e I PADS;EIHT' THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMDER 19, 1922 laciborate Scale to raise money for the _ .new Womens Building . Four 'hundrred EITRIlS 1'. THROUG THE' OPER)A G ASSES d aollars was turned over to the fund D Ielcrt Clary, Editor .L . s slt Donald Coney, Literary, Editor - - -This year the program for masques Leo L. Niedzielski, Dramatic Shas changed somewhat. The tryouts I d11j1,or TEJIIAT TR 4 No R + ;r .rglinized as Masq::ues to do reL for. membership used to be early in Max EJwinxg, Music Editor Effervescence, frivolity, charm, and education1al work in dramatics. At the fail right after college started. As William M. Randall, Exchange stutpidity-all are found in "The In- this time Prof. J. Raleigh NteiQon, the club has a limited membership of Editor timate Strangers". The piece abounds qwhoase name haes figured so prominent- ,fifty for the purpose of allowing each E Bethany Lovell, taff Artist with sparkling and wholesome humor.:ly-iji cainnuls< dramatics, was obtained ;girl to take an active part there are JmsHue rCrctrs Addto hi vey ineacing wll-asdirctr ad t i etir~y tt^w'j generally not more than fifteen to V ~ irginia Vaughn Tryon drawn characters, and originality, his 'efforts that Masques has grown to 'twenty vacancies at the beginning of t Bernard Butler yuits prsnt peni organization. the year. Frequently from 150 to 200d Saul Carson Subtract a few minor faults, and yo sn peddwmntyott ilteevcnis John P. Dawson have the whole thing in a nutshell. The ideal of the club has been to " omgine tfreshment aill hs ancioe-oar..Doau The flapper has. come and almost produce one important play a year in; come acquainted with the work of the Jane Ellingson gone. But she did not live in vain. a perfectly finished and artistic manl- organization 'Masques is offering its M'-. A. Klaver. For the dross and gold that were hers nor, and also to contribute three or 1big play this year on November 22.1 Helen G. Lynch~ were placed in the crucible of Time, four small -plays to be used in the The play, called "The Knight of The Hortense 0. Miller separated, and the pure mxetal was W omeon's league,. Every year a Christ- b urning Pestle," is Elizabethan, by - Dori G. Sayrder passed on as a legacy to the stoic mas play is given. This has become IBeaumont and Fletcher. The cast Regular staff meetings will be miaidens who succeded her. However, a tradition of the club. Sonme of the ; has already been an'nounced for the; held at five o'clock every Mon- the modern woman was blinded by the1 larger plays which Basques has done play which will be presenited in Hill day. Attendance of all Maga- lustre of the pure metal, so she pro- successfully are: "The Amazons" by Auditorm ium. It is very humorous and zine writers on these meetings is cured some of the dross, and mixed it Pinero in197,"Qalt Street' by wxill be elalboi-tely costumued and stag-" n'eaie lwith the gold. So, again, we have hit- 1Barrne in 1918 (which was comment- [ed. The regular tryouts of th~e club) manbeigsamogstth meber o ed on as having set a standard fo r wilibe announced later in the year, - --_____ the intriguing sex. campus dramatics) "The New Lady after "The Knight of The BurningTe ~wYr ie aso h - Both Trkigtonchoe ths ifin-Banock by Jerome K. Jerome in Pestle" but before the Christmas play. sra ~llcto fGratHut ence of the flapper as the theme for! 1919, and "'l he Importance of Being T he club, including the new mom- mnann's novel "Phantom" in the Free- his play. Whether he succeeded in iEar'nest" by Oscar Wzlde in 1920J.Tis~i hers, will be divided into five groups man: "It steadily deevlops into a pow- showing the effects of this influence f w-s ipresented2 in the W'hitniey Theatre. wzith1 ten in each group for the purpose' erful literary'pudertaking." or not is a matter, of little consider-a- The club had outgrown Sarah Caswell c 2 ureducing five one-act plays during i___y_________g__ tion, for he chose this theme merely to Angell Hall. tescn eetr hsxiigv proid hmslfwih vhiletor . Lst yeoar lasques attempted the!cecih girl an opportunity to have an Nine Wilcox Putnam wrote "Laugh-. lieve himself of the smiles and es tinithdeedoe"Teacieprinto'wr.1trLd"_otesudofahngah chuckles that were tickling his pal- Y< low thingethadsevrdcon"Tean tv !at n heork. tar Lt,." to the soundaofoadphonogrbph ate. HeI not onl~y relieved himself, Ylo akt a rdcde nieine% il~ codh t e publishers. but passedl the s!Miles and chuckles on "r in the lines of his inimitable work, . "The Intimate Strangers". *Whiie viewing the play I as~ans- (1by Anies' efforts to learn Isabel's ag.This procedure consu-fled the x' . rt whole of two and a half -acts. Buit xhen the glare of the footlights had1G a j " elev ei2 lly eyes, and my m i dbegan fto ftmlC1'onagain I oiderctl wlhether'ala_ Amswsblind, or whether lie was5; 'b >.v rist aslinoltoii. Mile look A the f"r c, abls ontenzan°e Wouild haex ac- quint e A him 1w it ii the fact that she ' _ i' 'iv. -:k L4 v,.' 4r' - 5f ?, :, I't .170Sevonld beyo nd thirt. r i re1j t w ,t .1 Y 'ak C; l7 er mcii who are iadldic ed to i ' yf + " t'rar 2~Ci'ih 7i li ! i( to _a ' tihlgs, ad o Tuir'gton n +3b be ruted this I)oint., 1 ;'nIrive Bot Ii hT 1':'igi on : or m m of !:(e petty nil ca, nu-; W .ig +r --w, a .1 . ,a { 1?'k smybos-om, . Vhv must an4r t 4: autho_;r ac (-omp.Cll a ny hl is e tineiltal so'- .1 - iloquics With sobby' mu sic?l l3 +1is 1iixy- cheap bit of stage lhokum that'iS abso- luitely unnecessary and cut of place4 .,L ,"R tt The Intimate Strangers". And wha is more grieving -it gives one an idea thtTr-ntni nbet rcr he effects he desires by mere words,, when, as a matter of fact, he is. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAXY, NOVEMBER 19, 1922 Inoterv-ie ing ADeetv 4 .$ . 01'. Bernard ,Btler); sometimes are allowed to use a gun, the men more easily to remember and ielated a remarkable L' public speaking is little more in suecial cases. "After the war wei identify faces. I wai delegated.'froml than enlarged private conversation. 1 expected to have an epidemic of mnur- In reply, fir Basil began to draw during 'the war to do not see why so many of the lectur-; ders in England., but this fear did not pictures of different types of faces, rench. 'The irst niol ers who address University audiences ;materialize," said he. "I understand' showing 'low profiles and other views [ ative's arrival in te makse many near or total losses 0) toat you in this country are still suf-I of men might be reduced to "units" Igenera's headquarters their speeches. Sir. Robert Border,.: ferting from war reaction rime." as hie aled them. He said that a, hield a uinique experien spoke to his manuscript- rather. than Sir Basil takes a stand for universalj man's ear was the most distinguish- detective saw a mnan w to his audience, Si- Gilbert Parke: restriction of gun manufacture and i ng feature of the face. Then he class- edl faintly familiar., failed to snreak in his fav&rite field of sale. Hie told of the New York law tiled for me profiles of the nose, con- suspect .into the houe literature, Isaac F. Marcosson rambled, which attempts to govern the sale of , cave, convex, and with double bumps. (sas living, the sleuth all over the, world, and Sir Basil :firearms, but wrhich fails because trim-' Then2 he eve examples of form-mlae the man and addresse, Thomson, former head of Scoland I inals can slipnt-ver to New Jersey to which have been conceived so .that, The stranger w-vas sta Yard, neglected to tell sonic of the purchase theii- weapons. This is an given r certain formula, a, man cap. "What harm amn I doi most gripping stories about the cap-: indication, he asserted, of the necessity( draw the 1rofil which the symbol: ThIe opertive fou't tuie of criminals to dwell ot the over- to attack the firearm problem at itsli represent. In.t this wvay maemiory anct 'he 'had iecognized /wx discusse? Euiropean -relations. sc'irce. the manufacturing plant. identification of faces may be facili-, wh:ite slaver convictoe Last Wednesday I sprent one. of Thel Thursday morning whlen I saw Sir tatedl.- England whom lhe hald Most interesting afternoons I have Basil he talked of various phases of Sir Basil is convinced, however,,that amnong miany .lien in th ever exnerienced. Finding that Sir! s'tife detection andl an unrelated sub- 1th)e most difficult problem in the field,,the time of the trial. Basil had taken the wrong train at De - et college problems. I asked hlim f criminal identification is the con- +oe being able to oonr troit, I discovered himu waiting alt the if Scotland Yaird gave the detectives niection of a given face with the name face,; is antulral gi Union. Hie looked ju;st as his pXtures: any scintiftc data which enabled of the mlan to whom it be. fgs. Hie Sir h asil's' estimation, represent him with mIild yet keenly'.vlousoehtb questioning eyes, a dominan2t now. tvholo icai la1w oftaSSt-' andi all Englis-hy mustache. Of-f m-di- r.C j.~te same way tha Is Lim hightanal1 Fged bii dht .ailonthe famon:; interv te 1ndr1 7b d irUSI- i -I-~L I ~~iies. vorks. presented. himself as an active t.y pi. or nglishman Ldwith that props-' bal11 h, Es 2 :inter^t ".70c S ; iclo 'uality -hich near it ,:..£vocrat'i f (2ilii~ll always marks thle' prducts cof Eto $ jJJJL'- !!)ad keen attention to 41Oxford. the University whch While waiting for }Pro f-,so, e 02rof1 he quest ons vS rlood(1to cone, he fell to dif us- ) _:, Py i' oi lti5,l auto. mis;t WU itctl7tII'iY r tTphi1-l~ttad h cu -k hit]..V I t '3>f7,'ilitg T),,AlI:, y^ ecMi-:yhog TcZersO 1 t t -ol( Lt C ' Ybta ..a.;:,-1a }4 Ile ::'S att 2u::JcItt -.'her S US 1) 7 '7I'C'J 0 "'1.x418't tX e n a v r~ 'o r r lo c 1 e f im .a s ihme. ,a t ' x 1 7as ilt? i ' .- . Vii _._ c 71-l t to '. '( 2'<'c-t th ,l -i, arc rau'Ited c a i t x '.9lCQ IIC, -aE " . Gn o ns-pev ihi7 ~ ' x. 0 - - X~1P1~5 ' l on:-'U se trt cod to 3 lhangdm .tif il :l41[}1 1101 "" 1"". i'S_-:7^ ._,' t -n1 <'Ui x 1 0 teben t.'hi~'10 ~x - mtu t hV.lid " >_vtcER) '5. lc'i Ih. xIo IhaV f3~ O 7~- :- '7 Cx'.,7 7 : v ' ~ t t'IS tordtil and the general Bn iz 1 ' It a ork oo :' a4teo cui u d hi tne fCa(lah to~~A l u. K '" n .lo: h I''-l y 02. (10 Ol 11S11 t7 F 0 -- o h E gi o 2o0 yters., ' t ri iCpso<.n .isw x- I' 7:> ' A-rI- t m lcit tl atx-ic f te MsC -z Te'.famo. x .,,l a some h il'emp i hs etla1 l oin 17:'.t^isist.'. * ' o? .'is7e rduton heszeo it Lho ',t G i, 'i enproposeCd School c-ft J !'; "-Th21is ecini tia fhuml1 th 1. ctitinct!6 i. re -x fDnag ft0rsntt4h.uinc o ee(isiglhIe aincommbonreIler lieo became ('.;'. b lejct orig ih o0.ugtofmgco iventr.the ixlatyeor erall xmis-litrayU xclleo rt I brought hiiira,,i' withtohh iostibecausenlof old,. em-rant en, presenting c-this play :tindecnacapable i c Tiat tyle . peculiar to n esn"ietin n ,tgeo hi ie,1othsh hdrfeec punieashmeti lin Enlnd wa1sara t very c1(Ui. asl.ETmesae alan kigtsure(a ski performan) ce thati Iabe -n h evi tySandl 1ite deterrn ate rofci-ime.ate i inmbQer o l e nortal ombt wigict unue~. - : for whIeit 1 1) .,l' l{; icthe mer' ~fica doethepnliinf elctd in Eng"?lnd-an agry.Ia-ber-surgeontie iant of; "l:1The ight o the Burningh Pafeste"opo" I co- 7 th ay popu al }_ltel15dt omancet11rescensfrom hihs4'been reivedi th is con 'vtr e6a7- As 2I wasefavtinge 000,is ralyioreistpanlevnor enlit cthesthznca Ise rtnte vlitims ofnubeof tliesnwiothepronun~lcd su e mmpresed inth one of;, a yed ear."In189I eeber the eu-lics s. he misae'sp~ dentresariigt-tcess.itohe rt fthers peornitc.tI-geatenestheir t Opitionerbucomin ohe toutel m hias'Zi inatntedehiso hisfkniheofaold 'ts maclcnipahied f by grduaectstu- abence dof eotismorH h eocolnotsuolirthisbe'two dejech-wanding in orldo htof relity i orens inTenishy atrYalersina1898. i tearty to thiengs whacl atr.n" e hnigsayer"wnB it-th breah ofstrbueo.Adeau- was soesues sl at itderwasrpeatledcdon, ito ugivingt aSitheasifoter-admoretsuratcptinignts thrstsnitb-inrehieiniverleoaowideradenceth ine, Havnhtis ef-hiswaserpar ofnithenwin _allaspecs a eatcn- char"atleTeizosaofe'theicitizenifgheat uer intefsraece athecmdywcntiiceSrl dearren thefcrime. ofemurder rvents'siteenthrscenturldon wit thi thhusasicllqreeiedbyaor iantharer ca miayocrisaidh.eciiisedfmoethnlov0,-te fodroimpocsibl esdvetursIs as enem- reauieein tNew Yourk iyxin s Hewas lborngofSi. 00,ur akly ofrsptchan in ealighteoletodayuaso-tuwastobvectimsonableu-b1901,whesit wastedbyotundetsu iegled histh terof cr.inals,8owigtatem -uer taex in- hop .auiene saofvctes adthir 'of.ThemercanoAcademy ofrDrmacsti Arbishop ,ofhYork. withithe onubero rmes olmeithtd.roem'te deierde mecthas nicals ofoAth- s eaccpeseations aprxiatedsu abenew.Coflego tiOxford h enla not aupcrt im twcanghrem adensinghir atemptdtofpresenty -before deproduin oflteYoletime188settigsstitlytiohgaduatedl uin tiesnotemrean or tre ,mon mot'scethrust~s o t aintabhi tag-i ndiie eoenv irm enceithea.avemor'me lf.tic honors 'prc otinedSawiaresa siln"o --heticu' e -ed o-Pytriamos and thisbzensftillatoentheaizationroftheElizaeth- ficant, sinct ionofBeslI -dalt wyit thh ine a wee Apresiteenway intheryLod ofnElizabthei an -en setatinghoweewscectedbyatbrtheiaOxforeeonrth made writhsindrehwe. he rcset- 'bloesforeimbutstheyfidnuadmir aleStnfrladUiersitin1903,owhenithtinonlewhias on oferg outrdefct ofdiourtchiin dalingw 'itsh "ejondbln thdoasit gs ojetheovalant901comeiwas safotby students ongupyihiOxfrd. r ucraintys, Therw i nafel that R etin otalp uwodinsofhizspusamidstther:o h mrcnAcdm f-aai Arcbs'po ok he h:ouasa sortin hace." to d ase5:beof- 'hoam iringsfellow 1pren -ArtimproviedEpie Thantge. Ths is eShrlyafterooli mptLE "n Eglndacrmia cn eai es n hiratepttopesntbfoerpouctioenwaf modelediniparteonithe satttheoUniversityahedxve uthiedchiet cauesthar'criemon thsticendtheir ctizlenaer g-adenvfrtimentSwan Thetare.Asnrere-ameticolornisrice:a coutrind Se oBail, ior oflie rasileareRaoPm's s-dnTse snly loely sete inalrugza wingof of Eibthi- ofnheladersincion ote del hwthengunwandourpexhltn lmateIconnecte in the nigh of Eizthnurn- tn hoevrmad eeedao o anesNwuiea.or Lantehe mWhenwihicame ekths.couTreatbugrlestle"xbththe storyanofdtrele "Sdortd Utcvisitorin1to3 Lonn.en-1 tionswhinTn an .tdt mondftho noticedminwlYrkfta stsousecoween Jaser adon uce.tre,,vlove, ;otherdyeorae ofthepy tdeas ogiv-pin hefotrSad.go dnrieimch.aTherimhanweeo.sIthnknevRadidhoun sohlysprsindtplthren inm1905inedChicagbypuilstof.Ti helotllafretrn ope he clhate sre smr ia-tinggchthere woplul e o no his a tmi nd Jasowpen-r'scol of th eedhicngoMasitlon-asIadmheUinestatoe w~ei The gu is thauseak : ot.rmei Thigun loeforhei isater'-sagters noslageofthSnTheprfr aetoe gven - enabldnimltoerieeai itscountry th is on'eof theaslgretexcepion.Itdisntendaedonhappilyy n-teisneka roaughdraing cai-etlstudn teoneacomitee ca gnn ussoermie,"hlaadng- liat-dHe,oldnn h ectin ofhe gtrnnc fther- c-f tero aeoue~ ting,xyiJohaddesNeviea.of tieBritish mWe hwnIcaeitrth criinlsnr .atIig ee ihthehereh fuswaltruitoeistoWtteseDut-evisiaotherLinint tiois iseTpeg-iandite policemenotcrydun i n glYokta.thu et euoen. Ts is acLcmplish v !otedbaprerntatin efthis lay ich iv il SeSntshSelped im divtermualwasehanwshdrt Iki thic" neve'did n sot hoyimn aot uor ;en in 95n Chincomiycppimtrlsof etUo hdle tere o i touswhifchrthe"canecresor, aHidthey t'the cruecftom'ofanhefraigcsala hum tgcotm n ig landf : rals. h :rts Rarely, if ever, have I seen such a splendid cast and such good acting. Elsa Ryan, as the fair old maid, really lived hem' part. 'So convincinigxwas her portrayal, and so magnetic wvas her personality that I wished she would never leave the stage until the final curtain was rung doxvn. I doubtri xvhether any other actress, with time- possible exception of Billie Burke, who played the role in the original: production, woud have speeded up the lagging third act as 'Aiss Ryan did, Coates Gwynne,- as the hasty -and undecided lover, left little to be de- sired in his portrayal. The role as- signed hinm was/difficult, amid he stood up under the strain admirably xwell. He proved an excellent foil for, Miss 1 Ryan. An'd so, a worth-whie play has come and gone. Ettone thing -grieves nec "The Intimate Strangers" played toI a house, fifty' per cent of which was empty and emmpy seats, as: you know, ' constitute a very dumb audience. NASQUES AM) THEW W"Ii Masques, the ;women's dramatic club of the campus, has no aumbition to be a stepping stone for young women wvho -rofessic-nal stage carei-s, although it'I has been used as such, but it is an or-J ganization entirely for anmateurs. It l; ad its beginning eight years ago in a- play producinig comxmittee of thme Wont-I en's league. There were ten gitrlsonil this comnititee, amoong thenm f-hllis - Povah, who has since been in a Newi' 'York production of "Abraham Lin-I ccln," and. A. A. Milne's "1 ovem-r :oad" andt Mary Tru'exwho las also followed the stag e. In 1917 th como ittee sep- arated from the Womlen's le.aguie atid Thanks in i lw.l .r-, Iviilu As 'tT- T~o s+-rii+'x~ ._d 1 7~a Raam'R~fi' . .. 'F._ - 4kF~r _W ' AS USUAL WE HAVE PREPARED A GREAT ASSORTMENT- OF CANDIES ESPECIALLY' FOR THANKSGIVING. THE DAY WOULDN'T BE COMPLETE WITHOUT CANDY, AND WE HAVE MADE OUR CANDIES GOOD:ENOUGH'TO EQUAL THE DAY. WE INVITE YOU TO LOOK OVER OUR BEAUTIFUL LINE OF BOXES AND BASKETS WHICH ARE PACKED ESPECIALLY FOR GIFT PURPOGSES. C.ANDIES SHIPPED BY PARCEL, POST ANYWHERE. RE U A ,SO T S 0cP R P6''RUIT AND NUT A;°; alTIENTS, $1 PER POUND WHEN YU WANT TH BEST, YOU NE NOT GUESS, f