SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1922 GEOLOGISTS WILL MEET HERE DEC. 26 For the first time in its history the Geological Society of America will hold its annual convention at the Uni- versity of Michigan. In the past this organization has usually chosen one of the larger universities of the East for its nlace of meeting, but deviating from its regular policy, this year the officers of the parent body have de- cided to convene in Ann Arbor from Tuesday, December 26 through Satur- day, December 30. During the past few years this soci- ety has grown considerably until it now embraces several affiliated organ- izations including The Paleontological society, The Mineralogical society, and The .Society of Economic Geologists. Tihe assbciation of American Geo- graphers and the National Council of Geography Teachers will also meet here at this time. Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the Geology department will address the society at one of its meetings. Other prominent men will speak and read papers before the different societies. A general dis- cussion of geological problpms will be in order at these meetings, as well as a discussion of probable solutions. The geological museum in the Na- tural Science building is now being redecorated and several changes and additions to the exhibits will be made in anticipatjon of .the coming conven- tion.I THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE EL SPONSORED IDEA OF CLUB. THE FIRST SPADEFUL Guides Now Aid Campus Visitors That the proposed campus guide system has become a. reality, is evi- denced by the fact'that the University has hired students to act as guides to show .visitors over the campus and give them such general information concerning the University as they may{ desire to. learn. This service, which has just gone into operation; is direct- ly under the supervision of Robert C. Angell, assistant to the Dean of Stu- dents. Guides may be procured by all members of the faculty by calling the office of the Dean of Students. Student guides will :be provided from 9 to 12 o'clock and fr6m 1:30 to 5 'clock week days and from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday mornings. The ser- viee is free of charge to all members of the faculty or visitors. Sanctions Whistfing as'Art Berkeley, Calif.,. Nov. 18.-Whistling as an "art and process" soon may be added to the curriculum of some pub- lic schools in California. The state board of :education= has .granted Miss Blanche Adella Hawkinsra senior at the University of California here, a certificate authorizing her to "conduct the art and process of whistling" in the schools. Authorities say this is the first time in th4 history of education that such a certificate has been granted. Above is given a. )icture of the original Campaign Funds committee. They are from left to right: H. E. Bodman, '96, E. J, Carpenter, '4'L, Dean H. M. Bates, '90, R. D. Chapin, '03, C. B. Warren, '91L, J. G. Hayes, '11, C. A. Hughes, '02, S. t. Smith, '97, H. L. Heath, '07, Dr. H. B. Hutchins, '71, Dr. R. A. Peterson, H. E. Briggs; '10E, V. H. Lane, '74E, R. C. Peters, '86, Lawrence Maxwell, '74, I. K. Bond, '79E, G. S. Williams, '89E; A. B. Pond, '80, J. M. Zane, '04, and W. B. Shaw, '04. "I have always felt," Miss Hawkins best time to begin instruction in said, "that whistling could be made a whistling, as with every other study, real musical accomplishment, and the is in childhood." Ideal Xmas Qifts JAPANESE HAND PAINTINGS will be here only the week o November 19 ATTRACTIVE CALENDARS priced according to size 25c-35c PAINTINGS - Water Color 25c---$2.00 WOOD SHAVINGS - PICTUR ES 45c-$1.00 PLACE CARDS 45c BOOK MARKS 45c 10 NICKELS ARCADE of of New Parking Rules Announced for only 30 minutes. No parking is Rules concerning the parking of au- allowed there after those hours. Park- tomobiles and other vehicles on North ing is absolutely prohibited on the 1 University avenue have been misun- south side of the street. derstood. This is one of the districts - designated by the police. Cars may Thirty-five years of experience at )be parked on the north side of North your disposal at Julian R. Trojanow- Univcrsity between State and Thayer ski U. of M. Barber Shop 1110 So. streets between 6 A. AL and 6 P. M. Uuniversit-y.--Adlv. " Here is gathered a group to witness the turning of the first spadeful dirt for the new Union building. In the distance may be seen one or two the State street fraternities, just beyond the Cooley residence. Personal Greeting.Cards Fo r Christmas EARS of experience in manufacuring the finest engraved Personal Greeting Cards is behind the wonderful designs we are show- ing. This year our stocks are larger and more varied than ever, and prices are very attractive. We.urge early selection. The best choice can be made while stocks are still complete. THE Mayer-Schairer Co. Phone 1404 112 South Main Street 1 1 le 1 11 Ii II gg A Complete Line of Drug Sundries and T A . .. . ONE WEEK f jNights - 50c to $2.50 NL.Mats. Wed. and Sat. NLY DETROIT S0c to $2.0 WORLD'S GREATEST REVUE Direct from N. Y. Winter Carden Arman Kaliz Presents -I 'SPICE OF 1922" IN 2 ACTS AND 30 SCENES - ~By J1ACK LAIT - ROLL-OF-HONOR CAST LVALESKA SURATT ,BRENI)EL & FLO BURT, M3I)GIE MILLER, SAM EARN, ROBBE & NELSON, LLORA HOFFMAN, FLORENCE BROWNE, NITZA VERNILLE, OTHERS, AND THE FAMOUS GARDEN OF EDEN CHORUS OF 50 BEAUTIFUL GIRLS MAIL ORDERS NOW! itt1t1ttHH tHnu ttltmtlltalHullti11t11inttltH nllill Connor's Ice Cream Gilbert's Chocolates Prescriptions Carefully Compounded MANN'S DRUG STORE 21 SOUTH MAIN STREET S- i I I D. K. GRENNA N W HAT'S a slightly CUSTOM TAILOR ,I .: ,.,. Tuxedos Evening Clothes, Golf Suits longer w alk when it means a superior serv- ice such as this bank extends to you ? STATE SATISFACTION Nickels Arcade SAVINGS BANK Main at Washington IIi. I