S~ AGE FOUR : , THE MIC-HIGAN DAILY UA',N0EOVIEBtR 19, 122 All wi--ol awArl.- THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19,.1922 Illiberal Liberalism (Preston Slosson) t4) A4 Historic liberalism was always liberal principle from the free press Street"? Has not their every dia- One ipolitical vocabularyis nowin ing up the Hapsburg monarchy along was hailed as the greatest statesman tolerance, reckless assertion and the danre pofcominu a nin national lines. The Nation school of the age. 1 deliberate ignoring of inconvenient through promiscuous misuse. Liber- wept over the liberation of 10,000,000 (9) Historic liberalism, from Kant facts? alism has a plain historical meaning. Czecho-Slovaks and millions of Ru- to Smuts, has always been warmly No, if we are to term the Nation Properly used it represents a trend afians, Italians and Yugoslavs as an advocate of a league of nations. school "liberal" we give the lie to of thought common to statesmendof "the Balkanization of Europe." What When Wilson brought the idea into every champion - of popular or na- the type of Cavour, Gladstone, and would Swinburne or Garibaldi say of practical politics how was it greeted tional liberties from Wilhelm Tell Lincolnya potica l theists, sh these usurpers of the grand old name by the Nation, the Freeman and the (we hope he. was a myth, since he Lincoln, and political theorists sul f "liberal"? "New Republic? With roses? No had the bad taste to fight Austria) to as Milton,. M1azzini and J. S. Mill. It {of wthraba.e a. rttn .gs. JaesBre whoblighted anble may be contrasted with the Toryism (5) Historic liberalism rejoiced at with cabbages and rotten eggs! James Byc lig hteda oble which clings to class privilege, with the reunion and liberation of Poland (10) The much-scouted peace set- career by speaking harshly of the State Socialism which goes so far .as and its constitution as a democratic tlement of 1919 provided for more ni~Turks) e i-"et to disregard individual liberities, with republic. Has any one ever read a plebiscites, more guarantees of lib- tion school of liberalism"is really imperialism and militarism, with kind word for Poland from the Na- erty to minorities in annexed terri- a .blend of Toryism, opposed to the religious or racial intolerance. It ion, the Freeman or any of the other tory, more provisions for internation, liberation of any oppressed national- implies such political institutions as: Austrophil pseudo-liberal weeklies? al cooperation than all the major yit h a Prusin Junker (1) freedom of speech and press, (2) It is notorious that the whole group peace settlements of the world's pre-s might happen to be sitting; of doc- freedom of assembly, association and demanded the integral restoration of vious history. Have any of these lib- trinaire Socialism,, to which all cap- private organizations; (3) legal safe- Upper Silesia to Prussia before thc. eral features been duly taken into ac- t t ai l t guards. such as trial by jury, habeas plebiscite was ever held. Was that count by those who (in some respects, peace-at-any-price pf ename corpus, etc., (4) representative gov- not as undemocratic as the French-i justly enough) talk of being dis- to fitw them has not yet been found, ernment, (5) a wide popular fran- Polish policy of giving Poland more lusioned" by a false peace? Have nbt whthe ele it "Lybeian- chise, (6) local self-government, (7) of Silesia than the plebiscite war- they, like true liberals, given the au- home rule or complete independence ranted? thors of the peace the benefit of the- for nationalities, (8) the supremacy (6) Historic liberalism has always doubt as to their good intentions, if Another English lecturer to visit of the civil over the military power. favored the liberation of Finland and not their success? Have they, like this country is Mrs. C. Williams-Ellis, So defined, one is free to like' or dis- the Baltic States from Russian control. true liberals, considered the possibil- literary editor of The Spectator and like liberalism as one chooses but not So. did the Nation school till Russia ity that a statesma* might enter upon author of "An Anatomy of Poetry." to apply a "catchy" term to quite went Bolshevik, then they began to a war with conscientious motives and She is to lecture on modern poetry alien meanings. (scold the new peasant-republics as not merely at the dictation of "Wall and the modern theatre in England. To some, for example, liberalism tools of French "reaction". means acute alcoholism. "The liber- (7) Historic liberalism has always als win an election" is often equiv- favored clearing the Turk out ofi alet t "te etswinanelection"-:;Europe "bag and baggage" (Glad- IT EL I E TNTI T R S E Therighthofindividual self-poisoningtoea r te AreniaTELLIGENT AND INTERESTE may be one form of "liberty" but it vinces as well.. The infinite atrocities is surely a very small 'and limited part of+,Turkish drule fully warranted thislj - -r- 4 Geri (Wia n} ., Randa In the year- 1862, when American was only begin Bcrt his power for pity, the in-the then German State independent nation, and n knows{ what-Silesia, the t a hotel keeper named Haup son was caled Gerhart.E was just at the beginning end fifty years of the nine tury, !Gerhart Hauptmann and was educated in tha the history of German lit German thought when thea Idealism had not yet been7 the coming Naturalism. He it might be said, along wi movement, and his teache founders and proponents hzrt Hauptmann--- Apostle of Pity it ll) (tle girl whom Hauptmann gives us t and then she enters gaily into the the Great alive and trembling and 'shuddering preparations for the event which is ning to as- and palpitating under a horror which toy make her the.Bride of Death; then she cannot understand. she becomes transfigured and beauti- re was born The "Assumption of Hannelle" is ful with the hone which has been giv- .o but onc the soul of a little child laid, quiver- en her;- then she goes happy to the low Heaven .death which will bring her life and third son of )tmann. The Born as he of the sec- teenth cen- n grew up t period in erature and nearly dead replaced byl e developed, th this new rs were its --men like ing from the scourge of an unkind world, before us. It is all her dreams and all her fancies; alr her hopes and all her fears. Her tears and smiles, are the tears and smiles cf all of us for the things we must accept but do not understand. Her hopes are the hopes of humanity for a better and more perfect life to come. Her first words as she is brought in from the river to which the brutalities e f her step-father have' driven her are "I'm afraid." And so she remainsI all through the play-afraid. Afraid happiness. This is the "Assumption of Han- nelle": transcendently beautiful in its conception; technically perfect in its I execution; a masterpiece of dramat- urgy: this epic of the soul of a child, which is, after all, the soul of human- ity. Delicate, yet powerful, it is pa- thetic without the mawkishness which a less skillful hand would have given it. Realistic.in idea, it is idealistic in' treatment, and so is the work, accord- ing to Huneker, of a "transcendentalj realist.+ GER HART HA L The Famous Germai and Playwright, Aut tol," Who Has Be the Nobel F~ 1 92! a 0 of the full meaning of the word. 0th- ers apply "liberal" to certain theolog- ical beliefs or disbeliefs. This is ab- I surd. A Roman Catholic can be lib-- eral in spirit, so can an atheist, so E can a Parsee. In religion liberalism means the opposite of intolerance, aIt belief in the freedom of the individ- ual conscience, but it has no bear-t ing on the existence or non-existence1 of miracles, the doctrine of the Trin- ity, or the historical criticism of cer- tain ancient scriptures. Everything from free verse to free love, from im- pressionist painting to bobbed hair, has been called "liberal" by thoset whose hazy thinking confuses liberal- ism with fashionable modernity. The most common abuse of the' word liberalism, only too well illus- trated by a recent article in The ! Michigan Daily, identifies- liberalism with the cult of a few critics of the American policy of the Great.War and the subsequent peace. Devoted to, this cult are the lVation of New York, ! the Nation of London,.the Morel- Brailsford group of British pacifists, the La Follette group of American pacifists, and that type of person who1 likes to call himself a "young intel-1 lectual" and to call other people "mo- rons". Well, this group is not' with- out many virtues. In the main it is sincere (though it poses now and then), it has a blurred but idealistic passion for world-improvement, itl honestly hates that very hateful thing-war, and it courageously and chivalrously champions what seems to be for the moment unpopular. But it differs from historic liberalism in, many ways. Let me mention a few. (1) Historic liberalism has always taken the side of the parliamentary nations of westernr Europe, especial-i ly France and England, against auto- I cratic monarchies, such as were Prus- sia, Austria and Russia. in 1914. To' the Nation school the French Repub- lie, the American Refublic and the British Commonwealth of Free Na- tions (miscalled the British Empire) were, if anything, more objectionable than the frank mediaeval Toryisn. of the Prussian and Austrian aristocra- cy. (2) Historic liberalism, with its perhaps exaggerated passion for the rights of small nationalities, flamed with indignation at the bullying of Serbia and the invasion of Belgium. The Nation, weeping over some small nations (such as Ireland), was not-J ably cool when it was Germany which played the part of oppressor. (3) Historic liberalism rejoiced at the restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France and of Danish Schleswig to; Denmark. Did you notice any cries of delight from the Nation? attitude. Y et ifLloyd-George so much as lifts a finger to warn the Turks from reconquering what they justly lost in the war it is "Oh, thesetwick- ed imperialists;, always after, the oil, wells " (8) Historic liberalism favored the ' first Russian revolution which estab-I lished a democracyand. abolished the tsarist system of punishments for po~- litical offenses; it opposed 'the second Russian. revolution which :established a new class suffrage and a new reign of terror. Buththertyoung American pinks cheered the first revolution and i then cheered louder for the second. I Though Lenin openly scouted every 101-105 So. MAIN 330 So. STATE ST. v ....... Your bank should be sound, accurate and efficient. But that is not enough. Banking service to be of the most use to you should be also intelligent and interested. That is what this bank tries to be. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK On-Beig A The banker holds a peculiar and important place in the business life of his city: He is financial doctor to the ailing industries around him. He is business confessor to scores of harassed business men of his acquaintance. And the ethics of his profession are as binding as those of phyician or priest. the scientist Haeckel, under whom he of- life and its h103o"s whichs i studied at Jena knows-and afraid of death, which she- Just as the "Assumption of IHan-I adoes not know. Until, just at the end, ielle" finds a-poor parallel in Barrie's Both of these plays ar Naturalism as a type of literature when her mother, already dead, th "Kiss for Cinderella," so another of the .idea of the seeki a is the result of the ideas of Herbert only person whom the little girl has Hauptmann's plays, "And Pippa But whileMaeterlinc: Spencer and Charles Darwin. It is P s pay, "AdIaBtwieMtrin thearriandofcienchadAs r. It sever been able fully to trust, comes Dances" finds a parallel-but this bird" comes to the . the marriage of Science and Art. It to her bringing the Golden Flower time not so unworthy a one, in the happiness comes to tU pes o aistic edo t which is the symbol of life to come; "Bluebird" of Maurice Maeterlinck. (Continued on Pa problems of artistic endeavor. It-'is therefore founded upon thought and reason, and not upon feeling and in- pulse. And it is in this class of litera- ture that we must place the writings of Gerhart Hauptmnn, along. with those of the Frenchmen Zola and Bat- M zac. Bt with this difference-where If tl eto the works of the latter two give true pictures contemporary life, scien- tifically correct and exact in detail, the plays of Gerhart Hauptmann are~. a e Prhsr leavened with a great feeling of pity and compassion for those whose lives he presents to us as examples of civil- ization as he knows it. There runs through all his dreams, besides this ,This has been a phenomenal coat season. Especially on fine coats costin careful realism, a thread. of idealism- from $75 to $175 has the demand exceeded the supply. Today it is almos a seeping for something unknown, un- defined, but universally desired. And ; impossible to get a re-order filled for this class of wraps, as the cloths ai this something is Beauty.Beauty inr unobtainable. Then the enormous demand for fur collars has .caused such its. highest sese--in the sense of Per- fection. But it is never found. scarcity that wolf collars, for instance, that were $15 each in September ai Gerhart- Hauptmann's first great !$3250 now play was "The Weavers," which -was * produced on the Free Stage in 1893.1 "The Weavers" is a drama with a mob jWe have a few fine wraps on hand at the old prices, but they won't la as hero. It has all the carefulness and all the hideousness of detail of the long. Act now if you want one. most confirmed realist. It presents a picture of conditions like a Sociolo- gical report. It lays before us in all I its stark horror the life of downtrod- don. It makes us gasp at their suffer- This week we are offering special inducements in three very attractiv ings. It makes us sympathize with their longing-which after all is only lines. a longing for a chance to exist. It is a master-piece of dramatic technique. And this, by the way, may .50 be said with equal trueness of every play that has come from the pen of Casa Hauptmann. In "The Weavers" the action begins in the problems of one family, and from there it spreads un- Coats of Gerona, Cordeloux, Balivia, etc., with or without collars < til it is universal and we have finally Beaver,-Squirrel, Caracul, etc. elegantly tailored all the people rising up in revolt and lined and i all tf against the conditions and the masters latest models are here this week at $48.50. Values to $60. who are crushing them. There is no drop in the action. It pushes. on like, a wave to the end, growing ever larg- er and ever stronger and ever more powerful and compelling. And yet be- hind it all stands the gigantic pity of the man who created it. We can al- l most feel that his tears are dropping; Slk Go ns we know that in his heart and inhis Wool Dresses mind there is above all else compas- sion. at$21.50 and 29.50 at 2.50 and 29.5 But it is not in "The Weavers" that the true feelings of Hauptmann to- - Special offering of some 50 Special offering of some A0 ward his fellows are best seen. There is something too gigantic ab"iut the gowns regularly up to $40 dresses regularly up to $40 conception of this drama'to allow us to probe very deeply beneath it and to come to the man below. And so I will turn to another of his plays-a much shorter, a much simpler, but a much more poetic and a much more beautiful work-the "Assumption of } Hannelle,' James Barrie tried to write a 71Msm play like the "Assumption of 1 18 M L '_:STR.EET, Hannelle" when he wrote his "Kiss - M AIN for Cinderella." ut he fell far, far short'of his mark. His is only the skeleton of that which Hauptmann gives us warm witli flesh and blood; . his is only the play tragedy of the lit- a Great care should be exercised in the choosing of one's banker. Full knowledge of modern' business conditions and absolute honesty are equally essential. Here you find these requisites coupled with service of the kind that makes satisfied clients. Ask the man who banks ;here. I THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK "The Bank of Friendly Service'' Resources $5,600,000: - Two Offices Today we "are displaying a Russian 1,000 rouble note. This banknote contains -propaganda printed in the following languages: German, Russian, French, Italian, English, Chinese, and Yiddish. a