WEATHER Y; UNSETTLEDl TODAY Y AIW, WNW a u Ad I YEAH TEA!? THE (x'OPIEIIS 1 ; ,.: , ..XXXIII. No. 51 ~ANARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, N~OVEMBER 22, 1922 PRICE FIVE CEN~ . ............ ----- --.--.r BUTNf101 AS RECIPIENT OF SENRTORIAL TOGA', Political Defeat Cornlumbus Spurs Canididate EPASZSNLV , e To Nw Efors g U 5 INLEAUEi ttNe . lScher Ieriiorn. Stre es Importan'ce of ,4;., 4 Iter iutttl YUnityIief ore Journalists Lawyer Assistant aey General Rh f v j - ..Tr wb l ' ."1 PLEDGES AMTO TEAM min iw MR CO S D R D L XU 1 7U U " AE O O I ,S T,,irl FTO TRU NAN H. NEW BERRY , . .E .AN"' 'R")'i .HE SAY AS SENATOR *..~F AtEOTlESY *. GROEBECK~"lit A "n order to. have a confederation { Y of states of ,the world in 'a spirit -fF'L01OW "LA G R FIL;RW-AGE ....,understanding, c-oneration,,and help- : " ,s: " I I ' ;; fulness, the League of Nations must ! . PLEAS PRESENTED TvO STUDENT I sm#Pats+S , be omnrised of all the powers of the BODY TO SENDI)B AN I) TrO gest Candidates; Potter is 7' .v,'or ld, n ndtitsLe. United States should ~$ L E4T Prominent .. ne nti eguo to aid in the so- lu on o the serious probemsthat,,fr:, BUTTERFIELD 0 F F E R S (B Ascite res)'confront the European nations,"ie-, r k PRO MA C EC IT Lansing, o.i21.-Whrests) el clared James Schernerhorn, Sr, for-! r. 7 an ing N o . 2 W hi e t e feldI ie~2r editor if the Deoit Tim es, in an of candidates continued to grow, spec- adress 'given last night before the I ommznittee' Will S1i ct oday For Student Press club at "its 'regular <. Ntded Fumid or trip utlation as .tt the probable successorr uconhdatheLn. Thpakrotlndth ei Expenses to Senator Truman H. Newberry took The spon edatthoutlinthn erou. on new impetus tciday.. cosequences of :the decreasing vale ichigan's Varsity band will be on Telegrams and messages fronm ev- Q urnyi uoe ytligo the field at the Minnesota game next d to hae his bckersand theerrmithexincsof tlmer a lue Atr- uut~.Syor o' opest hm a h e cry section of the state were pouringTh43 {;flinfn th eprec fteAeia I Aolust T. Seynmour Saturday if the studet body responds in upon Gov, Groesbeck. Every prom- eUndiscouraged °by. her recent- de- 1lar ill" through eght countries in Atony ugsT.SmurCl-opeamdeothm ttepp inen Reublcanfigre n Mchi a t, Lady.,Teriintrniz wife of Lord i the old world ;during the war. audtorium Terntn~j~cnbl.efrteemphasized the .fact that the econoic freeigattongt n'Hileyoiu aendtheyofsitmanionsof elec European warring na- A rsn oeo h oe a wrurnguo thgoenrhis house of cnreices Inn Washington, tercn'le D. C. A rsn oeo h oe a weeugnguoh gve r tins As a "Lileral 'fi 0111t, e ,So t o ina xreeydneos__________________-been raised by donations from alumi- qualifications for the place. cni~nadta twudtk Baker adKlyLo Bucks distri'ct;plans to continue her couto n ht twud tk i and other men interested in see- A number ofane ly telegrams weroo cev I ivitfes in politics: and, is Confident AttViece's assistance to solve these rJ''IV llI wdidrigHretF er and hatthereslt xvgill be; the' economic"questions. Referring to theLHUI RL ing Michigan's champion team well Patrick H. Kelley, two of the defeated next general election, which se :be- baagnie, the editor stated that the s supported at the game next Satur- the enatria nomnatin.-Othes OrllyexpetedUnited States inst go in now, or they dy candidates in the primary race for Ilee ilcoesverthni e ill be forced to °get in latero. adP T day. Offers Theater Receipts metind lonT Rbrta e~ 4erv~ has never stood aofaiEMj LI W. S. Butterfiei, owner of the Nla- he ftepio omiso.C lllnsnmpathetc to t'e nations of .the I N~js~ n Arcade t;heaters, has ofe- r Tlord , l'a h vr und efIed half the proceeds from both his grsman Joseph W.Fordney' was l phPoteon Wo.temot rear tine l, Peals. for cooperation,! irt Da5 .,;of, Ctontertae Dc itoted evening performances, at the Majes- re o m n e ns m esgs a dati nand fl , rn other sufrn Laigelyto eieral :tic tonight, and the same amount from I I 0M,00., l..:aid .lr. Sermeraorn. He I - icusion the perormance at the Arcade tomor- qun" etond ncnecinwt o nted ot that it was necessary for.- row night. The show playing at .the the ppontmnt, ad anysuport-yop .tr reov r fom ll o th ei- 'Majestic tonight is Owen Moore in Takaon h aitltdy.;,..' ,; typ~t'~~vrfo alo h x UAIZATJO' IN OFTHREE,' onom lt e 1Tfects of. the: war, in order to C oMIWSSLONVS A RRNED "Love is an Awful Thing" and is con- Takaon h aia oa n-i;'-ta giti etablfli hthie curreficy onf a firm ! - ceded by those who have already seen eluded Dr. Marion. Leroy Burton,I "The Kigt of 'G8.Te.$ 7lng :.ese,"! b~.sI o~ the show to be one of the best pi- president of the University of Michi Cosn Veift ,El) ieja~ l peaigt te oraitl~(BY'Assoiated Press) trspae hr nsm ie h igan, and Joseph S. Haggerty of De- ; Force .'"u}:gad that "they extendtheir,'range Of asaie Nv 1. h;Uie tickets will remain at the regular tnrt as" possible' choices and there ____., ietgto byndhirwn - States. played a brief part in'the near prce were rumors that' Crand Rapids man DANGERS WIL O PtjJD I "ptobnt and become acquainted with theeatcfrectoaRcadW The Chicago alumni, who are an- wihose name has so far not been. n- "if- ,Aeicn abssdrt tionel,. might have the call on the DAgcES Esituations in the wr 'ie icned tad Italy,' making, a declaraton before the at the Minnesota game have offered I - assembled dlegatns,, ofhee.warsandotold seat. f, , ".. y go"!Cthe efforts of, these nationzs to' re- I a'e~lddlgts~ftepsto their support and aid. The proceeds 4aroeslleck'Stient Scenery which di~pctsCie the i,P coet fni the effects.of the wa. the -official, observers 'representing'~I fo a smooker which is to beheld will Mleanwhile Gov. 4roesbeck remain-I of. art old, playhouse; of then ttime ",,of' r.:Shrnjkrhor, Xouiching oin the Amei h' e turned over to the band. 'They ced non-commnittal. his only cokmment Queeti. Elizabeth wil°1l aho oe f the : si,"i movemetnt "in Italy, ae Aie'ican pa~ticipation :in the con-e ;t httey wl :;;the appoi ntnt ws that apt , .. n e.,j of, C&i t,4 Mthe revoluion was'i. e ,firt ferNce -cn s f.onigI h'raise Between400 anid$0 for he iationis were plentiful. Ie tated that .~i ta*whr~nupi prsn adbgnl .usn"ad' garlg a a sexpenses of the band. Oter alumni hle probably would not announce an Te ..u >g,.h- e 'wiceby fafl tid n fi whe lassupri n h egureut epoete nt bodies Cave also assured their sp-mei n lthr:t~eeetd ttsfesms epoetdt h apontetfor two orthree days tionndFethr ;re p n ev wi te soidlts wee ndwth etepsil htwih te Uie r"",appointmentswer nt teprig-itte eeport as alumni all over the, contry -least. by Masques at 8 Iik hi venng ;intof's. interest of America and the rest of i em anxious : ,at the band be .pres- ,The governor's statement, issued irk' n Hill auditoriulm. i7e 'cast will ' be I fn 4ditely after the ad~res, "ihej the world. The Ameican observersan Detroit Monday, halted much of the ltergt,, t . e fte lb a vmll not, vote, or .act as members of enttisls ppaac-,fti composedaper of theY clubowan.years already famous team. tAalk hinting at his resignation as the rcompdosed ewee onideedforan o thofmmssinsmeTn.lfTag 7o- tacetteThe play, which" is a burlesque, e ianslnswrecnidrd o nyo te oi assions elTgs ody state's executivetapthe send- Iin a lighter vein than any yet oradiuc- future t mcetngs. ,.Ml woSsin At the cose of the pep meetllig last to's toga. There was still Bone dis- e ytecu~ n rn1~~omtITWO sessions of the conference Wem ih ukt ere plcdagtedo position in certain' quarters, however, with unqualified pprova1, 8f the au di- _______________ _hedtdylt h is n h r in which those present cotiotda to hrold' the bell f that the governor ia ganzation of three commissions was dolaror 0cet.Tesdnspr- wolcofrnhtpstintoama.hoIence. It is said 'that althou h° first _ sarangd;denfistonpoltialan would turn it owz and that he would presented more than 300 year agoitMe ph e military' matters, with an kinlis'et epodd osrng seeches d his almost inistinguishable'in -struc- L st A te {ai chairman;, the second on economics, madp at the meeting in which' it was then listen to those, who have beenL ure from present day burlesques. ,6S'financeGameandhowublic healthatiowithWea urighmtGot ahntnhm otumes "Authenitic'j 4t French chairman, and the third on ! gan spirit depended 'ol how thet stu- self. Ispecial care' has' been taken ,in the ppaigtMihgnsuettociulinmoryppltoaddent body supported the band in this -utnadPotrSrn production, to reproduce in the cos- help ,rind his megaphone, which' he smlar questions, under an Italian ! crisis. i If then governor is to chose his ap- tumes, the dress of the time in which Ils nAnAbr'audyadms hiun Today the remainder of the Student pointee from those Wihose "names have :the action is laidl. Thie 'women willhaefrteCiaog enxtS- Teatronssiowsdvtd body will be given an opportunity 4to: been recomm endedI to him in the mnes- oisstaei upr sae ieeie s ar t sgee appear with wired dresses 'anid ruff 1 urdlay, tGstavus Tuckerman, Jr?., 'Wis- ;largely to general discussion and ad- dois!lr, nspport of the project sags rceiedseafar itisgen "x15, collars, while the male characters will coein vasiyheerlader 1weot dressesiiwihascesu ucm'o h aps ml atbad thatevedythatthem are g be dressed in 'the tights and leathern o i T vaity ocad ei hs igt o e nwihasccsflotoewill be printed signifying that Cte conerece as redcte. wares ave contributed. The men far in the Ied-.'. " 'erinspecuiar to 'tihe timieg.' TcrmnewaeeatatafeeTe'rseesheea.vareeo U.V: Potter, te fuel; admiunstra- ueemnepandta fe Therkin I wh arerinchargeBfrtherwrk stat toro an mme fte a. - Aother unusual feattre of, the p'ay leavin . erry field Saturday he had j the French .,elegation, Marguis di U waeihthae poof th .orsaede pulc ill be ytle entrance of th play phudt-carete'hrwihhmadlfit(GroifrthIainLdCuootofhsebis utilities commission, whose name has Ioc ihtera uine hogh Iedt ehr-wt i and l ftharroitifrshe anan Lord C fur,~ n niiul'wohv fee hi bieen 'in the, foitfroint since. f. irit tcue. aites.the palm teebers will, hon the. prch of the Alpha Chi 9n : o heBiih ndBrnIIyshfo biecame noizsed arouuxd .that Senat r eteat eea fte oksorority house -while' making a call the Jananese. M Barieres address heacknd arheaobl amut f Newberry n sets~several., of ,t to, folkinside. ;On coining 'Out lhe discov- smuacked strongly of the old tinme i- bcigby testudents, the band I~lewerry ight ttl 1ng t G dances popuilar 23, wil impersonate " is sh ell o pro h s-keigi'a a(By, Associated P ress) Opig aa;.n the othier haind there is the possi rws. or esnwIo- sk wife. The unfortunate lover is played ropyorsuvnrofte ae n Chcago Nov. 21-The weternIIAS'METIN TOBAY biiythttechiema.ialycm. by Ruth Chiri'tenseti ,'24. The littliwhio -will be glad to return it when he conference 'football title, won last - ffron the field of names not mentionedI boy dancers _uwho .pefonfor "Ctu~ear=tetu atso h ae n year by Iowa, ay not have an uin- ;C02"IT'PEE (CHAIRUMEN WILL OT inmsaeicudn hre .pences" are ,CatrIlel ,'.eriidt;.,.~ esnwohsth ono nw disputed caimant this year as Michi- LINEPROGRAM. OF ATIVITIES, Warren, Mayor James Couzens of tDe- anpHrteseon Who h Hadisasktehon oy he;gn knondChcaosn p).YA trot, nd ho ofothrs.In ny n aditon, diectd af dm~cng hatletic assorciation office or call 167. No Idefeated and should the three win event the gu sties at the probilable ap- occurs in the play. ,''Iqusonwilb akd - , next Saturday in the season's final Members of the senior literary class pointee, so ar, are based U'poti t'h he 'e ntirspretentwiionbeisasked. purest conjecture. the -'npae -four of 'this issue, in the gamie the conference honors will be !w ill meet at 4 o'clock this atroni Tere arne cuetin amn the sunevisioiV pf- Vr4f." J., Rlelgh 1CapsOii n" column, Tucker- charged by the ti. NaturalJ Science auditorium in what is meN Ie opof the H guish1 ttd ar n1nt, who anspea 'for the megaphone IS pr- 1ajor J L. riffithi, commissioner of expected to be one of the biggest Son- the two mentioned above, who afe be- directed ' "The Yellow -Sachet" 'and , wi t,l athietics in -the conference announced or class meetings ever held. The en- lieved to 'have the call among thefim e 11 LitU< LU LUL."" ______-- lito aniae.:u h gv 'ygmalion ," two pf, last ear' s camp7 I! tonight that there is no decision in rollment of the class tils Year is the hare slgiv cndniniat ion wut ho bv itus 4ramatic efuccesseg. Y'tlckets aro r grmIthe-rules' for a' post season play-off, ;largest it has ever been, iore than will be or whether it will "be any of.c(~ au i -IV re and the rule limiting the conference 1,700:. "_______-Fr season' to seven games would'd r'ventf It is expected' that business will be th i ncnierdi h un g.ICIABl F'OMEC PNBa dB u cdeciding c*ntest. -. brought up which should be given at- ASS MEETIN I APPICATIONS FOR SPECIAL j US ~13E IN BY NOON TODAY IFraternities and organiza-'f t iiis which are,sponsoring the 1sendinig of a man to Rmnnapols I areo uri- d r arep~ort as soon Ias possible to the'commitee lit Icharge of the special 'tiah ar. Iranmgement at the hJnlon. It isI imperative, the committee state, I 1 isi reports be in by noon today Iin order that .final details may be. 1 arranged wiith Cho railroad on- I paies. ' 'with the 'amnouncenent that1 the band will 'tAke the trip into I Ithe, Gophers' tertiiory, It is be 7 lieved that 'many who have not 1I yet slgned for the spiecWa will a do so immediately. , I f Applications for tickets should I Ibe .made to Dennis Donovan,I (I heuse manager of the Union. Clenencean Dec~ares. ifllitarists .Ar Planning New ,Coup, :in first Americanu Address % UIRGES U. S. TO ENTER TRIPLE ALLIANCE TO.' CHECK -REVOLT New York; Nov. .21.-The ilitarists ld Oermtany already- ard preparing an- othe wa' eorges 'C erenceau, for- iner pr ie ' o 'ai°rr ei camed toJ! night in the first address .of'his Amer' icon tour. "Don't you read the newspaper?" he demanded. "Don't you know what that means ?" The Tiger of' France spoke at the metropolitan opera house," pointing to a rapid reapproachmnent of the Turks anq soviet Russia as imnminent war clouds. Oppose Deniocrslc Government In time meantime he declared huden- dorff and other German "'nilltarists were planning a coup against the l'dem- ocratic government there. Describing the present -as the greatest' crisis, he urged that the, United States shoud renew her alliance with :France and England, which without definitely committing this country to any fixed program Would present -to German eyes the three who. faced her in the war. He said that sooner or .'ater America would have to enter into the wars of Europe. He expressed the hope that the Un- ited States might establish aipan a to what was to be done in carryni out the ternms of the peace treaty and join with England and France in im-1 posing it on: Germany. Urges. Americans to Act Ile declared that "America has had 'a large share in imposing the peace terms and had a duty to see they wer jenforced., 1Challengi'ng the worth of Germany'e, signature to a treaty, 'the' Tger de- clared that i5f-France had known4- 1918 that reparations would have been unpaid four years later she would have gone .on to Berlin... The Tiger , received a great' burst of applause for 1Y1,aCem~eneau who proteted that he caine to America on no ofcial is- simmi but as a, private citizen, declared that representation was an Amlerica idea because President Wilsopn, ad comne forward with his, famous 14 points. STUDENT TAKES. SFIGHT TFO COURT PEP SPEAKERS DECRY SHOW OF CAkPUS4 SPIRIT OF OVERt. CONFIDENCE 50 NEEDED TO SIGN FOR TRIN TO BAJDGER CAMP Quota For Special1 Must Be Realized -Today To Secure Temporary PeRll Rates- M ichigan spirit was Worked up to a high pitch last night at the pep meeting 'in 'Hill auditorium when it was put directly up to the student body to'. prove the quality of their support.'' The 'speeches iwere necessarily short; as the meeting had to be over bY .8 o'clock but a great deal was donee in arousing" the audience to the appreciation of the nmeaning of the Minnesota game which is to be hel.d next Saturday. Goeb el 'Lands Cooperative Spirit Paul Goebel, '23E, captain of the football teani, said that he believed that this year's team was one of the finest that has, ever been at Mich- igan and laid its success to three things;', first to the men themselves who worked honestly and faithfully and in full ' hariony, second to the coaches, andt third' to the fine spirit displayed thus far by the students tieniselve s. At' the same time, he do- cried the spirit of overconfidence which tends to prevail, saying that the team ,anticipated no easy ganme with Minnesota. Goebel was backed up in his state- ments of the' strength of the Minne- sota team by Assistant Coach A. J. ~Sturznegger who quoted statistics showing that this team is one of the strong~est Michigan has. played and assured -the audience that tis would not' be an, easy 'game. He said that the tearsm would need all the moral, back~ing and support for its battle with Minnesota -that the student body can give it, and while'praising the spirit shown thus far this year, hoped that this loyalty would be carried' on tq the end of the season. 50~ More Sought F~or Special "Fifty more signers are need'ed to assure the special train for Minne- sota, and those signers must be ob- tained immediately," said T~honlas I1 Underwood,. '23)_, president of the. Union. Up to last night, only a small number of students had signified their Intention of going. The railroad officials will not grantf the special tramn with its special rate unless a definite answer can be/re- turned this noon. Men were at the door' of the auditorium at the close.o the, meeting signing men for the'se cial. Men who wish to sign. up shmould do so this morning at the Union where the books will be kept open until 12, o'clock. The meeting was closed tby a p'ea for the support of the band inade a Jack K'elly, '24. Kelly point edout thq necessity 'of the bandi and , arge num- ber 'of rooters being w~ith the team za. Minn'esota at this crisis in Michigan; 'football history and received an un- aninious pledge of support,. ,) ' I ii I . . t j CHIOOSE FRESLJIT CLASS COMMI'JTTI F'reshman lit committees for coming ' year have beenl annonc4 Royal, F.- Cherry, president of class. The social committee is Iposed of Lorenz Vas under, chair. Daniel Quirk, Charles Sapp, R Bennett, Leo Maas, KatherineI Loraine Parent, Josephine ,Clark ma Mlaz, and Margaret Mogk. The finance comimittee is com, of Charles W. Grube, chairman, al- Cherry, Margaret Rice, -Ke; Mlorgaridge, and Charime Lea Those on the advisory conmittte Royal Cherry, chairman, MVar Rice, -Charline Fleming, Ke Morgaridge, Lore i z Vasbr Charles Grube, and Frederick I er.- Those on the auditing comr are Fredrick Parker9, chairman, J Finn, and John Stokoe. The social committee will this 4ternoon at 4:30 o'clock in 204 University Hall. BAND NEEDS $2WO ICommitteemen in ch~arge Ithe funds to send the band (innesota have announced t' TO MEBERSJU HP APPLICATIONS YOST TO TALKIN "N, Y. Coach Fielding I. Yost has been I assked to speak' before the meeting of' the National Collegiate -Athletic asso ciation, to be held on Dec. 28 in New York city. The association is an or- ganization of athletic directors of the' major schools throughout time country, Coach Yost has not yet announced the Persons University Commerce bership in tails with. body will reur o~~1 ft inte'rested in joining the of Mfchigan Chamber of. Thay now apply for mem- the organization. FullI de- regard to the work of the be, given subsequent to the I-"fin, seven seasons since 1910 -there!1 IPlans for the annual fall band have bden d4sputed claims to the bounce, to be given by the NMarsity championships," Maj. Griffith said,!1 l band on :Nov. 28 in. Hill auditdrium, "and as long as there are ten teams include music, vaudeville, and a spe- In the conference with six or seven cialty dance. of them turning out splendid elevens, The band will open time program, every fall, disputed claims to the title'1 and wi01l probably be followed by Bur- will likely result."3 'ton Hyde, '251\, who~ will play a, ma- rimnbaphone solo. Hortense Hoad,- J-HIOP CO_-)MITTEE AVILL HOLD '24, and Gordon Wier, '24, will give the P IRELIMINARY NEETIMG TODAY specialty- dance. Robert Dieterle, '23M, will render a vocal selection, J-Hop commmittee members from the tendion by every member' of the class. Clas's comnmittee chairmen will 1)e in-I troduced, and an outline of their re- spective programs of the year given.)1 Thme social committee has announce- ments to make regarding the social functions planned for the year. I Election of two men to represent the class in the Student council for the re- mainder of the year. will be held at this nmeeting. Robert D. Gibssn, '23, class president, will preside at the Imeeting. Ata preliminary hearing this after - noon in Judge..Thomas' 'Justice court, Tames Nichols, 332 Maynard street] pleaded "not guilty" to a charge of assault and. battery preferred by Na- than A., Glass,' '23, yesterday after- noon. The alleged assault and 'battery is said to have taken. place in the 'Col- lege inn, campus restaurant where Nichols works, Monday -afternoon, when Glass says he was struck wit- 'out provocation, causing his, head andI IApplications may be procured fromI the general secretary in roopm 141 of the Natural Science budlding; phone 1223-NI', or from Miss, Avis L. 'Mabs, !