I ________________
qm t g
Published every morning, except Monday
tlurini the f niversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
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wise credited in this paper and the loca
news published therein.
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Subscription by carrier-or mail, $3.50.
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expressed in the; commithications.
Ti. hones, 2414 and 176-M
News Editor............... Paul Watze'
City Editor ............ .fames &. youn.
Assistant ity Editor . ..,.. Marion .:
NigVt Eitors--
Ralph Byers Ha ry Hoey
J. P. Dawson, Jr. J . B. Mack
L,. 3. i e-rPio1- - - j. C. oriarty
H. A. Donahue
Sports Editor ..F. H. McPie
Sunday Magazine Editor. ...Delbert Claa
Music Edhor - t.Aik,
main event will mean to Michigan,
the meeting tonight in Hill auditor-
ium will begin the wind-up for alum-
ni, students, and faculty of one of
the most strenuous and decisive days,
in Michigan's< athletic history.
A statement from the Student coun-k
cil has made clear the fact that that'
body favors the resumption of the I
monthly convocations initiated last a
spring. Apparently, the matter of i
gathering the University together pe- s
riodically throughout the school years
now awaits action by the President and
the Deans' committee of the Univer-
sity, before whom a petition has been
placed by the council asking that this
practice be continued.
To reiterate what has been said be-
fore in these columns about the de-
sirability of monthly convocations is1
perhaps unnecessary. To those, how-!
ever, who may feel that an hour
should not be sacrificed from classes
for a purpose of this kind, even
though it come but once a month,
attention might be called to the Uni-
versity of California, whose convoca-
tions take place once each week; and
this frequency of assembly is not un-
usual in universities throughout the
Michigan can well afford to spare
so small an amount of time from
classes for a purpose which would no
doubt provide more beneficial in-
struction than the continued pursu-
ance of routine work.
Vo~inrannca of nvnraainn 1
THEY DON'T BAD- Editor, The Michigan Daily:
GER OUR BOYS The author of a communication ap-
WHAT HO the picturesque little pearing in the Wednesday's issue of
iosk on Our Own Nevsky Prospekt! The Daily scored the New York Na-
What a local color it lends our cam- tion for its alleged unpatriotic and
pus! But couldn't it be architectur- pacifistic policy during the critical
lly more beautiful? Couldn't it, for period between the years 1914 and
nstance, be varied to suit the sea- 1918, for the most part before the
sons? A bower of green things in the United States had entered the war.
springtime tra, la! pawillyon in the . Assuming the writer's interpretation'
summer. A wigwam for fall. AND of the patriotic complex to be a mod-
:: A T
an igloo
for the winter!
* * *
Oh please!
Iow Does It Works
* * * * * * * * * , $ *
* LOST-Squirrel choker.. .
* * * * * * *__*g *
- Cornell Sun.
Top or Bottom?
-OOD ad.
The efficacy of the colyum
Has at length
Been, proven.
A. recent contrib
States that due to
His publications
The Girl in the
French Class
Was about to smile
ern one which is in a degree, at
least, tolerant of adverse opinion and soldiers who made their bodies a liv-
criticism, I do not think these charges ing sacrifice has been, as the ambas-
are altogether justified. sador intimated, a "humanizing" proc-
During the early years of the war
Iess not alone for Britannia but for
the Nation may have belieed that the Columbia; and this process has shown
atrocious conduct of the Germans was other lands outside the Anglo-Saxon
being over-estimated for a purpose. communion that a nation is more than
It undoubtedly rebelled, as did most' an impersonal abstraction; the state
sane individuals against the various has a quasi-maternal duty, and the
excited citizens who thought it to be ptro im tenslsdnthe natre
thedut ofthePresden tocryoutpatriotism of citizens is in the nature
the duty of the President to cry out
in a loud American voice that atroci- a fi tionshipt
Such high-minded discourse as this,
ties must stop, and who thought that
ticsmus sto, ad wh thughttha innocent of casuistry or special plead-
if certain occurrences did not stop, ingowit a sisry in viewaes
was ~hedutyof he resientto g with a selfish end in view, makes
t +f as ilme duty of the President o for peace on earth and the establish-,
ilo ,omioth ng or rather, just what had ment of righteousness, unselfishness
-ver ccurred to them. Its editors and human brotherhood.
may, as the writer of the communi-
cation, accuses them, have had some
influence on the country's foreign DETROIT UNITED LINE$
policy.-' Its owner was an intimate Ann Arbor and Jackson
friend of our own President, and may TIME TABLE
have known the German ambassador. (Eastern Standard 'ime)
But the Nation, at that time an or- Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6 gaan of free thinking in a neutral a :9: a0.5 70 am, o a.m., :05
a~,and hourly to 9;:05 p.m.
corntry, could hardly be called pro- Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)--9:47 a.m., and
CGormn or anti-American on the every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
,Aei:zth of this policy . I Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.rn.
and every two hours to 9:0o p. in.,
The difficulty evidently lies in the 11:0o p.m. To Ypsilanti only-i:40
fact that. although by proclamation of j "p.flat, 1:1Y a.m.
+ ~To Saline-Chiange at Ypsilanti.
our state department we were bound Local Cars West Bound-7:so a.m.,
to neutrality, our national thought To Jackson and Kalamazoo-im-
was distinctly biased. The manner in ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
r +vic' ermny hd ben cnducing 4:47 P.m.
4hich Germany had been conducting To Jackson and Lansing-Limited-at
fhe war created a group conscience in 8:47 p.m.
. . .
Here is a face and hand lotion you will like to use.
Soothes and heals wind-roughened shins.
- 35 Cents -
TheEberbach &Son CO.
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Maurice Thrman
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Evelyn J. Coughlin
Eugene Carmichael
Wallace i1. 1lliott
T. F,. Fiske
Samuel Moore
W. B. Rafferty
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VP. i:r:i niaTryon
P. M. Wagner
s s clti,
EBa wpstein
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naturalness or expression is a
quality which is highly appreciated.s
Every cultured person enjoys hearing T
other people speak correct grammati-.
cal English, but he likes to hear it
spoken with ease and confidence.
A curious change comes over the The
college man during his four years at
school. Throughout his freshman
year he is highly conscious of the Just
fact that he is a "college man", and;Y
his efforts to speak correctly are ob-
vious, sometimes painfully so. His,
sentences are precisely constructed TI
and he makes a conscious effort to!T
At him--
When he turned away.
* * *
h m muTe with the class
some do and some don't.
due is
* * *
Least We Can
(hit of the
Do Is Run9
Good aste- "T
the "Bat Wing" Tie -
Received-Special Shipment of
Telephone 960
Ad1vritisiu..............John J. Hamel, Jr
Ad!Vflti .f:;...........Edward V. Conlir
rtisii.............Walter K. Sche. e
Aconts...Laurence H Favro'
Circuiation............. .David J. X1. Part.
Publication.............L. Beaumont Park,
elvet Sorduroin alloors this country which was rightfully de-
.Se.hidedly hostile to the Teutons. Any
- Illini. Itatement or utterance which could
E E R RO win any way be interpreted as going
HE LECTURE ROOM was silent against this group conscience was
'row i."end '1-H Wolfe
George Rockwood
Perry M. Hayden
Fwgene L. Dunne
Wmn. Graulich, Jr.
John C. Haskin
( [, I'mi ntout
v. e. i 'i ownt
H. W. Cooper
1v aa: e-c i'er
Edw . I1s. kiedle
Alfred M. White
Wmn. D. Roesser
Allan S. Morton
Thmes A. Dryer
Win. I. Good
Clyde L. Hagerman.
A. Hartwell, Jr.
Frowar-d Hayden
Henry Freud '
Herbert P Bostwick
L. Pierce
utilize the courses in grammar which
he has taken in high school and the
As the student reaches his sopho-
more year he becomes less conscious1
of his speech, and his conversation
becomes more natural. He adopts!
much college slang and abbreviates
-whenever possible. His language
might be called "picturesque". It is
certainly not error-proof.
But when the senior year is reached!
the student speaks most: effectively.
He has lost the artificiality of his
freshman year. He has recognized
tfhe inadequacy of the language which
he used during his sophomore year.
Much of the enthusiasm and reckless-
ness of his underclass days have
disappeared and his speech reflects
his new dignity. Unconsciously he
speaks more correctly than he ever
did before. His improved speech
comes as a result of his associations
and his studies. And best of all, his
Speech is natural, and his conversa-
save for the professor's voice and the
surreptitious rustle, of turned gar-
goyle pages.
* * +k*
If I had a beautiful star for my own
I'd give it to you, my love.
Not that you are my cherished one-
But I like the feeling of generosity.
So Say We All of Us
If I could think
Of all the brilliant things
I have said or thought of
In the past
I would be in print
Every day
All I can think of now
Are the things I said
Last night
On a League House Porch
With League House Inspiration
And I'd hate to see that
In print
Have you heard about the dumber
Tonight begins, the biggest week-
end of the first semester for Michi-;
construed to be pro-German. Con-
sequently, the New York Nation, like
several prominent members of the'
Michigan faculty whose patriotism is,
no longer questioned; was subject to
erroneous attacks on its character.
When the writer of the commu-
nication charges the Nation with be-
ing pacifistic, he may be correct. But
a perusal of the Nation of 1915, 1916,
and 1917 ,ought to disclose that if the:
publication were pacifistic in policy, I
it was motivated by the. idea of em-
phasizing the evils of war largely,
through exposal and condemnation of
Germany's war methods, and not by,
the idea of, championing Germany's
cause in America.
While it may be imperative to have
the press as far as possible united in
support of the government in time
of war, I think the Nation was a
staunch supporter of the allies after
the United States had taken up arms.
But to accuse a magazine written
for free thinkers of being pro-Ger-|
man merely because it dared to op-
pose, in a few isolated cases, a well
directed group conscience appears to
be unjustifiable and to put a very
narrow construction on the principles
of patriotism. Especially, at a time
when this country was neutral, and
something was to be said on the ther
1922 NOVEMBER 1922
1 2 3 41
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22' 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
Start Right With a Good Hat!
We do all kinds of HIGH
CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking
of hats at low prices for GOOD
We also make and sell POP-
YOUR HEAD and save you a
dollar or more on a hat.
617 Packard Street , Phone 1792.
(Where D.U.R. Stops
at State Street)
School of Muse Tuner
PHONE 8062
Office at Res., 418 N. Division St.
HESE neat bow ties of Cheney Silk
are favored by young men everywhere
who pride themselves upon the smartness
of their dress.
Yet-if you prefer the customary four-in'
hand-you will find among Cheney Cravats
just the tie you are looking for-the very tie 1,
that will make you look your best.
Drop in today, and let us show you.
i _
gan. With thousands of alumni bac
in Ann Arbor, with houses gaily de
orated and spirits running high, th
pep meeting this evening inaugurate
a series of events rising in intere
and importance through the unde
class games tomorrow to a climax1i
a desperate battle of the Wolverin
with' the invading Badger.
In Hill auditorium. this evening
President Marion L. Burton will fo
the first time address an assembl
at a pep meeting. With his aid, t
gether with the efforts of the stu
dents and those energetic member
of the 'old guard'. who have com
back to see Michigan win her hardest
battle on the road to championshij
the gathering tonight will undoub C
ly establish a landmark for 0he thri
of pr'-battle spirit-instillers.
Then, tomorrow mning, ('me h
underclas. games. Treshmou an
sophomores this vear' mu-st mak
these contests worn by of the day o]
which they are being held. Only
full turnout of both classes can ac
complish this. The fall games affor
one of two opportunities for under
class rivalry to receive its fullest ex
pression in a sportsmanlike manner.
It is up to freshmen and sophomore-
to take advantage of the chance af-
But tomorrow afternoon brings with
it the grandest climax of all. With
2,500 Wisconsin rooters ready to give
whate,-r they can to help retrieve
last week's drefeat, Michigan must face
as rietermined a band of warriors as
has ever stepped on to her field.
Whatever the outcome, the game wl
be a royal fight. Afterwards, the
moving picture shows have arranged
to throw their doors open and to ad-
mit free 'of charge those seeking
On this night, as well as tonight,
although spirits may run high, soph-
omores must guard against tending
to vent their enthusiasm through any
sort of hazing. The student body as
a whole will not tolrnit mAh h'n.
cl: on is stamE
;e The cycle is
h a curious cha
e: the student, w
s of four years
r_ broadening in'
n sity.
ed with self-confidence.I
interesting, and reveals
nge in the attitude of,
-hich comes as a result
of contact with the on a
fIuences of the niv~r _
thinks a Engineer's course
railroad track?
t luulGa i Mleu ver-
Or does The Michigan Daily run
on Eastern or Central time
e Cheer up, toasted rolls, we'll have side. L. S. K., '23.
AFTER THE BATTLE them educated by Christmas!
g. While the political struggle is at its I. M.?
r]" height, and criticism and scorn are * * *
y the missives. of warfare, the person- THE ORIGINAL TENDERFOOT ?I EDITORIAL COMMENT
D_ alities of the men engaged in the Mos. people think Achilles bold
-1_ strife are submerged in the sea of A genuine he-man, I'm told:
s campaigns. But after the smoke has Through foes he'd cut a .swath of THE ANGLO-SAXON COMITY
I cleared and peace again reigns,. it is death (Philadelphia Public Ledger)
4 the man who has been capable of As easily as I draw breath. The fine address of Ambassador
p. proving his devotion to the cause of Geddes at the Forum meeting in the
. the people rather than the party, who Whu he still played at baby tricks, Academy of Music made a deep im-
li will command the greatest respect, His mother ducked him in the Styx; pression on all who heard it, and won
whether he has gained office or been Hence death could not upon him steal the expressed approval of those pres-
e defeated. Except where she had held his heel. ent because of the sincerity and can-;
d Such a man is Woodrow Wilson. dor of its appeal. It was not in the
e No greater tribute could be paid to Now Paris sent an arrow shot mind nor in the speech of the repre-
1 any person, politician, statesman, or That killed him through that very sentative of Britain to flaunt a na-
other public character, than the dem- spot tional superiority or an exclusive in-
- onstration with which he was greeted Where Thetis had her fingers put. ternational compact in the face of the
d on Armistice Day. Thousands of peo- He surely was some tenderfoot! rest of civilization. Instead, he im-
ple gathered about his home on that ARISTOPHANES. pressed on the consciences of Ameri-
day of remembrance to the soldier * * * cans the burden and the duty of those
dead of the nation, -thousands who The Badgers have gone and bought who have received the light to share
c came to hear the words of Woodrow a grid-graph at home in Wisconsin. it, of those who know the blessings
- Wilson, American citizen, and not * * * of peace under law to communicate
Woodrow Wilson, ex-president of the } And won't they be sorry they've got those blessings,, and to stand togeth-
- United States, and a paramount figure that grid-graph Saturday? er in fealty to each other and -to the
in the Democratic party. * * * ideals that are theirs.
If nothing else, this may be taken Absolutely, Mr. Gallegher. Naturally, the ambassador finds him-
as indicative of a new movement, a CALIGULA. self in warm sympathy with such bod-
movement which is guided by appre- ies as the English-Speaking Union,
ciation of the men 'who serve their Immediate action should be takn bs which are working for a better under-
country, giving it their best to the the city to have some method of reg- standing between those who use the
utter disregard of jealous opponents, ulating traffic at the corner of South same tongue and enjoy a common
or petty political rivals. Woodrow University and State streets this week, heritage of social custom and legal
Wilson's name will undoubtedly go end. tradition. The bond between Britain
down in history as one of the great and America must be increasingly in- j
leaders of -the World War, and as Some house is going to win the prize timate as the causes of friction dis-
one of the principals in attempting to for having the best decorations next appear. It does not mean the for-
establish international peace - and week end. Is it going to be yours? feiture of national self-respect for us
none too soon the nation is beginning to recognize the staunchest of friends
to appreciate his worth. "Who's Who" had better take notice and allies in those whom the speaker
of the athletic prowess of Michigan's' represents among us. Those who
The man who explains the game Gargoyle. would poison the wells and muddy
to his fn fok ai orp 'nvi n,-nm. -...- . Li+- +_
- x
.1. -
Order Early