THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 'OFFICIALY SET ASIDE TONIGHT FOR PARTIES Tonight lis officially designate'd as church parties night by all of the churches of Ann Arbor. These parties have been arranged to make it possible for all of vihe new students to get' acquainted as well as for all of the, older students to renew friendships. Some of the churches have been giving a series of parties toward the, latter part of registration week but this is the first time this year that a united effort has been made by all the denominations. Emphasis will be placed on the get-acquainted aspect of the socials and it is hoped by those in charge of the parties that every stu- dent will find his place and make the church of his choice a second home. The Methodist church will hold their party at "W!esley hall, the Baptist, Con- gregational, Disciples, and Presbyter- ian at their churches. The Episcopal- ian party will be held at Harris hall, the Lutheran' at Luther chapel, while. the Unitarian church will hold its af- fair at the, church Saturday evening. WOMEN STUDENTS APPLY FOR JOBS Applications for work for women students placed with the dean of women have increased slightly over other years. The demand for steno- graphic positions is far in excess of that for housework. Over 20 trained stenographers have applied, not in- cluding others who wish general of- fice wrk. I. Work from to two to five hours a. day in homes is available, 25 positions of this kind still being open, Women students desiring work are asked to communicate with Miss Mildred Sher- man in the office of the dean of women. MARRIAGE OF STUDENTS TO TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY Announcement is made of the com- ing marriage of Miss Hazel I. $torz, 122, of Royal Oak, Mich., ;to Paul W. Eaton, '21, of Jackson, Mich. The marriage will take place at the Pi Beta Phi sorority house at 4:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, Sept. 30. Miss Storz was a member of Mortar- board, . honorak society for senior girls, and was also a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Eaton was president of the Michigan Union in 1921. He was also a member of Michigamua, honorary campus society, and of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. } Visit the Chinese Gardens, 106 S. Main st.-Adv. WOMEN TO HAVE NEW INSTRUCTORS! New instructors Miss Ruth H. Dan- ielson and Miss Elizabeth Sehon have been secured in the Department of Physical Education to fill the places of Miss Emily Case and Miss Char- lotte McEwan, who resigned at the end of last semester. Miss Ruth H. Danielson, who is a graduate of the Department of Physical Education at Oberlin College, has taught in the Franklin school atBuffalo, N. Y., Mass. Miss Elizabeth Sehon holds a later doing industrial work in Boston, B. S. degree from the Department of Physical Education of the University of Wisconsin. PROGRAM OUTLINED FOR YEAR'S WORK Members of Senior society outlined plans for their years work at the first meeting on Wednesday night. One important phase of this work is their effort toward the organization of newly established league houses. Working in co-operation with the Women's league, senior girls will visit, those league houses which have asked for assistance, suggesting means of organization and seeing that they are in a smoothly running condition. ' When the organization of 'league. houses is completed, the neighbor- hood group plan will be introduced, whereby the houses will lose their entity and become closely associated4 with each other. - ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE OF STUDENTS' ENGAGEMENT Announcement was made at the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity Wednesdayt night of the engagement of Julius B. Glasgow, '23, to Miss Frances E. Whit- temore, of Ovid, Mich. Miss Whitte- more is a graduate nurse and was a] special student in the Literary College during last semester and the summer1 session. The wedding will occur fol- lowing commencement next June. DEAN IMIAITON ENTERTAINED BYBBOARD OF GOVERNORS Dean Jean Hamilton and the board of governors and house staffs of the various dormitories on the campus were guests of the board of governors of Helen Newberry residence at a luncheon given yesterday noon at the! Barton Hills Country club. - a Rider, the pen specialist.-Adv. a" h D F U MAN .omen Women wishing to enter the fall tennis tournament are urged to sign for it immediately. Notice of the tournament is posted on the athletic bulletin board in Barbour gymansium. Neva Lovewell, '22, who has been appointed to have charge of the un- dergraduate fund for the League building, will be in her office at Bar- bour gymansium from 8:30 o'clock: until 11 o'clock every morning, and in the afternoon by appointment only. Notices to be placed in this column will in the future appear on two suc- cessive days only. Manuscripts' for the Junior Girls' play are due Wednesday, October 25. Those who plan to submit plays are requested to do so on, or before that date if possible. Helen Delbridge will take charge of all contributions. Women wishing to try out for the Michiganensian staff will meet in the, press building at 3 o'clock today. Sophomores previously registered in the University are requested to have their heart and lung examina- tions some time this week at the University Health service. Y . All women who left any clothes in' -their lockers last June may get them from the locker rooms on Monday, Oct. 2, and Tuesday, Oct. 3. All upperclass women who wish to elect hockey, tennis, or archery are requested to meet at 5 o'clock Monday, Oct. 2, in Barbour Gymnasium. Chaperones for dances this week- end will be: Armory, Friday, Mrs. H. W. Cake; Saturday, Mrs. H. G. Berger; Union, Friday, Mrs. Yates Adams. Laundry Cases-the "Quick-Pac," at Wahr's University Bookstore.-Adv. ENTERING WOMEN ENJOY FIRST PARTY Dancing and stunts were the main features of the party given on Wed- nesday evening in Barbour gymnasium by the board of directors of the Women's league for all entering women. Music for dancing was furnished by a four-piece orchestra and the stunts were composed of songs and dances from "Sceptres and Serenades," last year's Junior Girls' play.} This party was for entering women only, the purpose of the affair being to give them a chance to meet each other and also to meet Dean Jean Hamilton. Theaters Today Screen Wucrth-"The Iron Trail," a Rex Bcch story; comedy and Pathe News. Miajestic-Tom Mix in "The Fighting Streak"; comedy and news. Arcade-Gloria Swanson in "Her Gilded Cage;" comedy, "You'd Be Surprised." Orpheum-Gareth Hughes in "I Can Explain"; and comedy. This Week Stage Garrick (Detroit)--Frances White and Taylor Holmes in the musical comedy, "The Hotel Mouse." IStudents Supply' 111 South University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, FountaiA Pens, Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos pam DEAN HAMILTON TO ADDRESS , Open Sundays from 9:30 to 4:30 NURSES ON MONDAY NICuT p. in. Lyndon Shop.--Adv. Nurses and the nursing staff of the University hospital will be addressed Monday night by Dean Jean Hamil- ton on the subject of "University Unity." Dean Hamilton said, "It is with a full understanding of the di- versity of background and an appre- ciation of the need for closer contact of all women of the University that this talk will be given." Important Notice Going to rent a typewriter? Mr. Morans office, Room 2, second floor, 711 N. Uni. Ave., will be open Monday, Oct. 2, where some bargains in type- writer rentals and sales will be, of- fered. Investigate.-Adv. For Pens and Good Repairing Ask a user: he will tell you Rider's aim- t I The Official FRESH TOQUES l i I TODAY AND SATURDAY TOMI MI X '' Jbr TI/en c Vince l4g "The Fighting Streak" COMEDY "The Landlord" TO NIGHT- FRIDAY - SATURDAY GARETH HUGHES - in -- "I OAK EXPL AIN" RIDER JOHNNY HINES - In - "TOROHY'S HOLDUP" THE PEN SPECIALIST 308 S. State St. FREE AEROPLANE RIDES To ten lucky people in Friday night's audience we will give a ticket good for a 20-mile ride in Capt. Walter Carr's 5-passen- ger German R.umpler Plane. NO CONTEST - NO STRINGS ATTACHED - Just be in the audience Friday night before eight-thirty. PRICES Balcony - 220 Main Floor. - 31 War Tax - 03c War Tax - 04o Total - 26c Total 6al COMING SUNDAY T WO-I FGEATURES-TWO JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S BUSTER KEATON "The ValleyI of Silent Men" I Cop I , I THE WORLD'S GREATEST AND MUSICAL ORGANIZATION sOU H I s N I THE REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER .THE ONLY PORTABLE WITH A STANDARD KEYBOARD STACY R. BLACK PHONE 1128- 432 THOMPSON STREET EXCLUSIVE UNIVERSITY DEALER AJNNO UN CING H E opening of our New Tea Rooms : Friday evening, September 29th, 6:30 p. m. to 1 a. m. Special Chicken or Steak Dinner : $1.00 Orchestra Music : Phone Reservations Cor. South and East University Ave. Phone 99-J 9.0 0 There is no Sousa's Band without Mr. Sousa Conductin Whitney Theatre NeXt onday at 8:15 This organization never gives a concert without the M arch King. Therefore, it is always Sousas Band-not a band parading under a false name. It is the same b and in Ann Arbor that plays in Washington .for the President. Sousa made his reputation by never deceiving the public. TODAY AND SATURDAY BE CLMA 3 LAT EBT DAZZL MGIQ MI PRICES: 75c - $1.00 - $1.50 - plus Tax Gloria as a Parisian c cer who wins fame love after many; tem tions. More lavish gowns and settings "Beyond the Rocks.' brilliant supporting c2 ,--- . T-- <,.. a ; amrn~ 'I P i, "*1 THE DOWN TOWN THEATRE - - lRSSt L. LA-,KY pi4sents5 320 South Main Street Why Should You Have a Typewriter? FRIDAY and SATUR DAY BECAUSE-It will enable you to get more out of your col- lege course. BECAUSE-It will mean higher marks in your studies. BECAUSE-It will add to. your standing and prestige with the professors. BECAUSE-You can keep carbon copies of notes, lectures and theses. A story of Lo caul Pa HARRISON FORD DAVID POWELL WALTER IIIERS A Sensational Railroad Melodrama r /.I1/ ie Fo Tal BECAUSE-A knowledge of. machine will live. how to operate a writing be useful as long as you The "Silent Smith" runs so quietly that you can use it without disturbing other students near you. It has many other features that you should hear about. ve and Hate -- Adventure and Romance in the Heart of the Fascinating Gold Country Trot Comedy Pathe News Enlarged Wuerth Orchestra COMING SUNDAY L & r Painted legs, All the *ew fad- rage!. MATINEE COMEDY EVENING 2:00 - 3:30 "YOU'D BE SURPRISED" 7:00 - 8:30 News Orchestra Coming Sunday m m. ann iiTT a~wg 'ae 66LflfI Q EVD C'U99 0. D. MORRILL 1'7 XTTIV IT C A Df^ ' Tn III I