__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _THE MICHICAN D AI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ DAILY, OFFICIAL BULLETIN pp U NtJI T ET V Hys--Do you want to m1ake some1 FOTBLLPH~RM ALTUio~1Dt. X F U D ness Dept., of Michigan Daily Office to-! KB F"ral" nmro? ive sorapplystwiusi- STARS TIS FTER001 behired to sell Pictorial Supplements It at can~~toth a~e~itin f tn-next Saturday. This is a real oppor- iI Publication in the University. Voume a the Bulletin is constructive notice to- all members of Copy received until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) FIAY , NOVEMBER 17, 1922- Numbner47 All tioilders of Football Tickets and Residents of Ann Arbor: A crowd of over 40,000 will be present at. the Wisconsin-Michigan football game Saturday, Nov. 18. A large number of the visitors will coine in automobiles. Parking space in Ann Arbor is limited to the streets. To avoid congestion, every owner of an automobile in Ann Arbor should leave his car at home and not park on any of the streets. This would aid very, materially in providing parking space for those who- must come to our city in automobiles and immensely aid in relieving congestion. All streets will be closed to automobile traffic within one block of Ferry field.' This is necessary in order that the crowd may enter and leave Ferry field at the gates designated on' back of tickets. Each holder should enter and leave the field at gate so designated. This will prevent jamming 'either going in or coming out of the field and will aid those in charge and the traffic policemen as well in handling the crowd satisfactorily. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ON TICKETS AND SIGNS NEAR THE GROUNDS. ALL OWNERS OF CARS IN' ANN ARBOR LEAVE CARS AT HOME AND OUR TRAFFIC AND CROWDING PROBLEM WILL BE SOLV- ED. CO-OPERATION IN TPHIS RESPECT HAS BEEN FINE THE PAST TWO YEARS.; k ~FIELDING H.. YOST, Direr or of Intercollegiate Athletics. Freskuteu aud sophomores: Following the usual cuistom and with, the consent of the Deans of their respective Colleges, Freshmen and Sophomores in the Literary College and College of iBngineerinL and Architecture will be excused from classes on Saturday morning, November 18th, in order to participate in the annual inter-class ~coutests. M. L. BURTON. To tk4 nmombors of the Faculty : A system of campus guides has: been established in connection with the ofice of the Dean of Students.. This service will be furnished free to any, nember of the faculty who wishes..to have a guest or friend from out of °town shown about the campus. The guides are in possession of information con- ce rning the building program as well as the structures already erected. Guides Will be on duty from 9 to 12 and 'from 1:30 to 4:30 week days and from 9 to,12 on Saturday. When such service is desired it is merely neces- sary to call the office of the Dean of Students and- request that a guide 'be senlt. J. A. BTJRSLEY. Art Exhibition: Under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association there will be an elchlbition of the paintings of Nikolai Roerfcb, the Russian artist, in the west gallery of :Alumni Memorial Hall, Nov 5 to 26, inclusive, from 1:30 to 5 p. Mn. BRUCE M. DONALDSON. 192ANNUAL SOUVENIR ISSUE TO! desire admittance= to: the Medical CONTILIN FIFTY INT)I VII)- students dace Saturday night whoa V~t ICTRESare. not enrolled in the gtedical'school, '! j nave fallied their deparent ore Programis for the M1ic'higan-Wisen-r hi .r~aip ad nadrt siin football game will be placed on salethisaftrnoo. Te geera get-tickets to the' event. SIW c this sal ths ateroon 'Te gnerl C in eons that tn any Zed cal stu dents pus sale before the gain is used in aebig etldo hpriile e of order that. students May be sure of rtdi* he4p eealy set orbtaining their copies, as only 12,0001 aside for them,' f cdada: of the' i1nilon have been Printed. The campus sale1 announce, that they' will spgare no ef- will be followed by a sale at 'the fort, to ;bring the offenders to time. marn a wtinv Pri.-.., ..)-.4,..En"A # thv I'All ihage whon have ,obtained.tickets4 U I ' . v 4u .W i.lj a,---uvaa t iua. is 45v U j . --4- 1 game. IThis issue of the program will be the annual large souvenir number. It is published in magazine form, con- tai ning 48 pages on material relating to the game and to football at Mich- igan. The cover will be a football draw- ing by Janmes House, '23, in 'Which is combined the maize and blue of Mich-" igan and the cardinal and white of Wisconsin. More than 54 individual} pictures are used in the issue, together with 18 full page photographs. fAmong the articles that will make. up tho program are welcomes to =Wis- onsin from the standpoint of the . stn- l3ents, from President Marion L. Bur- on, from Prof. Ralnlh W.'.Aigler, chair- man of the Board in Control of Stu- dent Athletics, and from Coach F'ield- :ng H. Yost. S. A. R. TO'HEAR AITON V WAT'S GOING ON s. NOTICE---Copy for this column should be submitted by, 4:30 o'clock o: the day, before. publication.I s::lhool this ,afternoon and evening.I Cards anid music will be provided after 10 o'clock. 1 NE PARL1IAMENT WILL BE IlT-lLEI) BY CONSERVATIVES (Continu d from Page One) king would naturally turn for a new Washtenaw chapter, Sons' of the I American Revolution, will meet at 7:30 o'clock this evening at 716 .For- est avenue. A. S. Aiton, of the history department in the IUniversity, will give an address upon "American His-. tory in Spanish Archives. Each committee will report and In- teresting business matters will be tak- en care of, particularly, consideration of the overtures that have been made by the Daughters' of the AMerlc~a Revolution to co-operate with the 'S, A. R., in the coming 'Washtenadw cen- ';ennial. FAILS TO }REACH QUOTA. Present conditions: seem, to indieate that the Community Fund' will fall' short of the desired quota,, $45,808, un- less an increase of subscription re- turns is shown on this, the last day of the drive. Henry I-L. Douglas, prealdeut of the Community Fund association ,nuake an appeal to all solicitors- who- have not finished their work or, turned *in a, report to do so before 6 o'clock this evening. At a banquet of all the workers this. evening at the Y: M. C.. A. a final _re-1 port will be made' by all team cap-' tains., I l LLAv WL V 1in A C . . .... ", - - -- to 'the medic dance by "this Mueans -are warned to return the 'tick~ets to t he t nion immediately as their numbers are kniown e nd'they,.vwill be takes up at the door if not retaued by the pur- chaseyr. .- T ex-iaer 'of t1Se 'Union fe#ls ,that .,'Inasm uch at eevy claes, has at somne tie the prvileeO of <.& d ttce exclusively its qw"I tie. clansea sho61'd be.-more scrupulous Ii 'their [respect for eac4h otheir's ,so6iWl tune- tions. MARY W E- "- 40" ;B$ARE~ AVAILABLt TO) S1 DE:NTh Commencing :.tohy, a"d "lasting through the week-end4, tireo are mahy opportuinities for students .desiring mlyuet for a few days. All sorts of. j6bs are available, t-,roft weepin~g the football stands oselling; Eroin; behind the counter or waiting M, tai- bles. ' 'There will be a great Numiber of ! visitors here for the Wisconsin game, fand the ordin.wy, facilities are not I sufficienat to properly care for Ythem I fn, many of, Auu 'Arboestablish mients. ,Their proprietors ;bave pehi-! tioned th~e tniverelty. ERm ooyment hu-1 reau' for w r~ers, and atilpIopie li~st- ink their nuam"nes: the office of the Dean of Students will be,,given sote kind of ok. Ply 'Delta uap* J Itt"T94ay # Nine' men will .be initiated at the annual Inittation cere onies;ofPhi Delta Xjappa, uaxtoual bqorur edu- cationil fraternity, - which w reill.takte place at two- o'clock th0s afternoon atte- n n Tie following fhttfty :tMembers art among the initiates: Pr. Jola Sand-' wail, Elmer P. Mttcell, sad Rap-"C. Pellett :?of ;the Iitiates arei grad ate se~uiiets .iu the t Uxveratty:s a C L.Anpach;Arthnr 'L: D ilier, Johni Mril'and'-damnes . Vo rheee. 'Harold. 'Hunt,;'23> d, and- NO'E4Reslutwk '23M, alsoa will, be Inftiated. -~ rModet ofr, tg~lrs4H {I 1t F'e BrtIISwVick:. . .1., o '; 18'.. -, Willfrm 'I. Demarest, praeeident o , D Ruggers .college, ,is seriously ill'off pneumnonia ,at his home ;-.here..UhI condition, "howrtever, wa4s aid',- not t bse ;dangerousas Yet-.-He was..taken ill last Saturday ., -. - 45~3 Washington Street B OSTON, -MASS!. I FIELD GLASSES A LUXURY? You'll not think so any longer when you know that on account of the exchange situation, you can now secure the finest imn- ported field glasses and blinoen- lArs for less than one-third their normal selling price. If you ever expect to get a pair of good glasses, now is the time, while prices are way down. The fa- mous 8-Power Field Glasses used by the German officers are going as low as $8.25. Other wonderful values in prism bin- oculars. Get in touch with SEWARD B. CRAMER, I Ctting Apartments, Tel. 854, Wbo will let you -test 'them out. Sncji excellent glasses give life- time enjoyment in a dozen diff- erent ways. JAMES H. LEWIS "4 CHRISTMAS ENCRA"iNC SAMPLES NOW READY PERSONAL GREETING CARDS now BRING US YOUR NAME PLATE I A.. R SUNIVERSITY' BOOKSTORE A MICHIGAN INSTITUTION -7--.-- $5.00, $5.00 $1.00 $1.00 $ .501 $1.50' $ .50, $1.50 $4.00 $1.00 Special prices on Dunhill Pipes. CIGARETTES Camel Cigaretes, 2 pkgs. for .. ............... 31 c Lucky Strike Cigarettes, 2 pkgs. for............31 c FatimaCigarettes, perpkg...........................17c Barking- Dog Smoking Tobacco, 1 5-8 oz. ... ..........30c Capitan, Navy Cut, 1 1-2 oz. ............. 30c Prince Albert, Velvet, Tuxedo, Lucky Strike 16 oz. $1.35; Glass ,jars, 16 'oz.... .... .. . .$1.45 Gillette Razors (3 blades free) ,. .: .. .. *.. 999c Auto Strop Razors. (3 blades free) 8c- Gillette Blades (One Dozen) .... ... . .....79c Auto- Strop Blades (One Dozen).... ... .. ..,.90 Brass Ash Trays . .... ............. ... . . .. .. . . 25c Varsity Tobacco Pouches ,. . . . .. . .$1.25 Self-closing Pouches................ ...........19c Prince of WVales Pipes .. ..: ... .. .. . . .. 99c' MVilano \XJD.C. Pipes ..... ,..........$3.50 Orlando Pipes.................. .. ......49c UNITED CIGAR STORE' ..:,.. 1 18 EAST HURON STREET PHONE 64-R FRIDAY premiier. 3:40- Cabinet mieeting of Y. IW. C. A. London, Nov. 16.-Sir H-amar Green- in Newberry hall. 1wood, former chief secretary for Ire- 4 :00-Frosh band' meets ina upper land, was -d(efeateci in Sunderland, a 1 study hall,' Union. two member constituency. Sir Hamar 5:00-Varsity Band forms at Ferryj ran as a Lloyd George liberal. field, instruments, no uniforms. 1 7 :0W-Var ;ity Band meets -at it111 -London, Nov. .16.=-One communist auditorium, full ;uniform without !was elected to the new parliament, cape. ~JP.Waltn -Nwbod viwhonasre- ca e :30- W iashtenaw. cheaplter, Soizs of ihle tux n ed fort the Moewlivson o American Revolution, meets at 716f Lanicashire. In Glasgowv two con- 1 Forest Ave. 1unist8 were defeated, and one of the' . 7:45-PYep meeting in hill auditorium. .labories was described as a comn- SATURDAY munist. 8:30 A. lM.-Froshi band'nmeets in gup- ---- per study hall, Union. HAWKEYES GO TO001110I 7 :30--jCrfts;Ilen meet IIin Masonlc____ ______Iowa City,. Ia., Nov. 16.-Twenty- ! seven players compose the University UJYOTICES of Iowa football squad which left here' Freshman basketball cgndidates meet j this afternoon for Columbus, 0., where Monday night at the gymnasium, the 1921 Western Conference chain-! Bring your own equipment.I pionship team will meet Ohio StateI There i$ an exhibition of the paint-i in the first football game ever played inzs of Nicola:'-Roerich, noted Rus-, betw~een ,the two schools. flan artist, daily in the West Gallery With the exception of Leland Par-! of -Alumni Memforial hall. This col- kin, thie regular, quarterback the 16ction is placed on display under 1II a keyes were in good condition.4 tlbe. auspices of the Ann Arbor Arts' association. Log-, somethin -? A classified in A party will be held rit St:. Thomaas the Daily will find it.-Adv. Tu~rkey Dii Chid rier n Cicken a la: -en and Steak Dinner K!ing Also Ala C StiCe - 4' Z to banish It is simple Featured here today! Hot Apple Dumping, I12c i f , !' i' (i i i the Chri hnas-gift ptbb- lem completely from your mind. Give photographs! A - I - . Y,. vA -,I . uies, Ledrsi -Tyou. have taken advantage of. your college training-if you have made the most of the opo tn ty presented through your various associations in school,! you have become inired wvith certain fixed ideals and definite ambitions: Your aim is high. You axe anious for pt1ogress and growth. You wish to become a credit to yourself and your" family. Y ou want to become a leader and.esa centi ated into an intensive one-year - .tablish a rekPutatiom, for yourself in the training .course. Babson ' Institute' an . - field you have selected 'for your life's cendowededucatjonal institution;, is con- -work.- Have you chosen business? If ducted for the purpose ;of" training ,o, and. if you.- seek leadership in ,the young men who are to occupy posi- commercial. world -- here are facts tions of responsibility -and trust. worthy of your deepest consideration. -TeLboaoyMto The principles of leadership in busi;- Th Lao tryM hd ness are not many in number. They are Since it is the purpose of the Babson not hard to, grasp: Yet less-than taro Institute Course to- train men for busi- vM in -one'hundread ever learn them. ness, all work and all study is con- " TRAININ~G The two chief, reasons for this fail.- ducted ini the same manner as work is ~F~ ure are: (1) -- lack of - an all-round conducted in any regularly establishedFO business experience. (2) -the' diffi- uieshue.-FrisaceDhr r USINBS culty of drawing sound conclusions. regular office hours not merely school DW I from the' relatively few experiences hours. Lessons and reports are dic- ; that any one Aersons can have." tated by the student as in, an office-. A- not written. Thus the student acquires, A Stdy: Le;c~rs a mastery of business English and the Through your studies thus'far; you ability to, transform quickly, his .have attested for yourself a substantial thoughts into definite form. background--a foundation upoi n which Tahn nCneec you 'can build ;high. -- Why not use: this T ahn ,gi o foundation in the' largest- possible way?', Classes are; conducted on the confer- ' If: you are . truly. ambitious for steady- ence plan.:-The teachers, or directors as and permanent -progress, it will. be, well they are more properly, called, are ex- for. you- in addition - to: your, under- perienced business men,, successful in.- .graduate work :to consider the ad visa-. their own line. Factory inspection trips ' bility of special traiiing whi~h will Cat are not long distance walking matches, off years of aPprenticeship-in the busi- but: personally conducted tours by ex- mess world. This training is available perts in that particular industry. The - at the Babson Institute--an edutcation- problems discussed are- present-day al institution organized under- the laws ones and- are drawn fromn actual expei~ Sen for, of ;Massachusetts not ,for profit. ence. They are. the sain problems on Every mat-who hopes to be a leader which, over 17,000 of America's keenest th " '- v in the business world -needs special executives are seeking aid and solution -t is LookltL training-a training that -can, behard from the largest organization of busi- only from actual-experience.- A study l ess advisers in the world. The stu- "Training for Business Leader- of the" success f ul business men of dent at Babson Institute works on sh"I ecibesth courses today shdws they are -those who have- actual cases - not hypothetical.prob- iforeaio, ndofthesfcimltis-o (1)--a fundamental knowledge of busi- lems.-- and consequently he develops ' Babson Institute. You willIlearn ness principles; (2)-a faculty for the the business man's point of view. ofthepractical mnethods pecpliar pracical appi~atott f thse plntcplesto this institution by which.3e " ' are fitted without loss of time to daily, business life.B i'S Clncfoexutvpstos.N -These.tie andpyoven pminciples,this The student at the Babson Institute obligation. gift for application, ray: now be yours. learns to do the things he will be expect- T eB sn s ofed todo in business by constant contact; n e B stnes of " - ithactual business procedure. He par- Learning usiness ticipates in the clinic instead of sitting in s .e.uuusumumw.s.....u, a class. The training covers the four ma- Babson Institute The specialists of the' Babson Insti- jot divisions of business, Manufactur- 350. Washington WlelyStreet . tote have spent years in business re* ing and Production, Financing,Distribu- al= Hills. Mas.. search, laboratory work, and the study tion and Marketing, and Management. :'Send meC. without charge., .Training of te lvesof uccssfl mn.. Tey f yo ar aniou fo acievmen, i, forBusiniessLeadership 'andfulpe. ofhae lives of suesful amen.Tlh y I o r niu o cheeet f iuasabout the Babeon Institute.I havearnve~t te fudamntas wich by inheritance or initiative, you seem every one must have to achieve leader- "destined to become one of our leaders s i I a' a .x t~ I i {{ F t YOU'LL be glad when the lend of the meal approach- es if you know that delicious hot apple dumpling awaits you for dessert. Covered with a =tasty nutmeg sauce. Fe a- tured .today at 12c. No~hing else con beyst 1er personal Imes Gigeso r ldI, so inoxpaisibehy. Phone 604- W nelvfor dpo ntnett- r c S y. t t li . " . - - " I rYi ;f Z I i T' I t i° i t ij i t [ } 3 ' } Prit QUOV.t i, .k . i ; _ ; S ; . ,, f } k t F i i t Y $ _ Michigan I I 1 1 'Ell 1