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November 16, 1922 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-16

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Pr D opening kick-off. Steger has some-t
w' at the edge on the Dayton boy at
passing but Keefer makes up for this?
bey his ability to spear passes at the
c:ther end of the aerial attack. In
Icarryingthe ball they seem to be on a
r lR par so that no matter which one starts;
the contest the other is certain to get
lost Ball Used s! , a If n o the Gunthrgame.
Finishing Touchles f-«I Import- Yost also has Knode, Gunther, and
taut Badger T'it jDunleavy to fall back upon for back-I

; feld material if h-e needs ther.

In an enort to.keep his men in
near perfect condition as possibe for DRAW IIUSL wuu
the game against the strong Badger WLL WII :Plhf
eleven Saturday, Coach Yost and hisl
staff of assistants sent the Varsity S1 ITEREST ONLY TO
football squad through the hardest
practice of the week on Ferry field yes- ttHl(IGANWISONIN TILT I
terday afternoon. IN JIG TENI
Work After Dark -----f
The workout yesterday lasted long While Michigan and Wisconsin are
after dark and ended with the use of having it out on Ferry field Saturday,
the ghost Zall in order that the men 7 ,.k

* I Because of the expected weak spots ing for his team this year has been S
1n.cia sgn tisvr obtu nbe ogta year, ds n ,Sa.rj y s 9m
whether Wisconsin will play anything accuracy on lis kicks this season and:r ay Gan
DADut aBgS DofNsCraiMicf'stba lineit vjand hugh he has been steadiayls n o EndangerT re
at fullback, is a mighty plunger, and provinghewill prove a poor match
riai r oh althougl) he has more than his equal for Harry Kipke. With this in mind,
in Ciappon, the versatile Wolverine Richards' has had Taft busy drop Od Man Dope is going to be stand-
back, it will take a good forward wall kicking and punting for the last three ing in a decidedly precarious position
Pretience of Michig;-n Scouits at Ill. to stop him. Captain Williams, half- afternoons with the hope of having at
.n1is GaJe Has Speed Riha rd ' lack1,,noted for his great ability to least a fair approach to the Michigan on Saturday afternoon when six prom-
Pet Pays play in the mud is also ready to take back. inent Big Ten elevens face each other
his turn at pounding the Maise and. The confidence gained by the Bad-j in a trio of games that may mean lit-
MAY GIVE UP AERIAL PLAY Blue through the line. gers upon hearing of Michigan's line tle or much, according to their out-
AND CONCENTRATE ON LINE I May Dro Open Play beming weakened will be a great aid to come.
~- Although end running and passing the p by gall fou memers off May Compare leaders F
(Speial o Th Daiy) . have formed a mnain pBart of th' Bd; ackl ly yal ormmeso
Madise a t15.-Fractice in tho tefhe bac kfeld with now and then an Making the natural assumption, ac-
ger offensive in the earlier games iI endrun byordingg character-
a rcamp this afternoon was al-is doubtful whether she will care to by Williams or Gibson will c
most entirely given over to signal try them Saturday. The spjed o probably be used by the Cardinals. istics of the competing teams, Michi-
Spractice, with a hard punting and Michigan's ends and backfield is cap- Michigan's attack is anticipated as a gan should beat Wisconsin, Chicago
passing drill for the backfield men. Michigan and cntiig i th" driving shower of end runs and tricky should beat Illinois, and Iowa should
Inablit to et laysoffproprlyabe of spoiling almost anythig in th eria
Inability to get plays off properly way of end runs,, while no other team aerial plays, with Cappon and Kipke, beat Ohio State. With victories 'for
last week has given Richards consid- that Michigan has played has gotten now and then attempting to tear off these three as yet unbeaten elevens
eable worry and as a result th e Ca- away with anything In the way of some yardage through the Cardinal the situation now existing would be
dinal players are due for a heavy sig- an aerial attack.' __line._ _ _unchanged in point of actuastand-
ia 'rn o n eto h ek ing. The size of the scores, of' course,
neal grind for thne rest- of the week. j In spite of the acknowledged Ima lysm ati h ~a
The presence of the Michigan coaches s ggd "BASKETBALL" BY MATHER may play some part in the final con-
atlat atrdy' cntsthae ad Istrength of Michigan in every depart-,'
at' last Saturday's contest have mado ent h ae it h xeto AND MITCHELL, PUBLISHED
some of the best plays that had been inent of the game, with the exception
saved for the Wolverines almost usea perhaps of the middle of the line, the-
contest this weekend is due to b4 "Basketball," written by E. J.
less and as a result there are new -'A
formations galore to be learned and anything but a dull one. Wisconsin is Mather,,Varsity basketball coach, and fI iP It 1
perfected by the team before the comE going down to Ann Arbor ready to dis- . D. Mitchell, director of intramural I
ing game play a really powerful attack in anjI
Badgers Count L phase of the sport that seems advan athletics n the Unversity, has just
With the announcement of injuries tageous. This afternoon, in the prac- been published,. by the Graham book 111 South U
sustained by Johns, Steele and Whitei tice session, Richards lectured to the stores. The book is a 12 chapter dis-

,s In Conference
e Title Contenders
census of opinion as to the greatest
team in the Conference should all
three tie at the end of the season.
Iowa held to a close score by Ohio,
Chicago's total kept minute by Illi-
nois, and a.decisive victory for Mich-
igan over Wisconsin would be fur-
ther proof of the tremendous poweror
the Wolverines and would go far to-
ward clinching the Yostmen's claimj
to the Big Ten title.
On the other hand, }a defeat for any
one or two of these three aggrega-
tions would eliminate them from fur-
ther consideration, while a trio of up-1
sets, with victories for Ohio, Illinois,
and Wisconsin would result in a vir-
tual quadruple tie, although the mar-
gin of games played would give such
- (Continued on Page Seven)
Jniversity Ave.


zuppi es orange and Plue chre
might get the benefit of every possible
minute of practice. Most of the work will be struggling with Chicago at
yesterday consisted of running in prac- Stag~g field. It seems that every Big
tically every type known in the an- Ten fan will be either at Ann Arbor
nals of football drills. The men were or Chicago and these two games leach
divided into teams and given a long Saturday's list. Ilinois goes to Chi-
period of signal running. The teams sago with renewed vigor after having
sid not limit themselves to the grid- spoiled Wisconsin's chances for a
iron itself but went out onto .Ferry championship team last weekend and
field proper 'and went all the way the Indians are in a mood to spoil
around the fence which bounds the the chances of the Midway team in
field several times. Coach Yost also the same manner.
sent the men for a trip around the All ndianis In Slupe
cinder track after practice. Then there Zuppke has forced his men to rea-
was running back bunts, running for lize the strength of Chicago's eleven
passes, running up and down the and has spent this week in building
field, charging, in fact, every kind of up a defense for Pyott and Thomas,
running which will help to add to the star Maroon backs. Woodward, reg-
wind and endurance of the squad. ular Illini fullback, and Hill, second
The coaches also stressed the work Istring back, are still suffering from
on the defense which will be used minor injuries ieceived in the Wis-
against the Wisconsin formations and consin game but the coach uncovered
sent the men through an unilsually a tower of strength in Schulz, a hard'
hard drill on these plays. Ihitting Sophonore who played in such
End Hard Work To'ay a manner last Saturday that even the
Another strenuous session is on the most loyal Indian backers were sur-

I j

and the loss of Swan, four men who men on Michigan's attack and after-
have been counted upon to brace the wards showed them some of the things
Michigan wall, great spirit is being to watch for on the coming game. A
shown by the Badger linemen in the passing defense is being built up with
daily practices. Though weakened the hope of waylaying some of the.
considerably by the loss of Don Mur- shooting ovals that have gained Mich-
ray, veteran pivot man, the Cardinals igan her other games this season. I
now count themselves superior to the Badgers are able to do this they
their opponents on the line,although will have accomptshed a feat in de-
the strength of Captain Goebel and
"Bernie" Kirk is being carefully. tak- unable to do.
en into consideration. Tebel and Punting Worries Richards
Irish will find themselves exceedingly One thing that Richards is worrying
busy in the coming4ontest if nothing about is the punting end of the game.
happens to the Wolverine wings. Taft, who has been doing all the boot-

cussion of the game, dealing with
every phase of it.
It covers fully the coaching pro-
blems involved, the treatment and care
of injured and unconditioned men, the
methods of instructing the squad in
the rudiments and finer points of the
game, and the manner of conducting

Engineers' and Architects' Materials
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card for this afternoon's practice. prised. No other members of the
This, however, will be the last real team are out with injuries and it can
workout for the Varsity as a light drill be said that this will be the first game
will add the finishing touches to the this season in, which Zuppke will have
Wolverines tomorrow afternoon. In his best' combination on the field.
order that the men will not forget the I Stagg's Maroons recovered easily
rudiments of the game they will be enough after their gruelling battle
sent back to the fundanhntals during with Ohio last Saturday, in which they
today's practice which will consist of administered a 14-9 beating to the
running, charging, blocking, tackling, Scaret and Gray. The "Old Man"
passing and other elementary depart- of the Midway gave his men no rest
nients which require _mastering In a however and had them out last Mon-
winning combination This afternoon'sI daystarting their work on building
grilling will be devoted almost entirely up an impenetrable forward pass de-
o work on these fundamentals. nTense to use against their old rivals.
'The physical condition oif' the teamn li nii Attack Bafles
s not of the best. Roby, while he has Coach Stagg is confronted with a:
been out for practice this week, is in complex problem when fe tries to
n shape to stand the grueling pace s dope out the linois attack. After five
of a hard game. Johns will be out' Illinois game scouted by a Chicago
>f the lineup due to injuries to his coach this scout was unable to pre-'
hip which he received sometime ago. sent a definite method of play for II-
Steele is suffering from an attack of iuois. Such has been the case andI
llness and an injured shoulder which it is readily explained by the fact
that Zuppke has been trying all fall !
ogether' may keep him out of the con-
et and White is also on the sick list.he best results out of his
green material and after each game
['he possible loss of three linemen may the attack has been changed some -
eriously handcap the Varsity Stur- at order to emate the weak,
ay. rspots. This varied attack accounts
The teamhich1 willce the Iad- for the comparative success of th
~rs is still problematical. OnI one Indians this season.th,
mnd will be Captain Paul Goebel. His It is likely that Otto Strohmeier will
unning mate will be Bernie Kirk if he start at quarter for the Midwayites.
s in shape and if not the Wolverines No other definite positions were giv-
vil-l be forced to call upon Neisch as en out as yet by Pyott, Zorn, the two
he other flank man. The tackles ap- Thomases, Caruso and Byer will un-
ear to be 'a certaintywith the vet- doubtedly be seen in the backfield at
ran Muiread on one side of the line some stage of the game.
nd Rosatti on the other.

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Guards Present Problem
It istthe guard positions which will
ause the difficulty. With Johns and
ossibly Steele on the sidelines consid-
rable strength is lost to the Wolver-
ne forward wall. Slaughter ,will prob-
bly fill in at one of the guards in
lace of Johns and if Steele is "hors
e combat" Yost will be compelled to
hoose his other guard from Garfleld,
3lanik, or Chamberlain. At center
ack Blott is a fixture. His playing
.as raniked with the best of the Con-
erence pivot men this season and he
hould be able to hold his own with the
ardinal center.
Things appear rosier in the Varsity
ackfield. Upon Uteritz, who has pilot-
d the team thus far in the season
ithout a defeat, falls the job of run-
ing the team in its hardest game of
Lie season. Cappon is ready to play
hie game of his career at fullback and
nay be expectepd to give the Wisconsin
ne plenty of work. The Badgers re-
aember his plunging last year and
onsider him as dangerous as any of
ie Wolverine backfield men.3
One Halfback Undecided
At one of the halfback positions wil
e Harry Kipke, but his running mato
s still in doubt. Both Keefer and
teger have been putting up a keen
ght for the job left vacant by Doug.
oby and either one of them will get,
he call Saturday. Both, of course, are
3rtain to get into the fray at sometime
uring the game but it appears to be-
tossup as to which will be in the
neup when the whistle blows for the

Boys-Do you want to make some
"real" money? If so apply at Bust-
ness Dept. of Michigan Daily Office to-
day. A number of live wire boys will
be hired to sell Pictorial Supplements
next Saturday. This is a real oppor-
tunity boys,-don't let it go by.-Adv.
A review of "The Ietters of James
Gibbons Huneker" in the SundayI
Magazine, Nov. 19.-Adv.
"Gerhart Hauptmann, the Apostle
of Pity," in the Sunday Magazine, Nov.



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