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November 19, 1922 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-19

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A "r1' '1 JIT T77' A TT; O C iare coely akin to those In the great l11T 'I 7 lT71\TJ1 PTTTN /T T> TTd/171 ArT '


tne bickerig nousenoi or te vWneet- :$GARRICI (Detroit)
er family, and finds the task of recon- "Spice of 1922," the big usicaI re
ciling this family nearly as difficult vue whichscaredsuch asummersc -
as driving army, ,mules without e ve luihscrd uh ume;sc
ing. Hov he accomplishes thetask cess at the New York Winter Garden,
furnh mpishes the plotoragoodenjyabe will be the attraction at the Garrick
furnishes the plot for a good Enjoyable thae"hswe.Thsdzln pc
comedy. Agnes Ayres and May, ft theater this week.= This dazzling spec-
comey. AnesAyre an MayMb-tacle of mirth and melody is given.tin
Avoy have the leading feminine roles. tacts o n thind meys give in
Ke-two acts and thirty scenes, with the
As an added attraction, Buster Keai
ton will be shown in "The Paleface," famous Garden-of-Eden chorus of fifty
his latest comedy. In this picture the beautiful girls as a striking feature.
droll comedian succeeds not only in The girls present a startling novelty
becoming. initiated into the order of in a Japanese temple scene, clad in
redmen but, through his quick wit, costumes of imported gold and silver
makes himself also their high poten- paint. In a blue and white Dutch por-
tatc. celain finale they offer a picturesque
tate.wooden shoe dance.
"Anna Ascends," starring Alice
Brady, will be the chief feature of the cValeska Suratt heads the all-star
program for Friday and Saturday. "A cast, with Midgie Miller also.featured.
Trip to Paramount Town" will be
shows as a special offering. SHUBERT MICHIGAN (Detroit)

75c to $2.001
The Home of Better Clothes and Furnishings at Fair Prices

"Love Is An Awful Thing," a suc-
cessor to Owen Moore's first comedy
triumph "Reported Missing," opens at
the Majestic for a four-day engage-
ment today. A clever series of humor-
ous situations maintains the laug-in-
terest throughout, and leads to the sur-
prising, yet logical finish. Marjorie
Daw, Kathryn Per'y, and Arthur Hoyt
are included in the cast. "Oceani
Swells," a Christie two-reel comedy,
starring Bobby Vernon and Dorothy
Devore, will also be shown..
Pat Conway, tenor, - formerly with
Blossom Seeley and with George'
White's "1921 Scandals" where he
sang opposite Ann Pennington, willt
present a special stage feature with
Kenuedy's Kollegians, an orch tra of
11 musicians which combines sym-
phonic numbers with the latest tune-
ful melodies.
A strong and logical story, a beauti-
ful star, and plenty of excitement are

"Call The Doctor," a highly amusing
and original comedy by. Jean Archi-
bald, will be the offering of the Bon-.
stelle company this week. The play
opens with Catherine Mowbray's re-
alization that she is gradually losing
her husband's love. .In desperation
she employs Joan Deering, who spe-
cializes in domestic difficulties. Herl
husband, in the meantime, has hired
a lawyer to secure a divorce for him.
This lawyer falls madly in love with
Joan, but eventually learns the truth
as to whom she is and why she is in
the Mowbray home. They quarrel4and
the play develops into a battle of wits
as to whether Joan Deering wins her
case and re-establishes harmony and
love in the Mowbray home, or whether
the lawyer secures a divorce and dis-
solves the home.


combined in "White Shouclers, a (Continued from Page Nine.)
First National attraction starring Kahn, '11, and Fred awton, 'i, wrote
Katherine MacDonald, which will be the lyrics and the book, and Earl
here the latter half of the week. The Moore and Robert Moreland, '11,
story, by George Kibbe Turner, which wrote the music:
was first published in the Saturday "TheCrimson Chest," the fourth
Evening Post, deals with a mother's opera, was presented in 1911, and thej
determination to shield her daughter opk was presnt in 191 ad
fro~ th priatin sh heselfhasbook was the result of the collabora-
fromn the privation she herself has! tion of Arthur Moeflman, '12, and
been compelled to suffer on account Fis o' Ar an, '12 , an
of poverty. The 'character of" the. Francis Riordan, '12. Fred Lawton
daughtertywhsaeschrcserlfanheagain contributed the music. Although
daughter. who saves herself and her the setting for this play was also laid
family from the ruins created by her outside of Ann Arbor, it, was full of
mother's well intentioned efforts is
on~ f stengh an wie apeal puns 'and allusions on the campus.
ene' of strength and wide appeal. { acn hrs nrdcd
Bryant Washburn, Tom Forman, and DAncing chorus Introduced
little Richard Heardick are seen in A return to local setting came in the
the supporting cast. "Awakened Rameses'" in the 1912 pro-
duction followed by "Contrarie Marie"
in 1913. The setting again turned to
ORPIHEUU foreign lands in "A Model.Daughter."
"Oathbound" is the interesting title 'This was the fiirst opera in which a
of a new photoplay starring Dustin dancing chorus, such as we have to-
Farnum which will open at the Or- day was used. Previously the prin-
pheum theater today. Farnum is cast cipal duty of the chorus had been to
as a millionaire shipowner whose ves- look -beautiful as they walked on and
sels are being raided by river pirates. off the stage.
He decides to take a hand in captur- "All That Glitters" was the first
ing the crooks himself. The chase play produced by a professional direc-
which folows, in which two of the tor. '°In that year, Eugene Sanger of
speediest motor boats on the Pacific New York was engaged. The follow-]
coast engage in one of the most spec- ing year Charles Morgan of Philadel-
tacular scenes of the picture. phia directed "Tres Rouge." "Fool's
"Bring Him In," a picture of the Paradise," a satire on student life,
great outdoors showing Earle Wil- came out in 1917 and the following
hIams in a role somewhat different ye 'r, "Let's Go" marked the first and
from anything in which he has pre- only appearance of women in the
viously appeared, will be shown Wed- opera productions.
nesday and Thursday. This is a story Shuter Comes to Mimes
of the Canadian Northwest Mounted The thirteenth production, "Come
Police from whose slogan the film On Dad" marks the' advent of E. Mor-
gets its name. Earle Williams as Mr. timer Shuter as director of the Mimes
Hood, is fleeing from justice, not be- dramatics. Since that time Mr. Shu-
causo of any crime he committed, but ter has produced "George Did It,'
because he is unable to explain a mys-"Tap O' the Mornin', and "Make It
tery that occurred in his home. Mc2- "o 'teMri'"ad"aeI
ter tht ocured n hs nme.Mc-For Two" with ever increasing sue.
Kenna, a sergeant of the police, sets Fore
out to trail his man and by a queer Iast year marked an epoch in the
twist, the pursuer and pursued be- i development of the annual Mimes pro-
ccme pals without either realizing the dilction, when the show played in 14
identity of the or. n"Whcities in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana
Franklin Farnum in "When East and Ohio.
Comes West," will be the attraction for The offering of the present year,
Friday and Saturday. "In and Out" written bv E.P.Meiss

Opera Begun
In the year 1908 Homer Heath
whose services to the Union have
proved invaluable was secured as one
of the men to work for the new club.t
The first Opera was held in 1908,
which proved to be a great source of
revenue for the raising of. funds fort
building. The income from the Opera
at the present time is the largest cash
item of income which the Union now
Plans for the new building were
begun in 1914, but, on account of the
war they were suspended for a short
Itime. When they were resumed, 200
committees were organized to carry
on the work of the campaign. The
f campaign proper began Oct; 15, 1915.
The first spadeful of dirt for the new
building was turned at Commence-
ment in June, 1914.1
The result of the campaign and the
work of organization may be seen
through the present organization of
the Union: .
(Continued from Page Nine) i
"The classics have been minimized
in importance;" he said, "and mathe-
matics, history, and philosophy are
following in their wake. 'College edu-
cation has come to be regarded by
many as. a social experience. We
should go back to fundamentals in the
work of education and, -instead of try-
ing to coddle and please, we should
strive to discipline, train and direct.
'1If the- present generation stands
the. strain to which their morals and
mental development are subjected by
the movie and the automobile, with
the spirit of dash and irresponsibility
with the mereticious influences which
they exert,-then we must conclude that
the young. men and women- of the day,
have inherited mental and moral qual-
ities which give us hopeful assurance
of t11 future."

Paris, Nov. 1-To Georges Clemen-
ceau's numerous accomplishments,j
writer, oratdr, journalist, politician,1
statesman and duellist, must be added
that of occasional pick-pocket.
French Denuties, by paying a year-
ly compulsory contribution, are en-
titled to free bdrinks and sandwiches
from the bar of the Chamber. An old
radical deputy, elected in 1886, was
wont to avail himself of the bar privi-
leges without the slightest reserve.
Standingin front of the bar one day,
after he had absorbed drinks and par-
taken of sandwiches to the limit of
his canacity, the hungry member of
parliament proceeded to fill the spa-
cious rockets of his swallow-tail coat.
Clemenceau, . standing just behind
him, was extracting each sandwich
from the socket of the deputy as fast
as they were stowed away. Michou
(that was the deputy's name) finally
became aware of the "theft" as the
sixth sandwich failed to show any
perceptible increase in the weight of
his coat. 'Turning around he beheld
Clemenceau in the center of a group,
passing sandwiches abbut amid great
mirth. Michou vowed there and then
he would avenge himself.
In 1888 Clemenceau was a candidate
for the position of President of the
Chamber, with M.. Meline as his oppo-
nents Michou, although a political
friend of Clemenceau and belonging
to the same party, the radical, voted.
against the "Tiger." Meline and
Clemenceau both obtained exactly 212
votes each.
According to French parliamentary
law, the office went to Meline, as be-.
ing senior to Clemenceau in years of
Military Ball Planned
Plans for the Military Ball were dis-
cussed at a meeting of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars Thursday, and a series
of smokers were outlined with promi-
nent men as speakers, the talks to be
of special interest to ex-soldiers.



Identical NEW YORK CAST from Lyrie and Forty-Fourth Steet Theatres, including
CHAS. MEAKINS, famed "Prince Danilo" of "'The Merry Widow" renown;'GERTRUDE
O'CONNOR; D'A I)REA & WALTERS; Justine Gray; Jack Sheehan; William N. Bai-
ley; Thos. A. Hagrane; Arnold Gluck; Page Spencer; Inez Foster; Jane Victory; Dor-
othy Curtis; Beulah Baker; Ledru Stiffler; Van; J. iheUno; Listelle & Ellis; the famous
Gaites' posing .ienneqiins and Chorus of Captivating Coryphees.

. '1





sterilize every
garment we
clean or press

"The Sin Flood," an unusual andx
gripping photoplay, adapted from theI
successful play "Sundafloden" by=
Henning Berger, the greatest livingc
Swedish novelist and dramatist, willt
be the opening attraction of the week.I
This photodrama goes beneath things'
as they are, and gives us a remarkable
bit of life itself through a startling
revelation of human nature.
The story of "The Sin Flood" depictst
the changes in the characters of tent
men and one woman who are trapped1
in a fashionable cafe by a flood in a
Mississippi river town. The charac-
ters,.while they are penned in the wa-
ter tight compartment, become repent-
ant and make a clean breast of their}
shortcomings, sing hymns and go inI
heavily for brotherly love. The cli-
max, when they learn that their ex-'
pecced doom has been averted, brings
out' forcibly the weakness of their re-
Helene Chadwick is the only woman
in the cast, which includes James
Kirkwood, Richard Dix, and Ralph
True love, innocent flirtation, jeal-
ousy, and quick wit play important 3
pares in "The Married Flapper," Marie
Prevost's latest starring vehicle,
which will be shown the rest of the1

I~ 1L U , VVLLL y z. ". I ,."
'23, will make an even longer trip
than that of last year. Stage equip-
ment and costumes .are now in the
process of construction and, with the
regular consistent rehearsing that the
cast and chorus is now being put
through, the show will be ready for
production on Dec. 4, as, according to
the director, the biggest, finest and
most beautiful opera produced here.
Take her to the WESTERIA for
that lunch tonight Dance Orches-
tra from 10 to 1. Corner S. and E.
University Ave.-Adv.

S- -



1 I

The Dining Room


is a very

important place on Thanksgiving

Day. But no matter how many good things you
have to eat, or how good the meal, a newly dress-
ed room, with clean low-toned paper, or newly
painted or varnished wood-work will help.vou
enjoy your Thanksgiving Day more thoroughly.

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