure of the world-shaking struggle not to write a book. In his case it would not have to be one of exculpation and defense, and as little would it be one of accusation-, of "now it can or must be told." A VETERAN ACTOR (Philadelphia Public Ledger) John Drew begins this season his FROM FACTORY DIRECT TO YOU WAITERS' COATS Jfor mZ1en c8,-9A Xnce 16'4,f Portraits- Quality 619 East Liberty Street II I,, ยข. . A . ..F. .., . . . .. J) t.. S Q l iDa a u ,tzs . :z ., oa a .a . i, a i.r THE NEAR EAST Things in the Near East to date seem more annoying than either dan- gerous or alarming. True it is propa- ganda has been rampant and headline streamers on daily newspapers have struck terror into the bosoms of many. But very often the rumors of wars, be they ever so unfounded, cause more alarm and distress than the news of the actual declaration. The latest press dispatch has it that Mustapha Kemal Pasha, leader of the Turkish nationalistic forces, has con- sented to join with the allies in a conference to be convenedalatsMuda- nia on or about October 2. At this [eonference an attempt will be nmalde to settle theabone of contention which is the status of the Dandanelles and the Bosphorous. Also the demands of Turkey to Constantinople and, other parts of the neutral zone which at present is under the supervision of the League of Nations will be con- sidered. x e F 91 V y l ~, al A beautiful coat of black gerona, trimmed with fan- cy black stitching. Lin- ing of gray canton crepe. $69.50. Other coats, $25 to $185. Second Floor f S' UDLENVT ACTIVITIES ' 11 Athletics In all probabilities some agreement will be arrived at, for according to the An activity whose scope in one British prime minister himself, the branch or another is wide enough to . ..' appeal to the average healthy indi- only to savethe prairie fire of Tur- vidual, is athletics. Not only do those ish warfare from reaching into Eu- students whose ability and .prowessrope and catching the ever present are such as to make them promising dry timber in the Balkans. None of for Varsity competition participate, the European coulntries can afford ut also those who are primarily in-war, especially at this critical time of terested in bodily development and reconstruction. recreation. The latter find vent for their enthusiasm in intramural, in- terclass, and interfraternity compe- lievs etatlducaton mae bee tition. lieves that education makes better Viewed as a whole theranye of ath chorus girls, for "The better educated; letics at Michigan includes five ma- a girl may be, the more spiritual and I Well, that guy up there-pointin to fiftieth year. of' stage success, and the flunkey-I was afraid he wouldn't many journals near and far are show- let me in without the password. i ing the veteran how pleasant is the And yet they say the Gargirl's the word of appreciative appraisal ut- only funny thing round here! tered while the subject of them DE JOISEY BOID. still can know what is said of him. "Blow, ye winds . ."I Naturallyk heafeels pride in the old Of all the colds that I have ever had school, and his memories are peopled The one I've got is positively the with the aristocracy of a great pro- worst. fession in plays that the elder gen- The others have at times been pretty' eration recalls with a satisfaction bad, akin to affection. But for all that, But now, I blow my nose until I he does not laud the bygone day af burst. the expense of the present. He 1' I'd like to bury my impurpled mug words of hail for the newcomers as Into a stein or salutory jug well as farewell to the old order. In- Of rum. , stead' of lamenting a decadence I And if it gets much doggone worse prefers to find and declare the good I'll get elected to a hearse in the modern trend that some arc By gum! viewing with nothing. but dismay. John Drew's most successful im- Our Idea of a Good Job personation is his own crowded half- Being the new traffic cop in the century of stage performance, repre- parking space back of Mason hall. senting consistently the figure of gen- tility and good breeding, the philos- "Who' is your favorite 'indoor opher of humor close to pathos, the sport?" genuine friend and finished gentle- "George." ~ man that he is on or off the stage. I We easily can forgive him if he nev- This is a warning. 'er thundered and towered as a heavy ---tragedian; if he never wrapped about , l There Is An Outward Grace- EAUTY springs from within. But there is an out- ward grace, a pOise, a- a A coat-soft in tex# ture,, wrappy in line touched by the magic of artistic design5 warm and sug-may clothe one in an outward grace that transcends even I consciousness of style, ( a ._ I , V.1 fitness, which has untold power to waken and coax to the surface all the latent charms that lie in the soul of woman. That outward grace is the grace of dreCssI beauty l And'suen ate I - the coats you will find here for fall ad Winter? Newe Smait Chic 0 Popular, pnIced 1 Goodvear"s t r l1