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November 18, 1922 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-18

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1 PMII IM I rr r *Ii11 Frl l

ished every morning except Monday,
the University year by the Board in
I of Student Publications.

of Western Conference fEditorial

ie Assodiated Press is exclusively en-
I to the use for republication of all
dispatches credited to it or not other-
credited in this paper and the local[
published therein.
nferel at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Uigan, as second class matter.
bscription by carrier or mail, $3.50.
jices:.Ann Arbor Press Building; May-
ones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M;. Busi.
mmunications not to exceed 300 words
igned, the signature not necessarily to
_ar in. print, but as an evidence of faith,
notices of events will be published in1
Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
ed communications will receive no con-
-ation. No manuscript will be returned
't the Writer encloses posta'ge. The Daily
not necessarily endorse the sentiments
?esed in the communications.
2Wqephones, 2414 and 176-M
sE ditor...............Paul 'Watzel
Editor.............James B. Young
stant City Editor ........Marion Kerr
orial Board Chairman ........R. Meiss
ht Editors-
Ralph Byers Harry Hoey
. P. D'awson, Jr. . E. Mack
,. J. Hershdorfer -r. C. Moriarty
H. A. Donahue.
rts Editor.............F. U. McPii'e
day Magazine Editor.......Delbert Clark
men's Editor............. Marion Koch
no'r Editor.............Donald Copy
ference Editor...........H. tB . rundy
orial Editor ...... ...Robert Tarr
ic Editor................. H. Ailes
H. Pryor Maxwell 'earl
othy Bennetts John Garlinghouse.
urice Berman Isabel Fisher
A Hillingtodn Winona A. Hibbard
B. Blutler Sramuel Moore
C. Clark W. B. Rafferty
B. Connable W. H. Stoneman
lyn J. Coughlin Virginia Tryon
ene Carmichael P. M. Wagner
'adette Cofe A. P. Webbing
lace F. Elliott Joseph Epstein
.' Fiske J. W. Ruwiteb
J. A. Bacon
Telephone 960
ertising ...... ....Jbhn J. ilamel, Jr.
ertising.............Edward F. Conlin
ertising.. ......Walter K. Scherer
ounts.... ...Laurence H. Favrot
ilation.......David 3. M. Park
lication ..... ..L. Beaumont Parks
vnsend. H. Wolfe Alfred M. White
neth Seick Wm. D. Roesser
rge Rockwood Allan S. Morton
y M. Hayden James A. Dryer
ene L. Dunne Win. Ii. Good
. Graulich, Jr. ClydeaL. Hagerman
ey Reed J.- Blmenthal
,. Putnam Howvard Ilayden
D. Armantrout ' W. K. Kidder
W. Cooper henry Freud
lace Flower 1-erbert, P. "Bostwick
'B. Riedle L. Pierce
'1d L. Hale

form of a flag. Instead of indulgently1
smiling on the capricious youthful-i
ness of their successors, patting
them on the-back and thten telling
them in a fatherly way that they were
making themselves ridiculous, the
Sophs, forgetting for the nonce their
pose as weary citizens of the world
of learning, erupted from their 9
o'clock classes ready to do battle for
the glory of sophomorism.
,Disregarding the tradition making
the campus safe soil for all fresh-
men, completely unconscious of the
fact that, amused upperclassmen were
smiling gently as they pondered over
the ignorance of sophomores, the men
of the class of '25 hammered away
at the game of Frosh baiting, doing
it in the same fold ways, rolled trous-
ers, reverse coats, forced proposals
and all.
Why, oh, why, could not the class
of ,25 demonstrate that they were
superior to the class , pf '26? Why
could they not, backed by a year of
"highe.r learning" rely on ridicule,
sarcasm, laughter and verbal attack,
supposing of course that they con-
cedethe freshmen's antics to be
worthy of notice?
The physical test comes today on
Ferry field. Then is decided the
question of the relative status of the
classes so far as brute strength is,
concerned. May the sophomores win,,
for the frosh have won the first un-1
official encounter, the encounter of
brains. Relying on an age-old method
they have forced the Sophs to forget
the superiority of tearning, they egg-
ed them on to the breaking of Uni-
versity traditions and compelled them
to take a rating equal to their' own
on a mental plane.
"The best issue of the season" is

A LOT of interesting things hap-
pened today. Most of them were
freshmen. Several unusually severe
cases of stiff neck were reported to
the Health service immediately after
the Frosh Flag had been removed.
The Wolverine stands valiant
With the pigskin in his paws;
And a growl of harsh defiance
Greets the Badger from his jaws.
Let the Wolverine and Badger
And how many are aware that it was
NOT a soph but a junior engineer who
pulled down the cursed thing?
'Twas not a sophomore brave
Who tempted the yawning grave.
Ye sophs, pull in your ears!
Genuflect to the Engineers,
The Junior Engineers!
Rend each other for the prize.
All their kinsmen will be present
When the fur and plumage flies.
And far in the misty uplands,
Where the Rude Red Gos 'con-
There are some that shout for the
Some that cheer on the Wolverine!

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Only a short time is necessary in
order to find out the drift of publica
opinion when some individual or
group attempts to lay down a rule by1
which the masses shall be guided. On i
Thur day, Nov. 16, The Michigan Daily
published what purported to be an.
arbitrary "rule", that no women'
shall be allowed to sit in the M
block during the Mich.-Wis. game..
And this, after tickets for the game
have been sent out indiscriminately,j
to some extent. A number of women
hold block M tickets, but they are
told that they must exchange them.
From the report, it appears that the
"rule" was passed by the commit-
'tee, whoever that is.
The alleged purpose of this rule is
for the "effect" it will give. It is
averred that the varied colors worn
by women tend to detract from the
effect of the M of the maize and
'blue. It is also said that the cheer-
ing is not so vociferous because
women's voices are not as voluminous
as those of men. Granting ail that
to be true, what is the "effect" 'of
such a sentimental idea compared
with the effect of a dissatisfied stu"
dent body? Students are separated
'tom their frihnds and. even from
other members of their families. And.
all this after the students have spent
their money for extra tickets' in or-
der to be with their parents and
friends. With them, that is 'art of
the game. To deny theni this privi-
lege is beyond all reason.
Worst of all, no particular individ-
ual or group is wvilling to shoulder the
responsibmity of the "i'ule". When
complaint is 'made to the office of the
Athletic 'asso'ciation they pass the
buck to the Student council, and
when members o f the council are
'quest oned about it they disclaim any
responsibility and shift it back on
the Athletic association. Whoever is
agcountable for it should know by
this time that it is 'pposed to the will
of thestudent 'body. if effect is the
th'ing.desired, it caq be better ob-
tained by giving the students what
they deserve.

. g-:First X( tl Bk. Bldg.
Of2ce Hours Phone
9-1t; 1:30.5_ 821-41




Schedule in Effect October x8. 1922
D Central Time (Slow Time) D
PeM. AM. P;M. P.M.
x:ss 6:5s Liv. Morenci .Ar. 1:35 9x35
3:45 7:45 .... Adrian .... 12:45 8:45
-5 8:58 ... Tecumseh... 12:5 8:1s
4:30 8:30 .... Clinton .... 12:00 8:oo
5:15 9:15 ... Saline 11. i:15 7:15
5:45 9:45 Ar Ann Arborlv.. 10:45 6:45
(Court House Square) A.sM
D-Daily.(CX-tDaily ex cept Sundays
and Holidays. Frdiy and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves
Ann Arbor 4: 5.
JAh 2MES H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 926-M Adrian, Mich.

Our Motto is



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in Afternoon and
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often applied to Gargoyle, campus hu-
mor magazine, yet with the November
issue this periodical shows such a
quality in its selectiono f materia
that more than passing recognition
should be accorded it. Humor tha
draws a laugh, yet leaves no sting o'
outriged feeling behind it, would ap
pear to be the sort of humor that stu
dents and faculty enjoy 'if the recep
tion of the recent issue .is a . crite
The Gargoyle has at all. timne
ranked high among college humor
magazines. 'If anything its pages have
contained a cleaner type of humor
than the majority. At least, it has al
ways attempted to lead rather than
follow, and in its November issue has
set a precedent that other comic
magazines would do well to imitate
A magazine, like any other business
proposition, is guided in its policy by
what its readers want. The entire
question of what is and what is noi
humor rests with tie public which
supports the magazine. The present
Gargoyle is filled with humor that ap-
peals to students and faculty alike
yet does not leave any bad after-
taste. It is a credit both to its edi-
tors and the student body.


t1fWOJ'// flAID 60P//J' EN THE
! 7///J J&s 3'EK/AIG Hf/G//&~' 1
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Issue Editor-J. P. DAWSON
This afternoon's battle is the firsts
at Wisconsin has fought on Michib
n soil in seventeen years. Madison
s been the host to Michigan, but
day is the first occasion since 1905
at Ann Arb or las had the pleas-
e of entertaining the Wisconsin
>tball team.
[n the contest which these two
ims fought at Madison last year,
re of the hardest playing of the
ason was witnessed, The condi-.
is were exactly the opposite
>m those of today. The Wisconsin,
tm had not' been defeated, while
chigan had gone down once. The
,me this afternoon will be one of
e most hotly disputed contests of1
e present year. Regardless of theI
tcome, it is the hope of Michigan
at the Badger and the Wolverine
l continue the healthy and virile
alry which has evinced itself in
a past.%
That Wisconsin will enjoy its visit
Ann Arbor is the wish of every
chigan man. Badgers, we hope
it you will find us gracious hosts.
fail to the day of literal sophomor-
i! On the day before the big
ne, the day on which the vanguard
our returning alumni were arriv-
i In the confident expectation of
ing a glorious Michigan team win
m Wisconsin, the class of '25 took

Through a decree passed by con-
gress, three thousand army officers,
men who have been in inilit'ary serv-
ice not less than twenty years, will
be dismissed next month and forced
to seek civilian pursuits. President
Ilarding and General Pershing argued
against the bill, feeling that men of
such long service should not be turn-
ed out into a life for which they have
lost their adaptibility.,
Scientists hav'e proved that a man
who has spent most of his years in
any given occupation . is practically
useless for any radically different
type of work. This ought to be true
of army life, especially, as the strict
discipline required and the routine
duties performed, are absolutely in-
compatible with any form of civilian
existence. It is hard to understand
the apathy of congress in turning
these men out of the army, as the pal-
try sum of money that will be saved
is not likely to, offset the possibilityI
of becoming criminals or dregs on
The post war nationalistic move-
ment in Turkey succeeded so well
largely because there were so many
ex -officersand soldiers running about
the streets starving, that officials had
little difficulty in persuading these
men o return to the service at the
former rate of pay. The menial tasksi
that former Prussian' officers are re-

>X IW. 8.MW.,24Law.
- Editor, The Michigan Daily:
n As a member of the University, I
wotld like to express my opinion
* *which: I am sure is that of many
. FLAGS AN) BANNERS! students on the canpus in regard to
THE Maiden was surrounded by a sending the Varsity band to Minne-
y Churlish Gang of Sophomores. In sota.
e front of her was a Grotesque Person It seems that the attempt made to
t who had not been to College more date has been very weak. In the first
than -a Month or so, and looked it. place I would like to call attention
t The Grotesque one, egged on by the to a few facts.
- Churls, remarked in a spiritless The University of Illinois sent a
Voice: "I love you." hundred and twenty piece band to
- "Help! "screamed the Beauty. Ann Arbor. Up to the time the Illini
- Up rushed a Handsome Fellow who came they were a losing team. They
was rather Dumb, but very Strong. lost to Butler college and to Iowa but
With Imperious Hand he waved aside in the face of these defeats the fight-
the Churls; bade the Grotesque one ing Illinois spirit sent their band to
take refuge in Ignominious Flight, the Wolverine camp in order that they
and bowed in the Manner of a Jackass might instill the needed fight .into
l bending over his Trough. their fighting varsity.
"Oh, thanks ever and ever so The University of Wisconsin is
much!" burbled the Beauty. sending their 110 piece band tomor-
"That's all right," glossed her Sav- row disregarding the fact that their
tour. He twirled his Cap around in team is out of the conference race in
his Hands just like he was the Pres- the hopes that the sound of "'On Wis-
ident of the :Freshman Class. "I'm on consin" will ring across Ferry field
the STUDENT COUNCIL. I only done' and into the ears of the fighting Bad-
my Dooty." urch. 'gers. This certainly will be a power-'
, * * . ful help to the Madison team in their
SEIR GRUN fierce stand against our Varsity.
(12 Noon) Now I would like to consider a few
The Sophs -may row the Freshmen; cases concerning the problem of ex-
Call them several kinds of cheese; penses. Both Illinois and Wisconsin
But t-he -hag of the Twenty-sixers sent their large bands to Ann Arbor
Floats froshly to the breeze. :at a greater expense than it would
cost Michigan to send her band to,
They may haze the cocky fresimen Minnesota. But Illinois 'and Wiscon-
But they must know the bitter rind, sin have a smaller enrollment than
For the flag of the Twenty-sixers our own University. Both have a
Streams serenely in the wind. smaller alunini population than Michi-
gan. Why then, cannot the Varsity
An'd the corpses. of the many ' band go to Minnesota? Let us look at
May swell the Freshman dead- another fact.
I But the flag of the Twenty-sixers This year, Michigan, our Varsity is
Rides verdantly overhead! fighting for a championship, a.cham-
pionship that is not only dear to the
1:45 P. M.--Change all tenses to past. fighting squad but also dear to every
* * * person who claims to be a Michigan
AND WHY do they have the Wom- man. Michigan has always had a
en's League membership drive? The great combined spirit that is seldom
sign on the Libe says: "Every Woman seen on any university campus. Is
a Member." our University going to allow other
* * * schools to show nore spirit especial-
Several things we'd like to say in ly when the first conference chain-
closing. pionship since the old days is at
* * * stake?
That is a genuine wolverine over in It is not the fact that the'Michi an
Graham's. band as an organization wants to beg,
* * * support. No, not indeed. However, the
Friday, over in the Onion, buying a' Michigan band as fighters for a'
dance ticket-to the Medic dance - championship want to aid Michigan
Awe saw a medic with a slide rule. #in her final fight of the year.
* * * I am certain there can be no doubt
Yesterday we saw a man working in the outcome of the Minnesota bat-
on the new lit building. IItle if -the Michigan band can swing
**Northrop field playing the
Which reminds us of the arit'b r t""'t4Ors", champions of the weSt.
cal problems of our childhood.a m ions fth w4. I
* * *
"If one man can build a Lit build- Tonight, in celebration of the occa-
ing in-" sion of the Wisconsin-Michigan game,
* * * the Ma1'rati andA rea.Aa +h....,ea

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These beautiful French perfumes will help to solve
many feminine gift problems for, what woman would
not enjoy a gift that came directly from a foreign

to show beyond question that'-----------
s ported to be engaged in, present a
all other classes fitly holds c tn~nn - +I, _

J enace to the German government .in
itle of sophomoric. that these men 'apparently are awa't-
st year there was little hazing. itg an opportunity to takerup arms
year there should have been again.
The class of 1926 (clever devils) iTd
up a bit of bunting on the cam- Thsexme dmnrt he
upa bi pofT bunting the at- danger of forcing hardened profession-
flag bole. The bunting bore a al soldiers to enter civilian pursuits.
a nine, a two and a six. Possibly, it would pay the Uinited
emingly there is something mag- States government in the end to give
y enraging in this performance. these men back their positions in the
should there have been? The temn a in
army now.
i are young. Being young, they
ve strongly in self-expression-
ing the consciously planned car- It is generally understood that the'
out of a delightfully harmless, reason people don't *eat turkey eggs
ual thing. That the unusual is because they all have to be hatch-
has been done for years makes ed to satisfy Thanksgiving appetites.
am , But that doesn't seem to keen stu-


D'Horiy's perfumes are nofed for their delicate fragrance and mnay
be had in many different flower odors. They are contained in beau-
tifully decorated perfume bottles that come in attractive boxes.
These perfumes were selected by our foreign buyer, Mr,1a icocl4
and represent some of his most attractive selections. They are
priced $8.50, $13.50 and"$16.50.

.. _


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