,IC-IGAN DAILY .A,.r.w ±WUHTIINLFL.6~ Tn 1S YeArs "Little Napoleon's" Team Has Finished Out of First 1411,1 ivision Once rAS FAlIIOIS TlIED) BASE~MAN ON OLD BALT/ELORE ORIOLES (By the Associated Press). New York, Sept. 27.-By adding an- other pennant to the string that has fluttered from the flag pole at the Polo Grounds John Joseph McGraw becomes more -securely .esconced in his title of "Napoleon-of Baseball." Short, stocky, dapper, ruddy aced- and ,gray-headed, McGraw looks more like a successful broker' than 'a pro- fessional athlete. He: appears as what the clothing' ads classify as "smart,"' and if ever some twist .shears himt of success and reason he can get a job posing for an oil paiinting of a cigarette. smoker br the latest. in collars. Has Had Trouibles of th o se tw o th in g s to effect th e o h e i) th e S t. L o uis C lub1 in 1900h fo r $18,000.wi h hi i g ap e s B t p ,y r er l - IE . ? a flT I U must debate-. wihen the American League rearec its ATIRYTO SGA The present maniager of the Chain- head in 1900 the Giants'prenmn-Q I B[II E pion iants has been in the game pro-Ltor ali'gned himse5lf wxith Bari B. Johil- I WIL IILVIL ffessionally for 32 years, starting with' son. Iirn the Olein team of the New York. State He went ba:ck to rBalimore and or'- r63T5 L a u in 1 9 wie hi CP I ii n g n z d a t i t a--v s o e o thas a consistent hitter and reliable most popular in the history of the; fielder spread from. his natve heaths gme. But in 1902 M'cGraw and Johnr-, lILE WSEN TEAMS IDLE of Truxton, N. Y. Throuighout bis son came to the parting of the ways i T i EIXC 1PTIO hN OF TRE playing days he was one of the mar- and in mid-season the Baltimore team 'o l AM) 1)EROIT eels of the diamond but his gray Mat- w ,as so disorganized that "Mugsy"- ter has" made him a fixture. took off his spiked shoes and' an- j King Iiootball, who, on Saturday TUo Years In XMinors nounced that they were en the shelf I last, came out of" his year's retire- Only one year did McGraw remain for. ever. rei nafwsatrn oaiis in Oleon signing a sheet for $60 a At that tine the late Andrew Freed- metiI fw sateiglcaiis a month. Next', he went to Cedar man was sorrowed. by. the spectacle will step into full vies-w of a nation- Rapids where his stipend was more of the slow-going Giants, the team j wide audience two days hence when representative and his work. more he owned. McGraw was recommnend- more than half of the most prominent brilliant. His shortstopping was so edl to -him and was hiredk, taking the crliege elevens from coast to coast remarkable that a big league scout{ helm in July and remaining in charge sw~ing into action ti their opening tolo i vr a i n games. Th'le Atlantic and Pacific' came since.k hm over, aw hiora$1:0snce states will he the first to view the was captivated. . I nsirdfr$0,0 actual competitive strife, ,there being The outful"Musy" entto al- The game has grow~n big-has had but one battle in the central states. Loose Leaf Note Books-the "Stand- See the Minnesota gaame at the Ar- ThDrwing in: ard"- all sizes. at Wahr's University cade Batrher Shop's expense. Ask the second-hand sE !looks -tore.-Adv. 1barber.-Adv. Bookstore.-Ad SP]ECI SIX SEDAN 7 /V F .J i ,rjFr I n ? , y c, ; , 1 Limorei VnLRInILietatlO.iiU7L i a Lz" club circuit. It was in August, 1891, that McGraw broke into fast com- pany, little more than a year after hisj entry, inthe professional ranks. His first season he warmed the bench,-biut in 1892 Ned Hanlon, the Oriole's new manager tried out John Joseph at -s"-]---c4r 3 7f ari cifcr h m f virtually all of its growth and grow- Yale in Second T'ilt His career is remarkable but nit second b aset ai then sniiiaea i bna to surprising. It was. a sane, steady third where he gained a reputation. march to the heights of his profes,- Third base was his positionf. sion, intercepted' now, and 'then by McGraw has always been, retogniz- some flight of temperament or of tem-, ed as the peer of any who preceded: per, but it has all been In one direc- him at the "hot corner," his' particu- tion. He is in the logical. place for:i lar forte being the fielding of bunts, . such a logical moan to occupy. He was a. year-in-and-year'-oibt .350 McGraw was born in 1813 and so is I hitter and fast on the paths,.IHis in- just about turning the 50 mark. He jd ividual playing was one of th~e fac- 'began playing baseball as most Amer-.I tors in the success of the old 'Orioles. -ican boys do as soon as he could Jo iied American Leaigue_ toddle after one. His professional With Wilbert Robinson, formerly of debut was, made when he discardedI the Giants and now manager of the l short trousers, 1but whether he did one Brooklyn team,Mcrwwa sold to time. When he came to New York. Yale, already-victorious in its open- ing struggle with Bates, will take on the old Polo Grounds seated 12,000, Carnegie Tech in a gamze that should now it is 38,000 and a third tier to the jpoea xeln eto h oe granstad i tobe dde net yar.of. the Blue. The Engineers, always iMcGraws life is insured ],)y the clubI for $100,000 and he owns a fair share1 a tough proposition for old Eli, prom- ise their usual stiff battle. of operating company's stock. avr ly t pnn aea jThe staiiding of his club under his! Soldiers? field with Middlebury col- Managership is shown by this table: leot? furnishing what should prove Year Position Year position ! to be but a alight modicum of oppo- 1 903 2 19121 sition. Th'le Crimson, in; its 1922 sched- 1904 1 1913 1 tile, has followed the, general charac- 1905 1 1914 2 teristics of past years in picking al- 1940 2 1915 g ' "t nothin but easy teams, Prince- 1907 4 1916 4 ton and Yale offering the only seri- 1905 21 1917 1 oils of osition unless Centre tramples 1909 3 1913 2 (Continued on Page Eight) r '1910 2' 1919 2 I 11911 1 1.920 2 I 11921 1 T MHE Studebaker Special-Six Sedan will win your admiration at first glance. After you have examined it you will be even more delighted with it. When you have ridden in it you won't be z atisfied with anything else. The market does ~not offer a more beautiful enclosed body. Certainly none is buil of better materials and finer workmanship, It is a striking example of the handicraft of Stude- baker artisans. Everything is in exquisite 'taste. Its distinctive body lines, are en- hanced by massive headlights, the graceful cowl lamps and the courtesy light just above the running hoard on the driver's side, which illumni- nates the roadway in passing other cars at night. Inside, the inviting depth of the cushions,. the subdued harnaony of upholstery, the soft carpeting and the completeness off appointments offer an irresistible appeal. it is mounted on the same Special- Six chassis which has won the en- thusiasm of thousands of owners for its dependable performance, power, comfort and economy in fuel and tires. The Studebakerr Special-Six Sedan offers the utmost closed car refine- mnent--and at moderate cost. At the new low price of $2050 it rep- resents the, greatest, closed- car value that Studebaker ever offered. The name Studebaker is your assurance' of satisfaction. - IantramuraI.Iem COLUMN All men w\ishing~ to try out for as- s S . ,I 'C M1ia~ uTanxlmngr eota CLOSESEg to 11Cetote htlnb amum1loffi e in,'Wa- A '..ADVERTISING AT 3 e M. '.rin vigymnasium. fiviAm WIM GC711iR ' MICHIGAN l)AILY Classified.R tes. Two Cents 'per word a day, paid in advance. {'Min- imumn charge for first day, 25c. Miinium thereafter,' 20c. Three cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at ratli of 5c per agate line. Classified, charged only, to those having phones. Liner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contr~act, paid in adcluxe. PHONE 960 FOR] RENT FOR SALlE _ Arrangements have been made for the6 annual All -canmpus fall tennis tournament in sinigles and double's. A 11 who wisit to.lparticipate are re- { qested to "call in person or telephone their entries into the Intramural of- fice at Waterman gyminasiumn. - Pr'esident~s of the different frater- nitie are mequest~ed to fee that the I am~s (of their ath leiana gers are sent into the Intrtamural office at On ce. RIDER'S PEN STIOP FOR 30S S. State St. ,Iold; a. Whole,]Barrel .Ful of Ink', 'Not a Barrel Full of Trouble T ir 0 AN a WHEE T 0 SAn hoer a day of Pocket,* C Ca vom or Three Cushion 1 Bi1l'rds i5 fine for mind * u and body of revery Mici- s I gauAl an. k4 (r N U} LY .. t1t 6'i + tw t 7 X[ LtAuO CC6ARS CANDME 'PIPES LUNCHES SODAS "We triy :o treat YOU riiht'1 'I Four doors that swing wide open; simple, automatic window lifts raise or tower plate glass windows; opalescent coriar lights; massive headlights; artistic coach lamps; courtesy light; cowl ventilator; winds1rield wiper and rain visor; jeweled tightday clock; exhaust heater; thief-proof transmission lock. MODELS AND PRICES-f. "o. b. factories LIGHT -SIXX SPEC IAL-SIX j BIG-SIX 5-Pass., 112' W. B., 40 H. P. '5"-Pass.. 119' W. B., S0 H. P. 7-Pass.. 126' W. B., 60 H. P. Touring--------------$ 975 T~ouring ---....-------$1275 Touring.....$1650 Roadster (3-Pass.).. 915 Roadster (2-Pass.)-_."1250I Speedster (4-Pass.).. 1785 Coupe-Roadster Roadster ,(4-Pass.)_. 1275 Coupe (4-Pass.).......2275, (2-Pass.) ..........1225 Coupe (4-Pass.).---18751 Sedan ...............2475 Sedan............-------1550 Sedan ---------------2050 Sedan (Special)...2650, ' Cord' Tires Standard 'Equipment aslienaw otorSales' 'OR RENT-Large, clean, well venti- I FOR SALE-Radio set not been used, lated: rooms, newly. decorated,, new furniture in brick house withi steam heat. Prices are right. Centrally located at 333 E. Huron St. 3-2 FOR RENT--Two Very desirable double" rooms, one a front room; private~ family; one block from campus. 719 Tappa'n. "4-3 F1OR REN T-Wanted 'a roommate At 514 Cheever Ct., just behind the. Union. $68 per semester. Call 243-J. 4-2 i OR RENT-Large pleasant suite and single room for girls. -also "con- genial roommate wvanted. 543,S Division 'St. -3-2 ROOM F"OR RENT-For one or two girls, need not be students., Ein- quire at 632 Oakland. Ave., Apt. 5. 3-2, F3OR R~ENT-Furnished house school year' married couple, no children. Owner reserves rooms. 1104 Pros- Pect. 4-3; I'O RRENT-Large single room for girls. Block and half from campus. 511 Cheever Court. 3-2 FOR RENT-One. large single or double room. $5 single 'or $6.50 double. 604 Mary Court. 3-2 FOR RENT-Rooms, front suite, sec- ond floor. Also rooms 'single or double. 433 S. Division. 3-2 FOR RENT-Suite for three or for two;- reason able.. 311 Thompson. Two blocks from campus., d4-3 FOR RENT-Large room, first floor, S$4 each; $2.50 allowed one, for care of furnace. Call 1750-3. 4 FOR RENT-Rooms for men. Large' doberoomi. Steam heat. Phone .119-M.3-5' ROOM FOR RENT on third. floor, sin- gle or double, $4.50. 1204 E. Wash- ington. 4 FOR RENT-A suite on second floor. Warm and clean. 429 S. Division. ± 3-2 ROOMS-For rent, comfortable rooms, well furnished with desks. 2302-W, 3-3 FOR RENT-Garage, three doors from, Packard. 815 Arch St. 1337-M. 4-2 FOR RENT-One singe or one doub~le room, 916 Mary St. 4 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Canoe with full equip- ment, price reasonable,, Owner Leaving school. 'Wilson, 111 S In- ;galls, 1466-M. 3-3 FOR SALE-Buescher B-flat slide trombone, high and low pitch slides. Good condition. Moffitt, 403-1t. 3-3 FORE SALE-Modern six room house fcomplete with storage' battery, ,etc;r retail price, $60; sell for $35. Deng, 715 Oakland. 1471-1R. FOP, SALE--Dress .Suit. Excellent condlitfon. Very cheap. 1511i Wash- tenaw. 2-21 FOR SALE-Three student' tales and 'dress suit "with 'accessories.',' Call Phone 2558 lIIFT H IS I s A STU DE 13A K ER YE AR ,,,' ., - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR SALE-Royal typewriter in A-i _2 shape. Apply Wilson 917 E. Huron. "'' 3-4 ~ A i n :II FOR SALE-Drawing board and T a ;$'.LYI u square. Call 2114-J. 608 Pack;ard. 41 S urn FOR~ SALE-Set of Deitzgen drawbving1° instruments. Call Conkey, 1125-J. 4 ' FOR, SALE-One B-flat tenor saxo- U AtA lTT klt phone, almost new..24-,' 4 MISCELLANEOUS Dll'Ut PIANO TUNING-Specialist on'repair- s __ - __ ing and tuning grand pao rCal 8, "====='- _====- 111 715-J. Victor A.. Allinendingr, 418 9Wt N. Division st., Tuner for University School of Music. 1-6 Now! RIGHT NOW! / See Gloria 's 1atest dazzling gowns! WILL BOARD a fraternity of 20 or 25, or same number of upperclassmnen, Home cooking. One block from campus. Box R, Michigan Deily. 3-3 E. NORMANTON BILBIE, teacher of violin, piano, and' harmony. Studio, 307 N. Main St. Tel. 612-M. 1-30+ OBSERVATORY INN-1121 E. Ann; good meals, $6.00 and' $5.00. a-week;, a Ia carte service. 4 KEELER KLIJB-Board, $4.75, 'with- out breakfast. 604 E. WasIhijton. 3-.3 I PACKAGE~ and baggage .expi'ess. s Phone 2700. ' 2-2'1 WANi'T ED ' ' WANTED-Every student who ex- pects to rent a typewriter during the~ school year to wait' until Monda y Oct. 2, when Mr. Moran's office, room 2, second floor, 711 N. UniversityI Ave., will be open and some -;bar-' gains in T. W. rentals and sales will be offered. 4-4 ROOMMATE ,'WANTED-Neat,; young man to share front suite in new Chubb ,House, at $5 per week.' ' Ad-' dress Chubb House. 4-2 WANTED-Roommate to shar~e large front room three blocks from campus. Call 1750-J. "~ \4 GIRL ROOMMATE WANTED at 940 Greenwood. Price $3.50. '4 WANTED-Student washing. 110 N.I Ingalls. Phone' 2569. 4 LOST LOST - Shaeffer large ifunain pen, cap wrapped with tape. Re- ward. Room 325 Medical Bldg. 4 LOST-Dunhill pipe in lower wash- room of Michigan 'Union. Liberal DOBBSHATS FORFALL 1922 f' ,fF : t J a . ,u' _ i 1 i, q ' , . 1 I - \ , ' -q r , _ , n ,.._ , . , t. 16~ ( ,/ y y f ' ? i :. ' f x /% . a=^^ r.6. . '. ' '" % ms'Y + ¢ - . . ' =' ' t . t t' pp- "1 The Hat You All Know for I Its Style and Service If you are not a Dobbs Customer. you are missing the wear of the best hats in the world for Young Men and those who wish to be Young. Fall Blociks are non, open for dour inspection TN TU'D QT r O 1U A \1V Ai"1 1Wm Ge All '1 A love drama that reveals the sensa- tional secrets of a Paris dancer. Lav- ishly prdouced by the muan who made "6Beyond the Rocks." .David Powell and Walter Hiers in the cast. jp~armounI ISHOWiINTG