THE WEATHER RAIN OR SNOW TODPAY L Ar amopp, tl COMMUNITY DRIVE FUND GIVE TO ."- VOL. XXXIII. No. 44 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1922 t PRICE FIVE CEN TURKISH N L Web And Flange U 0L L\ I Takes In Twelve RY RI RI L Traffic on. the diagonal walk was Stemporarily closed for students in the law school yesterday afternoon while 12 senor civil engineers displayed their prowess as surveyors, construc- tiO and traffic 'engineers. Miniature "Twentieth Centuries' steamed-their ISMET PASHA DENIES REPORTS way along the improvised road bed,' OF ATROCITIES AGAINST propelled by the efforts of several NON-COMI1ATANTS struggling mortals, while those vers- ed in the art of survey displayed their schedule by viewing the objects of QUESTION IF PEACE CAN interest through a rubber hose mou BE KEPT UNTIL NOV. 20 ed on a tripod. tThe following senior civil engineers. .were initiated into secrets of Web and PESitin of Allies Flange, honorary senior civil engineer-; Poitionf iet ing society: W. Bryant, W. L. Couse,J Difficult T. J. Finger, F. R. Hohensel, W. S. Housel, K. E. Ketcham, C. H-1. James, (By Associated Press) J. W. Page, L. B. Reid, P. A. Smith, Lausanne, Nov. 13. - Turkey de- W. A. Stauffer, and W. J. Tulledge. mands merely that it be dealt with as After the initiation ceremonies, a ban- a government founded as other respon- quet in honor of the initiates was held sible governments, and that it be al- at Willett's cafe, Professor E. L. Erik- lowed to enjoy the same rights in its sen, L. M. Gram and T. J. Mitchell international relations. This in brief representing tie faculty on the pro- was the statement made today to rep- gram, and P. A. Smith, '23, spoke for resentatives of the world's press, by the. initiates. r.- T + '010111 },nri f tha Turk- - I I S I i I i MINERS, A TTENDING MASS, ESCAPE MINE BLAST; ASSIST IN RESCUE! Vulcans Initiate Elevcn Neophytes Eleven disgusted denizens of the un- derworld braved untold dangers yes- terday to reach their coveted goal- to become members of Vulcans, sen- ior engineering honor society. A con- tinuous clang of the anvils resounded, the fires of Hades were traversed, and the horrible Cerberus was passed The day's labors terminated as the anvils of Titan were polished to a gleaming lustre. Vulcans honored G. T. Jerome, K. R. MacDuff, E. E. Haug, C. E. Proctor\ H. D. McKinney, W. J. Piper, Carl Berry, E. K. Johns, J. B. Vlack, B. E. Vebele, and R. E. Dyment. Following. the public initiation a banquet in hon- or of the initiates was held at the Un- ion. Prof. Henry H. Higbie, of the electrical engineering department, was faculty representative on the pro- gram. E. E. Haug spoke for the ini- tiates, and Richard Rowland welcom- ed the new members in behalf of the society. BURHTON TO SPEAK ,ATI PEP MEE1TINGS Gen. Ismet Pasha, eado me1u ish delegation, when asked what Tur- key's demands will be in the Near East conference here. I Ismet also tookroccasion to deny the reported wholesale atrocities against the Greeks, and said there had been an organized effort to stultify the Turkish nationalists in the eyes of the western world. The Turks, he said, protected women and children in their movements against Smyrna, and1 avoided loss of life as far as possible during the operation. Situation Ugly . London, Nov. 13. - Now that the Lausanne conference has been post-. poned to Nov. 20, the question most urgently asked here is whether it will be possible to keep peace in Constan- i tinople in the interim. The restora- tion of communications has revealedc such an ugly situation there that it is evident the utmost tact and skill will be necessary to prevent violent out- bursts.c All reports coming to London con- cur in saying the extremists are dom- inating the Angora government, which, through .its agents in Constantinople, is following the policy of defiance .to-1 ward, the allies and terrorism among3 the local population. Residents ,of Constantinople are described as being. in a state of extreme alarm, while the position of the allied troops is repre- sented as one that soon may become untenable. Alles Must Agree - Complete agreement among the al- lies and a display- of unity in' the na- ture of ganting full authority to their (Continued on Page Two) MIMES 1WILL PRESENT THREE ONE-ACT PLAYS TWO COHMEDIES AND TRAGEDY INCLUED IN WEEK'S PROGRAM Three one-act plays, including a tragedy and two comedies, will make' up the program for next week-end at the Mimes theater. The cast has been rehearsing these plays at the theater for the past three weeks, and special stage settings are being constructed. The tragedy is called "Release" and has its setting in a 'prison cell. It is by Edward H. Smith, and has only been produced twice previously. The characters who will take part in thls piece are, Edward Parnall, '25, Charles Livington, '25, Howard Stimpson, '24,' R. L. Davis, '23, and Crosby Rees, 25. 1 All the parts require a large amount of acting and the inen selected to fill the characters have been chosen after careful tryouts.= Nearly all these men have had some previous experience either on the campus or with profes- sional companes. The two comedies, "Stringin' Em" by Frank G. Tompkins; - and "'.ancy Free" by Stanley Houghton will call for several clever character parts and the men chosen were picked because of their ability to fill those parts. Tte' cast of "Stringin' Em" includes Wil- liam McVee, '25M, E. S. Watterson, '24, and F. W. Brownbridge, '25. "Fancy Free" wil be played .by Wil- liam D. Roser, '25, John Hassburger, '25M, Wendell Hanselman, '23, and Donald Eplin, '25. There are no female parts in "Re- lease," the whole action taking place between four prisonrs and a jailer. In "Stringin' Em" all three parts are women, and the characters are even- ly divided between male and female in the thid play "Fancy Free." TiD L WAVE AND EARTHUAKEKILL RELIEF FORCES BEING MOBILIZ- ED TO TAKE CARE OF hOME- LESS THOUSANDS ESTIMATE PROPERTY LOSSES AT MILLIONS Flood Forces Many Ships on the Rocks Or Leaves Them Stranded on Te Shore (By'Assocxated Press) Santiago, Nov. 12.-Relief forces to aid the thousands made homeless' by the earthquakes throughout Chile Sat- urday and the floods after the shock, were being mobilized today. The death toll will be at least 1,000 it is estimated,~and the property loss will run into the millions, as several towns were almost wiped out and heavy damage to buildings and com- municgtion linesand particularly ships along the 1,400 miles of coast affected by the waves, has resulted from the violent upheavals of nature. The extent of the casualities, pro- perty damages and distress wrought by the disturbances has not been learned, except in a general way, as many communication lines, both over- land and under water, were put out of operation. p Five hundred persons were reported killed at Vallenar and in the districts surrounding the city. At Coquimbo at least 100 are known to be dead. The damage from the succession of earth shocks which filled the population with terror was heaviest in' the north- era provinces of Antofagasta, Ata- cama .and Coquimbo. Along the coast little ships and big ships were swept .on shore, pounded against the rocks or left high and dry. At many small ports, wharves and. quays were destroyed. Today navy ships were steaming'u and down the coast, stopping a various places to. send landing parties to the relief of sufferers, many of whom are without. food and shelter.. -EFFINGER Dean of Lit School Gives Views on Advantages of This Type i of Schools THESE INSTITUTIONS HELP MEET INCREASE OF STUDENTS "I am heartily in favor of the jun- ior college idea. In many cases, stu- dents would do well to begin theirG college work in this way before. com- ing to the University." Such was the statement of Dean John R. Effinger, of the literary college when approach- ed upon. the subject of junior colleges, their worth in general and their mer- it in connection with the University. There are three types of junior col- leges, the dean continued. The one a two year extension of thefour year high school course; the' .second, a compressed four year college course never adequately equipped to accom- plish thoroughly the work of a four year course but capable of doing the first two' years of it satisfactorily;; and lastly, the junior college of a uni-j versity, that is, the name which is generally given to the first two year,' of any college course where it is di- vided. into, two sections, the juniori and senior colleges, as it were. Five Junior Colleges In State These junior institutions have man:- qualities some of which stand out de- cisively, he said. Junior colleges make it possible fQr a larger number of stu- dents to continue their education further than the elementary highl school course. By entering such an institution, they may assimilate part of the work prescribed in a regulari fouir, year. college course 'at a less cost. Such institutions make it pos- sible for many students whose par- ents are financially unable to send them away from home to college, to supplement their high school worki with more' advanced studies. At the present time there are five junior colleges in this state, one in Detroit, Bay City, Pontiac, .Highland Park and Grand Rapids. "Last year," said the Dean, "7 percent of the total (Continued on Page Two) nllifers and police ready to render first aid to victims as they were brought from shaft The number of miners working in the Reilly mine at Spangler, Pa., when a explosion killed 80 and in- jured 32, was lessened considerably by a Catholic mission which held mas3 that morning near the mine. Many A miners who normally are in that mine at that hour were attending mass. When the explosion occurred they i 1 i i 3 i rushed to the 1IflR IMOTIY . , .Rceoir Samuel Question L SPEAKER RREL LURE). Samuel S. Ma seph -Episcopal the principal s University relig year, held Sund itorium. Speaking on Down and One sought the ans dealing with th did we go intoi did we get out "What are we fnow that it's a In answer to Marquis rejecte that America) make the wonl and to end wa' practical and pi entered the wo rial gain. "It i marked the spe men were obli idealistic ieaso trance into th cure the co-op The people tho' had declared motives; the s lives really be making the we racy." mine and aided in the rescue. TI' OF WAR Standing Room S Tickets On Sale y Standing room may still .be obtain- ,' ed for the Wisconsin game and tick- W ets for the limited amount remaining d will be on sale beginning at 9 o'clock S. 3arquis Speaks nthis morning. These tickets may be Noted Criminologist To Talk Tomor-i is Dealing with purchased at the Athletic ticket office row on "My Experience at Scot- 14 fate Waras long as they last. land Yard" Mt_ Waailing of student and faculty seatI E reservations will be completed to- IS FORMER HEAD.OF BRITISIJ IEVES A ERICA day. It is' the plan of the "Athletic CRIME INVESTIGATION DEP'Ta BY MATERIA GAIN association to have all of the tickets .d --- in their owners' hands by Thursday Sir Basil Thomson, well knownn arquis, rector of t. Jo- night. Registered letters have al-c Schurch, Detroit, was ready been sent out. criminologist will speak here at 8 o'- ______ atrtheseondclock tomorrow night in Hill auditor-a servicte so the COMM um on "My Experiences at Scotlands ious service of the Yard.' ' ay evening in Hill acd- CO U Ii iUU IlL The great authority on crime whot / TOT all was formerly head of the Criminalt the topic," Fourth HTOT91Investigation department of Scotlands Ito"Den aruUlUU U i l $ 0 Yard, London, is for the first timee to Go-," Dean Maruis _i I making his appearance on the Ameri. wer to three quet6ons EXPECT QUOTA OF $45,000 O I-I can platform and relates a story of I e war: the first, "Why PLETE TOMORROW NIGHT; STU. unusually fascinating interest. Note it?" the second, "What DENTS NOT TO BE SOLICITED only did he unravel many mysterious' of it?" and the third, crime cases, but during the war going to do about it At 5 o'clock last night the amount dangerous spies who would otherwise ll over?'. subscribed to the Community fund had have escaped arrest and involved Eng- passed the 20,000 mark with approx- havenesaeres and in o n the first question Dean imately one-half of the soliciters yet nted journais who p hrestwo d the common answers, . to hear from. It is expected that, byn went 'into the war to this evening the total will have reach- weeks ago says, "To a degree great-I d safe for democracy, ed $35,000 and that the full quota jerithan has be a famlia with h r, holding to the more $45,600, will be subscribed by tomor-.great work before, during and since robabie reason that she row night. the war. Not only was Sir Basil head t ar for her own mate- Mr. Karl Malcolm, general chair- d is mst sgnifcant" re of Scotland Yard, but he was Scotland a most significant," re- man, urges that all captains and all Yard d h ha ben the mas- aker, "that the states- solicitors finish their. work as quickly ter modern detective.aBefore hen have ged to give the people as possible and turn in their reports. m d etctifav- ns for America's n- There are 280 solicitors, recruited passed the most fascinating ofall hu- e war, in order to se- from the churches, luncheon clubs and man processions, He was not only the eration of the masses. other organizations of the. city, at super-spy hunte bu the prEcgia ught,that their country work on the drive and if all returns o ' t ttngoyis ikn owofnga war with the highest are made promptly the drive should was entrusted him. o o no oldiers who gave their be completed tomorrow. tre hrilling evning than one spcet lieved that they were The men have been divided into land Yard " c orld safe for democ- teams and each member has been giv- ln Y Exert on Crie 'en a list of 15 names. The captain of sEp o ("rhin- the team that finishes and reports its Sir Basil is an educated and scien- X workfirst, the captain of the team that tifically Sunday finishes and reports its work second. k l eofan natre an soi and the first individual who succeeds cino essive in getting a pledge from each person exper iences,s eauty failed of realiza- named on his list, will be the guests fhrehas brouge tionbear uongis work f the 'tedious and inac- of Fielding H. Yost at the Wisconsin knowledge including anthropology, n. Save for the violin game next Saturday.kwl a p chestra was in decided- Perons working on the drive are microscopy, psycoogy, an thorough 'in, and left much to be not soliciting students as a result of familiarity with the modern science of the matter of brillian- an action taken bybthe Cmfigerprints in. The exquisite Scher- fund association before the drive SaBlesEnlishofmiolyngs ta sn of- ue-like rhythm suffered was started. It was decided that the eable English family and isork oAfte these defects. students would not be asked to con- f 's "Calm Sea and Pros- tribute as the drive has no direct receiving his earlier education at Et- e" overture, ElgarN 1 connection with the student body. . on he was after graduated with hon- strings, Op. 20, the _ors from New College, Oxford, when1 Gavotte and Jaerne- l Life Memierslip Fee Fixed at $1.00 he entered the Colonial service of the I Praeludium were the Champaign, Ill., Nov. 13.-Life mem- British government. During the early1 l numbers and were al bership fees of the Illinois Union were years of his work he took a leading' a disappointing man- fixed at $1 by the unanimous vote of part n the exploration of New Gui- g the active members present at a meet- ea and following this exprience he .e orchestra. ing last Thursday. . held official positions in Tijii and regret the necessity of Tonga in the South Seas. After sev- eral years of brilliant service he re-_ Arthur Curtis, '11, And AI. B. Stahl Will Address Wisconsin Rally Friday Night SEATS WILL BE RESERVED FOR MANY DETROIT ALUMNI Pres. Marion L. Burton will be the principal speaker at the Wisconsin Pep meeting nest Friday night at Hill auditorium. This will be the first time since his becoming president that Piesident Burton has addressed such a meeting. He has not as yet definitely chosen his 'subject. Other speakers on the 'program will include Arthur Curtis, '11, of the Chi- cago alumni, and .'Marion . B. Stahl, '25L, managing 'editor of . The Daily. Neither of these men have announced the topics on which they will speak as yet. Both these men, like Presi- dent Burton, are new. speakers at meetings of this kind, and have been chosen ,because they.have , especial messages to bring to the student body! at this time. Their speeches will be! short and to the point. Seats will be reserved for the De- troit alumni, who plan on attending the meeting in large numbers. These seats will be the same as those reserv- ed at the last pep meeting. Arrange- ments are being made to have thel band, and cheerleaders at the gath- ering to lead in the singing and cheering. . ,{ { 1 RELIGIOUS ,1 l MEETS AAN TON. UNiVERSITY PROFESSORS/ CHARGE OF VARIOUS CLASSES IUAlL IURES[IIONThe second session of theI Ayotof Religious education under the dirc. * tion of the Student Christian associa- tion will be held at 7 o'clock this eve- ning at Lane hall. The meeting wil Pictorial edition of The Daily will be held In the assembly hall on the appear on sale Saturday in time for second floor under the leadership o the crowds which will be here for the George Oscar Bowen, of the School o Wisconsin game. This issue will be Music, who will address the entire a 16 page rotogravure, and will con-, group of members on a subject of hi tain pictures of the football players, own choice. together with pictures of the entire The large assembly will divide 'in coaching staff. to three groups' at 7:15 o'clock, and Action plays of the 0 .-S. U. game will form into three discussion groups will be shown along with pictures of In charge of these groups will be three the Ohio State crowd and stadium. men, Prof. Leroy Watermen, of the On the cover there will be a picture Setnetics department, Prof. C. O. Day of the Varsity band that was taken is of the secondary education depart during the Illinois game. It shows ment, and Prof. John E. Kirkpatrick them in a block "M' formation and is of the political, science department an excellent representation of the This series of discussion groups wil band in their new uniforms, end at 8 o'clock, at which time the James House, '23, editor of the Gar- members of the first discussion goyle, has three of 'his drawings in groups may assemble into three oth this issue, of Coach Yost, Coach Lit- er groups which will be headed b: tle, and Captain Goebel. These draw- Prof. John R. Brumm, of the journal ings will cover a full page each. ism department, Prof. R. D. T. Holis Only 5,000 copies will be printed. ter, of the public speakihg depart Fraternities and other organizations ment, an' Mr. Thomas Iden, of lb desiring extra copies should make ad- Ann Aruor Bible Chair. vance reservations no later than Thursday. ,They should consult the R. F. CH ERRY WILL circulation manager of The Daily, as otherwise there will be no guarantee HEAD FRESH LITS that copies will be saved. ' - Freshman literary college election held yesterday for class officers nam ed the following candidates to thei Oyear, president, Royal F. Cherry; vice president, Margaret Rice; secretar3 Arlene L. Fleming; treasurer, Ken nethl E. Morganidge. Orchestra Not At Best The artistry of Mr. and i'rs. Wil- liam Wheeler and Mr. Nicholas Fal- cone, were the only redeeming feat- ures of the Faculty concert given Sun- day afternoon in Hill auditorium. The Imajor part of "the. program was ren- dered by the University Symphony or- chestra from. which we have -seldom heard i more unsatisfactory perform- ance.. In almost every respect, the nmisiciafiship .displayed failed to mea- sure up to the high standard set by thc preceding' concert. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler sang the mu- sic of-Gounod's finest inspiration-the gdrden scene from "Faust", and sang it in admirable fashion. 'The melodi~ ous 'duet of Aargueriteand her lover was given in English with clarity of diction, expressive feeling and real beauty of voice on the part of both ar- tists. At this late date, to comment favorably upon the artistic worth of Mr and Mrs., Wheeler is but to re- affirm what' all discerning members of the, local musical coterie have long t recognized. :Mr. Falcone was. heard in Weber' Concertino for Clarinet, Op. 26. After a lapse of a century, Weber is stil) thA paical onmn ser for this in-' ber. Its full b tton because o curate renditio section, the or ly mediocre for desired both in cy and precsio zo with its gigi especially from 'Mendelssohn' perous Voyag Serenade for Gluck-Brahms felt's familiar other orchestra so executed in ner considering members of th Finally, we Aiming toward a goal of 500 mem-; berships, the campaign for life mem- remarking that if the large audience preseht at this concert formulates its opinion of symphonic music on the basis of what it heard, we shall have at last a satisfactory explanation of the continued apathy which seems to prevail toward the Detroit Symphony orchestra. The University Symphon orchestra has frequently been hear to better advantage than Sunday, and with a leader of Mr. Samuel Lock-1 wood's ability and a personnel of un- A ROOM FOR RENT? turned to England. Through his rec-jEberships in the Women's League was ord of efficient administration he was begun yesterday. Booths, installed aprointed to reorganize several ;of within the entrance of the LibraryI the British prisons. and in University hall, are to be used1 Has Made Great Study during the remaining two days of the Sir Basil has made studies of crim-n- campaign for signing the pledges ofR inals in various parts of the world the women of the university. A large which has proved highly valuable in arrow, placed in front of the Library handling the more unmanageable indicates the progress made from day' The election was held under the rection of the Student council supervised by members of the el tion committee. Voting was heavy large majority of '26 turning out ballot. Class dues were collet fromithose.present and the other ye lings who have not yet paid are ur to get their money in to the treasu as soon as possible. There will be a meeting of the n ly elected officers with the Stud council committee at 5 o'clock t i DAILY TO PUBLISH CHANGES IN ADDRESSES OF STUDENTS All students whose names There will be a good many people in town next Saturday. Many of them will want to stay over night, and will be looking for rooms. Do von want to rent a spare prisoners, in quelling numerous mu- tinies, and instituting important re- forms. His success in this work led to day. Canvassing from house to house isf also being made by organized teams. afternoon in University Hall.