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November 18, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-18

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x 1 s









'25 Assembles Before Waterman Gym
at 9 o'clock; '26 Ieets at
Meeting at 10 o'clock this morning
on Ferry field, the men of '25 and '26
will clash in battle royal for the phys-
ical, supremacy of their classes. For
the past several days excitement has
run high in anticipation of the annual
event, and according to the field cap-
tains of the rieval classes, both sopho1
mores and freshmen are possessed o)
a grim determination to win.
The contests will be under the di-1
ret supervisien of a Student council!
committee' composed of W. C. Ricc\
'23L, chairman, W. K. Scherer, '24, H\
J.' Liverance, '23, and J. R. Polhamusi
'24E. . These men will be assisted by
a group of upperclassmen who hav
yet to be appointed.
beet at 9 O'clock
Both classes will meet at 9 o'clock
this morning on the campus. Sopho1
mores are to gather on the steps oi
Waterman gymnasium, while the year-
lings will meet in front of the Union
The presidents of both the sophomore
and freshman classes have bands fog I
their 'respective classes. They urg
all men who own band instrumentsĀ§
to bring them .to -the class meetin 4
places. Musical ability is not requir j
ed. , .
All men participating in the gages
are required to wear tennis shoe)
or soft shoes with rubber soles. Al"
though not required, the contestants
ahould also wear old clothes. They
will not be allowed to grease thei'j
bodies, and must furnish their owr
Freshmen wili march down from
their meeting place promptly at 9:15
o'clock. They will go down State
street directly to the south entrancq
of Ferry field, and line up on the
south side of the field which has been
set aside for the games. Sophomores
wiil follow five ihinutes later. They
Will go by way of Fast University and
South University avenues to Stat
street, whence they will march di
rectly to the south entrance of the,
field. The second year men will line
up on the north side of the field fac"
ing the yearlings.
Flag Rush Is First
The first battle planned will be thn
flag rush. Three fitee foot pole 1
will be erected in the middle of the
field. At the top of each will be a
green flag which the first' year men
will guard. The fight will be started
by the firing of one shot; and will
end with the firing of two consecutiv
shots. The contest will be of 15 min
utes duration. In case of serious ac-
cident the blowing of a whistle will
signify time out. All members of bot
classes will participate in this event
which will be forfeited if any of th1
poles are greased. ..
The pillow fight, which has not beeni
used since the fall of 1920, will be the
second game. It is played by two med
sitting astride a high saw horse, and
armed with pillows. The object i
for one man to knock the other mar
off using no weapon except the pil-
low. Anyone using any other means
will be disqualified. Three pairs will
be working at once and they will
fight for three rounds. The side get-
ting the best two out of the thre$

heats will be considered the winner.
Each round will last 10 minutes.
Due to inability to procure the pro-
per equipment, the third and last
event has been changed from the cus-
tomary obstacle race to a relay race.
Three teams of 10 men each will ba.
picked from each calass for this event.
A flag will be passed from runner tq
runner. Failure to do this will mean
forfeiture of the race. There will be
three races run, and the side winning
two of the three will be named winner
of the event.
To win the fall games, at least twq
of the three events must be taken.
The committee called especial atten-
tion to the fact that there will be no
slugging, kicking or biting allowed.

Will BearBrunt
Of Attack Today


Had Been honored by French
and Three Ameriean


(By Associated Press)
IElyria, 0., Nov. 17.-Funeral serv-
ices for William Graves Sharp, for-
mer ambassador to France, wil be
held at the Sharp home here nextf
Monday afternoon. Mr. Sharp, who
was 63 years of age, died shortly be-I
fore noon today, after an illness ofj
three days.

Soph Class Spirit
Enriches Junior
one student at least in the 'Univer-
sity is ready to concede that class
spirit has its practical as well as its
spiritual value. His name is G. A.
Wilcox, and he is a junior in the en-
gineering school.
Early yesterday afternoon sopho-
mores, meandering about the campus
in search of "fresh meat," discovered
that sometime during a lapse of vig-
ilance on the part of the class of
'25, the freshmen had hoisted a flag
on the pole that stands between th
Natural Science and Chemistry build-
sings. Immediately there was a clam-
or for the removal of the "rag." The
shouts for aid, however, were more
audible than the cries of those seek-
ing to "shin" the pole.
Then Wilcox appeared. With the aid
of the sophomores he broke the de-
fense that surrounded the pole and
gradually worked his way up it with-
in reaching distance of the, flag. He
descended amidst the shouts of his,
followers, who immediately set about
to take up a collection. The pot net-
-ed $30 - for new skin according to
That was one of many clashes be-
tween freshmen and sophomores about
the campus and town yesterday.
nay Pnrriii. Tfnlnliv





Kipke, Michigan
back, whose fame
the way to ,a posit
American, will ,e
Williams today for


William Graves Sharp, '81L, was
born March 14, 1859, at Mt. Gilead
I Ohio. He was educated in the public
schools of the state, and received hi,
law degree from the University o'
Michigan. After graduation he prdc-
Kipke ticed law in L: yria, Ohio, becomng
n brrosecuting attorney of Lorain counM
'sbrilliant half-r ty in 1885.
is already pointing He was a democrat in politics, and
tion on Camp's All- served as presidential elector anc:
Sindividual Big Ten delegate to the democratic nationa'
r idivdua Bi onpresidential convention. In 1909 hel
was elected to Congress on the dem-
ocratic ticket, and served three terms,

Visitors Outweigh Wol
and Williams Will
field Bait
A Big Ten grid titi
balance when Wiscon
igan on Ferry field at
Arbor time this afters
ed to blast the brightes
hopes the Wolverines
years, as theirs were
Inois at Camp Randall
.It will be the ninth t
stitutions have metc
field since relations w
in 1892 and the first
field since 1905. With
of hostilities last year
staged in the enemy':
resulted in one of the
f tho h i

T. C. Relssing iid P. H. Goldsmith,I
'23E, Receive $1,00. and $100 ]
for Recent Wounds
Settlement has been made with The-
odore C. Reissing and Philip H.
Goldsmith, '23E, the students who
were respectively shot and assaulted
while in Carey, Ohio, on their return'
trip from the Ohio State game at Co-
lumbus, by authorities of the village
in which the shooting took place, ac-
cording to J. A. Bursley, Dean of Stu-
dents, who has been investigating the
Reissing who is almost fully re-
covered 'from the wound which he re-
ceived is to get $1,000 for his injuries
and'Goldsmith who suffered severe
wounds on the head from blows given
him by Officer Edward'Gibbs, is to re-
ceive $10)..
Moreover, the fines amounting to
$110 which were collected from the
24 men wh' were implicated in the
affair. will be refunded to the men.
Andrew -Greer and Edward Gibbs,
the officers who were responsible for
the affair, both the wounding of Reis-
sing and the assault and battery of
Goldsmith, have been indicted by the
Grand Jury' and are out on bail.
Greer has been released on $2,00
bail, and Gibbs has been released on
$500 bail.
These men will come up for trial
in the. .near future, Greer being
charged with shooting with intent to
kill, maim and wound, and with as-
sault and battery. Gibbs is charge1
with assault and battery and the
pointing of a loaded firearm. The
latter charge against Gibbs is a
criminal offense in Ohio.
The . trials of the two men have
been postponed this late in order to
allow- time enough' for .Reissing to
recover sufficiently from his wound
to make the trip to Upper Sandusky,
where it will, be held.
In addition to the financial settle-
ments, Carey sent a resolution to the
University, through President Marion
L. Burton, expressing regret at the
incident and condemning the actions
of these men.
Athletic programs for the Michigan-
Wisconsin game went on sale yester-
day afternoon. The programs are in
magazine form and contain 48 pages
of material relating to football. They
sell for 25 cents.
As only 12,000 copies have been
printed, students are especially urged
.to, buy in the morning campus sale
This will not only facilitate the sale
before the game in the afternoon, but
will enable the students to be' sur
of obtaining his copy.
The program is meant primarily a,
a souvenir of the present football sea

resigning in 1914 to accept Presiden')
Wilson's appointment to the post of
ambassador extraordinary and minis-

1, U,_ Tor heyear, t e rivals
ter ,plenipotentiary to France. He was i I ,1
the dirstAmerican ambassador to be--- Lat the end of an hou
comei dean of the diplomatic corp locked in a 7-7 tie.
at Paris Although the Univer
HeP - asem 2,50 Red and White Followers Are tinued the practice of
He was he'.ected a foundation mem Close Behind Team; Arrive ficial Homecoming day
her of the7 Societe Astonom que de 7O'clock of the fraternities on
France as a tribute to his scholarly ofdegfrerniont
initerest - in astronomy, and he filled hligruin oa
his post as ambassador with such dis- BAND OF 100 PIECES WILL a capacity crowd. D
tinction, aiid was so highly regarded APPEAR ON FERRY FIELD hung early yesterday a
in France, that the Grand Cross of the AnArbors presentst
Legion of Honor -of France was con- Closely following their team down tt it has on only ,two
ferred upon him. from the north more than 2,500 Wis- ig eyea the bi
In 1919 he returned to America, consin rooters -will arrive in Ann Ar- Coach Richarrds wil
having resigned his post. In the same bor today to watch it do battle with CocRihrs il
year' the honorary degree of doctor of ger squad, 30 strong,
the Wolverines. The Badger hope is bor this morning
laws was conferred upon him by Al-, to come back" by way of a victory where they have stop
legheny College and Oberlin College. over Michigan. terday morning. The,
In 1920 he delivered the commence- Advance ticket sale reports from ceed at once to the t
ment address at the graduating exer- Madison indicate that the student take a few moments
cises of the University, and the de- body is even more bent upon travel- Ferry field before lun
up o himtr by the wnivesty atnthating with their team to see the Michi- Yost subjected the
upon. hi by the University at that gan-Wisconsin battle than before short drill yesterday
their setback last week by Illinois. ing more than enoug
The tickets sent to Madison were en- the men. He also ga
tirely sold with many demands for gether at the Union 1
0Bmore. -;lecture and last word
DI PI I OThe majority of rooters willarrive fore the starting horn
Football is the subject featured in this morning on a spbcial train from will report at the
FMadison at'7 o'dock AnnArbortime.-morning for a rubdo
The Daily pictorial supplement which The train left Madison at 5:30 o'clock on h or a
is to o on sale at 8 o'clock this ls ih and wilsatohtertr and lunch in a
o g en alt ann xe td t last night and will start on'the return Watchful waiting se
,morning. Due- to an unexpected de- ti t-23 ie~IWthu atn
mand for the supplement, an edition tight-: .n ,r m t watchword in both
of 6,000g has been printed instead of h a trace of overconfi
the 5,000 originally planned for. It he Cardinai band of 100 pieces will among the MichiganI
is believed, however, that even this lo be on i this tram and will lead man on the squad, rea
edition, the largest ever published by the streets to the gts This after- consin's defeat at the
.heDailysilrbeexhaustedlonhbe-gameThisate nois last week is farf
SThe Daily, will be exhausted long be- noon's game will witness the first ap- dication of the Bad
fore the day is over. It is printed in pearance that the Badger band has Statistics now show
rotogravture brown.l made on Ferry field in 18 years. men made 14 first do'
The frfse ry fis d b feen ha s. Other students and alumni are ex- ed to the Indian's two
The band is in block "M" formation, pected to arrive during the day. Many were far superior in
are reported. to be driving the dis-pass, but that when
and an aeroplane has been caught tac)rmMdsn n tl tespasbuthtwe
-soaring directly above it. Another tance from Madison and stillnethers imperatively needed t
page is given up to drawings of will come in from Detroit and neigh- er words they a
Conch Yost, Coach Little, and Cap- boring cities. ct that day but this afte
taro Goebeldone by James House, The Wisconsin cheering section at can be looked for.
'23, editor bf the Gargoyle. sThe re the game will be in the north stands. luck also played a p
mainder of the issue is devoted to result of the Illinois
snapshots depicting the more impor- .T intention to take any
tant events of the college year. IIglorious stand the Ill
-_1_FIAL______OR,____ distinct times the Badg
LITTLE STANDING D Yto the coveted score,
LITTLE ULASTANDJ INU having a pass interc
ROOM LEFT TODAY Michigan Holdsr
Michigan enters th
-" ~~DIRECT P-RI31ARY IN NOMINATING favored by comparat
More than 700 standing room tick- PRESIDENT SUBJECT OFT ford cor
ets for the game remained at the' P, Scomparative scores Wo
Athletic association ticket office last - MIDWEST nothing. The Wol
night, and will be on sale there and ( wall, strong when the
at the gates as long as they ,last. Final tryouts for the Central League areyin, will be woefu
No reports of ticket 'scalping" had debating team will be held at 8 ' happen toc
come into the Athletic office up to this dmorning in room 302, hall drawal of more than
last night and no arrests have been tw enithe inr m en02, Mason pral -;ers. The ends are
made as yet by the local police for between the ten men left from prey- over the opposing o
this offense. Thomas O'Brien, Ann lous elimination contests. They wil't the backfield is undo
Arbor chief of police, reports that al- have a chance to speak on the ques- to the Badger ball cas
though there are some rumors prey- tion that will be used for this year'Istsg nicing si
alent of "scalpers" at work, there are I edge in kicking as e
actually no cases of that' sort gor trianguuar debate with Chicago and Knode is considered
ing on. Northwestern universities on Jan. 19: than Taft, of Wiscon
Each of the ten men will deliver severI gers are known toh
W here To Park minute constructive speeches on an h passing game while
phase of the question that they choose. I the assortment unloc
and will be given five minutes for re-.I Aggies two weeks ag
City traffic and parking regulations buttal. Members of the faculty pub- edsoncalmost even te
for today will be similar to those us) lic speaking department - will act as Wisconsin outweigh
ed on the day of the Illinois game} judges and will choose six men for the pounds to the man
There will be no parking of cars with-j two teams, -negative and affiirmative. 13 pounds to the ma
I in a block of Ferry field. State streets The question to .be used in the tri- sidering the men wb
will be closed to traffic from Monroe angular debate with Illinois and Wis- start for both teams
street to McKinley avenue before and consin universities was announced yes- the records of the tw
after the game. Hoover avenue an() terday. It will be, Resolved That there gan's is probably th

AR BIG TEN Leads Wisconsin
Against Yostmen
dvei lnes; Kipke
Fight Back-
e hangs in the
sin faces Mich- x
t 3 o'clock Ann : >--------------------
noon, determin-
st championship
have had in
blasted by Illi-
last weekend.
time the two in-
n the football
vere first begun
game on Ferry
the resumption
rthe battle was-
s territory and
greatest games Captain Rollie Williams
leaving the field Captain Rollie Williams, mainstay
r of bitter, play j of the Wisconsin backfield, who has
earned for himself a name that ranks;
sity has discon- with the outstanding stars of the grid-
holding an of- iron today.'
', practically all
the campus aret.:
y and each has ternoon of his football career. Goc-
ecorations were bel even though handicapped;by in-
nd this morning juries. this season has played as nev-
the appearance er before, evidently inspired by the
o-occasions dur- jresponsibility of leadership to great
home games.
oom Jackson ' er things. He should give the great-
J lead - the Bad.e est exhibition of ,his career on Ferny
into Ann Ar- field this afternoon and if not forced
from Jackson to withdraw on account of his bad,
pped since yes- leg may be looked to to clinch his
squad will pro-+ right to all-Conference consideration.
Union and may Line Rivalry Strong'
exercise on An interesting battle ,should de-
ch. velop between Rosatti m$ right tackle
Vars!ty to a and Below, one of the 'strongest for-
afternoon, noth- wards on the Badger line and rated
h to limber up among the best in the Conference..
thered them to- Rosatti has come ; rapidly since his
last night for - a promotion -to the position through
s of advice be- Vandervoort's injury and fills the po-
n. The players sition wf.th increasing effectiveness
clubhouse this each game. Steele, at right guard,
own, get taped,' will face either Hohlfield or Miller
body at noon. and is considered the equal of either.
eems to be the Blott will be opposed at center by
amps with not men also playing their first Confer-
dence mani'est ence season, Nichols or Pearse being
players. Every scheduled to do the ball passing by
alizes that Wis- Richards.
e hands -of Illi- Beiberstein or Sykes are the Bad-
from a true in- ger choices for the left guard berth
ger's strength. and will form a hard combination for.
. that Richards' Slaughter to combat as they are both
wns as compar- rated highly by critics who have seen
o and that they them in action. The loss of Johns
the use of the will be seriously felt before the af-
.advances were ternoon is over. Stan Muirhead at
they failed. In left tackle can be depended upon to
eked the punch outplay any man the Cardinals send
rnoon a change against him and Smith, who has
An element of 1 drawn the assignment is expected to

Hill Auditorium Will Be Scene'
Free Moving Picture Show



"The spirit of the team tomorrow.
will be the spirit that you, the stu-
dent body of Michigan, put back of
it," was the message that President
Marion L. Burton brought last night
to the huge audience which filled Hill
auditorium at the Wisconsin pep
meeting. The necessity for good
sportsmanship, the kind of sportsman-
ship that fights against difficulties was
the main point of his speech.
Although President Burton admit-
ted that last night was his first ap-
pearance before the student - body
with his coat off, his enthusiasm
quickly proved that he was one in
spirit with the body to which he
spoke, and his words were greeted,
time after time, with applause and
cheers. His speech though short, was
directl? to the point, and showed the
audience that from the President
down, the whole University was be-
hind Michigan in its championship
Little Decries Overconfidence
A plea for continued spirit which
should follow the team in all its
games whether 'they be victories or
defeats, ws made by George Little,
assistant coach of the football tean:
Coach Little said that he came to the
University expecting an overwhelm-
ing spirit and he found it here, but
he could only judge the quality of
that spirit by seeing the student body
and alumni behind a losing team. He
brought out the strength of the Wis-
consin team, speaking of the qualifi-
cations of several of the opposing
players, and warned Michigan against
being overconfident of the outcome of
today's game.-
Arthur Curtis, '11, brought home to
the younger Michigan generation the
spirit of the "olden, golden days of
Michigan" and told how the alumni
watched' the rise and fall of Michigan
achievements with even mqre inter-
est than the students themselves. He
dwelt on the glories ' of - Michigan
championships "when Michigan ruled
the West" and expressed strong
hope of eeing a repetition of the
old victors. The speakers -were, in-
troduced by Marion B. Stahl, '25L.
Free Movles to Be Shown
After the meeting free moving pic-
tures were shown in Hill auditorium
by the courtesy of the Majestic and
Arcade theaters. . Tomorrow night
more free moving pictures will be
shown there also by courtey of the
same theaters. "The performance will
begin at 7:30 o'clock and will include
two new features especially procured
for the occasion.
This will be the first affair of its
kind, at Hill auditorium. since' two
years ago this fall when a similar
event was conducted by the same
management at the homecoming game
with Chicago. The auditorium was
procured for this evening by the Stu-
dent council, which has, turned it
over to the Bijou people, so that a
larger number can enjoy the per-
formance than if both theaters were
to give complimentary shows.



art in the final
game, with no
credit from the
ini made, as six
gers on a march
were halted by
he game today
ive scores, but
mean less than
verine forward
first string men
Illy weak should
cause the with-
two of the start-
given the edge
ombination, and
ubtedly superior
rrying squadron.
hould -have the
either Kipke or
a better booter
nsin. The Bad-
have a brilliant
Michigan, since
osed against the
o, may be plac-
s Michigan nine
on the line and
n over all, con-
1o will probably
tomorrow. Of
ko teams, Michi-
e more impress-

have his hands full to hold the Wolv-
erine star in check. Muirhead has
consistently outplayed his man this
year and is Michigan's best chance
for an all-Conference selection on'the I
Both teams boast strong backfields
with the Michigan four having the
best of. the argument on all-around
ability. The individual battle between
Captain Williams, star halfback of
the Badgers, and Kipke, the Michi-
gan ace, will assume large propor-
tions as the game wears on. Both
three-sport men, 'they stand head
and shoulders above the other half-
backs in the Big Ten with the excep-
tion of Earl Martineau, Minnesota
star. Kipke is looked to for the
greatest game of his career today
with so much depending on the out-
come of the contest. He will do all
of the kicking for his team and will
share the passing, while his gallop-
ing broken field runs are sure to be
among the features.,
Backfield Men Powerful
Cappon, stopped byno line on the
Michigan schedule this year, will
play a' great part in the Michigan at-
tack. Unless the Wisconsin wall has
shown great improvement since
Schultz, of Illinois, ripped it to
pieces last week, Cappie is sure to
gain heavily. Taft, Badger fullback,
cannot be compared with the, Michi-


Rooters at' the game today will
be given the first opportunity of
reading the details of the big
battle when the football extra
The Daily appears on the streets
a few minutes after the playeva
leave the field.
A play by play account of the
major football classic of the
West, 'stories of , individual
achievements during the after-
noon, pictures of both Wolverine
and Badger players, and scores



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