GE TO ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUxnDA " NVME Y, NOVEMBER CHI PSI WINS CUP fin a FOR DECOR ATIONSNesOTh 'a CliiPsiConstantinople-(AP)-The Sultan ChiPsiwasawarded, the cup yes- I is said to have told friends he would terda~y for the Kest decorated house keep his throne "until removed by in ',the' contest conducted by the Stu- force." dent council and' the Ann ArborI Budapest-(AP)-Tile Hung a r i a nu Chamber of Commerce. Honorable mention was given to Delta Klp# Fascisti organization has been inter - 1Epsilon, Kappa Nui, Delta Upsilon and dieted by the government, dlue to anti- Ph Det:Tea Jewish movements cat Mosom. h eltjudgeta.r ro. ml or ofThe collgeofwrhietro.EilLrch Washington, Nov. 18.-President of thRoliegassisanthitocthre, pr. i-Harding has not changed his mind on Entbinastndto.'S. els, of thethe subject of prohibition, it was said Btu-Maize Blossom Shop.atheWieHueody - 1 Berlin-(AP)-The press says the $2.ei() ANT) $8.00) TICKETS I American election shows the Yankees FOR 11j NNkSOTA GAME GONhE still aloof, and -that the' Democrats' increased power "is not likely to 1Minneapolis, M~inn., Nov. 18.-All change this. $2.50 and $3.00 tickets for the Michi- gan-Minnesota game Nov. 25 have NINE MEN ARE INITIATED been sold'througli mail olders, it :was INTO PHIl DELTA KiAPPA announced by athlete authorities late yesterday. The demand for tickets in (Continued from Page One) advance of the game has been so great a very prominent figure in education- that al of them for these sections al circles; and Prof. F. N. Freeman, have gone- out. Requests are still head of the department of research of coming in. Chicago university, is an authority in - his field. Educators from all over W('rks Thiroutgh School, IHelps Familly' Michigan were also present, making a Minneapolis, Mi., Nov. 18.-Tak- total, attendance of . more. than 0 ing, first place in the intelligence tests men. given t~o 1,200 entering freshmen in Protest Editor's Dismissal addition to working himself through New York, Nov. 18.-The entire staff kcollege and supportingr mother andofte"ess"heumr agzn sister, is the record of Robert Thomp-cfte"ser"tehmr agzn son, 22 year old member of the fresh-'o oubauiesthsrsge s ;.in protest of the action suspending Fman class.. Corey Ford, '23, editor in chief, for i I the publication of his editorial en- Spaulding Sees Wisconsini Ganme titled "The Metropolitan Champion- Coach Spaulding, Minnesota mien- ship. tor, sat in the stands at Ferry field - yesterday afternzoon and saw the 0. S. U. Has 7,104 Students Wolverines emerge triumphant in the Columbus, 0., Nov., 1.-The total' Badger game. enrollment at Ohio State Universit~l this year numbers 7,914 with 2,206 Dance at Ypsi every Friday even- women sutdents. ing, 8:X30-Adv. MO!RENCI-ADRIAN-ANN ARB3OR BUS Schedule in Dffcct October 18, 921 Central Tim~e (Slow Time) D' x x D P.M. A.M. P'.M. P.M. 2:55- 6:55 Lv. Morenci .Ar. i:35 4:35 (Hotel) 3:45 7:45 .. Adrian .... 2:45 8:45 4:15 8:f5 ...' Teciunieh ... 12:i5 8:15 4:30 8:30 ,.." Clinton ... 2:00 8:oo $.t5 9:15 . ~Saline . ... iIt 7:15 5:45 49:45 Ar Nnn ArborLv. 10.:45' 6:45 (Court House Square) A. M. D-Daily. Y-Daily except Sundays and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special bus for students leaves Adrian j-45. leaves, Ann Ar-bOr 4:45: JAMEiS HlL LLIOTT, Proprietor IPhonla 926-M - Adrian, Mich. Industrious men and women want-: ed to retail the. genuine Watkins Pro ducts in city territories. Exceptional l opportunity to tie up with oldest and largest company of its kind. Our hustlers' average income is $1.10 an h our. Are you doing as well? If not, 1write today for free samples and par- ticulars. STHE J. R. WATIN 009 Dept. 82 1 f'1Tf' IM A '1MINN. DR.'''W. S. MILLS OSTEOPATHIC PI#YSICUN 616 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Office'. oar Phone j 9.142; 127O- 821-pi DOROTHY B. LOWRY CHIROPRACTOR. 60~6 1st 'Nat'l Bank Bldg. Roars, 1-$ pan. Phtoie 401J Wil 1h Vmmmmm r HOW HIGH A PRICE? King Richard offered his kingdom .for a horse. It's not necessary to give so high a price. We have plenty of well-trained saddle hoarses for hire at $1.00 per hour, and our cash-coupon" plan makes them even cheaper than that. TH F MULLISON STABLES Est .Ann Phone 8 7 ... rr yM 1.1 V11A li.i.111" STANDARDS In the cleaning of clothes there are many STANlDARDS, but, prices being EQUAL, the P U B L I C demandst the BEST. The man whose standard in clothes cleaning is quality is the one who is on the road to success. With the Swiss Garment Cleaning Company supplying him' with that type of 'cleaning, he has "'othiingX more to wish for in, . othe cleaning line. We make a specialty of velours, silks, etc. ENERGINE is the only solvent that brightens the cloth, and lWves no' odor. 32 6 For your dinner today: One, of the best rneus ever! FA 1RE stretching several 'rpoints to _make Sunday dinner "one of the best by gv- ing even a greater variety than usual. The iinu' s as complete as.c an be iag- fined-; 'the prices are at their usual low level. I 2i1leacher Pictures and the Spring Games We Call. For and Deliver i I Phone 2508 209 South Foruth Ave e)Coeofanr in .. Cleaners Dyers Pressers Michigan Cafeteria 612 East Liberty i 4 1 DINNER 'U +, . E .. E ;z 1 ' ,'3 .'r_.. ' . y r! .° r r , ,. --at Goodyea' 124 SOUTH MAIN c r a' ,c. 7+'I II' v lf : v' r Y i s a ' r 1. F _,. ! O M1UiY~ r~ Y il~w rriW "" _... _ .4j ;r ' , v I, FOR EVERY HOUR OF EVERY, DAY GOODYEAR'S DISPLAYS AT- TIRE THAT Is DISTINCTLY P-7 PEALING TO THE YOUNG WQ7MAN I: .4. '44 . , j t '' S . 1 ). 1 /' i i .! 3 4 .. .. ' p l .. ', M i 61 PHONE MAIN '770 e', r *1 WOOQL FROCKS.. $15.00 to $ 65.00 SPORTS COATS . . $19.50 to $ 59.50 DRESS COAT. .. $29.50 EVENING GOWNS . $27.50 SUITS ... ....$25.00 SIJJK FR OCS.. . $22.50 to $ 89.50 to $ 69.50 r 1 SECOND FL~OOR 'r 1 k : - _ I f