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November 16, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-16

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HUGE ASSE\M\BL\ 1 'Lives Lost,
Towns Ruined In
nHEi IITJUIDLIR Chile Earthquake

W __.___ .






Maron B. Stahl, James W. Hume,
Class Presldents, Councilmen
Will Speak
Two mammoth pep meetings, one for
the men of '25, and one for the class
of '26, will be held this afternoon and
evening in final preparation for the an-
nual fall conflict between freshmen
and sophomores to be held at 10
o'clock next Saturday morning. The
sophomores will gather at 7:30 o'clock
in the auditorium of the Physics
building, while the freshmen will meet
at 5 'clock in the Natural Science
auditorium. Both meetings will begin
promptly at the appointed hour.
According to the committee in
charge of arrangements, It is impera-
tive that all men tutrn out, as all rules
and reulations with rega'd to the
games will be made clear, and. the
formal organization of the classes, for
the contest, will be made at this time.
Captains and lieutenants will also be
At the sophomore assemblaae \(ar-
ion B. Stahl, '2 S, ;li James W.
Hume, '23, will be the ncipal speak-
ers. They will be followed by W. C.
Rice, '23L, who will explain the games
as they are to be played this year.
The presidents of the sophomore lit
and sophomore engineering classes
wil say a few words. An attempt will
also be made at this time to organ-
ize a sophomore band.
lioey, Steketee to Speak
Two men, Harry D. Hoey, '24, and
). W. Steketee, '24, will talk ti the
yearlings. They will explai the sig
nificance of the gamesIto the uew
men, and will outline the history of
this, one of Michigan!s. oldest tradi-
tions. As in the sophomore meet, a
councilman will be present to explain
the games as then are to be played,.
and to lay down all rules with regard
to them.
There will be three games this fall,
in which the rival classes will be giv-
en an opportunity to try their iet-
tie.' The first, known as Athe flag rush,
is already familiar to the members of
the class of '25, having been used last
fall. In this the freshnlen~will guard
three poles, from which fly their class
colors, from the onslaughts of their'
SR laty Instead of Obstacle Race
Due to inability to procure the
proper equipment; it has been found
necessary to change the econd con-.
tet, which was to have been an obsta-
cle race, to a rela y race. Three teams
of 10 men each will be chosen for this
event front each class. The side win-
ning the best two out of three heats
will be considered the winner.
The pillow fight, which will be u d
for the first time this fall since that
of 1920, will be the third and last of
the games. Each combatant in this
contest will be mounted on a high saw
horse, and armed with a large pillow.
It is his duty to unseat his opponent,
using nothing but his pillow for the
purpose. There will be three pairs of
players fighting at one time. As in the
relay race, the side winning two out
of three rounds will be considered
winner of the event.


;,. _ 0
. 5 bP


Saiurda- y ,i h1 Toclue day.
The freshman ,pot will give way to
thy toque of grey; the sophomore
will don his headgear o, red; the
junior wf l assume the official pri-
vilege of an upperclassman when
he appears with his white toque;
and the senior will wear that
badge of respect, the toque of
For the freshman, the grey toque
signifies that he is as yet in the
ranks of the uninitiated, that he
is still on the threshold of Mich-
igan tradition. and that he shall
ad. anee no further until he has
served his year of apprentice-
For the sophomore, the toque
'oftred is the sign of his eleva-
tion to a - position next in
standing to the upperclassman,
and that, in this capacity, he is
a fully privileged Michigan man.
His is a post of honor, to guide
the freshman and to teach him
the value and importance of
things Michigan.
The junior's white toque is
the symbol of pride. It marks
him as an upperclassman, as
one who has a say in the gov-
ernment of his University. For
him there is but one higher
achievement-that of attaining
the title of senior. In the mean-
while, before he may realize
this ambition,he strives to serve
Michigan, to frown on anything
which. may bring d:scredit to her

name. The white toque typifies
trust and responsibility.
The senior wears his toque with
a feeling of pleasure - tinged
with sorrow. For him it denotes
the sweet sorrow of parting, of
leaving Michigan. It recalls to
him the vision of his other years
in the University-of the time
when he first fought for his class
against the sophomores, his first
opportunity to see a Michigan
team fighting on the football
field, his mad, joyous dance
around the bonfire on Cap
Night, his attendance at the last
convncatia ncidir vrb



Vote f mauncipal Districts Taken to
Mean Upsets Will Be


Five LandlubbersI
Join Quarterdeck
Five lonesome landlubbers weather-
ed the stormy seas of Quarterdeck in-
itiation yesterday afternoon, 'Their
crafts rode the ripples, reeled, and
were capsized by sudden bursts cf
wind, andsat the crucial moment right-
ed themselves. Miniature hydro-
planes, motivated by human power.
raced their way down the diagonal
The following senior engineers be-
came members of Quarterdeck, hon'or-
ary senior marine engineering soci-
ety: J. F. Barnes, C. B. Coe, Jr.,
F. H. Goldsmith, B. P. Kolwicz, and
G. C. Whittlesey. Following the public
ceremonies the new members were
honor guests at a banquet held at the
Union. Prof. Herbert C. Sadler and
Prof. Edward M. Bragg spoke for the
faculty, R. P. Adair gave the address
of welcome to the initiates, and J. E,
Barnes responded.

Noted CrimInologist Optimlitic
Address LaIst Night at 11111





Map shows towns in Chile whieh suit-

fered most from quake-
It is estimated that 1,000 persons:
lost their lives in the earthquake'
wliich'swept Chile. recently. Accom-B
panied by a tidal wave, the quake, cen-
tering its force in the central part o
the country, devastated whole towns'! 10Et1~l
wrecked harbor: and caused enorm-
ous loss of lit. 'Towns which suffered 20 SEATS IN WEST STA
most were Copiapo, Coquimbo, Chan- OVER TO FOR[AT1
aral, Talcahuana, Antofagasta and, r


cuasue over y Uy ;(By Associated Press)
President-emeritus Hutchins, his London, Nov. 15.-With less than
presence at President Marion Io 160 returns reported at 1 o'clock this
Burton's inauguration - memo- morning, it is impossible to state ac-
ries hazy but cherished. curately the general result of the par-
Saturday will be Toque Day. liamentary election. Only tendencies
can be gleaned from the results sotfar
ascertained, and those are tendencies
of the voters in the cities.
There have been no great surprises.
IThe conservatives are leading all oth--
er parties combined. The labor mem-
bers elected so far are less than one-
4T i half the number of the conservatives,
--- but more than both sections of the lib-
Is Only Football Coach on Program, eral party.
Others Are Olin, Breckenridge, The returns are regarded by stu-
And Pershing dents of politics as a fair gauge of la-
bor strength as- compared with other
WLL GIVE ADDRESS ON SOME parties. Great gains by labor in the
country districts are not expected.
The liberals are doing rather better
Coach Fielding H. Yost has been than was expected. The combined fac-
invited to be guest of honor and a tions of the liberal party, which may
decide to work together in the next
s peaker at the annual convention CA house, bids fair to exceed 120, unlessf
the National Collegiate athletic -asso- the country voters turn in unexpect-I
ciation to be held on Dec. 28, in New ed directions.
York. Comparatively few of the party lead-.
Coach Yost will be the nI ers were among those whose fate was
lCoach Yot willpbegrheonly foot- decided tonight. Former Premier As-
ball coach on the program, the other quith was elected by a narrow mar-
speakers being General John , J. Per- gin, and Andrew Bonar Law, the+
shing, acting President S. H. Olin of Inprime minister, was elected for the
Weslayan university, President JohnICentral division of Gladstone.
Grier Hibben of Princeton university> London, Nov. 15.-The state of the
and the Hon. Henry Breckenridge. parties in the parliamentary elections
The association - meets in a three' at 11 o'clock tonight was: conserva-'
day session each year for the consid- tives 48, GeOrgeites 7, Asquithian lib-+
eration of questions uppermost in col. erals 7, labor 8, independent 1.
lege athletics throughout the country.
Coach Yost will also attend the meet-
ing of the committee on football rules,
which will be held a few days prev-6
ious to the association convention. GHC
Coach Yost said yesterday that Fhe
was not ready to announce a specific o
subject for his talk but that it would, a
concern some phase of football of gen- -THOMSON
eral interest.+
FormeHea of Scotland Yard Rf s

Announce Preference for Seats
1933 Union Opera, "In and


Envelopes for ordering tickets for
the Michigan Union opera, "In and
Out," which will open in Ann Arbor
on Dec. 4 and play throughout the week
at the Whitney theater, are now being'
sent out. Preferences for seats were
announced yesterday, but, in order to
get desired seats, patrons should send
in orders as soon as envelopes are re-
ceived and name three choices of seats.
Four tickets is the maximum allowed
to any one person.

Narrating incidents of his . early
work at Scotland Yard, of the perilous
four years of war activity, and of the
later efforts to stem the tide of com-
munism in England, Sir Basil Thom-
son, K. C. B., last night in Hill Audi-
torium presented a side. of the war
and its reaction not touched by other
speakers here.
Sir Basil desired, first of all, to clear
up any misconceptions about Scot-
land Yard, pointing out that Scotland
Yard was not a system but the head-
quarters of 19,000 uniformed men and
detectives who operate in London over
a population of more than 8,000,000
people. These men constitute a gov-
ernment force paid by the peers, and
incude 700 =detectives and 150 men
whose special duties are to work on
crimes of the political .type.
D'escribes a Good Detective
The speaker declared that a good
detective must have an efficient or-
ganizaton behind him, that he must
be a hard worker, and that he must
have an intimate knowledge of human,
nature. In this connection Sir Basil,
refuted some of the-old notions popu-
larly entertained that a murderer al-
ways goes back to the scene of his
crime and that criminals becompe con-
science stricken.
Turning toward his work in the war,
Sir Basil asserted that there were two
kinds of spies, patriotic and hired. Of
the former he expressed a belief that
they should be treated as prisoners
of war when captured, rather than be
executed. He said. "There is some-
thing pathetic about them when they
have, played a great' stake and have
. The latter part of Sir Basil's work
had to 'do with the suppression of
the Red activities in England. He
showed the development of commun-
ism in England, Russia, Italy an)
Germany, declaring' that the 90 per-
cent illiteracy compared, with the 2
percent intelligencia and the eigh4
percent middle class accounts for the
relatively long life of communism in
Russia. Lloyd George may attribute
his downfall partly to his determina-
tion to reorganize the Bolsheviki in
Russia, said the speaker.
Sir Basil indicated the danger of
greatly increasing population cramp-
ed. for space. This was one of the



Valdivi NT

In order to make the block "M" at
next Saturday's game strictly maize
and blue in color, it has been decided.

that absolutely no women will be al-
lowed to sit in that section reserved
for it. In past years it has always
been noticed that the various colors
Student Council Votes Against Taking that the women wore in the "M"
Any Further ActionRegarding tended to detract from its effective-
S The ness. It is the desire of the commit-
The Matter tee this year to due away with this.
The block "M" will be formed in tho
DIFFICULTY IN RAISING MONEY , west stand. Tickets for seats in this
PROVES GREATEST OBSTACLE section have been stamped on the back
with' a large -"M" by the Athletic As-
Conditions being 'unfavorable for sociation and maied out to men stu-
Cendig the bntothe rinnesoa'.dents only. This block will includq
stnding the band to the Minnesota 2500 seats in all.
game, the Student council voted in Members of Sphinx, junior literary
a meeting held last night at the coun- honorary society, who are supervising
cil office not to take any further steps the forsation of the "M" d will be at
. 1.. , the stand in Ferry field to see that no
toward raising the money. Several women bearing "M" tickets are admit-
reasons why this action was neces- ted. These tickets are supposed to be,
sary were- brought- out -at the meet- j held by men only and any women who
ing. ' come with them will be turned away.
The cost of the trip which would The'committee urges all women who.
be $4,000, would be so great as to be have these tickets to exchange them,
very difficult to raise. The rules of immediately.

Tickets will be sold in the follow.
ing order: First, the cast, chorus, com-
mittees; and orchestra mail orders;f
second, full paid life-members and di-
rector members of the Union mail or-
,ders' ;third, participating life mem-
bers of the Union mail orders; fourth,
yearly members of the Union mail or-
ders; fifth, women of the University,
box office sale at Hill auditorium on
Nov. 29; sixth, general public sale,
box office of Whitney theater, Nov. 30.
Mail orders will be filled in the or-
der of their receipt, the' envelopes for
each of the above groups will be mail-
ed out on two days intervals. Orders
should be sent in at once upon receipt'
of envelope in order that they may be
filled in advance of succeeding group.



Restricts Sate of





"What, in your opinion, is the chief
cause of crime in the United States?"
was asked Sir Basil Thomson, famous
criminologist and former head of-

the Athletic association will not per-,
mit money to be collected on Ferry
field and it would be impossible 'to
gather such a large amount in pails
at the gates before Saturday's g "me.
This method of collecting the moneyI
seemed, to the members of the coun-
cil, to be the only way of getting
the necessary funds.
A letter received from the alumni
association- of St. Paul, Minn., said
that they would entertain the band
along with the team but that they
could not call upon their members for
further contributions to aid in bring-
ing the band to the game.

Play to be Feature of League Party.
One of the features of the league
party tomorrow afternoon will be a
play presented by the Gamma Phi
Beta sorority. Immediately following
the performances, which will start at
4 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall,
there will be dancing in the gymnas-
November Varsity Blotter Out
The varsity blotter for Novemberi
is out and may be obtained by call-
ing at the publications office of the
Press building.I

Scotland Yard, yestercay afternoon
Yesterday the first stakes were set shortly after his arrival here to speak n
according to the revised foundation in Hill Auditorium.n
plans for the new literary building. "The gun," replied Sir Basil. "In th
The south end of this unit starts at England with a population of 45,000,-l be
the old museum and will extend near- 000 peope there are but seven or Hi
oly to the farther part of Mason hall, eight capital punishments during a of
a distance of more than 300 feet. The riear. No poihceman or criminh car to
depth of the building will be approxi-
mately 0 feet.short thick stick, but use them sel- jn
mately 70 feet. dom. The gun is a weak spot. You m
Although the final sts of floor and should make a universal restriction
mechanical plans for the lit struct- of the manufacture and sale of guns."' lo-
ure are not fully completed, it is ex- Sir Basil had just come from New;
pected that ,the details will be finished York and from, his knowledge of con-: 1.
in a short time. ditions there under 'the state law,,
The requirements for the literary pointed out the ineffectiveness of that
college headquarters do not necessi-' measure in restricting the sale of 2.
tate a large excavation for an exten- meare i restricting th e
firearms, for a man living in New:
sive basement, the only underground York may go to New Jersey and se-
installations being the heating tun-i cure a gun with relative ease.
Snels, ventilating centers, vacuumn The important cause of crime in this
cleaning units, switchboards, elevator country, i the belief of Sir Basil, is 3.
shafts. By Friday it is hoped tohe our lack of dispatch in dealing with
a steam shovel on the ground ready criminals. He went rather deeply in-
to turn the first sod.,,4
___________ to criminal law and court proceedure,,4.
pointing out the differences between
the American and English methods.
JUNlI [ITS uMEET ntrdoQuick Trial in England 5.
"In England a criminal can remair I
untried not more than three months, 6.
Five Men Will Be Selected by Junior or he may be dealt with in a week.
Lits This Afternoon (Continued on Page Two) !

gin at 8:15 oclock this evening in,
ill auditorium. The tickets, the cost
which is 50 cents, will go on sale
day on the campus. There will bey
reserved seats for the entertain-
The program for the concert fol-
audes Atque Carmina .......Stanley
'Tis Morn........... ....Geible
Troubador. ..............Walt
Glee Club
Aida-Just Like a Rainbow.......
Blue .........Instrumental section
Michigan Memories .............
....Saxophone sextette
Lassie O' Mine..... ......Walt
What the Chimney Sang .... Parks
Midnight Sons Quartette
Indiana March.. .............
Destiny . ............ . ....
Tang and Tavares
Oh, Hail Us, Ye Free! (From Er-
nani) . ..................Glee club
Samson and Deliah
Rose of Bombay
Hot Stuff

L11L UUIIL'LII I I UIIIUII 1!chief sub-conscious causes of the war,
was one of the firm convictions of the
Instrumental, vocal, and novelty speaker. The next war will be so
mbers will comprise the concert by great, starting from -this cause, that
mewlthe last struggle will seem puny, con-
e Varsity Glee clubs which will tinped the sn
,tined te seaker.

Must Live Through Peace
In conclusion Sir Basil declared,
(Continued on Page Two)
Tickets for the "Knight of the
Burning Pestle," Masques',annual play
which is to be given Wednesday night
in Hill auditorium, went fast yester-
day, the opening day of the sale.
Wahr's, Slater's and Graham's book-
stores, where the tickets are on sale,
report a large number sold.
Athough the parts in this burlesque
are taken entirely by women, the play
is open to the general public. Variety
and contrast characterize the play
throughout. The boxes and pit, with
their cdnflicting elements of Elizabe-
than society, will all be there.,
As in the plays of three hundred
years ago, dances and songs are work-
ed in entre-acts. An orchestra under

I Cn11or i nn Of ManuscriinLs

Sums totalling over $3000 were re- IShow n In library 1
ceived by members of the Community
fund drive yesterday. This leavei I
$14000 that must be collected beforej What is considered to be one of the Near East exp
tomorrow if the drive is to be count-slyaof thec
ed a success. However much optimism foremost collections of biblical and ty
is existing at headquarters for of the liturgical manuscripts in existence, is parchment. A
290 solicitors only 70 have turned in now Qn dispay in the lower corridor paper. Several
a complete report of territory cover- of the University library, where it amples of illu
ed. Some of the solicitors have par7 will remain for several weeks. - Iinal lettering
tially covered their districts but are By far the most important section of
holding up their reports until they the collection is a'group of some. 45'
have seen everyone on their list volumes, known as the Janina manu-
Volunteers are working at the Com- scripts. These were originally the' .
mu-nity house and tabulating the sub- property of the Baroness Burdett,
scriptions as they come in. Team 19, Coutts who discovered, them in Al-, RO
captained by W. H. Butler, has led b'ania. In 1870 she took them to Eng-!
all other teams in the matter of daily land where they remained as a part
reports. Every home in this team's of her library for many years. Theys
territory has been canvassed and thrj were bought at auction by the Uni- -
team leads all others in money col- versity in the early part of this year. Any one
lected to date. ' Their purchase was made possible rent over
Final reports will be received Fri-i through the efforts of a Detroit alum- there will b
day night at a banquet given to the nus who wishes his name to be with- .be assured-
members taking part in the drive, held. 1 .c~n-Mr;

edition of 1918-20. Near-
documents are written
k or Latin, and are on
few, however, are of
contain interesting ex-
mination and of marg-
in red and gold.

Vnraity Rnnin OiJii'nt1L. to 1L !ha11 ra1Uinn L lvf Mra.'M*"cktil q -nh~n

who has a room to
the week-end, and
e a lot' of them, can
-of a roomer by put-
:n fla T . i tn n-

varsity tsarso wettae te airetion of mrs.,r ai 3cne
Members of the junior literary 7. College Songs der of the School of Music will pla
class will meet at 4 o'clock this after- "GargoyleI uty I The Old Friar's Song and a double quartet from the Unive
noon in Natural Science auditorium to b Out Drink, Drink, Joy Rules the Day sity Girl's Glee club will sing the i:
elect five of their members for the Todayj'Tis of Michigan We Sing 1 cidental songs.
places which have been apportioned to- I Want to go Back to Michigan The play itself is one that has d
them on the general committee for the: Sweeping exposures, nominations to Glee Club fled time itself to dowlits populz
1924 Junior Hop. the hall of fame, and football features! Arrangements have been made with appeal. It is the first burlesque
The apportionment of places on the ; pertaining to the faculty will make up those in charge of the meeting of the the English language and bea
general committee in charge of the the issue of the Gargoyle, campus hum- underclassmen, which will be held somewhat the relation to English li
Hop was made yesterday afternoon by orous publication, which will be sold: also this evening in Hill auditorium erature that Don Quixote does .
a committee of the Student council.' on the campus this morning. to have the auditorium vacated by the Spanish literature.
According to the apportionment made; In a page that gives illustrations of students in-sufficient time for the con-
yeterday, the Junior engineers will some of the members of the faculty, cert. CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS-MUST
elect three members of the commit- the Gargoyle nominates to the "Royal . -- REGISTER FOR PRIZE CONTES
tee. The committee shall also have Order of Cigar Bands" five professors. PRESIDENT BURTON TO SPEAK
one memher fom each i o-f thtforrnxiiv Di sclosure neoinainte in "Mirrorn'+, nYPfWlRF iAiK'IZA'Di ATInUT11 ' i yy.,-...c, mia rani47t hai

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