THE MICHIGAN DAILN la Secures First U.a S. Glider Con test, - - - - ,I ........................S...:. ka3: 7' "...._..... Y~i":. . l $'} f .~0 '] I Veera s h nor d Iflags of the allied naations, together with red, white, and blue candles on At Betsy Barbour the tables. eereevd yMs Jeanette Perry, director of the dormn- Dancing, a real cider barrel, andtoyanMisLahGHaerbu- Iwaitresses who were dressed in pert ness manager. French aprons and caps were among the attractions at a reception held yes - San Is Born to Economics instructor terday afternoon at Betsy Barbour Mr. F.. M. Thrunn, of- the economics dormitory in honor of ex-service men department, and Mrs. Thrunn are the and women. More than 150 people pareints o1 a boy born Monday, No- were present, many coming directly vember 6.j from the armistice" day ceremnonle 1 held in Hill auditorium. Sign your LEAGUE pledge tomor-' S The house was decorated with the row.--Adv.! s . . An expression of friend- ship at Chri*tmas time that you alone can give --your photograph :. ,,, ; -GET READY FOR TH AN K S'GIVING GET YOUR' ROASTER EARLY ! A Full Line of Carving Knives and Sets Butcher Knives and the Accessories iDelibery at Christmas if you prefer but call 604-W nolv for an early 'sitting 'Tvc ~ Iklys O: Ihe fnmous Ormond-Daytfona bleacwlih c 1 Fwizf; 'rilh_ 100 . ,vd Genn iCitis' glitter, the first used in "; S. to tene'istrate i~w. poxs, iIWHE.c: o: gliding to cook ti at THANKSGIVING DINNER. New 'York., Nov. 11.-In an a ve t j j O N a.fl ivitation extndled by the C hamerr~) ' GFl Al1'E i of (Conncrce ox Daytona, I{ lori .a, to "'11 A ON the Acro Science Ch.-C of Amnerica, the, -- '-"'-titianl inin otorless airplan os in the NOTICE---Copy for tis coluthn shnitld United States will be held -at. the Or-R be submitted by 5:30- o'clock u£ mend-Dayt l)(, Ixal.) urig next tan - the dray before pAul.iaton. uary. The hero S-ien(-e (Clubi of Amn- erica has acceptedl, acc ording to Stan- . 1ev ale lBeach it~s secretary. . UND1AY; t "In considering the entierprising of- :00-ible discussoim grou~o .". t1ti. fir," said Eaach, "the - Aero Science ris ball. Conducted by Profecsso Club of Anmexica took into ronsider a-' Tiiley;.l Lion thae fact that it waould ibe neces- 9:30-Stuident Bible,. clahses rnee, :ary tGc'wait until fnext F umer it a Congregational church. j Wect were to'be held within the greatt 9:30-T110 IrnuersIly H'en's B'jbleCla:ss Icenter~s ofnpopulation in the north. greets in Lane hall., Such a. delay would beC deplorable in# 12 Wl-ouge~gtiflu Opn lorn'.Lhe face of the encouragement given to air flight .in l.urope.j Dr. Ida Scurdder speaks. ~s~ranldne ferde11 itlc 1 :a36-P'1i. W EP.Hen~ders5on s5eai t; ci all from which to glidie, as was at Presbyterian church..1)proven by~ the fact that all the early, 12:00-Baptist guild bneet's ill Guild experimenters here, such as Oct ave house.l Chanute, Avery Hierring and the :3:00----Hhj1(iu~tan Clu11 1meets in Lanet Wright Brothers used them. Orville Ball. iWib was one of the first men to :3:00[-Fvashmni{,'lee Club n l l 1 lJ 1I >.Jff la I JS .., I JP The telephone has swept- aw ay the dis- comforts of rural isolation in the United States and has made neighbors of 110,000,000 people in country, town and city. This Company is part of the great Bell System which has made that possible, OurAmiifion--IdeaZ Telephone Sevice for MEchian ((fMICHIGAN STATELPOE CO. ea 0 MleWent Out Next Saturday, Nov. 18th _ .....:... ........ ........ . I 2 A- CHRIS TMAS SUGGESTION~ A r ti s tic, 'exclusive, and something only- you can give. Your Christmas portrait by ', '. 00000,16 V PHOTOGRAPHER I)ON'IT DELAY IN ARIRAN VINV IFOR YOUR SITTING ANY LOllTGER Now 14 the time to see its. STATE STREET Call 303-W for, appointment I.1 /^ A Take Out A Life Membersh"ip I j 11 I - in*3 lEAmo F ,