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November 17, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-17

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La'iArItes lakeSurprisin Gains at
Expense of Unionist
London, Nov. 16.-At 4:30 o'clock
returns from the elections showed the
Conservatives to have more than the
necessary 308 for a majority in the
house. With only 70 divisions missing'
they have elected A319. members, the
Asquithian Liberals 55, the Labor par-
ty 120, the National Liberals, or
Georgetes, 38, and, the other parties
London, Nov. 16.-The long-drawn
out fight between former Premier
Lloyd George and Sir George Younger
has for the first time ended with de-
feat for the chairman of the Unionist
party. Younger and his adherents
staked their political fortunes at the
Carlton club meeting, which smashed
the coalition and sent Lloyd Georgq
into the wilderness, on the conviction
that the country was ripe for a re,
turn to strict party politics.
Victory Decisive
This confidence has been amply jus,
tified. Yesterday's elections have re-
turned a. parliament with.almost the
same overwhelming predominance of
Conservatiyes as the last Farliament
elected in 1918.on a wave of gratefl
enthusiasm gave to Lloyd George as
"winner of the war."
In the new parliai6ent, Premier
Bonar Law will command a majority
over all parties 'combined of approxi-
mately 80.
Lloyd Georgeism Fades
The downfall of Lloyd Georgesir is.
the 'outettan ig featur , of tle elec-
tion. The. coalition Liberals at the
dissolutiqn numbered '129; they now
are represented by only 44 member. ,
There will be miny'regrets among the
former premier's' admirers that he
failed to take the advice of some if
his well -wishers and retire altogeth-
er from the political stage.
While the strength of conservatism
in the country is a surprise, perhaps
the keynote of the election is the de
cline of the Liberals and the growth a
of the Labor party. This seem to
show that henceforth the strIggle
will be between the Conservatives
and the Labr party.
abor Sureme'
The position now is that Labor is
the second trongest ; party i. the1
house, and in what looks as the -in-
probable event of the present govern-
ment suffering defeat in parliament, it
would be to the Labor party that the
(Continued on Pae Eight}


Flivver King Seeks
Wisconsin Tickets
Although the sole owner of an auto-
mobile factory that turns out ma-
chines nearly as fast as The Daily's Cltrk, Neirch, Gilner and McGregora
new press can print tickets for foot- Get Sub-chairmanI
ball games, Henry Ford was unabe Positions
to procure any of the ;coveted paste-
boards when he called up te Athletic COMMITTEE WILL BEGIN WORK
association recently and asked for WhEN OTHER CLASSES ELECT
reservations for tomorrow's game.
The answer was, "Sorry, but we have, John P. Lawton, '24, was elected
no seats left at any price." j chairman of the J-Hop committee by
Hundreds of Fords may meander the junior kit class in its meeting yes-
towards Ferry field tomorrow after- I terday. In accordance with the Stu-1
noon to witness one of the football; dent council ruling that the chair-
classics of the year,but there is one manship of the J-Hopshould again
Ford driver . who will have to stay go to the lit class, the elections were
at home unless he can pick up a stray held yesterday, five men being se-
ticket from some willing seller. lected to compose the number appor-
itioned to this 'class. The five men
f ere eglected. From this number a
ballot was taken to choose the ge-
'eral chairman.
SPI*CHI SIS HE' The four men to serve on the com-
KBS mittee along with Lawton are Harry
DC..Clark, Leroy Neisch, Frederick
Gilner, and H. Archie McGregor.
These men will begin work on the
Hop as soon as the other classes al-E
English Journal, "rJohn rBulle lotted committeemen choose their
U. &, Correspondents Are reeettvs
- P representatives.
Secret Agents In the junior lit elections which
were conducted by Student council-;
STATEMENTS BASED UPON men, the class voted for 5 men out
WILLFUL MSAPPREHENSION of more than 20 candidates, the first
ballot resulting in the election of the

Wholesale Poison
Plot Being Probed
By Scotland Yard'

2000 GBiD FANS

Kampus Karacters
Kartooned Kleverly
Occasionally we like the Gargyle.
This time we ire enthusiastic over

Crowd Roused to Wild Frenzy
Wisconsin Eleven

as 1it.

(Special to The Daily)
Maison, Nov. 16.-After a rousing
sendoff from nearly 2,000 Wisconsin
fans, the Badger football squad de-
parted for Ann Arbor this afternoon.
Enthusiastic cheering and several
numbers by the band made the
crowd wildly excited, the spirit even
excelling that displayed when the
team let for its encounter with Miin-
nesota. Captain Williams and Coach
Richards gavebrief talks before the
train nulled out.
The Badgers are expected to ar-
ilve in Jackson early tomorrow morn-
ing. There they will be given a light
workout. They will not arrive in
Ann Arbor until 10:45 Saturday
Team practice today was light, but
revealed every man to be in excellent
condition. Jack Harris, the plunging
"alfback,accompanied the team, but
it is not known whether he can, play,
due to injuries which he sustained
early in the season.

Just how it will "take" is a matter
for much speculation. There is little
doubt that it has received the approv-
al of the campus, if "campus" can be
used as meaning the student body on-
ly. But among the circles of the learn-
ed, among the ranks of the masters,
the faculty football number of the hu-
mor magazine will find its most severe
"Reverence," it is plainly seen, is
not the watch word of the Gargoyle
staff. Little matter what a person has
done, if he has eccentricities.
(Continued on Page'Two)
Student Council Will Conduct Hous
Trimming Contest For Wiscon-
sin Game
Entries for competition in the house
decoration contest being conducted
under the auspices of the Student
council have ben received from prac-

Washington, Nov..16.-Charges at- 5 highest men to positions on the
tributed in press dispatches from committee..
London to the British publication,
"John Bull;" 'that the American war
department was seeking to employ
American, newspaper correspondents'
abroad as military intelligence ,agents '
were flatly denied today by .Secretary TOWrSOLO SATURDAY
of War Weeks, who made the follow-
ing formal statement: ' . &,om COPIES PRINTED TO MEET
"The war department 'is not taking RESERVATIONS
any action .whatever, either formally
or informally, to obtain confidential
information from the American corre- Dai'y pictorial supplements will be
spondents abroad." ' on sale at 8 o'clock Saturday morn-
Investigation at the war depart- S usand will be printed in-
ment disclosed that the only possi- stead of 5,000-as originally planned, on
ble basis for the statements attrib- account of the great demand for res-
uted to the British. paper lay in ap- ervations.. The Athletic association
paxentiy willful misapprehensions of has ordered 500, and there is every in-
the recent sinquiries after their pro- dication that the entire issue will be
fessional qualifications made to ap- sold before Saturday night. Those de-
plicants for.conmissions iii the ofll- siring extra copies are advised to see
'ces' reserve cprps. the circulation manager of The Daily
News Men Accused at once.
Numerous American correspondents The supplement is one of the larg-
now serving their papers In foreign eat and best ever printed by a college
capitals were connected with the newspaper, and the preliminary de-
military intelligence service during Wand testifies to its appreciation by
the war and in 'many cases have ap- the campus.
plied for membership in the reserves, A picture of Michigan's band decor-
As they are abroad, in most in- ates the cover along with a view of
stances, the, military attaches in va- the airplane that unfailingly attends
rious, capitals acted, for the depart.j all football games at Ferry field. The
ment in deternyining the 'qualifications band is in "M" formation and is an ex-
of. the applicants in this..connection. cellent rep'resertation . of the band
in their new uniforms.
Lnion' Weleones Badger Visitors Three picturs, one of Coach Yost,
Wisconsin ~alumni acd visitors w11 Coach Little, and CaptainGoebel,
have' the u'se of the M~i~ign.UnionG drawn by James House, '23, editor
eading room,.following the Michigan- of the Gargoyle, appear in the 16-
Wisconsin football ''game tomorrow page edition. The drawings each cov-
afternoon for the purpose' of meeting er a full page.
friends among their®. own numbers
Sand among those of the 'University. DEAN GIVES DROP RULE S

Sir William Horwood
The brains of Scotland Yard, Eng-
land's famous secret service, now is
engaged in trying to run down the
ringleaders in a nation-wipe oiso

* aiiiiinwniur wn u'tically all of the houses on the cam-
plot which almost cost the life of Sir .f LIST IH* II O pus. Judging in-the contest will be-
William Horwood, its chief. Boxes of Lus9Jdgng nth"cnLMbRIVIE-
cholocates sent to men high in public gin at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning
life are said to have contained poison. and a cup will be given to the winning
-_First accounts of the football bat-h_
tle Saturday will be found in the pink house.
extra, issued by The Daily. As for D
GLEE .CLB WILLformer games, the extra will be on the The contest is being conducted in
streets but a few minutes after the order that Ann Arbor may be proper-
final whistle has blown, and will.be ly decorated for the .Wisconsin game
sold to the crowds as they come up tomorrow. It is requested that all
RO N T G the hill from Ferry field.gv
-- 'A complete play by play story of the houses decorating give the cardinal
The same numbers of last night's game, from the time of the kick-off and white of Wisconsin equal prom-
Glee club performance will be re- until the closing whistle, pictures of inence with' the maize and blue of
peated tonight at Mimes theater for the individual stars, feature stories on Michigan in order to properly wel-
the special entertainment of,,the many the spectacular plays of the game, late
alumni who are in town for the big scores from other fields-all will be come the students who will come to
game. Special lighting effects and included in the extra which will be on Ann AIbor fron-Madison to see the
sets .have been arranged by Mimes sae' within a few minutes after 'the teams play.
for the 'evening in the hope of giving Vim;- Those eligible to compete are all.
the alumni some spirit of the present
'fraternity, sorority, league -houses,
Glee club's work. ,fSeveral acts have LANDIS BURTON'S drtrie, or any oer houses
been worked up by Mimes for the oc- dormitories, or any other houses sn
casion. The performance will start GUEST AT G A M E which students reside. The only re-
directly after the pep meeting. I striction on decorations is that all
The clubs are offering the program'
again on Saturday evening at 8 Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landisi designing, decorating, or painting bi
o'clock in order that all may attend. ° former federal judge, and now su- done by students who are members,I
Tickets at the Union main desk or preme arbitrator in the major league residents, or pledges of the house.
Mimes theater box office today and baseball world, will visit Ann Arbor
tomorrow . morning and afternoon, during the week-end for the purpose Stores in the business sectionsboth,
price 50 cents. of attending the Michigan-Wisconsin 'in, the down town section and on State
game. Judge Landis comes here at the street, will also be judged from their
L n r N g1sinvitation of the Athletic association decorations by the council. It is
Laundr 1 yT I9Vi i tendered him by Coach Yost. He will hoped that these business' sections
At4astrnbe accompanied by Mrs. Landis, and will respond to the requests in regard"
A t.Easter:n Show they will both be guests of President, to decorations ,in order that the
Marion L. Burton and Mrs. Burton whole town as well as the student
New York,. Nov. 16. - From the 'during their stay here. section, be given an air of welcome'
shafts of a garbage wagon ,at Fort In speaking of Judge Landis' visit, for the visitors.
Riley, Kans., a chestnut gelding dub- Coach Yost says, "The Athletic asso- Originality Counts
bed "Submersible" by a buck private ; ciation's invitation has been accepted Decorations will be judged by the
who sometimes drove him in a post' by a man who has a great interest in artistic harmony of the display, the
laundry wagon, leaped into fame at every kind of athletics, and who has ingenuity and talent displayed, the
the national horse show today as a! given up his regular profession and originality used, and the condition of
blue ribbon winner, capturing the devoted his life to keeping, fair play the surrounding grounds and street.
Ambrose Clark championship cup for in sports. It will be a great pleasure The council wishes to emphasize the
chargers. to welcome Judge Landis to the Uni- fact that it will be only the decora-
The event was a competitive test for versity, and have him as our guest so tions and not the natural beauty O2
army horses, ridden by officers in full that he may see what Michigan stands Gthe house that will count in determ-
equipment. Maj.. Jack A.,Barry had for in athletics and clean play." ining the winner of the contest. t
the mount on "Submersible."

Necessity to Coope te and Orga
Urged Upon .ling War-
4Qth sophomorea and freshi
displaying an enthusiasm that pr
ises a real battle, 'met yesterday
their final rallies before the ani
fall games which will be held a'
o'clock tomorrow morning. Eu
ment ran high at both meetings.
W. C. Rice, '23L, opened the fr
men meeting with an'anouncemer
the formation of a yearling band,
calledfor 'recruits. C. L. Palmer
then elected to head the class in
coming contests. H chose as
tenants the following men: Cha
W. Grube, Bette, Harry B., Koe
Joseph E. Gandy, Richard G. Babe
Elkhart Thorn, Joseph Flinn, Brc
. McIntyre, Deneth E. Morgari
Royal F. Cherry, Irving C. Math
Hubert G. Goebel, Ernest P. D:
Warren C. Tippy; Earnest Neitzer
Roy G. Heston, Frank W. Small, I
ry R. Kreiter, 'Kent B. Pritcb
George R. Snider.
Urge Cooperation
D. W. Steketee '24, spoke a
words, urging upon tie yeai'lings
necessity for co-operation and rn
ization in,their ,actin 'on °the,fi
Harry D. Hoeyr'24, also gavea s
talk, emphasizing the' fact that
though the freslhman class was i
perienced, this fault could' easily
overcome by havi " every man
for the games, and exhibiting a
The freghnian", otwas c
an expanatfmi by' Re of
ames as: they. willbe played
year," and by a review of the r
of the several contests. He emj
sized t fact that po biting, kicy
or slugging would 'e allowed.
Ask Square Play
At the sophomo r neeting hel
the auditorium of. the physics br
lug, the meeting started with a s
talk by Herbert Steger, '25, presi4
of the class. He then introdi
.James W. Hume, '23, who exhorted
second year men above 'all, to play
game square. Hums was followe
larion B. Stahl, '25L. Stahl sho
that although the ldss of 25°.
fewer.men in it, if evey man app
ed, there would be little doubt a
th' otcome of the battle, He
ther emphasized the remarks nlad
Hume, saying that there was I
glory in winning, the games if I
were won by unfair mdeans.
Plans were then made for a b
and more than 30.volunteers resp
ed to the call for recruits W.
Rice, '23L, then gave directions a
regard to the games.
Choose Captains
The meet was olos x with the e
tion of J. K. Mille r"R field capi
He chose the following men as I
tenants': R. V. Halsey. F W. Ba


Scientist Tells Facts Of
Chilean Quake Disaster

By William Herbert Hobbs
(Professor of Geology, University 61
Contrary to the impression which is'
gained from the press, dispatches,, the
earthquake reported from Chili ij
quite of the normal type for that part,
of the world, even to the sea-wave
("tidal wave") which succeeded to
the shocks felt on land. As i's usual,
the dispatches make much of the sub-
sequent shocks as though these, were

downward movement which often,
though not always, accompanies the}
uplift on the shore. When this drop
occurs at the bottom of the trench,
the sea rushes. in from all sides,
withdrawing the water from the neigh-
boring shore and piling it up over the
depression. Gravity then distribute,#
"this wave.as a wall of water which
some hours later sweeps in on the
shore carrying everything before it.
Lesser waves follow at regular inter-

Announcement has been made by
the dean's office that no course may
be dropped after the semester is half
over without an "E" grade going;
down on the student's record. This,
explains Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys,
of the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, means that the deadliney
for dropping courses without a con-
sequent loss of credit is s et at
It is now too late in the year for
additional courses to be assumed in
the place of dropped subjects, as the
time limit expired a week ago'.

Joseph. Bernhart, D. E: Snyder,.

The former laundry horse. now sev-
en years old, might' still have been
going the dull routine at the fort, but
a lover of horseflesh saw possibili-
ties in the animal and Submersible
was released from his arduous task
to enter a higher social sphere.

a source of peril, whereas such "af- vals.
ter-shocks" fall off in intensity ac- The Chilean earthquake of 1835 wasI
cording to a well-defined law and described by Charles Darwin and Cap-
seldom do any considerable damage. tain Fitzroy, who visited the coast in
The initial shock, which comes without ,the "Beagle". Theyreported the shore
warning, accomplishes practically all i as lifted up. 8-10 feet in places. Sub-1
the destruction, except ,such a is- the sequent Chilean quakes have also been
result of the usual aftermath of fire accoinpanied by uplift. The latest
or of the following sea-waves. great Chilean earthquake occured Au'
The reported connection of,. this gust 17, 1906, a few months only af-!
quake with a conjunction of planetary ter the California earthquake, destroy.
bodies is wholly illusory. Long ago a Iing a. large part of Valparaiso; and;
Frenchman named' Alexis Perry confl at about the same- instant a great,
piled the great catalogue of earth- quake and a succeeding sea-wave 40'
quakes in order to compare the dates feet 'in height affected the Alaskani
of their occurrences with those of the coast, the wave apparently -coming
conjunction of planets, but with the from the; fore-deep'just off and paral-
result of establishing the lack of almy leling the Aleutian Islands. .
connection. Although. seismologists It is fortunate that the greatest au-
have striven valiantly to discover -a thority. upon earthquakes, Count de
method for predicting the times of Montessus de Ballore, organized and
earthquakes, their efforts, have never is now in charge of the extensive Chil-
succeeded. The places of earthquak ean Earthquake 'Service with head-,
occurrences are, however, well .deter- quarters at Santiago de Chile. He'
mined. These are the zones of the was called from France in 1906 by thy,
earth's outer shell within, which 'Chilean Government to organize .this
mountains are rising at the borders of service, and on his way; out he stop-,
the continent, and narrow adjacent ped to make a visit in Ann Arbor.:
belts of the floor of the sea. This. was the Commencement period'
The most important zone almost and the 'University's honorary degree

Princeton, N. J., Nov. 16.-,Donald
B. Lourie, of Peru, Ill., today was Rome, Nov. 16.-Benito Mussolini;
awarded the Poe Memorial cup for in a dramatic first appearance. before1
scholaristic and athletic. excellence parliament as premier today announc-
for the second consecutive year. ed his foreign and internal policiesj
'the cup was given by Mrs. John P. and warned his. adversaries that the
Poe in memory of her son, "Johnny" Fascisti government has -come to
Poe, famous Tiger football star of stay. He affirmed his intention to
1895, who was killed in the world war. enforce . law and order against one
Lourie has been an assistant coach and all, even against an illegal coup
at the university this season' and plans I by his own followers, and demanded
to study for the ministry. full powers and full responsibilities.

Wightman, E. R. Schakel, J.F.
ray, R. E. Thomson, .Broudke,
TOwue s To Renew 14 Year iReed, C. W. Bird, E. MW. Fox, F
"Miller, E. L. Knapp, G. F. Kip
Old Tradition Tomorrow F. Anderson, C. D CrawfordDov
JE. Mooney.
Michigan men have worn class and curious. One fellow dug this outBWR,
toques for more than 14 years. It is.I of his toque:
one of the cherished traditions that Dear.Gentlemens-I am a nice girl,
I works in the cap factory 'what made
have been handed down from previous this cap. Maybe you would sometimes< PEP MEETING TONI
classes to the present student body.' like to write wit me.
j Each year there is a day set a6'ide RACHAEL 'KRAVOTSKY. Speakers cheerleade d
by the Student Council as official Quoting a 1909 issue of The Daily: 'band haves, cheelarsad
Toque day, the day when each man at "When the orders began coming intoWban have all been arranged fo
Michigan shall wear the toque of his Lansing by wire, the girls fell "Jerry" Wisconsin m e. aig
class. Tomorrow is that day. to the fact that they were turning out Hill auitorium. Pres. MIanis
Way back in 1909 when the idea caps for those big, strong Michigan. urton will be the principal sp
[ originated students went wild over men. And the lady employees got Itf the eveping. His speech will
~I with the spirit of Michigan and
the new class symbol, and stores in busy with pencil and paper, writing' such spirit means to 'the world'"
Ann Arbor were almost at a loss to notes to the young gents who were t'il
supply the great demand for the class wear the product of their labor. Notes will be President Burton's firs
headgear. Even at that time toques were written in every language spok- pearance before a pep meeting
were ordered by the hundreds of doz- en on earth; with the possible excep- ence.
ens. The first order made through a tion of Esquimeau and the lingo of Arur Cis, '11, of hC
Iansing company was for 100 dozen Congo Free State." lmss
caps. Not satisfied with express, the The idea became so popular that ev- ,iny reminicensea of, the old
members of the individual classes bir, en the girls wanted some kind of in football. The speakr will 1
ed messenger to bring them from the headgear symbolical of their class. troduced by: Marign < . Stahl,
factory. After careful consideration it was de- managing editor of The Daily.
Not only were they desirous of ob- cided that the girls would wear class} The bind and .cheerleaders w
tamning campus headgear, but when tam o'shanters. Freshmen women present to lead in tha cheerini
one lucky fellow discovered a ,Mote were to wear grey tams with' black: singing. ' Seats are being res
written in feminine handwriting in his buttons, and the regular colors were for the Detroit alumni which
new purchase, the demand was almost 'to be used for the other classes. How- tending .i' a bod. -
doubted, and orders of the local shops ever, there came some voices of dis- Saturday -night "free' moving
increased. Each order of ten dozen ; sent; and the idea lost its enthusiasm. ures will be shown by courtesy c


Parish to Hold Party
Cards- and music will be furnished
at a party to be held in St. Thomas
school hall this afternoon. All inter-
ested are invited.
Have you lost something you
would like to recover? Adver-

Protest Hunger Strike Treatment
Washington, Nov. 16.-John P. Fin-
erty, president of the American As-
sociation for Recognition of the Irish
Republic, sent a cable message to
Pope Pius at Rome tonight in refer-
ence to Miss Mary McSweeney, who
is a prisoner of the Irish- Free -State
and on a hunger strike in Dublin pris-
on. The message said:
"Liberty loving people throughout
the world 'view with consternation and
horror your permitting Irish clergy
to refuse sacrament to Mary Mc-
Sweeney, thus outlawing to the whole
'world means of moral force and leav-


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