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November 15, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-15

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.......-rr: .. ..,......

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of 4ll
news dispatches credited to, it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news published therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $. 0.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ness. 960.
Communications not to exceed 300 words
if signed, the signature not necessarily to I
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
and notices= of events will be published inI
The Dailyat the discretion of the Editor, if
left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed comr~mni~ations will receive no *'on-
sideration. o manuscript will be returned
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the communications.
Telephoness 2414 and 176.
News Editor...............Paul Watzeg
City Editor ........James B. Young
Assistant City Editor........, ..Marion Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman ......E. R. Mliss
Night Editors-
Ralph Byers Hat ay Hoey
J. P. Dawson, Jr. J. E. Mack
L. J. Hershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
H. A. Doneiue
Sports Editor.............F. H. McPiike
Sunday Magazine Editor....... Delbert Clark
Women's Editor......... .Marion Koch
Humor Editor ...... ....Donald Coney
Conference Editor .. .......H. B. Grundy
Pictorial Editor..............Robert Tarr.
Music Editor.................E. H. Ailes

finish the good work and make ar-
rangements todhavekan expert zone
the city immediately?
To stimulate fraternities, sororities,
and house clubs on the campus to take
a more active interest in decorating
for the Wisconsin game, the Student
council has offered a handsome cup to
the house whose exterior adornments;
are proved to be the most artistic by
the committee in charge. Practically
all the organizations have signified
their intention of competing, and thb
result should be some worth while
and interesting displays next Satur-
In the past when such contest have
been held they have almost always
been successful. Not only was every
house adequately decorated on the day
of the Ohio State game last fall but
so little choice was left among the con-
testants that the judges had some dif-
ficulty in awarding a just decision.
Several thousand visitors will be in
Ann Arbor Saturday. One vital means
of giving them a favorable impression
of our hospitality is .through artisti-
cally and well decorated fraternity,'
sorority, and league houses. The time
is ripe for each house to hustle up
that new decorative surprise.




- .I



WE WATCH with affection the
Women's League arrow. A light bear
market results in a rise of two points.
Pretty soon it will be a red arrow,
won't it?
* * *

(Cornell Daily Sun)
The need for a more intimate con-
tact between the President of thel
University and the students has for
some time claimed considerable atten-
tion as a problem of real importance.
With tho exception of the large meet- I
ings or convocations throughout the:
year, and occasional banquets of dif-
ferent undergraduate groups, the op-



-e AT




It is often times a question
In this age of indigestion
As to what to eat and what

to leave

portunity of meeting or even hearing
the University leader, has been neces-

Lose something?
the Daily will find

A classified in



For each microbe and bacillus
Has a different way to kill us
And in time they'll always claim us
for their own.
There are germs of every kind
In any food that you can find
In the market or upon the bill of fare.
Drinkiig Water's just as risky
As the so-called moonshine whiskey
And it's often a mistake to breathe the
The inviting green cucumber
Gets 'most everybody's number
And the green corn has a system all
its own.

sarily limited. With but a compara-
tively small number could that con-I
tact ever reach any degree of intimate
acquaintance. ,
A partial solution for this problem
will be inaugurated this evening when,
President Farrand will meet and talkl
with a representative group of stu-
dents at the Coffee House. Although
invitations have been sent out for
tonight, other meetings held from time
to time will be open to all the stu-
dents. By providing this commonI
meeting place between the students
and the President, the Coffee House
committee is making a long step to-
wards meeting a long-'felt need.
(Daily Northwestern)
What is a college education worth?.

Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6 :oo a.rn., 7 :oo a. m., 8:0o a.mn.,. 9:0$
a.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9 :47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
LocalCars EastrBound-7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9 :oo p. in.,
11:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-1:40
P.- 115 a.mn.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:50 a.m.,
'12:10 p.m.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Lim-
ited cars 8:47, 10:47, a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
4:47 p.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8'47 p.m.


French Cherry


Try this
Phone 1422t-
$ I

M. H. Pryor
Dorothy Bennetts
Maurice Berman
R. A. Billington
W. B. Butler
H. C. Clark
A. B. Connable
Evelyn J. Coughlin
Eugene Carmichael
Bernadette Cote
WallaceF. Elliott
T. e. Fiske
Maxwell Fead

John Garlinghouse
Isabel Fisher
Winona A. Hibbard
Samuel Moore
T. G. McShane
W. B. Rafferty
W. H. Stoneman
Virginia Tryon
P. M. Wagner
A. P. Webbink
Franklin Dickman.
Joseph Epstein
J. W. Ruwitch
J. A. Bacon

Telephone 960
Advertising............John J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertising ..............Edward F. Conlin
Advertising ..............Walter K. Scherer
Accounts ...............Laurence H. Favrot
Circuation...-..........David J. M. Park
Publication .............L. Beaumont Parks

From the meagre attendance att
exhibitions of the Art association
might seem that the campus as a whl
is not interested in the work of c
temporaray artists. But it is hard
believe that this is -the case. It see
more than likely that no organized
fort has been made by the spons
of these collections to give them1
sort of publicity that is necessary
interest more people in them.U
association can only be commen
for the effort it has put forth ing
ting the best in art for the Univ
sity, but what seems to be needed is
organized campaign directed to awa
the campus to the advantages to be
rived from membership in the as
Under the present system separ
tickets are sold for each exhibit.U
student has the option of paying ad
lar for an annual membership wh
will give him the privilege of
nessing all art exhibits held duri
the year, and of attending anyc
exhibit as often as he wishes. Bu
large number of = the patrons of1
Art association seem to be unaw
that membership coupons are solda
no organized effort has been made
advertise this fact to the campu
An exhibition such as the one n
being held in Memorial hall can
be profitably witnessed in one v
unless the student interested has
abundance of leisure. The aver
person will want to run in andi
at his convenience, but this mli
provoke financial hardship provid

, it
* to
it a

While the radish and the cabbage
Often make unpleasant baggage
And may introduce the doctors
your home.

What value does the average collegej
in student place upon the college train-'
'ing that he is receiving? How muchj
is the average student willing to sac-
rifice in order to profit by a college



X~ T W T
1 2
6 7 8 9
13 14 15 16
20 21 22 23
27 28 29 30

3 4
10 11
17 18
24 25

Eating lobster cooked or plain
Is only firting with ptomaine
And an oyster sometimes has a


Only 60c a quart
at your


BUT the clams we eat in chowder
Make the angels sing up louder
For they konw that We'll be with
them right away!
The Elliot prize of one second hand
league house invitation will be given
the one who tells us' the true and
original source of the above poem.
It came to us unknown. It sounds
too good to be true.
Ford vs. Ingersoll
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Some students come to college withI
their expenses paid. They are elim-
inated from all financial worry by the
assurance of a monbhly check from
home. Other students are forced byI
circumstances to pay a part of their'
own expenses. These people have a'
much better idea of what their edu-
cation is costing them, but even these
students may rest secure in the knowl-
edge that help will be forthcoming if,
any unexpected corner is reached.
There is still another class. of stu-
dents which is attending our universi-
ties and colleges. This division is

Start Right With a Good Hat!
We do all kinds of HIGH
CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking
of hats at low prices for GOOD
We also make and sell POP-
YOUR HEAD and save you a
dollar or more on a hat.
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where D.U.R. Stops
at State Street)



e . , .. 5



Schedule in Effect October 18, 1922
Central Time (Slow Time*
D X X D"
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Detroit (McCarthy Academy)
Masonic Temple
Detroit (Statler)
Lansing (Masonic)
Sigma Phi Epsilon

Detroit (Lochmoor)
Detroit (Detroit Club)
Beta Theta P '
\ Pears House
Phi Sigma Kappa . [' A
Psi Upsilon;j
Phi Delta Chi 1;

i -

Townsend H.:Wolfe
Kenneth 'Seick
George Rockwood
Perry M. H.Tvden
Eugene L. Dunne
Wm.. Graulich, Jr.
John C. Haskin
Harvey E. Reed
C. L. Putnam
V.T). Armantrout
H. W.' Cooper'
Wallace Flower'
Law.1B. i ie e

Alfred M.sWhite
Win. D. Roesser
Allan S. Morton
James A. Dryer
Wm. 1. Good
Clyde L. Hagerman
A. Hartwell, Jr.
J. Blumenthal
Howard 1 ayden
W. K.Kidder
Henry Freud
Herbert e.Bostwick}
L. Pierce


FOUND-A nickle watch.
dress Box 648, Stanford U.

Ad- *

~toI* * * * * * * * * * * * *
e t-oDaily Palo Alto.
s. ** * *
not To the Damn Weather
isit Oh merry little Autumn
an I
age In your dress of rainbow hue
out I wonder why of all the girls
ight The one I love is you?
ing It's not because you're merry-

VTnFIT'.V'fA V. NOC14VMBER ~15_ 1922 99

\N L1V 1 Elli , V v J1i9 il1ci he is not a member.
- For Spring's a dancing sprite-.
Night Editor-ROBT. C. MORIARTY If some publicity were devoted to It's not because you're warm and
enlightening the students as to just near-
AS TO ZONING what membership in the Art associa-
tion means and what benefits it con- For I love the summer night.
While the city plan for Ann Arbor' Ifers, the result would, in all proba- It's not because you trown at times-
as formulated by an eastern landscape bility, be an intellectual reawakening For winter does that too.
architect last year and accepted by in the form of a representative group I can't find any reason
the City Council,,- was exceptionally of new members. The association is y a Y
proficient as to street layout,.. the esti~ Save simply--You are You..- r
profcient suto sree layou eti- deserving of just such support. (Contrib by FULL MOON. No doubt
mate of future increase in population_
made, and the various sociological STe was.)
and other conditions taken into con- A ahS. o. S. FOR STATE POLICE ' * *
sideration, no provisions for zoning At local headquarters nothing has WE WATCHED our
were made in this design. It is gener- as yet been heard concerning the ar- Dulcinea anxiously all
were rival of state police this Saturday to : - through class yesterday
ally agreed that in regard to AnnY
arbor zoning is of the utmost impor- relieve the traffic situation. Several morning, and she never
tance, and some cognizance ought to. days ago The Daily suggested that In batted an eyelash to
be taken of it .in' any effective city order to avoid a traffic jam such as show that she-well,
was witnessed in Ann Arbor the day that she-you know-
Early in the autumn a Detroit con- of the Illinois game, state police be well, she didn't bat an
tractor announced. his - intention of sent here to co-operate with city of- eyelash. We can onlyk
building a thirty-six apartment build- ficials in taking care of traffic, which console ourself by sup-
ing on a line with the sidewalk at is certain to be heavy this Saturday. posing that she didn't read our la-
Washtenaw and Hill streets. This Is On recent occasions in Ann Arbor ment. urc.
in the center of one of Ann Arbor's when traffic was especially hard to * * *
choicest residential sections where handle city Boy Scouts lent their aid THE WEATHER IS SO AWFULLY
homes are for the most part con-.in directing vehicles. Their efforts WET
structed forty, feet or more from the were commendable and helpful, but I'M SURE I'LL HAVE BRONCHITIS
curb. The threatened action of the they could not substitute for properly YET.
Detroit real estate promoter consti- trained officers of the state. * * *
.tutes an anathema against the resi- But three days remain before the If those
dents of the community, yet in the ab- Wisconsin game. Are we to have aFg
traffic tepeenwretanwsteFat-legged, dancing' Kids
sence of zoning they are almost power- tieup even worse than was the On the library wall
case during the last big game? If
less to tak e action. Are as close together
Under an effective system of zoning the thousands of automobiles in Ann As thcy are represented
Ann Arbor would be divided up into Arbor Saturday are to be properly Then
districts somewhat as follows: one for sent on their way and a traffic jam It appears reasonable
exclusive residences, other residen:- avoided, state officials must take i
tial districts being set aside accord- ediate action. That at next collective jump
ing to the value of the property and They are gonna get
desirability of the tenants, and spe- The bewilderment of the frosh at All tangled up.
cial districts for industrial and comI- 'the fall games .next .Saturday might LEFT.
mercial uses. Each district would be be lessenedsto a marked degree if only * * *
for the most part mutually exclusive one member of the Student council Let us hope Illinois never
of the ethers, and certain restrictions were permitted to fire a gun, instead Iat us before a football game.
would be made to apply to each. In our of all of them as has been the case in * *
best residential districts probably no the past.
apartment" houses would be permitted, . Nobody would appreciate a "Dad's
and all houses built would have to It has been a bad season for dope' Day" more than Dad himself.
* * *
be of a certain monetary value, and so sters. And on no occasion have they'
many feet feom the curb, been put more to shame than last Sat- A few more liquid-hours of this un-
Ann Arbor is known throughout the urday when Illinois defeated the salubrious weather will put us under.
country not only as being the home ' Badgers. * * *
of a great university, but for the This weather. strikes us all over the
beauty of its surroundings and its ele- The idea some persons have of a raincoat.
gant homes. But this reputation'can- pacifist is anyone 'who does not sub- * * *
not be maintained if Detroit promoters scribe to the doctrines and beliefs of We are commencing to put out fins.
are permitted to throw up apartment Theodore Roosevelt.
buildings promiscuously, motivated by We crave self-bailing scuppers on
sh. - --- f -i in. All of theo nrotriol ailitiy or og-I.

composed for the most part, of young
men. They are the students who are
working their way.
In a certain university there is a
freshman engineer,, 18 years old. He
is taking 16 hours of school work. For
eleven hours every night he works In
a factory. This student labors over
his bench from 5:30 every night to
4:30 every morning. Four mornings
a week he has 8 o'clocks and four
afternoons a week he has 4 o'clocks.
Unless this student is a second
Thomas Edison he will get little ben-
efit from his college course. There is
a limit to every man's capabilities. Be-
yond that limit no man can long main-
tain himself.
Although in this case the student
may be overdoing himself, the fact re-
mains that, on the whole, the stu-
dent that is forced to work is the one
that really knows just what his edu-
cation means to him, and exactly how
much it cost him in money, time, ap-
plication and sacrifices.
The o'd adage, "Easy come, easy
go," applies to a college education as
well as to anything else. The man or
woman who comes to college with all
expenses paid, and an ample allowance
besides, is very apt to lose sight of
the real cost of his or her four year
stay in the institution. Because this
type of student does not realize the
cost of an education, in term of sac-,
rifice and work, it is hard for him to
put a proper valuation ulion it.
On the other hand, the student who
has aid from home is blessed with a
greater amount of spare time than is
his unaided classmate. This extra
time may be utilized in more thor-"
ough study, personal research work,
or in university activities. Any ofl
these things tend to make a college
education more valuable.
There are advantages and disadvan-
tages on both sides. Both the self-:
supporting and the supported stu-
dents can argue pro and con. The de-
cision as to which class gets the most
out of college depends upon the an.
swer to the question are book learning
and participation in collegiate activ-
ities' the most important phases of a
college education?
Education is the satisfaction of our
curiosity for knowledge, and the ex-1
tent to which we profit from the ac-
quiring of an education, depends uponI
the nature of our curiosity and its in-
tensity. The young child has a very
strong curiosity but it is directed to-
wards trivial and irrelevant things. In
later years this inquisitiveness is
transferred to more pertinent matters.
However the child's curiosity along
certain lines diminishes as he grows!
older. The student who is not get-
ting alone well with his mathematies

z:55'6:55 Lv. Morenci .Ar. 1:35 9:35
3:45 7:45 .... Adrian .... 12:45 8:45
4:15 8:15 ... Tecumseh ... 12:15 8:15
4:3 8:30 .... Clinton .... 12:o 8:oo
5:r5 9:15 .... Saline .... 11:15 7:1S
5:45 9:4s Ar Ann ArborLv. 10:45 6:45
(Court House Square) A. M.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAMES H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
Phorsi 926-M Adrian, Mich.




,. I



.. .
.. ..






I ,



a . '1

Shoes. Which kind gets you

there the quickest

Tp wo college men were walking down the road,
when a classmate whizzed by in his car.
"Pretty soft!" sighed one.
Said the other, "I'll show him. Some day
I'll own a car that's got his stopped thirty ways."
The more some men want a thing, the harder
they work to get it. And the time to start work-
ing-such men at college know-is right now.
All question of classroom honors aside, men
would make college count for more if they realized
this fact: You can buy a text book for two or
three dollars, but you can sell it for as many
thousand-once you have digested the contents.
This is worth remembering, should you be
inclined to the self-pity which social comparisons
sometimes cause. And anyway, these distine
tions are bound to be felt, even though your
college authorities bar certain luxuries as un-
democratic-as perhaps they are..
The philosophy that will carry you through is
this: "My day will come-and the more work
I crowd ,into these four years, the quicker I'll
make good."



the interest of Elec.
trical Development by
an Institution that will
he helped by what.
ever helps the

er r

Electric Company


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