'Y'S SENA TE SEA T HANGS Plan Block "M" At' IN BA LANCE ; ANTIS' FORCE S GAIN Wisconsin G a m e Muezzin Calls To Worship Of Style .I Plans for the forming of a block Pageants of the Arabian nights "M" at the Michigan-Wisconsin game spread again their gossamer webs of i fare being worked out by Sphinx, jun-1 fantastic delight. Oh, ye of the lar- !or literary honor society. Permission em, bring forth the magic carpet, trim has been given that organization by up the frayed edges of the old family the Student council to have complete aerial conveyance, and come to the charge of all necessary arrangements new Bagdad. Surrounded by luxury, and the foriing of the "M" itself. lulled by the langorous music, watc The "M" will be made up in the west and marvel at the unfolding scene of stand and will be composed of 2500 beauty unsurpassed. rooters. Yellow flags will make up Four beautious maids of the Michi- the "M" wth a background of blue gan campus, garbed in the glory o'( banners. These flags will be distrib- Semiramis, enhanced by the art of the kited to the proper seats previous to modistes from the Jackson Style the game. .. Shoppe,. waft down the broad stair- case of Sorosis house for your enter- FOOTBALL, FACULTY. SARE tainment and the profit of the League. PLACES IN "V. tAARGOYLE Shimmering array for the coming' oliuse-parties, practical school- (Continued from Page One ) clothes, the proper thing to wear for ;faculty by a writer who signs himself every occasion, will be displayed fox "Lee 0. Jayh., H." your approval at 7:30 olock this ev- Editorials in the month's issue ening and tomorrow night. adopt a new policy as they take up The girls of Collegiate Sorosis are various phases of camipus life and dis-; arranging this style show, and will cuss them in a manner that the Gar- be paid by the style shop for their goyle believesright. Hill auditorium services. This money will be donat- as a place for political ieetings, pro-i ed to the fund for the University of fessionalism, and the manner of erup- Michigan League and there will be tions of professors are discussed in no admission charges at the perform- this issue. ance. Orders for gowns may be left; A page in farcical representation of if desired, and patronage of the wo- the copy of the athletic program that men on the campus will prove the effi- will be -sold at the. Wisconsin game is cacy of the event. included. A second full page shows a futuristic copy of The Daily extra fof Have YOU signed your LEAGUE the same occasion. pledge?-Adv. Legion Commander Banquet Guest Frank B. Harkness, state commander of the American Legion, will be the guest of honor at a banquet to be held at 6 o'clock tomorrow night in the Un- ion. Mr.tHarkness has been secured through the efforts of the local chap- ter of the American Legion. All ex- service men are invited to attend the banquet. Tickets may be obtained from H. E. Hastings, special. Courteous and - Quick Taxi servie. '25c. Huron St. Taxi. 445.-Adv. Shope We handle the E. lJurnhafn and Nlarindio oomet1cs Rain Water Shampoo JG~Ianic1Y 707 N. UNIV. rigt PHONE 2652 1 / 1'C !! .,, ,,": A ~ I l \ :".l t ? h .< s . . d ,, : ,': . J t 4 .4 h } l \ r?} t,"L. '+w..,. ...!"'. ". ,.?gyp '..': . , r, :.: , : , < ".... .. }. t '. - 5 ".: \\ ' , ." , }:^}'. } 3 L 1* SV 2 { "' Y ' T ti F ' ' , TrODAY Nl' olloviom I'N V *,V, VALENTINO R - - ~A I SO-____ A NEW MER MAID "/ 4 r I ve, Senaor-elect Ferris, left; Newberry, center; La Follette, right. Below, Senators-elect. sota; Edvards, New Jersey; Ralston, Indiana. and Copeland, New York Freslimeii Will Meet to Form Band' All freshmen who can play band in- struments are requested to report' at 5 o'clock today in the, corridor of Uni- versity hall. If a sufficient number show interest in the scheme a fresh- man band will be formed. A bit of compliment To the folks at home, Were a giftie, of something niftie, From the James Foster.-omAe.of 'At.--Adv. AI GIKT Window Draperies Made to Order New Line Evenings 7:00-8:30 Ail Seats 35c NO INCREASE IN PRICES AlHl 1ea s 25,c Shlipstead Mimie- Washington, D. C., Nov. 14.- The ,declared that his first official act will F nate seat of Truman Ii. Newberry of be to force the reopening of the New- chigan today hangs in the balance 'berry case in the senate. In this he d only by the merest thread iftho will be aided and abetted by Senators ast of the anti-Newberry solonis l La Follette, Shipstea'd, Copeland, Ed- be believed, wards, Ralston and Bruce. Acquitted by his colleagues of the But the senate may* never have oc- arges of excessive expenditures in casion to reopen the case. Newberry'se s campaign of 1918 against Henry secretary already has announced that >rd, Newberry now faces another the senator is in ill health and though :ht to retain his seat. it has been denied the report persists t Anti-Newberry forces in the senate that Newberry will resign rather thanC w claim 51 votes as a result of the face his reinforced' enemies on the cent elections in which seven of iloor. ewberry's staunchest defenders were The vote to sustain Newberry last, feated for re-election, including his January was 46 to 41, with nine sen- lleague from Michigan. Senator ators not voting. Of these 46 seven v wnsend; were repudiated at the last election. On the other hand, his opponents Seven of the antis also lost their seats, >ast that eleven anti-Newberryites by death, defeat or retirement, but this ere re-elected, including Senator La loss was more than made up by the olette of Wisconsin, and "Fighting antis who won all these 14 seats. :b" is the arch-enemy, of his Wolver- o colleague.. If you lose your dog, a daily classi- Senator-elect Ferris of Michigan, has fied ad will find it for you.-Adv. FLAG RAISING AT GAMES- IMPROVED BY COUNCIL RULE SHUSERT Nights 50-76-$1.00 Due to the dissatisfaction evidenced MI C HFG A N-aPop. as.*.,Thur.. and Sai., 25o~and' 600 by many people with the way the flag opposite cadillao Hotel MIt 770O is raised at Ferry field Before thrl T KE BO'NSTE LL CO. games, the Student council has devis- In Paul Kester's Romantie Comedy ed a means to' improve this ceremony. "WHEN KNIGHfTHOOD A special color guard of the R. 0. T. C. AS IN FLOWER" will march in front of the band tq. the flag pole and will raise the col- . , wr Niohas Uto $250 ors in the proper manner. UARRICJ wJrgt g. 1__________ r at s*ecto $2.00 The Selwyns Present Save your numbers, for the Arcade John Drew-Mrs.Leslie Carter: Barber Shop's Christmas watch on in W, Somerset Maughamn's Comedy xdipla atCal ay' Acad 11 1_"THE CIRCLE" display at Carl Bay's Arcade Jewel- With Ernest Lawford, Clara Moores rv - a. heon Patrick and'RMevtRwidsAl. of Filet Tuscan Shadow-Nets Also Voiles and Marguisetles PILBEAM & MARZ 206 S. Fourth Ave. I COMING Elliott Dexter and Clara Kimball Young IN "THE HANDS OF NARA" S 0 0 N S o o N S 0 0 N Owen Moore In AWFUL THING" "x _' - ' JCCV371C r:'Yf li 11:8:8 ili 3' ul!_CL'1..:[\Vasiici L + 1 SPORTS FOOT WEAR i f r FOR OUT-OF-DOOR OCCASIONS ?. H. Fyfe & Co., Detroit Crepe Rubber Sale Real distinction in attire is gained through .har- monizing each item of, wearing apparel and in selecting the type of garments suitable to the occasion. Uxfords a" y I t o. P r 3' The High Boot i For hiking, and all out of doors sports the. most appropriate footwear is the high lace boot: This boot is of tan calfskin with low heels and V 9!f ,: y1 ' .. 4 01 -G j / 0 . _ ' ', K, broad toes. Such a shoe gives the correct support and is especially comfortable. price is. ankle The $1l0.00 B UOYANTLY cushioned on thick, light sols of special composition, these distinctive ox- fords are the latest sensation in men's footwear. Longer wearing than leather, wet proof and firm of grip. The uppers are splendidly constructed of tan Norwegian calfskin. A Complete Display of Fyfe's Shoes at Marquard t's Tailor Shop, 608 East Liberty I i I G _, .,,. . .t , 3 . ,. - .. .. lam y v . z 7 _ i 1 The Calfskin Oxford A heavy brown or black calfskin oxford that is suitable for street, walking, or sports wear in the Dorothy Dodd make, has low heels and broad toes and will prove a very serviceable and satisfactory shoe. for general all round. wear. This oxford is priced $7.00 I I MR. H. C. MACK, in Charge I ->. . "1 WVoodward and Adams I 5.., 1 ;