% CR0OWDS SURROUND WILSON HOME lLorna Ho ?DER TO HEAR EX-PRESIDENT SPEAK Ar a 1 IMFI t n eat e M u s ic a le -- I hisseasn's cane oper tist, Warfield, Musicale Well Received By Audience i eleld the second of certs yesterday af- I I ternoon in the Union assemably hall. The artist, Miss Lorna Hooper War- field gave a delightful vocal progranirc which was, well received by a large i audience. TIer first group consisted favreyo hmsfo Ic-1 of a variety of themes from Rach- maninoff's "O, Thou Billowy Harvest-f field" a pensive, minor piece, to theI most pleasing number Moussorgsky'st "Hopak'", a wild, Slavic melody, The1 next group started out with the vil vacious "Ariette" by Vidal, a happy song cull of expression. In this group : also, a minor note was evident in De-i THOMSON ASSERTS ORGANIZED, STATES FOIL COMMUNISM (Continued from Page One) "We have lived through the war and; now we have to live through peace.' He showed how we are living through a period corresponding to that: through wh cl people event after the battle of Waterloo, although that fight was but a skirmish cowparedf with the last war, that then there was unrest, disorganization, and con- fusion for more than twenty years.; Since they lived through a strenuousl time "we have room for hope. '°Civilization hangs by a slendep thread," he said, "which will be brok- en if national life becomes disorgan- ized. The saving of civiized countries all over Europe may be attributed to Russia which showed the impossibil- ity of communism in highly civilized communities." bussy's "Romance." The last group, although showing beautiful tone qual- ity, were more somber in color. The accompanist, Mrs. S. W. Mower, was of the highest caibre, showing marked technique and confidence in the ar- tist.4 The program was supplemented by two Ypsilanti artists. The first, Edith H. Irion, rendered a violin solo Vieux- temps "Ballade and Polonaise." The piece was iitricate and splendidly ex- ecuted in the more difficult passages. The other, Mary A. Dickinson, a stu- dent of Godowsky's and a pianist of merit, presented two numbers by Schubert, the last being the remark- able and well known arrangement Schubert-Tausig "Marche Militaire opus 51.,' THE REMINGTON PORTABLE lAS A STANDARD KEYBOARD Eat them instead of WO hard boiled eggs will take the place of meat in your luncheon or dinner with results decidedly satisfacto- ry. They're much cheaper, too, for they're served here at only 7c each. meat: Hard Boiled Eggs, 7c I i-M, Get Yours Now STACY I. BLACK 432 Thniiepso y 11281 Exclusive University Dealer i . .": ... r'* )ll4 V ..C'i ia :l io i irr I' I * Ex-Pr esident Wilson greeting crowds at. h'is home Denmocratic leaders believe that former President Wilson is preparing to take an active part in the selec- tion of the Democratic presidential c andidate in 1.924, following his addres s to the crowds which called at his home Armistice day. Wilson's remarks to his well wishers gave rise to the- Jelief that he will again become active in politics. He repeated his faith in a. league of nations. RO B I ILQUKE-NoODAMGE DONE ,NOFFICIAL ISTOMATES STILL PLACE FATALITIS AT Santiago, Nov. 15.-The authorities of Coquimbo reported today that a! strong earthquake accompanied by a tidal wave was experienced at 25 m-in- utes after midnight this morning. No further damage was caused. The pop-a ulation was on the alert, and no casu- alities were reported. Santiago, Nov. 15.-As President, Alessandri left Wednesday to visiij the zone devastated by Saturday's earthquake and tidal wave, lists of' the names of those killed in the ca- tastrophe came in over the restored telegraph line from many points giv- ing pointed reality to the disaster. While the official figures on the dead: from the calamity received at the min- istry of the interior, haking the to- I' tal silghtly under 9000, has not been added up this afternoon, unofficial es- timates ,of the fatalities still ran as high as 2000. Wednesday's messages brought fresh storie of suffering among the thousands of homeleas, and further details of theterrble violence of thy' midnight earthquake and tidal wave1 LAST TIME TODAY A PLAYGOER'S SPECIAL "LONESOME CORNERS" EDDIE POLO in "CAP'N KWDD" which laid low a score or more of CRPHNOLOGIST SAYS GUN IS towns and villages. The scenes of ONE CAUSE OF CRIME IN U. S. wenyon WJU Give Span Lecture the disaster, President Alessandri in. Prof. Herbert A. Kenyo will de- tends to visit personally with his offi- ! (Continued from Page One) liver the first of a number of lectures cial staff, in order to better direct Appeals are made within three weeks.! this evening in Room 245, University methods of relief and give his pei- The greatest defect of your criminal Hall. These lectures wi all be in sonal encouragement to the workers. law," he said, "is its uncertainty. The I Spanish, and are to be given under _YG PFcriminal feels that he has a sporting the auspices of La Sociedad Hispani- MAY SIGN UP FORI chance." ca._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- DAILY PICTORIAL A third factor assigned to our crime wave by Sir Basil was the hab- it of faster living which may be due Fraternities and other organizations to .,our more exhilirating climate. desiring extra copies of The Daily pic- "When I first arrived in New York I torial editionoticed the high speed of traffic, that toaleditn, ot Saturday, s You drive 'faster. Then exchange of make advance reservations no lateqil!ideas is quicker here." than today. Only 5000 copies will be IFR -__qucker _e. OM printed. Reservations for copies may Form '26 Glee Club be made with the circulation manag- More than 25 first year men turned HE er of The Daily. .outfor the organization of the fresh- iiTH The issue will be a 16 page roto- man glee club last night at the Un- 4 ~ion. gravure. In addition to being an ex- lion. cellent memoir of this year's athet- HUERT Nit -75 .00 ics to date, it will contain pictures ICHIGAN Pp.Mats.Tues.,Thurs- of Michigan's building operations and Opposite Cadllac f and Sat., 25c and5Tc general campus activities. Latest pho- T eCi Hotel Main 770' C tographs of the construction work onELL C the new University buildings, fur-: I tTi Kister's Romantic Comedy nished by the buildings and grounds "WIEN KNIGHTHOOD ORDERS department of the University, will WAS IN FLOWER" R FAK. SPORTS Whether you play f; foot ball,.basket ball, or indle i n t give most satisfaction. IfIt's Spalding's It's Right Send for Catalogue 211 So State St., Chicago, I11. Michigan Cafeteri a 612 oast Liberty leter, be wise a n sorry. By aRider Atsterpen for ea ms. HOLDS 200 DROPS OF INK. ALWAYS ,WHIMS.. RIDER SERVCE RIDER'S PEN SHOP IN COLL7EG INNa Iie l- I . i f FA AdibL\ r give excellent views of the work as At now stands. Full page drawings of Coach Yost, and Coach Little and Cap- tain Goebel, as well as pictures of the football team, are included. If you lose your dog, a daily classi- fied ad will find it for you.--Adv. GARRICK "'*' "*C*" o$20 I w V .50C to $2.00 Sat. Mat. 68c to $2.00 The Selwyns Present John Drew-Mrs.Leslie Carter, in W, Somerset Maugham's Comedy si . THE CIRC LE Coed With Ernest Lawford Clara Moores Je rome Patrick and Robert Rendel ARE I I I l III I- I I 1 1111 , I III N I FAr I IMES THEATRE COMING IN FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY PICTORIAL I I /" A FRIDAY AND SA'TURDAY NOVEMBER 17-18 Three ne.Act Plays "Release" - By, Ed ward H. Smith A TRAGEDY hoes. Which kind gets you there the quickest? CHAPTER 7 ii SUPPLEMENT I UNIVERSAL STAR COMEDY" IT Goney Isaand Lunch Ahvays. at Your Service PHONE 1995-J We Deliver Right to Your Room HOT DOGS Hamburgers Eggs Ham Fried Ham Ham and Egg Pork a 'Beef Denver Omaha Cold Chicken DRINKS Coffee Milk Soft Drinks Pies ~4rsIce Cream LOOKS 1 LIKE SOMEBODY Two college men, were walking down the road, when a classmate whizzed by in his car. "Pretty soft!" sighed one. Said the other, "I'll show him. Some day I'll own a car that's got his stopped thirty ways." The more some men want a thing, the harder they work to get it. And the time to start work- ing-such men at college know-is right now. All question of classroom honors aside, men would make college count for more if they realized this fact: You can buy a text book for two or three dollars, but you can sell it for as many thousand-once you have digested the contents. This is worth remembering, should you be inclined to the self-pity which social comparisons sometimes cause. And anyway, these distinc. tions are bound to be felt, even though your college authorities bar certain luxuries as un- democratic-as perhaps they are. The philosophy'that will carry you through is this: "My day will come-and the more work I crowd into these four years, the quicker I'll make good." I Strgn 'Em" - By F. A COMEDY G Tompkins WAS GOING TO GO "Fancy Free" -- By Stanley Houghton A COMEDY WITHOUT Published in an Institution that will be h ped Iy what- ever helps the :Imustry. I HIS! im Thea te ORDER ern leciric Cox patty 4 A YOURS NOW! Since 1869 makers and distributors of sdecncal e'uioment Address ....... STEAKS AND CHOPS Our Spe ittII Have YourSunday Beakfast at Home ALL SEATS RESERVED 15 CENTS F. ADMISSION 35c - MEN AND WOMEN Nurnbr 23 of a sere. a