'N/ /A ''l. 7 ./ " sll ; r it. At 11 , r ,, e' k "_ , i , .... w yyf 1jj .S:'c. i.~' ..j ,. . . _ ,, . r ... .,.., s. 1 a; $ I Thouan sStarving, - - -_ ' ' f One, of the import- ~ant "law~s of health is ~that 'foods. contain-s Sing iron are abso- Mlutely-essential. A lack offood iron in the average diet has pro- ~duced Avast army of pale, anemic, bloodless people, Swho go about with cold hands, pcold feet, and a shivering spine 1because they haven't suffic- ~ient iron in-their blood to keep them warm. anca iron WhR s. EAnother law is that food lime r'is just as essential as any other food element. The lack of food lime in most of the foods we eat explains. the decay of teeth 4and the lack" of ''pep.' Give your body the amount 'of food iron and lime it re- quires and you' are; sure to Iknow a difference in your en- ergy, vitality, general health. Eat Battle Creek Foods fBattle Creek Food Specialties SIoffer you the food iron and l1ime in the quantities needed. I WE SELL BATTLE CRE Comparison Shows; that Battle Creek: Food Specialtiescon-- tain an : average of' seventimes asmuch~ r food iron and nearly two and a half times, as much food lime as1 do fifteen of the most conimon~ food stuffs. V The Extraordinary Amount of. Food lime ad~d iron from Battle I, Creek Focj Specialties NOTE THE TABLE HERE: ooor.0t4 s0 n 00et Meltose (malt honey) 171 122 r Nuttolene ..........171 263 Malted Nuts.. . ......192 433 Brose................. 200 485 ' Laxa................. 239 515 Protose................ 249 416 1 Gluten 20%.. ......300 95 Bran....... 341 735 1 Gluten40 ........600 191 1 Sovita...............62600 1.2070 Zep... ..........0410 4070 S Gluten (pure).......... 1487 498 Average ...........3 440 We sell the Battle Creek Food I Specialties listed 'in the table. Make it a point to try one on~ two of these delicious foods.' You'll find them to your liking., - 1' Milk and Cream THERE'S A DIFFERENCE fetween Statements and True Facts. You undoubtedly know that by now. The statements that we make about the purity of 'our, are backed up :by our t t .Pasteurization Process " e invite you to visit our "CLEANEST OF DAIRIES" aqd view our, scientific methods. Visitors are always welcome. CALL 423 No order too -large or smallr ?EK FOOD SPECIALTIES' TiHE HOME OF PURE Gr FODS PHONE 326-327-328 114-1 16-E. WASHINGTON ff r' Annd Arbor Dai ryCo. 4th & Catherine Sts: We Like People To Be Happy It Statistics show that almost six years of the average man's life yis spent in eating. Make this short life as happy as pos- sible by eating at 1 1 } '>$ ) i , ' La' Y" 1- ' t{ t r ++ ! , r ^ 1, ' "' S \ 7 r d 1t QUALITY. FOOD SERVED WELL IN PLEASANT SURROUND- INGS :, % S Vans unch AT 4116 S. UNIVERSITY. F --- i LUNCH ROOM 33,8 MAYNARD I I French -Cherry and Bisque I Week-End ...Special Try ,this Delicious Erick 'loo Phone 1427'- 2830. YOU CAN DO BET'7°R AT L..EMB-L.ES, maturday SPCIAL a4 Baldwin Apples., bu. . ., Hot-house Tomatoes, lb. 51.60) Cherry g Comb Honey ..... .4 Holloway Bulk Dates, lb. Fancy Eng. Walnuts, lb. Wis. Corn and Peas,2 for .25 .24 .22 .43 .25 .25 H~arburger and Pork Sausage Meat, lb. 18cor.3 Just The Thinlg FOR STUDENTS is a glass or more of IDEAL MILK Drink it at mneals- and betwe'en meals in place of other drinks I 1 I I UNIVESITY. DININ ROOMS Under 6ew ijanageinent Fish-Trout, lb.. W~hite Fish, lb. . 0 . .2b r r Iwri i Ii YiY . rr rwAw/ .28: .R . Grape Fruit, 3 for. Se a Rose Salmon, lb.. 031 0 * 0 Only 60c a quart at your dealers y r , tP I L E 1 I After Wisconsin is defeated; -bring your friends and' rela- tives 'here for luncheon or dinner. They will appreciate pur quiet service and home- like fboods. And we have fa- cilities for serving a few ex- tra guests. 530 FOREST AVE. PHONES 399, 407 ANDS 675-Fl -I. P114iE 1269 -1 I. WHYA DVE RT ISE ? The students in -our vicinity know where to go for fruit, candy and light lunches. They know the best place to buy cigars, M Old a 1. seh6le IDEAL DAIRY COMPANY LUNCHEON DITNNER....