r A4 vo 4w :43 att Section Two ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS EL, E B-ATES NI VERSARY Former President ATTRACTJVE"-H1 S. HADEY Kansas City, llo., Nov. 1A- 'Ihe present day bargain counter theory of education-the theory that educa- tlion should be made attract i e to the student-has resuited in a heterogen- I ous mass of unrelated subjects, Prof. Herbert S. Hadley of the University of Colorado, told members of the Mis- souri State Teaehers' associat'lon here toda . Professor Iladley declarel "there it somiehm seriously wrong with the present educational system" au add- er that he believed the troub>p is due Ito a system of "educational coddling" by which stu (ents decide on their course of study instead of being rc- quired to take what the experience of centuries has shown to be the most valuable for training, disciplining and developing the mind. 1d! V(Continued on Page Ten) General Manager Has Long Record " The Father OfTeU in PICTURES FOR ANNUAL Senior nicturc for the 1923 Mich. iganensian are not being taken fast enough to complete the numbir before I hristmas vxthen the time limit, is set, acc.:rding i Sheldon :Browi, '23. busi- ness manager. Only little over 900 oi the 1500 pictures have been taken. SEmphasis is laid in tne fact that it will ne iipossible to accpt pictures after the Chr'tmas vacation. This 4 'niors art urged to atten I to the matter immedizltely, not only because of the advaruige that the photographs and editorial staff of the annual wills receive, but because of benefit to the seniors t:( 'msclves. If the pictures are aken imrieiately the ruih that is bound to occur in the last two weeks o 'the period set, will not hinder tho photographers in doing the proper worl: on the pictures. Fifteen Years s q On Union Stqff Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law school who may be called "the Father of the Union," since he was the first to carry forward the plans for its or-s ganization; and since he was chair- man of the Campaign committee to raise funds for the erection of its building. Has Fostered Since Its Club Origin Though the Mimes theater seats but five hundred and as yet does not have the outward appearance of a city play- house, it is nevertheless, one of the most comolete and adequate little buildirrgs of its kind in the country. Its stage is even larger than that of the average professional theater and practically every lighting effect now known can be produced by the Mimes apparatus. Mimes, which is the all- campus dramatic society, aid the Michiga4 Union have built and equip- ped, is a center for directing the cam- pus dramatic, talent in the proper di- rection. Brings Out Dramatie Talent The Mimes theater is therefore, more than a mere building, it is really a department of college studyb in it- self. One year ago, when the building was finished, the Mimes, with the aid of their director, E. Mortimer Shuter began producing vaudeville skits and short plays. Every member of the Michigan Union was permitted to disk- play his tplent at the theater with the result that a great deal of worthwhile talent was brought forth,. In the playwright field, not so much has-been done. btt several one-act plays writ- ten by members of the student body have been nroduced at the theater and. have been found clever and entertain- ing. In addition to the several vaude- ville bills which were put on from time to time last year, the Mimes al- so produced "The Cloister," a Belgian production, and "The Thirteenth Chair" a )well known mystery play. Mimes at that time had the distinc- tion of being the first organization ino the United States to produce "The Cloister." As the theater can be used only for performances of men actors, all the. characters in the plays and skits are played by men, and, in the field ofo female impersonation, the work of, this organization has no rival. Of all the seventeen Michigan Union operas, the big annual production of the" Mimes, only one, the 1918 show, in-1 cluded women in the cast. First Opera in 1908S The Michigan Union gave its first annual opera in 1908. Previous to' that year the Union had given an an- nual circus but it was decided that dramatic talent could be used to bet- ter advantage in a staged production Out of this suggestion grew the first opera, "Michigenda," written by Don- ald H. Hains, '08, and Roy Welch, '09. Those were the days of long skirts, and high coiffures but the "women"l of Michigenda were every bit as "beautiful" as they are in this year's opera, r"In and Out." The second opera "Culture" also by Haims and Welch, was a real attempt at College extravaganza. Earl Moore, '12, now assistant professor of Music in the University, wrote one of the songs for this production. The fol- lowing year "Koanzaland" wa' the first Popera in which a setting outside' of the campus was xntroduceo. Donald1 (Continued on Page Ten) Glee Club Plans 192"i (By Associated Press)j Chicago, Nov. 18-Turkey gobbler:: will make fewer centerpieces for Thanksgiving dinner tables this year than for many seasons, according to reports of reduced numbers from al- most all turkey raising states in the middle west. Despite this shortage, virtually .all reports agree that the price will be re- duced over that of last year. Through- out, the central west last year turkeys sold from 60 to 75 cents' a pound. This year's prices are quoted from 45 to 50 cents. Texas, claiming to be the largest producer of turkeys, had a slightly larger number to ship out to other communities, according to authorities there. Estimates placed the number on hand at 1,250,000, with the year's crop to bring three and one-half millionc dolIare.t Kentucky, another large producern of turkeys, had a reduced crop, ac- - cording to~ announcements from that state. Some points reported a de-! 'crease of ,50 .percent in number while other places reported the drop would be slight. Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, Iowa, North Dakota and Wisconsin each had less turkeys thisj year to ship than last year. In most G cases the decrease was less than 10 percent, in others the drop reached as much as 25 percent. The majority of authorities statedA that nthe general. price of turkeysC would be less because of the drop in the cost of feed and other things which made. up the. cost of raising. The extreme difficulty of. raising tur- keys- is said -to- be .the: greatest cause t for this year's crop decrease, farmers 1 becoming discouraged with their fail- ures of former years. Cooley CritiCizes " ~Intellect' Tests In, commenting on the present wide-. spread use of intelligence tests and the belief held by some writers on the subject that these. tests can measure the capabilities as well as the intelli- gence, Prof. Charles D. Cooley, of the sociology department says: "I do not believe that any intelli- gence test can measure the native in- telligence of an individual. A number of writers on the subject would give that impression, but the most that can be said of the tests is that they are in a way able to measure the acquired intelligence. "The intellect is a social product largely dependent upon early environ- ment and education, and for this rea- son there is no basis for saying that any mental test can determine the in- nate possibilities of a mind. Those writers who point out that some na- tionalities among our population av- erage higher in intelligence than oth- ers forget the fact that these nation- alities are surrounded by different en- vironments which may well account ' for the difference shown by the tests." Poster Contest' A poster contest to be held by the Varsity Glee clubs, business manager, James C. Stevens, '23, for the purpose of securing a poster appropriate for advertising purposes on the spring tour of the Glee Club will be held be- ginning today and closing Dec. 4. 1, The first prize willfbe a cash award of $10, the second prize will - be an award of $5, and the third will be an award of $3. , The posters are to be judged by a committee chosen by the Board in Control of the Glee Clubs. Not more than three colors may be used for the poster; and the preferred size for it is 18 by 22 inches. To Enforce City Ordinance Homerl4Heath who has served the City police have been instructed to r be on the lookout for violations of the organization 15 years. He served it 1city anti-spitting ordinance, and to in its old home and is now general arrest all violators on their apprehen- manager of its new home. sion. Dennis Donovan, who has been a member of the anion staff fo* 15 years, ahd whose service has been valuable to the organization., Operas--Past And Present President Emeraus Harry B. Hutch- ins, who has constantly fostered the Union since its origin. BERMAN MEDICAL FEES AMEIRICAN CHARGES NINE TIMES THOSE MAE FOR NATIVES (By Associated Press) Bremen, Oct. 23.-Americans requir- ing the services' of a Bremen physi- cian or surgeon will hereafter be charged a fee nine times larger than what is ordinarily paid by the natives. This in accordance with 4, schedule adopted by the local medical assoia- tion. Visitors -from .other foreign countries, also will have to pay higher .rates, in proportion to theesteem In which their respective currencies are held by the local doctors. .- Other Foreigners Suffer Although the dollar commonly com- mands the highest respect of foreign monies among Germans, United States citizens suffer less than those of a number of other countries in the new tariff. Swedes will be charged 13 times the usual, fee, Swiss 10 times, English and Dutch nine times, and French and Italians six times.% New rates for natives have been an- nounced by the association. Advice will be given for 120 marks during the day. Together with a consultation, this service will be rendered in the daytime for 240 marks, and at night for 360. An ordinary day .visit will cost 200 marks, an urgent call 400, a night visit 600, and a second prescrip- tion or a hasty diagnosis without in- vestigation 100. Surgery Instruments Expensive A young surgeon here requires 500,- 000 marks capital now to provide himself with a suitable establishment on which to "hang out his shingle." It costs him 200,000 marks' toi buy the necessary instruments alone. A sy- ringe which cost 10 marks. before the war now sells for 2,300 marks. Other items range from 120 marks for 'a doz- en surgical needles to 40,000 for an instrument cabinet. Installation of an apparatus for .Roentgen-ray examina- tions would cost from 1,500,000 to 2,- 000,000 marks. U. D. C. Will Meet November 14-18 Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 18.-Six hundred delegates representing 'loca chapters in every state of the -Union have indicated 'their intention of. at- tending the twenty-ninth convention of the United Daughters of the Con- federacy, to be held here November 14-18, according to Mrs. Chappell Cory and Mrs. S. L. Ledbetter, general chairmen in charge of arrangements. On the opening day, responses to welcoming addresses will be made by Miss Decca Lamar West,Waco. Texas, following which will occur the pre- sentation of 'the- president-general, Mrs. Livingston Rowe Schuyler of New York City, by Mrs. Charles B. Bryan, Memphis, Tenn. The day's pro- gram also calls for an address by John Tilly, of Harvard University, and pre- sentation of a portrait of Jefferson Davi,. A reception in honor of the presi- dent-general, other igeneral officers CLUB CELEBRA 0TE 15TH BITHDAYAS, STUDENTS' HOME BATES WAS CHAIR1,IAN OF COM. MITTEE WHICH FORMULATED PLANi PARKER WAS PRESIDENT OF UNION FIRST YEAR Organization Was Incorporated Ap proximately 18 Years Ago "To establish a University - social and recreational center; to provide a meeting place for faculty alumni, for- mer students and resident students of the University," the Michigan Uion 15 years ago Friday held the formal opening of its club house in the "old' Cooley residence," which stood on part of the 'round upon which the present building stands. 'This small club house was the fir,st home of the Michigan Union,.the hon'e of the college Union which has be- come the strongest in the world, and has, as well, succeeded in erecting the finest building of its kind and pur- pose in the world. Here was planted the idea which has been so wonderful- a development, and which has so wl been carried out as to attract nearly all universities of its excellence and its possibilities, and to' cause in them a feeling of -envy. Among the college unions which may be called successful are Houston Club, at the University of Pennsylvania, Social Hall at -Dart- mouth University, the Harvard Union, at Harvard University, pnd 'H'rt House,' Toronto, Canada; but in 'no way do any of these comnpare in the size or quality of their buildings or in the strength of their or n z with our oven union. - sl . . History Eentail If we are to realize the meaniing :of the building which studenta for 15 years have worked to maske possible, and to understand the signife'ance of the organization which las perhaps proved more beneficial and effective than any other college organization in the nation, we must look to a hitory o it. The Michigan Union was incorpor- ated in 1904 and during the first uni- versity year of its existence, 1904-1905, Edward F. Parker, '25L, served .as its president, after the idea- for the or- ganization had been activelr support- ed by Dean Henry M. Bates of t e ,a1w school, then a professor in that school, and after he had, through a committee, given rigidity and possibility to the idea suggested by Parker. Raised Funds Earjy During the first year of the Union's existence its main purpose was to raise funds for securing itself a home. With this end in view fairs, banquets, and other entertainments were held. In the meantime the committee which Dean Bates was directing were meet- ing 'from time to time to formulate plans for formal organization, outline the policies of the club, and to aid in the securing of funds for a headquar- ter.°' The home of Judge T. M. Cooley, which stood on a portion of the ground now occupied by the. Union, was bought in February; 1907, Puring the following summer it was remodeled and made to fit the purpose f a club house, and in the month of November, 1907, the Union held a formal opening and celebration in its first home. The work of raising money was continued (Continued on Page Ten) President, 19Q4-5 Below is shown cast of "Mich-o genda," the first Michigan Union Opera, which was held in 1907. At- tention is called to the difference between the cos- tumes shown in the picture of last year's Opera. Shown above isl a group of thoso who took princi- pal parts in last year's opera,, "Make it for Two," among whom is Arthur J. Holden, '24, in malo costume. President, 1922- I(' : , . I I U.