.:ANE I 11 IILi 1I _n w;I flITwill possibly outweigh their antagol- confident, i they ever were it was Zuppmen and, while the Maroon is 'sre to be interesting. At the end a W AT ' 05 ists and are certain to enter the game; taken ot of them in the Illini brat-, favored to win, the Illini are journey- !of the (ay it may be more so. Mich- oa O S USIOn the other hand Coach Wilce has they laced the Gphers 28 to 14 while fight and, no doubt, greatly improved, and Illinois victories, hoping against t Ii f 0 t lE been bringing his boys along at suc-l~ the Gophers dropped Ohio 9 to Q over their spendid formi against Wis- hope, that the weaer teams may con- g hI La conservative pace that they have not T May upset Dopei consin. quer, for such retlt, and a Michigan u Ibeen displaying all of their wares in Whl hsmYnohaenygat Iw' greatest dange, as Mihi- wmwndgv h V~ieadBu ° -- - i the contests- to dlate. There is no, bearing upon the contest and Iowa a's will lie in overconfidenege. The a clear held ahead with the tie ina t 11 'Rv lHie ~tIurdle If 'doubt but that they are vatyiprov- really sould be able to drop the awkeyes, never of great strength, in ;easy rah ~'k y C n top Va nte e si ce thcr ace M cll ga an Bc keyes handily when past occur- r p llnrn ei lta k i ll h v 4er3!Cott top tanedk ce Msninnesota.t The sdcare te l wit ences are considered it would not beOholevnp Ithe Maroon camp last Saturday can be a l uprin toeetlasoe revenge, full of the desire to removes1: ?A~fl' IL B ~T ! taken as a criterion that the S c: nr_ et more big upset before the "season the smart of the Michigan, 1\innesota- "IOWANS CRUCIAL BT E[and Grey 'will be onl' the job from the coeht coe.deet, ady with al Junior lits deeated tefehlt _____ first whistle until the last. Their " -- tako the aviation variety that in and inter eting speedball gae yes- p Svaunted aerial attack has gone farn 4~nm~~ may spill the hopes of the Old Gold tc" ay aterncon at erry field, 72.11 While the interest of most western astrayso fa thisseaso maiTTIbe- hither and yon. Tme ruanie was mouch mxore evenly football fans Saturday will be con- ISU8T L~sty supfarbthseonmanlyashbde- 1M1 -igat VflhILBatledi mtched than t e score woulldi- centrated upoii Fuiry field where the; no capable men at the receiving end1W fllilr!frl Nor is M4ichigan facing a cinch vi- cate, the junir Tits' large score bie Badger. and Wolverine clash, there all that difficulty has been slowlyIV L uIIi L1 icniafe upaig~ in' a result ot~the many fols co- yet remiain upon the card of Big' TenQ remedied and Wilce is certain to lire-'tr.Wicnnaeroplyg nte bti fsh oltnd.Al chapioshi. ly.Myer cobintio, tem a ioa ~ anry lmot t th poit o in the tilt, and gave ample evidence" chmioihia eyMyescmbntin ata a ow ahigher percentage.! teas and spirited with the courage of_____________________ Down at Columbus Coach Howard That the kicking should favor the Ciiio inBd t ril tideseration will bring to Perry field um Jones, of Iowa, will be found sendin g Buckeyes is certain because in Isa- Of the three unbeaten teams facingi the greatest eleven that has worn the ~TAk m44 his aspiring champions against the be oss n fte1ns h raetdne ffli gfor adnal tin ten years, ready and wvl- " a.I Burkeyes while the fighting Illini, now tytonernc. here ~ atta h n der do gi cag eo ng to blow the .cia rspcs ~ , b1 i l i 1; a p o p c !, o o te r s in th e L i f r u e h n a t h a t c f t e u d r d g C z a g to a to mn s w it h at n a tta c k 'o f d y n a i c 1 a hrost to be reckoned with seriously, is remembered that Ohio gained morl' d u slen i h otdut owrada(ees ha a atrd~~ wil ndaortodopChcgofrmground than Chicago did from the ful postion. ThLe. Maroon victories, only once-but once too often for "iI the race by an exhibition of the fight scrimmage the 'odds apear still more tu a'h entlencenct ihId they displayed against Iowa and Ws- even although comparative dope on; the exception of the win ove P rewclan lte. Tnlyhoaersho awio cousin. ]every Mihigan follower is paper is very deceiving and liable to! iilife4hlig oat n lgsoveret ouplayeon i pulling for both the Illini and. Buck-IliosafebldnIoataon cng sotm tofpys n1"e:9 eysbcuebt oaadCiaogo far asti'ay. 1point victory, stumbled at Ann Arbor Wolverine defense with scintillating muest becfaed fth oW olverinscago o-wa Line Stroug~r but caie ack strong against Noth- aerial work, the tearing plunges of ' ivSM)E DBN, are to have a clear claim to the title. The line play advantage should rest vetern and, a week later, showed Taft, and the open field running o Ha wkeyes Favored with Iowa although Ohio will have at, may percent imp ovement by beating { Williams. sitatonasth IrvEST AM) LAY While the dope seems to favor the least four veterans on the forward WtseoBi, Te of'th1ruingteas Ii TeiCofernceeitatirei thx- Hawkeyes at this writing the Scarlet wall who should give a good account teBgTi. Coach Stagg faces ai ening whistles blow on Saturday i "IIgi pet te nvm area are - and Grey is liable to pull the .not .un- of themselves. The oor shlowing srospopsto1nbeaigteto kue3 expected ,and wallop the Iowans. That that tie Hawkeye forwards mnadc toested tke ueo qetdCoach Jones has the greatest respect against Illinois is to be takenritc; for Ohio is evidenced by the fact that consideration. The only tea ins of DR. W . S. MILLS I _ he has had arc lights brought to the high caliber which Captain Locke and' OSTEOPATHIC PHIYSCIAN t av- -" field so that he might prepare his new his muen have faced have been Yale, 61kirtNa'c k1~lg defences for the expected attack.I in an early season game which can j Office Houzrs z rhone I i}=1 ire'? i Paririin, the sensational quarterback, no longer be taken into consideration q-~;: 0r2lF who was injured in the Minnesota I seriously, the green Iltii, who con- - w game on Saturday, 'is not likely to1 pletely outplayed as well as out - 4 --__ start at his position. Rich, the bril- fought the Old Gold linesmen, and $ g Hiant 'second string general who alsoJ Minnesota, another new team which ' L tl i" was injured in the game and may be was able to score two touchdowns and Litle Far , out of the lineup for sometime. This the resultant goals. Therefore two I II! Lrx.isiADS nniCIa~rzioiiEs leaves a seriousgp to be filled and supposedly weak teams have iun up from St~ite treet, ' u Jones is laboring mightily so that is, 21 points to the experienced Iowa's .36. ___U________ .cohorts will clinch their latis to the C One other factor that the hoeful pernaps °chamfpionship. Michigan and Ohio fans must take in- U IoaCut nLcei to consideration is the fact that Iowa YOU g t________________ His L offense will be built around' has not been facing the keener oppo- Hbu'tCroaL.. Lceand Selling with passes playing' siton that has fallen to the lot of ASolr de lm'rith, aniznou Under- no Lttle part in the attack. K Iadesky, Ohio' ;and most of the other Confer- 'I the stellar flanker was not out Mon- ence teams. This will have a great fo odIeiitnRyl day because of a minor injury but it' deal to do with the outcome of the or any standard type- 1I ' is certain that he will be in the line- I h game. Ohio has met Michigan, Minner im 4'iiv rier you may prefer.r; 'p when the whistle blows. The sota, and Chicago and in each game X eiii See us before you buy.CIH Hawkeyes are at Just about top speed (Ihas come forth with a better, brand now and while the loss of Parkin may I of football. In their Maroon tilt they TH - 1 M ril0D.afcthitempysiglyhy1wreavtyipoedranzin T EC INS GA ES affe cetaith eeir ta parsightlythey weeand astyganyo ed ranizaton 17HEikeHsNESadyRDENS tent offense with as good a defense ments before the final whistle sound- 16 SOU"I JI IN ST. 0.D orl I IC I A as will be found -in the West. They ed. While Iowa is not exactly over- PHONE 149 L-n WT4AT® N _Rl i f r P l 1, BEFO R E STEAM FITTING of the fact that interest in and abil- ed to appear and forfeited to fres ity to pl;ily speedhall heas increa e(1 engineers 1 to 0. among the, few who were permnitted - to participate in the initiation of the Only one game is scheduled for th; game this fall. The junior fits feat- afternoon in the speedball tour~namen tired their end of the gamne by' putting te (dents engaging the senior engii up a great exhibition- of groundwork ery at 4:30 on south Perr'y field. T( t)nd kicking, while on the other hanl I' morrow afternoonm the fraternit the fresh lits retaliated by consist. ' champions1f p will be decided, P] ently outpassing their adversaries. s Gamma Delta playing Alpha Sigh The school of education's team fain~ Phi. : mn e~ snsmau t a t KUUU e t ttUe eUUUU3S iEU3UU3U3UUUUUUEU333UU 215 F. HURON PHONE 214+1F] Bask'et Ball supplies I I / SHOES - PANTS - SHIRTS- Special Padded Basketball Pants $1.00 Sweat Shirts $1.+65 I I' Ie CEO. J.U MOE "SPORT SHOP". 711 N., UNIVERSITY ATE. NEXT TO ARCADE TIJIEATUEI 1- AT 3 P.M.' ADVERTISING ' AT 3P.M. MICHIGAN DAILY Classified= Rates. Two Cents per word a day, paid in advance. Min- imum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day if charged. White ;space charged, for at rate of 5c per agate lune. Classified, charged only to those having phones. Liner Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid in advance. PHONE 960 MISCELLALNEOUJS WANTED) EXCEPTIONAL. OPPORTUNITY-for the first 50 boys. Mak~e good money selling Michigan Daily Pictorial Supplements Saturday, Nov. 18. Re- port todayr at the Daily office. 45-4 EXTRA TICKET, four tickets, two together and two single, to trade for three together. Clark, 1015 E.. Huron St. ' 45-21 WILL 5XCHAVI~rY one Senior ticket for W16eoielnr game for 2, ;, or 4 and pay the difference. Call 402- M after 7 p. m. 46-2i A FIRST CI4ASS orchestra has open dates Friday £nttd Saturday. Call 634-J after 7. 4hi MICHIGAN an~d Wisconsin colored bunting for sale at iAc4k and Co. 4G WANITED WANTED-Live~ wire boys to sell Michigan ,Daily' Pictorial Supple- ments Saturday, Nov.. 18. Apply to- day at Business Dept. Michigan Daly. Only clean, energetic boys need apply. 45-3 WANTED-Tw% or three consecutive seats for Wisconsin game, in North or South stand, betweenl the 20 yard lines. Call Frank' at 1069-F-2 at noon hour or after 5:00 p. m. 44-4 SWANTED-SO boys to sell Michigan Daily Pictorial Supplements Satur- day, Nov. 18. Good proposition and chance to make good money.R port today at Daily office. 45-4 WANTED-Five tickets ,for the Wis- consin game. N'eed npt be together. Call Watson, 1529-M. 44- WANTED-To rent steam heated ga- rage, near Cutting Apartments. Mrs. Rust. Phone 3125. 44-3 WANTED-One, two' or three tickets l to" game. Phone Harvey 2340-M. 45-3. WANTED=-Single room for week-end Nov. 19, Call 907-R. 46 WANTED -Room in private home for girl over Wisconsin game. Johnso:i, University 93-M. between 1 and 3 WANTED-Tickets for Wisconsin game. Call 1913-M, George or leave number. 42-6 SWANTED-To rent, garage near 1503 Washtenaw. Call E. Ornduff, 1325. 46-31 FOR SALE FORL SALE-Several articles of good1 second hand clothing, coat s, dresses, etc., sizes 40 and 42. Call between 9 and it a. Apartment A-2, 619 E. University, Phone 1393-11. 46-2 . F'OR S'ALE-I will take your old type- ~riter.:n on a new Remington portable. S. H. Conkey, 432 Thomp- son, 1128-J. A643 FOR SALE-Buick six touring. Good condition. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 1203-J. 45-3 FOR SALE-A man's bicycle, in A-1; condition. Call at 811 Monroe St. 40' LOST LOST-Fancy gold bari'el of Conklin fountain pen -between Barbour Gym and Newberry Residence, Tuesday. Finder please call 2338, ask for Marion Good. Reward. 46-3 LOST-Ladies Lancet wrist watch. Finder please return to Ann Arbor Piress or call 1518-W. Reward. 46-2 1 just this: She, ain't S H F 5a comn, A-C~MU~tShe's H Campus Sale -- TODAY ! GARGOYLE But do you, know that one prof wouldn't Ict let us. use his picture - Another's wife would' not let him give the Gargoyle his picture for the FACULTY FOOTBALL- NUMBER ? OF TIS SAW THE LIKES w Own g YEAR'S PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT SIXTEEN A PAGES OF If you saw* the,m make a. K ppenhel fer'Overcoat You'd wonder why the extraordinary care, why the fine, expert needle-work hidden away under the linings and seams, the studied harmony of fabrics and linings. Why - because the makers know what the wearer ex- pects from a Kuppenheimer- overcoat. ACTIN. ORDER A DOZEN THEEO FTimE GAME. Delightf ul Lunches for thef Hu tngry ! Delicious- Candy packed it] our M or VU. of M. Bofxes for all. those who apreciafe the best in candy or souvenirs SEND THEM TO Sport, business, dress and ulster models in a wide variety of fine, warm fabrics; prices are lower. YOUR AND THERE'S A. STAND)ARDI) TO MAINTAIN-- THlE REPUTATION OF FIFTY YEARS' OVERCOAT SUPREMACY; $5 84O,$45 OTHER GOOD MAKES $25 AND $30} LOST-Slide rule with name engrav- ed. Call P. M. Telmo, 220-J. Re- ward. 45-2 I FOUND, FOUND-At Columibus, Oct. 21, blackE Ibag containing clothing etc. Can j 1be obtained on description. BoxW IR Daily. 46 1 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Five room steanm heated r aprtmntnear campus. Phone 2 68R 46-2 FRIENDS. ORDER TODAY 15 CENTS N. F. ALLEN CO. --the house of Kuppcnlieimer good clothes 211 SOUTH MAIN -STREET ,vVANTED-Three or four tickets for WigennMn zatne_ Call 402-AM. 46-21 ptt ,.___ ____I_,_____ . am