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November 21, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-21

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Says His Idea of Successor For Po-
sitiou Is Man Who "Has Confi-
deuce of People"
Detroit, Nov. 20.-Communica-
tions urging the appointment of
President Marion L. Burton, of th'e
University of Michigan, to the
seat left vacant in the United
States Senate by the resignation
of Truman II. Newberry were re-
ceived at the Governor's oice
during the day.
(By Associated Press)
Detroit, Nov. 20.-Senatorial quali-
fications of no fewer than a dozen
men, prominent in the public life of
Michigan, were being scanned today
by Governor Alex J. Groesbeck, seek-
ing a successor' to Truman H. New-
berry, who Sunday tendered his res-
ignation as senator from the state.
The governor meanwhile announced
that he intended to withhold a deci-
sion until all interested parties had
had an opportunity to be heard, and
that he did not propose to have Mich-
igan represented in the upper house
of Congress by a "figurehead". In
these words the governor took oc-
casion to put at rest reports that be
might appoint someone who could be
counted upon not to iseek re-election
at 1924, so that the chief executive
himself could make the race for sen-
atorial honors.
Should Have Public Confideice
"It has been said," the governor de-
clared, "that I should appoint some-
one who will not run for re-election in
1924, so that I could run myself. I
shall do no such thing."'
The governor's idea for the man re-
quired for the post is that he should
have the confidence of the public. "He
should be something besides a mere
dispenser of patronage," he declar-
Although the governor declined to
even intimate who had been under
consideration already for Newberry's
seat, the names most commonly heard
today were those of Charles B. War-
ren, at present American ambassador
to Japan, former Senator William Al-
den Smith of Grand Rapids, W. W.
Potter, state fuel administrator, and
John S. Haggert'y, Wayne county re-
publican leader. Later today another
name was advanced, that of President
Marion L. Burton, of the University
of Michigan.
Couzens Will Not Talk G
Mayor James Couzens of Detroit al-
so was drawn into the speculation to
day. He declined, however, to dis-
cuss the possibility or even affirm or
deny that the post had been offered
State senator Herbert F. Bakr and
Representative Patrich H. Kelly, un-
successful candidates in the recent
primary election, were very promin-
ently mentioned.
(By Associated Press)
Calixco, Calif., Nov. 20.-Seventy
persons lost their lives in the sink-
ing of the steamer Topolodanto, in the
Gulf of California near the mouth of
the Colorado river early yesterday,
according to reports of the disaster
which reached here today.
Late last night but two bodies had
been recovered, a won,an and a child
hugged to her breast. Others were ex-
pected to be found at low tide this
afternoon. Twenty-four survivors, in.
eluding nine women and six chil-
dren, are on their way to Mexicali,
Lower California. -

The Topolodanto, a craft of 36 tons
displacement, went down when brok-
en in two in the middle by a wall of
water 20 feet high which followed the
tide from the river. Small boats were
on the way to Sonora shores today
with searching parties. One of the
craft on the way to the scene with
four seamen turned over. The steam-
er Guaymas was called by wireless
to the scene of the wreck, and went
to the rescue, saving several per-
rnnc I

Says He

Will (Conside
Would Alter His
latlons Here


With the menion of President Mar-
ion L. Burton as a possible success-
>r to Truman H. Newberry, whose res-
ignation as junior senator from Mich-
igan was accepted yesterday by Gov.
Alexander J. Groesbeck, .the Univer-
sity may be in a position for the sec-
ond time in its history to send its
president to a position of national im-
Between 1890 and 1900 President
James B. Angell was offered the posi-
tion of minister to China and Turkey,
both of which he accepted, at the same
time retaining his position as presi-
dent of the University.
When he was informed that his
name had been mentioned in connec-
tion with the appointment, President
Burton said,
Will Stay With University
"I will consider nothing which will
alter my position with the University."
In this simple statement ,President
Burton implies that he prefers to con-
tinue his work as head of the Uni-
versity rather than accept a tempor-
ary position of public servicp, if. it
means- the sacrifice of the former to
the latter. The seat in the Senate
wou d be of two years ,duration, at
the end of which time another eec-
tion would name the successor of the
man who is appointed to finish New-
berry's term.
Regardless of President Burton's
decision to refuse'any position which
would terminate his. connection with
the University, a plan might be devis-
ed whereby he could serve. the short
period which remains to Newbrry's
successor and at thesame time spend
a reasonable portion of his time in
Ann Arbor in: the administration of
University affars.
With an appropriation sufficiently
large to carry on the building pro-
gram already granted by the legisla-
ture, a large number of the buildings
already under construction and a Uni-
versity administrative policy firmly
established such an arrangement
might be effected in the event that
President Burton is. called upon by
Governor Groesbeck to fill the seat
in the Senate..
The governor's statement Sunday
that the selection of a man capahle
and fitted to fill the vacancy was a dif-
ficult problem for. him to solve will
undoubtedly be regarded as an en-
hancement of the prestige which will
accompany the appointment.
Grid Graph Will.
Show Gopher Game
Returns from the Michigan-Minne-
sota game next Saturday will be
shown in Hill auditorium on the grid
graph,. similar to the way the Vander-
bilt and Ohio State ganes were repro-
duced earlier in the season.
A special wire from Minneapolis
will bring the returns through play
by pay as they occur. These plays
will then be shown on the large elec(
tric score board by means of the'lights
representing the- ball, players and
play used. Other lights mark off the
board into yard lines so that the ac-
tual position of the ball on the field
is known at all times.
It is planned to have the band and
cheer leaders in the auditorium if they
do not go with the team. Tickets for
the affair will sell for 50 cents the
money going to support the Alumni
association. They will be on sale be-
ginning t'omorrow at Huston's, Wahr's,
Graham's, Alumni hall, and the Union.

FamousHistorianRjTPresseClub Will
Expected To Win IH V JIT ITThILEd wear Journalist
At Br tish Polls "i If lT'
At Rr Hsh P lls o u ;iO UTI' James Schermerhrn, Sr., of D-
",l i ll+Utroltl will be the principal speaker on'
this evening's program of the Student
Press club. Mr. Schermerhorn was
until recently the managing editor of
the Detroit Times and is said to be
an entertaining speaker. He will speak
CiMP, BRISCOE, XOORE, HILL, on journalism as a profession.
MORIARTY, SARASOllN, AND An orchestra has been obtained to
KINDEL, CHAIRMEN play at the luncheon which will pre-
f___cede the business of the evening. The
TICKET APPLICATIONS luncheon will be held at 6:15 o>clo
in room 318 of the Union A reading
SENT TO LIFE MEMBERS of the Morgue which is the official
paper of the club will conclude the
Orders for Seats to Be Given Prefer- program of the evening.
nce in Order of --- -
Receipt n rr N
Committees for the seventeenth an- PU
nual Michigan Union opera, "In and HFg
out," were announced yesterday by -o E1{ 6
Frank E. Camp, '23E, general chair-I
man of the production. The manage- I
ment of the opera is divided into 12 S NNE SESSION
different departments this year, each
with a chairman and one or more
.Wcommitteemen. Work on the produc- I)ELEGATES DESIRE TO SETTLE
. G.. Wellstion has been going on for two months DIFFICULTIES IN
The election of H. G. Wells, famous past but no definite committees could NEAR EAST
historian, in the general elections in be named previously because of eli-_
Great Britain, to a seat in parliament gibility difficulties.
is generally concededaby political ex- The committees and directors of the WARM WELCOME GIVEN
pert;.. opera as announced yesterday were U. S. REPRESENTATIVES
as follows: general director, E. Mor-
' timer Shuter, musical director, Thom- T
rs . Underwood, '23L, treasurer, Turkish Plenipotentiary Accuses the
Homer L. Heath; and general chair- Greeks of Systematic
Ia, Frank E. Camp, '2E, with as- -Dvsain
sistants, Lewis H. Stoneman, '23, and
William C. Kratz, '24E. ? (By Associated Press)
The stage manager for the produc Lausanne, Nov. 20.-Hope that peace
1,/ E E rtion is John Briscoe, '24E, and his would result from the labors of the
assistants are Edwin F. Ritchie,
are ear ast cnernewas 'voiced by
WILl LAST FOR TWO WtEEKS; '24E, John E. Bromley, '25, and Iar- a
IIARDING ADDRESSES JOINT old W. Martin, '25. Master of proper-; speakers at the brief opening session
MEETING TODAY ties is William F. Nevore, '23E, with today.
Carl V. Bird, '25, and R. T. Halgrim, This sentiment was advanced first
SENATE TO TAKE ACTION ' 25, assistants. Master of costumes is by President Haab of the Swiss con-
RESIGNATION OF NEWBERRY C. Carlton Hill, '24, with James E. federation, who presided over the
Duffy, Jr., '24E, Alfred B. Connable, opening plenary meeting, and it was
(By Associated Press) '25, Eugene L. Dunne, '25, and Frank- dwelt upon by both Lord Curzan and
Washington, Nov. 20.---The sixty- l lin J. Dickman, '25E, as assistants. Ismet Pasha in their responses on be-
seventh congress formally opened its Robert C. Moriarty, '24, was named half of the numerous delegations as-
doors today for the third session, but chairman of publicity, with assistants sembled in the Lausanne Casino,
It did little morete than actually get Harry A. S. Clark, '23, John.H. Morse, where the impressive inaugural cer
on the job. Its life as a special ses- '24, Jose Armijo, '25, and Paul Ei emnony was held.
sion will be only .two weeks, but in stein, '25, and Sydney 'R. Sarashon, Today s meeting required only a ing the
that time It is the hone of President '22, is chairman of programs. His as- usns ho the confrcwi actal
I Hayding tut'' substantial progress sistants are E. W. Thomson, '25, Leo business of the conference will actual
will be made on the administration Franklin, '25, Harold L. Hale, '25, and ly begin. Richard Washburn Child,;
merchant marine legislation and con- Harry L. Hall, '25. American ambassador to Italy, andf
sderable advance work done' of the Thomas G. Kindel, '24, is master of Joseph C. Grew, minister to Switzer-
tarmful of anual supply bills, which make-up with Case S. Hough, '25, and land, the two principal American rep-
must be handled in the regular ses- Ira Denman, '25, assistant, and Rob- resentatives, were seated prominent-
sion beginning Dec. 4. ert W. Wilkins, '24, is electrician. ly in the front row of the auditorium
Historic customs of the opening of Envelopes for ordering tickets have beside Premier Poincare of France,
ybeen mailed out to the cast, chorusandreceived a warm welcome from
a new session were re-enacted today: enmie uio h at hrs the delegates of other lands.
in both house and senate, and the committees, and orchestra of the op- Sgiesanc orlds.d
regular preliminaries were gone era, as well as to life members of thegr
through in brief routine meetings. Ad- Union and orders are being filled in . The prospects of American activity
journment followed as a mark of re- the order that they are received. in the conference, which many of the
spect to the late Senator Watson of Many orders have been received al- foreigners appear to interpret as the
Georgia and the late Representative ready. Envelopes are mailed in the launching of a new American policy
Nolan of California. order of preferences announced with
Th President has arranged to ad- an interval of two days between each strong delegation from Japan, gave
dress a joint session tomorrow in be- group but are filled in the orer inr-
half of the shipping bill. His mes- which they are received. In order to: once.
sage is expected to be delivered at receive the benefit of prefeence, pa- B Mussoni, the new strong
12:30 o'clock. trons should send in their order as man of Italy, with his air of alert do-
Several bills were introduced today soon as envelopes are received, termination, drew all eyes as he mov-
Sw t boved to hs nlace not far from Venizelos

Kipke Contender
For All-American
)ue to a lack of care on the
part of the Daily headline writer
Saturday night, readers Sunday.
morning were presented with the
startling statement in the head
over the story of the Michigan-
Wisconsin game; that "Williamins
made a strong bid for an All.
Conference berth, ,outplaying
In the story of the game, noth-
lig was said that wou'd do much
ali infer that the Badger captain
had outshone the Michigan star.
The statement was made that Wil-
Ilams was the grea'.*st back an
opposing team had brought to
Ferry field since Chick Harley's
last appearance In 1919. It was
said that on sheer running ability
there was little to choose between
the two but for all around value.
they could not be compared.,
It must haJve been evIdent to
the most inexperienced observor
at the game that thera was no
foundation for such a statement.
WI'liams played a grand offens.
ive game, but when it is consider-
ed that Kipke did all the punting
for his team, and a good share of
the passing as well. as receiving
passes, playing a brilliant run-
ning game and stopping every-
t'ing on defense, it will be seen
that the two men cannot be com-
Pared. .Kipke depended as much
on his heald as he 'dkd on his feet
Saturday, as evidenced by. his
run for a touchdown after receiv-
ing. Uteritz's pass in' the fourth
quarter, and on his, performanbe
against Wisconsin alone. le must
be considered, a serious contend-
er for an All-American berth.


Music, Cheering, and Speakng To Be
Short But Snappy Is
Tremendous interest in the Mine-
sota game on the part of the student
body and alumni has resulted in an
emergency pep meeting being called
at 7 o'clock tonight in Hill auditor-
ium. The Assembly will be in the
nature of a celebration of the Wis-
consin victory and a "Championship'i
pep meeting for the coming Minne-
sota game.
The speakers will include Jack Kel-
ly, '24L, Thomas I. Underwood, '23L,
Captain Paul Goebel, '3E, and as-
sistant Coach Sturzenegger and the
whole program of music, cheering
and speaking will be unusually short..
Members of the football team will be
in attendance.
Meeting To Be Early
The meeting has been scheduled for
7 o'clock sharp to allow for a dress
rehearsal of the Masques play after
the -meeting. It was through a sac-
rifice by the Masques management
that the pep meeting could be call-
ed on such short notice, because of the
construction of scenery on the stage
today for the play tomorrow night.
Michigan alumni at °Minneapolis
are planning a gigantic celebration
for the team, the band, and all the
Michigan rooters who make the trip.
Several telegrams have been received
urging that a good following of stu-
dents accompany the team as arrange-
ments have already been made to re-
ceive them. The alumni have gone
ahead making their plans for enters
taming a large body of student root-
ers, as they expect thousands to fo-
low their team in their last fight for
the championship.
Hopes of sending the band to the
Minnesota game next Saturday have
.not been given up as.telegrams have
been received from alumni through-
out the West assuring their support if
the students are behind the project.
The meeting tonight will be one
means of showing the interest the
students feel in this matter.
Extend Time For Special
Railroad officials 'have extended
the time for signers for the special
train until tonight's meeting when it
will be determined whether the re-
quired number will be obtained. Any-
one already planning on going to Min-
nesota on the special should sign up
today at the manager's office at the
Union, or tonight at the pep meet-
It may be found possible, through
the ,aid of the alumni, to send the band
to Minnesota on the special. Tele-
phone messages from the Chicago
alumni stated that they wanted, to see
the band at Minnesota and would as-
sist in getting it there. The Detroit
alumni. have also offered their assist-
ance. It is necessary first, however,
that the special train be assured by.
enough students signing up so that
the special rate may be obtained.
New I. 0. T. C. Uniforms Received (
Uniforms for the advanced section
of the R. 0. T. C. have been received,
-and will be distributed immediately,
according to Major Robert Arthur,




Work at Hill auditorium today is
transforming the stage 'into that of
an Elizabethan playhouse in prepara.
tion- for "The Knight of the Burning
Pestle" to be given there at 8 o'clock
tomorrow night, by Masques, women's
dramatic society.,
The sets, designed by Prof. J. Raleigh

in .the house, but not in the senate.
The house also received a half dozen
new members, including Mrs. Huck.
The senate tomorrow is to receive
the resignation of Senator Newberry,
Republican, who figured in the long
Michigan contest.

1 f
a E
v 1



WILL START ONMARCH1 Explanation of the Mimes Dramat-
ic turnaentto be held in the near
future, what it offers in the way of op-
BURTON A N D BATES CONFER portunities to the students, a descrip-
WITH ARCHITECTS OF BUILD- tion of the silver loving cup which
ING WHEN EAST will be given to the dramatic team:
- - winning it two years in succession,
That excavation for the new Law- and an outline of the material desired
yers club on South University avenue will be some of the points which stu-
at State street will be begun some- dent speakers representing Mimes
time on or about March 1, was an- Dramatic society will include in their
nounced by President Marion LI Bur- informal talks which they are to give
tn l H MATi Bate of the f f f r it dn

VI, Nelson, of the English department,
whose activities and popularity prac- and executed by O. S. Dais and Hi-
tically forced the abdicaton of. the ram Cornell of Detroit, will create the
Grecian king; and who is here to ap- interior of the theater of 300 years
ply all his diplomatic skill to save ago. In addition to the stage there will
what he can for his country in the! be the boxes where the well-to-do sit
peace wth Turkey whch the confer, as well as the "pit" for the commons.
ence is to formulate. Every detail of the old time thea-
Ismet Pasha Speaks ter has been studied in the buildfng
Venizelos sat inscrutable under tht of this scenery. Even the players'
accusation of the chief Turkish pleas- dressing room as it was placed in the
ipotentiary, Ismet Pasha, that the old English playhouse will be one of
Greek army without justification had the minor features of this accurate
systematically devastated the Turk- reproduction.
ish countryside, and made a million Tonight the cast will have its dress
of innocent Turks homeless, hungry rehearsal which Professor Nelson ex-
wanderers. pects to go through practically the
The Ottaman nation wants peace j same as the play tomorrow night due
with all its heart, Ismet told his hear-; to the fact that everything is in per-
ers, but he warned them that lasting feet readiness for the production.
peace must be founded upon mutual -
respect of national liberty and inde-
pendence. Vfnhnn v Pre

gran Pleasing

Paris, Nov. 2-Ismet Pasha, chief

k-y.ytfgl.,rivtv"S j i. r L

Lon ana ean enry w. D s ,M
Law School, shortly after their return
from their eastern trip..
While East these two men talked
over plans'for the new structure with
York and Sawyer, of New York City,
the architects who had been chosen
for the work by the anonymous don-
or of the new building. In this con-
ference it was decided that work


should be begun at

that time.


All copy of the quarterly issue of
the "Bent", official publication of Tau
Beta Pi, national honorary engineer-
ing society, has been sent to Mena-!
sha, Wiscsonin, where it will go to
press immediately. The magazine will
be out early in December, containing
arteles written by the foremost engi-
neers of the country.
This issue of the "Bent". will be the
first to appear since the war forced its
discontinuation. The editorial staff
which was appointed in the annual
convention of the organization held in
Ann Arbor early in October is com-;
noser of the Michi-a nc hnnter of Tatn

The building will be of Gothic arc:
.tecture, constructed of stone, and willj
cost several millions of dollars. It
will contain bedrooms and studies for'
150 students and a large dining hall
that will accomodate 300 persons.. It
will be built to provide headquartersI
for a club to be organized and made
up of members of the Law School,
graduates of that college, and other
lawyers who may be elected to mem-
bershi p.
The donor, in tendering his gift
,ast spring, requested that his name
be withheld. He is a graduate of the
Literary College.

oeiore groups or raerni y ana non-
fraternity men as soon as possible. rgurkis g delegate at the Lausanneaomu
A large number of the student eace conference has agn been er in vein than in their previous a
speakers will visit fraternity houses rAyve
this evening to encouage the tourna- itively not to yield on the question of pearance the Detroit Symphony Or-
ment. Every man and group of men ctulation rac cring tari -chestra featured Raoul Vidas, the sen-
who have acts to offer in the tourna- The instructions, it was said, were satonal French violinist, as solist In
ment are urged to enter the tourna- sent in in view of the probability that their second Ann Arbor concert on the
ment by listing their names with C. of the biggest battles of the on- -
J. Dresbach, '24, from 4 to 5 o'clock, once igeb gtt over ons Extra Series last night i Hill audi-
who will be at the Mimes theater at feience will be foight hathis torium.
point., the Turks insisting that for-:Vdsavilntineryeseo
this time. Entrants must have their eigners be amenable to the Turkish Vidas, a vionist every sense o
acts ready for tryout by Dec. 11. laws and courtsand othe Ter na- the word, as heard in the A Major
tion declaring that their nationals be Concerto of Saint Sachs, one of the
accorded extra territorial rights. most difficult and tiresome things
which this composer wrote. However
PIII INIDHIRE1the soloist was in many respects so
TOQUE DAY IS SUCCESS competent ,and charming that one
Invitation has been issued to a could hardly expect a violinist to do
large number of presidents of state Class toques appeared for the first: more with it.
supported and endowed universities time in large numbers last Saturday, The orchestra, under the able di-
throughout the country to participate the official toque day of the year. At rection of the assistant conductor,
in a conference of university presi- the fall games between sophomores Mr. Victor Kolar, proved to be In spe-
dents to be held here on Jan. 4. ,and freshmen the class headgear was cially good form. The concert was
The nature of the subjects to be much in evidence, and at the Wis- opened by the overture to the opera,
brought into the discussion of the consin game the blues and whi"es of "Le Roi d'Ys", by the Spanish com-
meeting will include the question of the juniors and seniors and the ma- poser Edward Italo who is little
,irllninm imity nan rnhlim nf , n voivof the onhamnore. lnna with known excent for his beautiful violin!

cian as his rendering of this number
showed, and he well lived up to our

The prelude of Humperdinck's op-
era, "Hansel and Gretel," was a ro-
mantic description of the other num-
bers from the opera.
Perhaps the most delightful work
was the "Allegretto" from the second
symphony of Gustave Mahler. This is
considered by many musicians to be
the finest work of this Bohemian com-
poser, and its dainty appealing pas-
sages were handled with a rare ar-
tistic touch.
The final piece was the "Slovakian
Rapsody" by Mr. Kolar, 5a work that
took Detroit by storm last week. Thisq
reminds us of George Enesco's Ro-
mainian rapsody heard 'lere last
spring. It was rich in melodies and
was somewhat after the style of
Liszt. It was a fitting climax to this
second popular concert, and the com-
poser was called back repeatedly.


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