THE MICHI1GAN, DAILY ER,~CHASO VTDLE OF.I BUELL, A VA. CAP'TAIN "7t ! .. . ' - .- - , , ,,,. ,,. _ . ,- . - ,: , . ,. t fr , .. ,- u . . . .d$k wt+k ' H Rk'!' 4 iik E4E 1 f ' *J 111 rtand give their nsupport asen 'thefecros fILLAND OD [tE ENTiiIfaoutrytea n a otfbeendeeae cthis falland it looks like a cleanz UN'I M HI sate or tem.This Will be the last t { time that the stuident body will have RU~ I TaPIYhancet to see -tleir hill anddae teamu in. action b~efore the Conference F SIiN)d EN TO IhAVE SE 11A IE ,'mcet at Purdue a wcek from this corn- { M1'EETl OVER GEM YES :lu g Saturday. AVENUE I'.VOURli , Isbell, winner of the triangular maed with Illinois and Ohio State, irl .~ oac Farel's ~ctrios cosspicked for the winner, and" will no S Coch arrll' vitorouscros;loubt have things his own way. country team will not meet outsideE Arndt and Bivewn fighting it out for competition this week as the annual second and third places with the odds 1-arphanm Trophy race will be run off in -Arndt's favor. The race should Saturday. Michigan's onesided- Vic-;prove to be a close sccond-. one and. fors over Illinois and Ohio State 'by as is often the case, there mray be a.~ score of 20 to 47 and 53 showed that :up>seti h koe heohrmnta Steve has a strong, wvell rounleci team ,placed in the race last Saturday havo' this fall. ,lhown that they have excellent ma- Coach Farrell is not takling wany terial amongI them for winners ii% the chances andl is deter mfed to keep ;later races. his, men in good- shape ,for the con- l--- ference race a week (#roni next Satur -s :1x)FEttS Si1:EK REVJTa~xN.E FRO1 (jay. This meet will he the biggest o)' VxII~i''ry 1)1 t ST I:?1t DEFE'kAT.1 the year and MichIigan has anl ex cl- - lent chance of winning it, 'if her znec;_ run as well as they did last Sal urdacy. (Coatinuedc from Page Six) I Any students on the camttpuns except Lainz., and Taft i+ ading theoffensive. freshmnen will b~e allowed to combec;q No oae Was; cj'0usly injured in the in tfhe J-arphanr Trophy race on Sat-; lnt !.an btrle and the teaml will be in urday. Cups will be given t a the fir. 'i t'e l eat 01f(oiclitn. The system of 'he xe dthwinrwlhveatak N"ilinal-rbbiiybchn-his name engravedt upon the 3arpha , edI froin that used in the earlier games Trophy cup which is in the gynina c the season. Practically everything simn. Three slightly sm-aller cup:I was rtsc~ed in the attempt to stein the will be giv7en to the winner; o1:tine tide last wceek and the. Michigan Freshman race which will be run off coaches and p~layers'swere on hand to at the same time. se 2 everything. Coach' Yost, togeth- This race will. be run over (eddes er with Coaches Kittle and Weiman, CAvenue if the course is in good con-= Cap'tain Goebel, Uteritz, and Cappon dition by that time. If not the event viewved the str~uggle from an advan- Swill be staked over the Harphamu Tro- tagcous pc~:it~on. (ph~ course which starts from the Fer- ( Duiring; the coining week a great ry IiehF club house. deal of stress will be laid on. the de-E The student body is expected to i clopracut of a sound aerial defensey take, considerabe interest in this race in view of the Wolverines strength in sh THETII 15I3 FLOOD SIN FLOOD. IS COMINGIS CO ING THUiRSIAY -SATURDAY that department. During the Minne- Scta game two weeks: ago straight line plunging gained the most ground for the Badgers and if MLichigan's line sems the least bit unsteady the lar - ! cr part c; the attack will b~e thirough the veteran Cprdinal Have YOU signed pledge ?-Adv. students Supply StoreI 111l1 South University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Books Caroeras and Supplies. Candies, Laundry Agency, Tobaccos your LE~AGUE .s 1, Are You Thinking of Ordering A SUIT, OVERCOAT, OR TUXEDO WE HAVE THE GOODS TO SELECT FROM Over 500 Different Patterns- at Prices, from $45 to $65, _____Extra Trousers at Additional. Small Cost. SATISFACTION: GUARANTEED JACK LONDO#Sjr ~~jjSOO heb ' IIA. C. BAR TH, TAILOR.I "NEVER BET" .Don't take. achance,,ons' are getting GOOD, Milk and Cream at your house. Be Assured You are Getting the Best, THE BLUE RIBBOQN STANDARD MILK, CREAM AND' OTHERk DAIRY PRODUJCTS The Only Way You Can Do This is lay Calling 423 °TheAnn. Arb or 'Dfairy' Company S4TH AVE. AND CATHERINE ST. Or-dinarily, the gridiron v4 o ld seemI a place where physical prowess tri-I umips over all, but aftei taking- a few lidelong squints -at Charley s Buell, Harvard's hard-working, hard-think-{ ing little captain, one begins to ques- tion the advantage of brawn even on the football field. Buell is commonly referred to as the brainest field general in the East. All that Charley has to do on the dlay of a big game is line up against 'a squad of beefy opponents andy "think" Har-.' vard to victory. That this slende-r, little, Crimson captain spent many boyhood hours ini variety theaters where be-whispered which ba bal-carrier receives; copse-I coniG~aurers_ held forth with purp le iel- quiently B~uell seldom~ goes in for that; , }J , but on the various occasions that vet drppes and rolled i cuffs is evin Charley has called on himself to carry' den'ced by his love for the sleight oL the ball,' he has gained. ground. lie hand Hi maseryof he i0V~30I dodged the whole Yale team last Nov- see it, now you don't-" process is, un- l~rfra 5 adrn cannyIlie bewilders the oppositionc right and left, of times changing an He is one of the surest throwers: apparently formidable, group of war- of the for'ward-pass on the gridiron, riors into a flock of open-mouthed kicks well as any man on the Harvarr yokels with his numerous feints and; team and has a brain that works like 'hide and pigskin tactics, a streak of greased lightning. According to rules and regulations,11Buell does more with-his head thanl a Harvard quarterbaa ck is not permlit-- the average plaiyer does with his 'whole E test to subject :himself to the battering phzysi.qua. In Gharley;- Harvard -un- v questionably possesses just about the smartest quarter' in ,the great Ameni- I F E TIS {car pastime. COLUMN I Have YOU signed, your LEAGfUE TI I GC OSES pledge?--Adv.4 Lost Somiething? Let a "Daily" class- i ______________'__________if Lied ad find it for you .-Adv. ... .. .._.., .,-- E - S-"PECIAL! SPECIAL!' 6 Qt. White Enameled Pitcher .. $1.39 A BARGAIN' WHILE THEY LASTS "Our Wagons, GO Eveyhee v ' SCULENKER'S HARDWARE PHONE 554 213-215 W. LIBERTY STREET L A - MICHIIGAN DAILY Classified -Rates. Two :Cents per word a 'day, paid ,in advance. Mn- imuum charge for Airst day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day it, charged. White spa~ce charged for at rate of 5c per agate line. Classified, charged only to those having phones. Liner. Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid in advance. PRONE 960 bi 'VATED WANTED-Two or three consecutive seats for Wisconsin game, in North' or South stand, between the 20 yard linies. 'Call Frank at- 1069-F-2 at noon hour or after 5:00 p. mn.- 44-4 WANTED-Two tickets for- the Wis- conisin game, together prefered, but will take single ones. Phone 1212- J. 44-2 WANTED-Five tickets for the Wis- cous~in game. Need not be together. Call Watson, 1592-M. 44-3, WANTED-To rent .steam heated. ga- rage, near.Cutting: Apartments. Mrs. Rs.Phone 3125. 44-3 WANTED-Tickets for *Wisconsin game~. Any number up to eight. Call Hagerman, 2344-R. 43-3 WANTED-Two Wisconsin tickets for onje Junior ticket and fcash. Call Stirton, 2096-W. 4-4 WANTED-Four tickets for Wiscon- sin game. Call 2953-W, for. Olson or leave number. 43-3 WANTED-Tickets. for Wisconsin gamie. Call 1913-41 George or leave num~ber. 42-6 WAN~TED--Two tickets for the Wis- consin game. Call Dajnoose, 2127- M. 44 WAN~TED-Two tickets for the Wis- cousin game. Call" Hansen 2329-M. 44-2 WAN~TD-Three tickets for Wiscon- sin. game. Call M. Taylor, 370-M. [LOST1 LOST-Hand bag. on road between Ann Arbor- and Whaitemlore Lake, Sat., Nov. 11, containing papers with the name Bainber. Finder please'"call 2860-M. 44-f G LOST-Sunday night nea r State St, dark. overcoat belt with two smooth' buttons. If found please, calb mess -at 1306-W. 44-2 LOST-Strayed or stolen. Brindle and white. bulldog puppy. Answers to name of Pat. Reward. Phone 2952- J. 44 LOST-York B flat tenor Saxophone from cloakroom of Union. Reward. Phone .1864-W: Ask for Berndt, 43-3 LQAST-Schaeffer fountain pen, Satur- day on Baldwin, Washtenaw or So, Univ. Reward. Call 2949. 44-2 LOST-Barrel of Wttlahl pen between Ingalls and Maynard. Thursday. Phone 1683. 43-2 LOST-My pen troubles, at Rider's of course. 21 FOR WET o Better be wise than sorry. Buy a Rider PlVasterpen for eas. HOLDS 200 DROPS CTf INK. ALWAYS WRITES. RIDER (SELRVICE RIDER-1P IN COLLE~GE INN 6s I Q r /i AIR V, V, A .. I A Victor.y for Skill Corduroys, hepsins All Kinds at Lolvest Prices Once; or twice a teamrn. can win, by luck. But it takes stamina and courage and endurance to remain at. the top all- of the time. FOR RENT-Attractie single room in private family. $3.50 per week. Phone 261-M. 44 FOR'RENT-Well furnisli droom suitable for one or two girls. Phone 2172-M. -44 F0ULJM) a IHair anAnoaSetr Vests,. Leather Jackets, Hunting Goats, etc. 00D. WoAiyS'rts, Corduroy and. Blankets Shirts Munson Army, Officers' Dress and Hiking, Shoes, Puttees, HighmTops and Moccasin Packs, Breeches Knhickers, Golf and Sport Hose for ladies and men. AUTO ROBES and STEAMER RUCS F or. over fifty years, clothes have been' the clothes value:. - Kuppenheimer GOOD CLOTHES Fall fashions show, many new style features. -Typical Kuppenheimner 'tailoring in fine all- wool fabrics at today's low limit prices° give x.i the greatest value in. years..- A SPENDID SELECTION AT Kuppenheimer good nation's 'standard -of. 11 real fountain pen for exams. 21 FOR SALE FOR SAFE-Beuscher Eb alto saxo-I 3 phone, nearly new,. Call 77.9 at meal time- or 2549--\. 44 I $35 $40 $45 OTHER . GOOD MAKES $25 -AND $30 1I WANTJED-A Rider Pen which fails to write at touch. Rider's Pen Shop. 21 L I I fYL11 T A)I'V1Ar1 1t7.1 i.; IC Litt . . P( Y."' ll Y.t s !! & , Elu2 U mErp, E EIP N rWE 0 i -!ti 1 P -ow q S ! ww..r -