THE MICHIGAN DAILY , . m . -.. .'.. wi . Y RES THUS FAR SLTED V'S GRItD CARD.- TOMORR.OW Intramural' Items 'COACI any tickets by the Athletic associa- Dance: Ynsi tonight. Bergin' Lose somethi First.-Adv. the Daiy fff i YSNS _A_________T__AI_ _. or I n If r "r ni*,q 1r["tt S~i F t.h )T~ V7 -rsIpvR, 011.1. rttrrttrrttr[ trtII 11 Phi Gamma Delta will play Alpha} Sigma Phi at 3:15 o'clock this after- noon for the championship of the frntvrnity seedba l ag ue The match III .--. -a. U Le LILLi---.- Battle of- Yale and Princeton.Crucia exhibitions of football ever witnessed. bids fair to surpass any of the otherI Will Wet Hag Three Big Last week Pitt went dwn to Philly matches that have been held in the .Contst, -- and. nosed out Penn by the .narrow eliinations this fall. The Phi Gam- margin of a solitary point after touch- na Delta's pa sng ad general team- TITLE HOPES OF TRIO' iN down in a game in which Penn played wfa4 hork has been the most commendable 'G TEN MAY TAtKE TUMBLE the Pitt eleven practically even. Penn of all that has been displayed. Alpha - iState however has been going like a'Sigma Phi has been the dark horse Statehowevr hasbeen omg ia throughout the season-and will put up Tommnorw marks,the, beginning of house-a-fire and should come out on theruhut th sp u their, usual fight. the end for collegiate football for the the long end of the score. One game was played in the inter- Harvard takes on Brown in what Oegm waplydithinr,, 1922 season. Many games of import- arbad as protin gam hat class speedball games yesterday aft- ance are schledled and the title hpes tye c ad Corate ges f r ernoon, soph engineers defeating jun- of several teams in both the East and the Crimson, and Cornell gaoes likewisefor engineers, 9 to 2. There will be' Wes wil b ethe shttredto iewith Albright. Other e astern games only one contest for, this afternoon,a Westwill be either shattered to the include Dartmouth at Columbia, and architects beisi scheduled to play ground or raised. still higher by an- thgAmyatBae.- The Navy is rest-, r tgp other victory. i Ai prearBation for the Annaolis- fresh engineers.t In eastern circles the most important ig pin tion foxthe - 'Vest Point tilt next week. game by far. is the contest between Yale and Pri-nceton which should re- Pest as Share ORGANIZATIONS NOTE sult in'the elimination of another of It is the West however which has - the Big 'Three of the East from the the largest number of crucial contests. In order that The Michigan ranks of championship contenders. Excluding the Michigan-Vyisconsin Daily ny. _properly handle all, Princeton;."confident ' after a hard 'game there are two other games upon news relating to sectional clubs, fought victory from Harvard last which rest chances. for a look-in on i all such organizations .are re- week is anxious to make herself the the Conference title. Iowa having gone quested to send in to the city recognized leader of the three teams) through the Big Ten thus far without desk a. complete list of all off- 4 and will fight harder than she has'jlosing will clash with Ohio State at cers, their names, addresses, ad been compelled to thus far in the Colunibus. While dope points to the telephone numbers. The Daily I season to come out on the top end of I lawkeye as the probable winners would also appreciate a state- the score. Yale however has had two Ohio State has acquired the habit of ientof each club's purposes eass games the ast two eeks after wrecking the titular hopes of. some and aims. her strenuous game with the Army and Conference school every season and I By keeping its files complete should be in almost perfect condition thus far this fall has proved an ex- The Daily will be able, by means. for the fray tomiorrow. It appears ;ception. The Buckeyes will tight of adequate publicity, to assist- almost a toss-up as to the winner with hard but unless on a fluke they have E the clubs in securing better at- the. edge going to Princeton by virtue little chance to best the Iowans. tendance at their meetings, of their win over the Crimson. last Chicago M1,. Fight week. Chicago however faces a hard bat- -- - 1'It, Meets 'W. and J. tie if she is to remain in the list Of Music lovers will. find Ted Lewis' Another game of great importance I undefeated Conference teanms. The new records, "Homesick" and "Tomor- and' ranking a close second' to the Midway eleven will oppose Illinois, row" at Allmindingers Music Shop.- Harvard-Tiger fight is the battle be- the team which blasted the hopes of Adv. tween Pittsburg and Washington-Jef- the. Badgers last week, a team which__ ferson 'This is considered by both is green but confident after this. teams as the gane, the winning of victory and a team which- is full of which marks the success or failure of fight from beginning to end. Zuppke Office Hours: 10.12 a.w. their season and both teams are prim- Ihas moulded an aggregation from 30 p.i. and 7-8 p.m* ed for it. Pittsburg has not had their green material which will force the Phone 1746-4 usually successful list of victories due Maroons to show every bit of football IRVING WARMOLTS, D. S. C. somewhat to injuries to the squad they possess inorder to keep in. the and does not appear to have the abil- I running. In another game Notre /^ OPO t ity to hold back the strong W. and J: Dame will play Butler, while Minne- eleven. Althougl they hold a victory sota ill rest. and ovar Pennsylvania gained last week In the far West, Leland Stanford will ORTHOPEDI T they must face a formidable foe to- do battle with Washington, and Cali- ORT PE DIST morrow. W. and J., on the other hand, fernia will take on Nevada in the two has gone through the season without a most inmprrtnt games. The former defeat and-after playing an easy game game should- be the: hardest fought, - last week are in readiness for anoth- with the Cardinal slightly favored. It er victory at the expense of the is expected that adding machines will Panthers. be necessary to total the California - y . MNICE, AN ATTEFIEL (Continued from Page Six) Warning that all tickets received by Barr to carry . the ball. In case this students in exchange for their ath- method fails there are three imen who letic book coupon maust be used by can forward pass with precision froim the backfield and at least one end of them personally, was issued yesterday real ability. by Coach Fielding H. Yost. He also Defense lat ed denounced the practice of ticket scalp- Defensive tactics have also received u. considerable attention for the last "These tickets are not transferable few days. Practically every aerial under any consideration," the state- 'play that Michigan has used in other ment continues. "A complete record is big games of the year is being tried kept of .every reserved seat issued by by the scrubs in the scrimmages and the athletic- office, including the name a strong defense against any thing of the nurchaser and the section, row Michigan may try in that department and seat number of all tickets allot- has been perfected. ted. If any tickets are sold for a higher price that that originally paid. Willa Cather's latest book, reviewed the person who made the original pur- -,in the Sunday Magazine, Nov. 19.- chase will not in the future be sold Adv. - - THE QUALITY OF THE PAPER upon which the letter is written foretells the character and tem- f perament of the individual. who # " '/ did the writing. There is no t disputing the fact that the gent- 1r sex cdelight in receiving let- ters written 'on high. toned pa- per and here is where you can ouy it at t.e best prices. Our assortment of Christnas Gift Boxes and Greeting Cards - is unexcelled. Orders for En-- grasdng should be placed at once. 0. D. MORRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADIE 'T'he Typewriter and Stationery Store Open Evenings DR. W S .MILLS DOROTI nI ~ n itC Wnffl*,l.r mv n trr-' fl .1Y dY' 1 iT 1 616 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Office If ours Phone 9.12; 1:30.5 3214F1I Roulrso,1-6 P11 l ' I LO -S VE There is no use trying have in this line as it is into detail. to tell you what we much too large to go If you are in need of a pair of gloves drop in and let us show you the largest assortment of gloves you ever looked at. PRICED $2.00 to $7.50 I~ S TINKER,& COMPANY. South State St. at WilianF St. THE HOME OF BETTER CLOTHES AND FURNISHINGS AT FAIR PRICES (ON - ) l, Penn Teams Bafle score against the Sage-Hens. A third game of importance in. the East. is the Penn'State-Pennsylvania Clean, energetic boys wanted to sell encounter at Philadelphia. Penn has Michigan Daily Pictorial Supplements been the dark horse of the East this Saturday, Nov. 18. An excellent year with an up and down team. Aft- chance for live wire boys to make a er defeating the Navy last month in "clean-up" in a short time. Apply one of the best games seen this year ' Daily Business Office today.-Adv. thePenn eleven took p; Alabama and ,--- lost to them in one of the poorest Call 445 Huron St. Taxi, 25c.-Adv. COLUML A S1 FIECLM CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 PA ADVERTISING AT 3 PM -- tOmmenCino Friday, November 17 ONE -"FOURTH OFF SALE of Trimm ed Dress and Tailored Hats DANA RICH ARDSON 1li) F. I berty St. JrY r f -S y , k.t \y r':v~a 1 IU 3d . Ob " ." fct\ Xf.4.;}'YJV~l!N+marv ", *j'- *1 r,; w 1VV(/ Jrt r U' R'y y y F a f rlaIi.'Q r t1 . ' : '!- r)-J r ",.. m MR= ' MICHIGAN DAILY Classified Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paid in advance. Min- imum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate of 5c 'er agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones. Liner Rates: Twelve cents' per line, withouxt con.tract, paid In Advance. IIONE 960, Investment or Expense A ', ' ~ WANTED WAITED-ExPrerenced stenographer in office on State Street, which has been doing typing and stenography for years. We wish to turn this work over to someone who will care for office, answer phone, and tale care of business. Complete office furnished, heated, and lighted. This is an excellent propostion for a stenographer who wants to start in a paying- business of their own.. Repy to R. T. C., Michigan Daily. 47-2 WANTED-Live wire boys to sell Michigan Daily Pictorial Supple- ments Saturday, Nov. 18. Apply to- day at Business- Dept. Michigan Daly. Only clean, energetic boys need apply. 45-3 WANTED-You to get your. extra blankgets andcoats now.. Also robes for the~ game, at Surplus Supplies Store,. 213 N. 4th Ave.' Have your guests comfortable Friday and Sat- urday. 47 WANTED-Two or three consecutive seats, for Wisconsin game, in North or South. stand, between the 20 yard lines. Call Frank at 1069-F-2 at noon hour or after 5:00 p. m. 44-4 WANTED-50 boys to sell Michigan Daily, Pictorial Supplements Satur- day, Nov. 18. Good proposition and chance to make good money. "Re- port today at Daily office. 45-4 WANTED-To exchange two good single tickets or two in block M for seats adjacent to section U, row 41, seat 23. Please call 652-M at 1:30' or after 6:30. 47 WANTED-Will make trade of good Wiscorsin ticket for ticket to Un- io dance Friday night. Call Chris- tie at 3104 between 12 and 1. 47 FOR SALE *FOR SALE-Several articles of good second hand clothing, coats, dresses, etc., sizes 40 and 42. Call between 9 and 11 a. m. Apartment A-2, 619 E. University, Phone 1393-R. 46-2 FOR kALE-I will take your. old type- writer In con a new Remington portable. S. II. Conkey, 432 Thomp- son, 1128-J. 46-3 FOR -SALE-Snappy four passenger closea car. Mechanically 0. K. Fine finish. Bargain. Call Eddy, 2690-W. 47-3 FOR SALE-Buick six touring. Good condition. Cheap. for quick sale. Phone 1203-J. ~ 45-3 LOST LOST-Fancy gold barrel of Conklin fountain pen between Barbour Gyms and Newberry Residence, Tuesday.' Finder pleaso call 2338, ask for Marion Good. Reward. 46-3 LOST-Ladies Lancet wrist watch. Finder please return to Ann Arbor Press or call 1518-W. Reward. 46-2 LOST-Ticket to Wisconsin game, South stand row 30, section I, seat 17. Call 2850-M. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Five room steam heatel apartment, near campus. Phone 2648-R. 46-2 IE Taking the Roar out of The other day . a man with a facc as dark as a thundeicloud and voice tQ match, slammed our front door. He had come to pay his bill. He was. angry! He liked our work but not our price. After a lengthy explanation the roar left the thunder. REMEMBER! Which? ;f N :4 You make an investment when you buy a home or a car. Do th sameC thing when you buy a suit or overcoate You make an investment in service, satisfaction, and good appearance when -you buy ' 1k1 KUPPENHEIMER 'GOOD LOTHES They do! not cost any more - prices are the Lowest of three years. Yet the fabrics and tailoring are far better than ever before. New and exclusive styles. . . bk ' nil", EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY-for the first 50 boys. Make good money I selling Michigan Daily Pictorial Supplements Saturday, Nov. 18. Re- port today at the Daily office. 45-4 WIL4 CtAN f one Senior ickct fot W1,r"isfn game for 2, ;, or 4. NAF. ALLEN CO. WANTED- Tickets for Wisconsin' 21 1 SOU'TH MAIN