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November 15, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-15

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it' 6





Amendment of Escli-Cummilns Law tQ
Give Railway Labor Board More
Power Contemplated


To Reintroduce
Bonus Measure


0. Bowen Opens
Discussion Group

Institute of Religious Education in-
structors held the second of their dis-
cussions last night at Lane hail under
the direction of the Student Christian
Following the formal opening of the
meeting by George Oscar Bowen, of
the School of Music, three discussion
nstructors, Prof. Leroy Waterman of
the Semetics department, Prof. C. O.
Davis, of the secondary education de-I
partment, and Prof. J. E. Kirkpat-
rick, of the department of political
science, took charge of the three dis-
cussion groups into which the large
assem bly divided.g s dt
These three groups ended at 81
o'clock, at which time three other men
took charge of them, using different
subjects for their discussions. Those
who took charge of the groups at this
time were Prof. J. R. Brumm, of the
journalism department, Prof. R. D.
T. Hollister, of the public speaking de-
partment, and Mr. Thomas Iden, of the
Ann Arbor Bible chair.
Compffd Records For :Eight Year~s!


Declares Northern Government
Hands of Set of Unprincipaled


Faculty, Football
Feature Gargoyle
Football and the faculty will be the
combined features of the November
issue of the Gargoyle, the campus hu-
morous publication, which will appear
In the frontispiece, which consists
largely of cartoons by James House,
'23, the Gargoyle nominates to the
"Royal Order of Cigar Bands" five of,
the distinguished members of the
teaching staff of the University. Sev-
eral new brands of cigars are intro-
In a second page on the faculty, the.
Gargoyle picks an All-American foot-
ball team. Choosing eleven of the
most promising candidates from the
professors, the positions are filled 'and
the qualifications of the candidates
given in full, together with drawings
of each one.
Under a heading of "Book Reviews"
is a review of a mysterious book, the
"Mirrors of State Street." It is
claimed by Gargoyle editors to be a
sweeping resume and exposure of the
(Continued on Page Two)
Applications For Contest Entry Must
Be Given Council

Irish Official
Visitor To U. S.



Books Have Been Written
Speaker Describing His

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Nov. 14.-Possible ad
dition of railroad legislation to the
ship subsidy and other administration
measures on the program for the win-
ter in congress was indicated todgy
by White House developments.
Harding to Press Bill
Pres. Harding was said to have told
White House callers that he intend-
ed to press the ship subsidy bill
strongly in the house next week an
also through the senate and this it
the face of discouraging reports froir
Republican congressional leaders. The
president also made an appointment
with chairman Cummins, of the Sen-
ate inter-state commerce committee
to take up in a few days the question
of railroad legislation. Amendment
of the Esch-Cummins law to strength-
en the railway labor- board by giving
it power to enforce orders on railroad
officials and employees was reported
under contemplation.
Makes Plans for Special Session
The president today made partial
plans for the opening next Monday of
the extra session of congress. His
opening message which will be in'the
form of a personal address at a joint
session next Tuesday will be very
brief, he said, and will be devoted
principally to the ship subsidy bill.
The opening address also is expected
to urge speedy disposition of appro-
priation bills with a view to a cleanup
of all p'ressing business by March 3
and avoidance of an extra session next


Representative Fred A, Britten
Representative Fred A. Britten of
Illinois, has announced that one of his
first moves when congress convenes in
special session Nov. 22, will be to in-
troduce again the soldiers' bonus bill
with an additional provision to pay
the bonus by a tax on light wines and

New York, Nov. 14.--Sun Yat Sen,
first provisional president of the Chi-
nese republic, deposed president of
South China and present leader of a
faction battling against the existing
Peking administration advises the U.
S, to "keep her hands off China."
This advice he gave to Dr. William
Hiram Foulkes, genieral secretary of
the Presbyterian New Era movement
who returned today after a three
months study of far eastern condi-
Declaring that China was grateful
to America for its disinterested work
and that this country has kept out of
China's political affairs.

Give Comparative Standings

"You (The U. S.)

calmly sit by

Over $28,500 has been subscribed to
the Community fund drive according
to a statement given last night by
Karl Malcolm, general chairman of
the drive committee. The goal of the
drive is $45,608, the amount needed
to carry out the work of the associa-
tion for 1923.
Soliciting will be continued 'Ail
every home in Ann Arbor has been
reached. Team captains report that
more money has been subscribed over
practically every route than Kas se-
cured in the 1921 drive.
A banquet will be given to all 'mem-
bers of the teams Friday night which
will mark the formal end of the cam-
paign. Coach Fielding H. Yost will
be present at the banquet. The cap-
tain of the team that finishes and re-
ports its work first, the captain of the
team that finishes and M'ports its work
second, and the first individual who
succeeds in getting a pledge from ev-
ery person named on his list, will be
the guests of Coach Yost at the Mich-
igan-Wisconsin game Saturday.
Students' will not be solicited due
to an action taken by the Community
Fund association before the drive
started. The drive has no direct con-
nection with the student body and
they will not be asked to contribute.
Students of the School of Music will
give a concert at 8 o'clock tonight in
the auditorium of the School of Mu-
sic. Robert Henderson will open the
program with the selection "La Fil-
ense" from Raff. Wilma. Demuth,
Marguerite Shattuck, Marguerite
Bragg and Genevieve Peoples will be
among the principle students who will
offer selections.

Of Groups and see an internat
bankers under the
" O GENERAL SORORITIES LEAD, British bank contro
,T IN AVERAGES OVER PERIOD tariff and other dom
. way which makes ou
In addition to the usual annual boil."
"The northern g
scholarship chart issued by the office Foulkes said the C
of the Dean of Students, another chart him, "is in the hand
showing a comparison of the schol- principaled grafters.
Will Hold Councils of War in Prepa- arship of independent men and fra- son I have fought th
ration for Satnrday's .t . otinue to fight them."
l Battle ternity men, and also of independent
Batlewomen and sorority women, has been
SENIOR AND JUNIORS TO issued. It shows, in addition, the fra- ONSIN i
SPEAK TO UNDERCLASSMEN ternity and sorority scholarship rec- ,
ord for the past eight years.
In preparation for the, annual fresh- By the records tabulated on the new
batl1t b hldatchart, organizations may trace the RESERVE
man-sophomore battle'to.be held at trend of scholastic endeavor in their
10 o'clock Saturday morning on Ferry respective houses since 1914. The fig- BADGER ATHLETI(
field, pep meetings have been called ures show .a slightly higher scholar- ALL TICKETS
for the two classes at 7 o'clock to- ship rating for fraternity men and9 >OtLSATURRJ
morrow night. Sophomores-will sorority women than for independent
men and women. The average schol- . Badger students a
gather in the auditorium of the Phys- arship rating for general fraternities daunted by their sud
ics building, while the yearlings will during the year 1921-22 was 71 per hands of the Illini,
make use of the one in the Natural cent, while the independent rating throng Ann Arbor S
Science building. was 70.4 per cent. The rating of the aration for what th
sororities was 79.5 per cent and the their team's comebac
Two speakers, Marion B. Stahl, 23,independent women averaged 78 per The Wisconsin allot
and James Hume, '23, have been se- cent. The rating of the entire Univer- 2,500 and from all r
cured to speak before the second year sity was 72.5 per cent. in the Badger chee
men. As yet the subjects of their General sororities have the highest be filled. In reply tc
speeches have not been announced. In standing on the chart with an average sociation's appeal to
addition to these two men, the pres- scholarship of 79.5 per cent. Profes- reservations if possib
idents of the literary and engineer- sional sororities are second with 76.3 been sold, to help t
ing sophomore classes will say a few per cent and professional fraterni- great Michigan overd
words. W. C. Rice, '23L, will lay ties are third with an average of 75.2 the Badger athletic
down the rules for the three contests. per cent. were behind in ord
D. W. 'Steketee, '24, and Harry D. The standing of each organization ,This means that
Hoey, '24, will speak to the class of since 1914 is given with the rank of consin rooters will
'26. In their talks, they will outline the house for that year. Kappa Beti game by train, auto
the history of this, one of Michigan's Psi has three firsts in the eight years, ways. This number
oldest traditions, and will impress up- Trigon has two firsts, and Phi Sigma Wisconsin 100 piece
on the first year men, the necessity Kappa, Pi Kappa Alpha and Theta ing sent by the acti
for starting off their academic career Chi each have one in the list of gen- body. It will be the
with a bang. A councilman. will also eral fraternities. years that a Badger
be present at this meeting to explain Phi Delta Phi, law fraternity, was on Ferry field.
the games. first four times during the eight years A special train ca
Field captains and lieutenants for among the professional fraternities. portion of the studen
both classes will be chosen at these Alpha Kappa Kappa, medical, was first Madison Friday night
meetings. The Student council com- twfce while Nu Sigma .Nu, medical, Arbor Saturday mor
mittee in charge of all arrangements and Phi Delta Epsilon, medical, each will start on the ret
is composed of W. C. Rice,.'23L, chair- had the highest standings once. urday night.
man, W. K. Scherer, '24, H. J. Liver- Collegiate Sor'osis was first among
ance, '23, and J. R. Polhamus, '24E" the general sororities six times out SENIOR ENGINEER]
of the eight years. Kappa Alpha The- COMMITTEES Al
ta and Pi Beta Pi have each been;
S first once. There is only one profes- Committees for the
sional sorority on the campus, Alpha coming year in the
. Epsilon Iota, a medical sorority, ing class were ann
The first All-Law ,smoker of the Trigon established the highest av- at their meeting in
year will be held at 7:30 o'clock to- erage obtained by a general frater- Engineering buildin
morrow night in the' Assembly room nity during the eight years, that f smoker to be held ne
of the t~nion. 80.8 per cent in 1916-17. Phi Delta were discussed.
The speakers of the evening will Phi attained the highest rank among The committees ch
be Dean Henry M. Bates and Prof) professional fraternities, averaging lows: finance commi
Herbert S. Goodrich, of the Law 84.4 in 1914-15. Among the general Cotton, chairman, Jul
school. Dean Bates has chosen as sororities, the highest standing reach- T. Jerome, and Bert
his topic "A Review of the America. ed was in 1914-15, when Collegiate tations, John Tynes
Bar Association in San Francisco.'' Sorosis averaged 84.7 per cent. i William J. Piper;
Prof. Goodrich has not announcec -.-__ _ _Horn, chairman, :and
his subject. . Student Council to Meet Today er; social, Charles P
The smoker will be featured by a All members of the Student council; Thomas M. Robinson
general variety of acts and enter- are urged to be present at the spe-' Joseph V. Vlack, Rc
tainments, given mostly by members cial meeting of the organization which athletics, Burt S. Bur
of the Law school. The Finale of the will be held at 5 o'clock today in the A. Anderson, Roland
evening will be a concert by Ken- council room in University hall. The Philip H. Goldsmith
nedy's orchestra. committee appointed to investigate E. Dyment, chairm
Tickets are now being sold at the means' for sending the band to Wis- Moore, Norman C. K
Law School. consin will report. committee, Edward
and H. J. Morton.
j Quarterdeck to Ini
E '*i PFive men will be
. VTh r a TOl n T rr"F s I. _ _ _.__ ,_

tional group of
domination of a
1 China and the
nestic affairs in a
ur patriotic bloodi
overnment," Dr.
hinese later told
s of a set of un-
That is the rea-
em and will con-
2500 SEATS
nd alumni, un-,
den defeat at the
are expected to
aturday, in prep-
.ey hope will be
ck of the year.
tment of tickets is
eports every seat
ring section will
o the Athletic as-
send back seatj
le which had not
ake care of the#
[emand for Seats,
office said they
ers themselves.
over 2,000 Wis-
come for the
omobile or other
will include the
band which is be-
on of the student
first time in 18
band has played
rrying the main
t body will leave
, arriving in Ann'
ning. The train
urn journey Sat-

Houses who wish to enter in thq
contest to determine the best decorat-
ed house for this week-end must have
their applications in the hands of the
Student council by tonight. Several
houses have already sent in their ap-
pications, and it is expected that the
greater number of those remaining
will sign up with the council today
The contest being conducted is un-
der the auspices of the Student coun-
cil and the Ann Arbor Chamber of
Commerce working together to pro-
duce a city that will be adequatel$
decorated for the Wisconsin-Michigan
game Saturday. Requests have been
.made by these bodies that the red and
white of Wisconsin be given nearly
equal prominence with the maize and
blue of Michigan.
A cup is being offered by the Stu-
dent council to the fraternity, sorority,
league house, dormitory, or any oth-
er house in which students are quar-
tered. Judging in the contest will
begin at 9:30 o'clock Saturday morn-
ing. The sole qualifications for the
decorating laid down by the council
is that all designing, decorating or
painting be done by students who are
members, residents or pledges of the
In judging the decorations the
judges will take into consideration the
artistic harmony of the display, the
ingenuity and talent displayed, the
originality used, and the neatness of
the yard and surrounding street. Em-
phasis is laid on the fact that the
decorations count and not the natural
beauty of the house.
Stores in the business section will
also be judged in order to determine
which is best decorated.

Sir George A. Stevenson, photograph-
ed on arrival
Sir George A. Stevenson, chairman
of the board of works, Ireland, has
arrived in the United States en route
to New Zealand on an important mis-
Atacama Province Reports Death Toll
Exceeding 1,500; Frieirina
in Ruins
(By Associated Press)
Santiago, Nov. 14.-Each hour brings
further details of the great disaster
to Chile caused by the earthquake
and the tidal wave, and each new re-
port adds to the list of dead and the
enormous damage already reported.
Advices this afternoon from Valle-
nar and the province of Atacama say
that the total dead recovered thus far,
at that place number 1,500, while the
adjoining town of Frieirina is in com-
plete ruins, the casualties not being
An official compilation by the min-
ister of the interior, based on reports
received early in the day gave the
number of dead in six towns as 886
and the injured as 4,110. These towns
were Ballenar, Copiapo, Coquimbo, Hu-
asco, Chanaral and Frieirina. This
compilation therefore did not take in-
to accouft the hundreds of smaller
places within the radius of the earth-
quake which are shut off from com-
munication because of the breakdown
of telegraph lines.
Twelve hundred ,miles of the coast
line felt the effect of the great tidal;
waves which followed the earth
shocks and for a large-proportion of
their distance sea port towns and
villages were inundated for nearly
four days after the disaster. Thous-
ands of families are wandering about
the country. Their dlistress is great
for they have little clothing and sup-
Again today severe earth tremors
were felt and strange illuminations
were observed last night over the sea
off La Serena and at Copiaco.
Research Club Meets Tonight
Members of the' Research club of
the University will hold their regulai
meeting at 8 o'clock tonight in the
Histological laboratory. The program
will consist of papers by Professor J.
H. Hanford of the English department,
on 'Milton and The Art of Love."
Professor W. H. Hobbs of the geology,
department on "The Growth of Moun-
tains on the Borders of the Pacific."
There will be a' council meeting at
7:30 o'clock preceding the regular

Sir Basil Thomson, world-renown-
ed criminologist will speak at S o'clock
tonight In Hill 'auditorium on. "My
Experiences in Scotland Yard." He is
the fourth man to appear on the Uni-
versity Oratorical Lecture course this
Scotland Yard, famous In detective
stories and in the newspapers as the
center of one of the greatest, crime
detecting organizations in the world,
will be revealed by the man who head-
ed the English Criminal investigatidn'
department from 1913 to 1921. Sir Ba-
sil went to Scotland Yard nearly a
year before the war began, recom-
mended by his long experience with
the British criminal which he 'iad
gaired through his service as execu-
tive in British prisons and through his
extensive work as a member of the
Scotland Yard force.
Controlled Traffic Between Countries
While the war was being conducted,
Scotland Yard had entire control of
all traffic conducted between England
and the Continent. Thus every one
of any rank traveling to any point
had to pass the observation of Sir
Basil's operatives.
Watches Radical Element
Since the war Sir Basil has been
given the important task'in England
of fighting the Red Peril. He was
required to keep a close watch over
the radical labor'parties in England iii
their relations with the Bolsheviki
junta of Russia and with the anarchist
leaders of Germany,,;Ito1j;~,inie, ai
Spain. He is recognized as one of the
great underlying fOrces in checking
the influx of the Red emissaries into
England. He labored under theats
against his life and the British preju-
dice against secret'service, particular-
Ily when the action is associated with
political interference with individual
Sir Basil belongs to a. notable Eng-
lish family and is a son of the late
Archbishop of York. Receiving his
early education at Eaton, he after-
ward was graduated from New col-
lege, Oxford, when he entered the
British Government Colonial service.
During this period of government
work he was one of the leader in the
exploration of New Guinea. Later he
held official positions in' Tonga and
Fiji. in the South Sea regions.
Author of Famous Works
le then started his long work as
criminologist with the appointment to
the committee to reorganie several
of the British penal institutions. He
had experience which qualified him to
deal particularly with the more vio-
lent types of' crimi'nals.
Not only has Sir Basil Thomson
won fame as a criminologist, but also
as an author, 'his works including en-
tertaining accounts of his official ad-
ventures ;i Tonga in the South Seas
under the title, "The Diversions of a
Prime Minister." His other books are,
"South Sea Yarns," "A Court In-
trigue," The Indiscretions of Lady
Asenath," "Discovery of Solomon Is-
lands," "The Fijians," and "The Story
of Dartmoor Prison.
Plans to raise enough 'money to

activities of the
senior engineer-j
ounced yesterday
room 348 of the
g. Plans for a
xt Tuesday night
osen were as fol-
ittee, William A.
Tian A. Fisher, G.
E. Tebele; invi-I
, chairman, and
publicity, Fred
Nathaniel Brew-
roctor, chairman,
n, Carl M. Berry,
obert Townsend;
rke, chairman, R.I
d H. Iland, and
h; traditions, R.
an, William F.
olb, and advisory
Haug, chairman,



Seniors who desiret
picture in the 1923 M
must have them taken1
mas. Only 900 of the 15
tures that are to bei
book have been taken.
Brown, '23, business m
'Ensian, announced yes
would be impossible t
tures after Christmas v
Group pictures, inclu
of fraternity, sorority,
club groups, will be tak
month of January. Orga
have not already signe
the ,year book should d
order to be assured of s'
be done anytime betwe
clock in the afternoon.

to 'have . their
before Christ-
00 Senior pic-
in this year's
Sheldon M.
anager of the
terday that it
o accept pic-
ading pictures


and house - , send the band to the Michigan-Minne-
ten during the Fire Damages Delta Clii House sota game at Minneapolis on Nov. 25
Lnizations who Defective wiring caused a fire 'to are being worked out by a Student
d for space in break. out in the Delta Chi house 1.I. Council committe headed by E. C.
do so now, in cated at 1999 S. State'last night. The Haug, '23E.
pace. This can fire department was able to get con- It is estimated that $3,500 will be
en 2 and 5 o'- trol of the fire immediately. No ap- needed to cover all expenses of the
preciable damage was done. trip. The Student council finds that
there is no question but that the band
should make the journey to back
the team but the difficulty appears in
en Schaefer Is Guest raising the money.
The possibility of another tag day
S r 'c a Today was vetoed as impracticable, as was
rn ro.an ecita o also the proposal to hold a band
bha.. vnr , cnmr h a nfhnd bAd ad

Turnbull Addresses Alpha Kappa Ps
George n. Turnbull, vice-president
of the Great Lakes Engineering com-
pany of Detroit, met last night with
Alpha Kappa Psi, professional com-
mercial fraternity, giving an informal
talk upon business conditions as he
has found them in his owl company,
The tendency of assuming a narrow-
minded position in regard to one's
own specialty in business and the lack
of initiative and thinking, common
to workers in general today, were the
chief topics of his discussion.

tite Five Men liss ie!
honored in the M

r .

Matinee Musi

Matinee Musicale will meet at 3:30
o'clock this afternoon' in the Union
assembly hall. The following musi-
cal program will be given:
Come, child beside me..,...Bleichman

A. A V r fail, initiation of Quarterdeck, senior ;'j
4 i l ,marine engineering society. Public o is
ca e A. t UntOn ceremonies will commence at 3:30
Following this a banquet will be The next concert in
Hai-luli.. .................. Coquard held at 6:30 o'clock at the Union for ! organ recital series wi
Carnaval ..................Fourdrain, the new members. Prof. Herbert C. 4:15 o'clock this afterno
Lorna Hooper Warfield Sadler and Prof. Edward M. Bragg, ditorium. Miss HelenJ
Menuetto, Op. 78 ........... Schubert both of the department of marine en-
Marche Militaire, Op. 51............'gineering, will represent the faculty Detroit will appear as1

the Twilight
11 be given at
on in Hill au-
J. Schaefer of1
guest soloist.

uounce or some owner ina of enter-
ied with Wider, DeBondt and other Letters were being mailed out yes-
foreign masters terday to 50 students and members of
The following program has been the faculty in regards to methods of
prepared: I getting together this necessary mon-
Allegro Maestoso ...... Edward Elgar ey. In the meantime the committee
Intermezzo ............ .....Callaerts is working on several other proposed

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