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November 21, 1922 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-21

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.10 -

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ni0 AI f only Card~ual player who could gain Ishone Smnith. Rosatti, Steele, and Puaki caught with three Wolver-
" I W~f T against the Maize and Blue with any Slaughter played powerful football inres around him. Michigan must,
Yu IMdegreeof consistnc. Kipke, how and it was not until the game was' rather than bewail the invasin of
evr adcapdb . c il time well along that the expected happenedj her sacred territory, tale comfort in
a-[~(ftertm aeevdneo i mirac-enthbeg s tch weakss croppednotteenccteleaenshe is the only Confer-
v rri oe II lous offensive power. I uf aetrun uhvams rpe u neeee in two yasto costhe
jB j,,armoL a prfeM Pn-insIrSuonN ai hd ben feaed. Badger goal line. This the Wolver-
_.- 'Uteitzplaed is sua hedy neshave done three times, oce in
G~ain 90 apIsto 783 Vor Enemy I yards to83 o Mcti~nbt tooitball t i ,,toG c hp e-'Igm, asl otenrln Br,12 when the teams battled to a 7
Excelingin Innn~lr, 'Ilsnagsiae feet headed toward the end on Badger pilot. Keefer was almost sel- to 7 t.e, incidentaly wrecking the
Exe n i ckuing (Pa~ii, IMaize and Blue returned thani a iota] which hie iv - serving as head lines- ational at times, his only miscues be s Wisconsin title hops, and twice in
of 30 yards to 23 for the Badgers. man. WVilliamns. de s pite his great speed, in- his falre to hang on to a pair of the gaire ;just passed. No other Bigj
BADGER LINE GIVEN EDGE Kipke and Taft were evenly mratch I- showed no such footwori:. / passes from Captain Goebel, both ofI Ten team has set foot over the Bad
FOR STRONGER DFE NSIVE ed in punting, the Wolverine kicker (ae,1,4 irk shinue which were, perhaps, a little too high Igrga ic 90
for the sophomore star. In runnings Mihigan is now turning every ef-
Fo thviwonofteaeaeaveraging 44 yards on 12 kicks, wthI Michigan's ends, Goebel and Kirk, the ends Keefer was almost a marvelI fort to a crushing defeat of Minne-
spetor the siepctoularebal e1'fte aantte stag-wn, hl playing the- last game on Ferry field,( on seYeral occasions, and Steger, who !sta. To achieve the title on a basis
spectato the spctacula ba7tloftthemI againstlythee sois ofwhendurwinhile
eon eryfedStra wihtethe Badger back spiralled lie oval 10weeailth lsofheouwng proceeded him in the combat, was al-i of comparative scores, the only way
Wovrn f ihgnvictor over the timner for an average ~ f 45 yadwpith mnnel ldsm ret oko so responsible for some worth while now possible, the Wolverines mut
WovrieofMcignjld iscosin's ri lit flank, and his game 14.
Badger of Wisconsin by 'a 13 to G scorej but four of his punts against, the I1tugl to stay in afte his * running, his work in the first few mn- better Iowa's 28 to 14 triumph over t e
wa oeofte ot vnl cnes-breetSx omlteBsssgotof. utes being particularly spectacular. Gophers. Michigan holds the edge at
was ne o th mos evnly ontst- weee. Sx cmplee wses n -O~n the third quarter were high lights Wsosni h is lvnt e
ed grid struggles on the local grid- nine attempted is the remnarkable o icni' prt u h agr Wsosni h is lvnt e present, recognized by al critics as
7iof Wisconsin'alspiritebutitheonadger foot behind the Michiganu goal line jthe greatest Conference eleven, but
io.in years.. t tetr em h iciaeeia vrgwihoei- trn w s ac orKrk rih
terceptedl, while 117scniuold corn- vtra!a nachfr ik Iih this s,ason, bt Michigan dare not be- Minnesota is still an obstacle to a
Wisonsn lst o abeter eam th !itn , was esiy outgeneralied by ;
superiority of which is not realized fil- please only an equal quantity -n 13Cati obl and iby Nei-ch<; olgr~uge the Badgers that :icore. They j clear caim. Although Wisconsin may
ly until one makes a careful perusal tries, six facing and ono bein~g inter-' scaptaedeb elMcia edri h earned it, and earned it on ote of the; down Chicago on Saturday, it is a
of the vital statistics of the game. In cepted. Thus Michigan conpeted 66 sceddteMc~a edr i ms tuifhem-ak ihsoe; , otin htIw wl aen
pitoyadg gandteWle-2-3 percent of her forward l heaves iiriaanBltweeheiesi could well imagine, crossing the ,ie trouble with Northwestern. It's on
ines garnered a total of 126 yardsi with but a 45 per cent ave mn wo tod hadandshule on a forward pass of real merit that to Minneapolis" for the Wolverines.
more than,'their Cardinal opponents, o gesand Mthe 5rhrcesabv h adnl owrsopst
Michigan totalling 906 yards to the o the Maize and Blep esi them. This much mnay be said for
clearly shown by the 1 t, aready L
Badgers' 783.toe, htNihgawih heIfichols, Wisconin cener; he madel
tijgan Superior metioepthtrMchianssehshedespite the slipper y
This yardage is divided as follows:; same number of completed pas c onito oahebll hieatlasI
Opunts Michigan totalled 527 yardsWiensgand4 i'ya . two niust be charged up to the Michi-
adWsosn40anonreturning Bage LneRa-n pivpot. Bint, inl all around playing,
punts the Yostm n gained 34 spaces,,Wleinuoes phasen.of icholslxamsplaylyeclipsed by te
did Coach Richards' men outshine the Nihlja aiyt
to 12 for W4isconisin.. Michigan was WoIherine. Stan Muric ad easily out-
(learly superior on forward passing, Woveins5Wscnin ,wasc early ______
giig7yad whlth Bagm superior in the line. The B laegers Fal ine
gaiinga76l yrdswhie te Bdge,'.have, in ther powerful forward waeFl & Wne
were totalling but 42. From ctuaL -cmbntonta odsil rteI A'H 'U E
scrimmage Michigan was again far m binatiJon Thoaos, ill f~or ue AN HE SE
superior running the ball for a high ihy onToas ofCcao
mark qf 141 yards to 111 for the Car-'Swentrd inal and arussoon meeton j VAN FIELD, cut a little
dinal. Another 15 yards came Michi- Sauda.Tmetruto uapo,}higher, is the smartest
which have hitherto constitctrd ad r-
ga' a npnly hl h e-resistible force, were, for once, tuirn-MF of collars and the fore-
fet play of the Wolverines failed edbckb heteenospoe-01mstidct5nofgo
to net the Badgers a -'single advancol thetCardinal defense.o
by the transgression route. Wiscon- vn tthtte.getWovrn
sin sent her kick ~ h No~oghdgs~taste in dress.
shsnheki-osatoaof15fullback put over the first touchdown


cross the tape last Saturday in the
Harplham trophy race.,
The Conference race will include
about 15 schools, of which three stand
out as the strongest, Michigan, Iowa
State, and Wisconsin. However, other
teams have individuals who are pow-
erful runners and will fight for 1gow

1ftjr-4e-l Nlljres ROWen, bbell. Griffin,1 scores. Thme Wolverines have defeated
SIheneiield HIearek, RI nke i %cnsin earlier in the season ari
anwJ Arnii should be able to do this at the Con.
ferencei race. Nevertheless it. must
PUR IDUE COUIRSE D)IFFICUTLT; be admitted that the Badger hill and
WISCONSIN, AMlES LOOK FAST dale tmen have improved greatly dur-
____ (Continued on Page Seven)
Coach Steve Farrell announced yes-
terday that he will take the following HL jDT1IJl
men to the Conference cross country 5 .X R~.A
race at Purdue Saturday: Captain - --E E T IA
Bowen, Isbell, Arndt,. Reinke, Rearick,S OIREBARD I
Shenefleld, and Griffin. These men were !NOVEMBl[IER 205TH U
tha first seven men on the squad to
. t





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