ate/'' ~ ' WS ITY LILW(Y 1 TO, DOWN RES-ERVES: AN0f'RE&IilEN BY TWO FIELD o Asi ore Thr(Ild S ans ae r time to nail the Varsity men carry.- Oppolifli ;Scrubs on 'reap Yard' 1 tbinhal. Jileas Gain Endsawson, fDay aiid Benson were ftfe -~ uinaries on the Rese'i~ve outfit. ithe SYIW2USE, UNDER NEW COACH, IS HAVING REMARKABLE son. Although three of this year'31 Backfield men. will graduate. next, June,7 Meehan hag a wealth of backfield maL- XTL'AL teri al so that the loss of the trio-Kel- YEAR .logg, Frugone and Anderson-will not be a serious blow to the team. And with the entire line, returning Syra-a cusewil be n aposition to "clean i up." ilbei H. ; 1 )DE'S DROVI(1VK FROM 47 YARD LINE .FEAITURES VLAY Ichigan's Varsity football team us a few of 'the regular ifin iin scrimmage. against the All-fresh Reserves on Ferry field yesterday. rnoon, put up onle of thie poorest ads of football th~at has been shown year. Knode $aives Varsity loo team could it seem fo get kgo- and as a consequence was not able cross the .goal line cif eithier' ofits Y tFtF{ F nents in th~at 'W, of Coat ler the direc- and Vick. goin a Score- he teams; by tie le of .a Re I e.10 pass combination, Day to Lawson,' worked several times for good gains and both men wer'e quite active brealk- I ing up the Varsity end 'runs. {*ondball Tonrnely To Start Nov.2$ Th'le annual intramural hiandball tournament entries are open and will be ready for entran~ts until Nov. 27. OQn that datet~hey' will be closed and thee dfawings will be madte at one so that the tour~nament c~an begin on the foi- 110wnday Thie tournamnlt will be run on ti oj eUlination system, thre out6f ive~ can, being required kc. wir a{~c. 'thc win~ner in the' singles willibe I ""warded with t, silt i ej :yinsj c ji+ whilk both' winners in the double", will oeive the same kind 'of'prizs. It. is )4nJt aetesnlt Ze 1)Y the hlidays so E~iat ac oona tbc. Secondl semester begins LLIQ doubles can be run~ off without any delay~. nyone i1lesiring informa~tion~ will fin ~hile desired information at the ntram ural offce or from n ln- chez er Gerhn , rwo wl be foun(I on the courts in Waterman gynlan afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock(. Thiere axe many promisjingplayer's working qwt regular'ly oi the 'courts "aud there should b'e m~any slni mtchies before the ,vinrir is found.I Anmong those :who have signified theirj intention' of enterlig are VWatsann, aI fulty "'nemberi~ who won the cup last year, land Sa~ncez and eidrink f afSO cin winn~ers in previous tollrza-I meiits. / That they' will not have an easy' time of it is eviden~ced by the! fact th~at there has been a .great dalt of interest 'displayed about the cam1-3 puis in the sport and a large num~ber of contenders for honors will b2e fount:. Lunglois, who was a considerable factor in the national handball touir- } namnent las year~, ,has been attractin~g a. great deal of attention by his prow- esis. Among~ those who 'are certain i ,t be reckoned with are Pilchier, =Madion, Segal, and Bliaune , the win-1 ners of last season's inter-fraternity handb~all, tournamen~t who hav~o enter- eai the doubles and will muake" the1 contest lively. Sign your LEAGUE pledge toMor-f row.-Adv. L i ,,, ) E i .I 'I r .. I 1 f Intramural Items, The speedballP schedule for Monday is as follows: at 4 o'clock junior lits os. senior , engineers, 'architects tis % winner 'of inedic-lit game at 4:30 o'- clock. Interschool soccer will get, under way on Monday afternoon, Nov. 13. The all lits will ebgage the all dents, >. -- EXTRA SPECIAL- SUN-DAY DINNERS Coilthnuous: Sevice fromn 8:*J( A. 1W. to 11:00 P. M1. Visit Our Gif t aihd Novelty Room- Cristmnas Giftis Arriving. SHOP EARLY THE WISTERIA SHOP ' - HO NE 69941OPPOSITE ENGINEERING, ARCH, ''V 4' 'i :node w~ the Nea was aoepyjr andt hisaplacing of ks decidedl~ygood. One. of the goals rch he dronicke~Jd for three, Ooints, f is a beauty. Standing at approxi-1 itely the 47 yard line, K'node 'senta aball on a direct line for the. goal1' sts. The oval seemed~ about to tose) strengthi and drop but fortunately£ :the cross bar and bounced overc line. Yearlings Sart .oach Mather's first year men gavef Varsity the first oppositioni in a 15 nute period. Blott kilckedl off to the arlings who immediately started a.' rch down the field. Two line plung-a made a first dlown and them a longe ss netted another putting the balI the 50 yard line. Here the~ Var-JV yr line stiffened and the yearlings r re forced to kick~. the Varsity opened up an' aerial at- e k then which took them back toc center of the field where they field. ;ami the freshmen started down the d' and after progressing 20 yards tempted to drop kick but the boot s short and the 'ba~ll, went to the rsity ou~ their own ivfle yard line. o passes by Knodle to Rankin were od for a total of 65 yards and after and the all engineers will play the all, medics. All of these games willlbe called promptly at 4:30; o'clock. WVES'T VIRGINIA CRUSHES INDIANA Bloomington, Ind., Nov. 11.-Ind~i- ana met its worst defeat of. the sea- son at its homecoming game today when West Virginia held the home team scoreless and ran up 35 joinits in. the last three quartrs of the game which was played entirely in the Crimson territory. Althouigh the Indiana team fought desperately and did not concede vic- .tory until the final whistle, it was purely West Virginia's game Ifter the-first quarter. Michigan Daoty anal Chimes for $4.0 ~'QIor star; of the Orange eleven. At 1 eft, ]34IlKenlogg,;fullback. At rligbt,,Jtm Eirugoate,-quarter 4ad half. In cen- ter, atboI-e, "Dutch"iyIeer s, guna°+4," and beloiy, Gapt. Frantk Culver. .1 DELICIOUS SODAS Ice Cream in All Flavors Dainty Fresh Candy Lunches Made -daily / "HARRY" WONDERFUL CREAM PATTIES Made specially in Your Fraternity or Sorority Colors I (Syracuse adherents are about ready1 to prolaimn John F. "Chickt" Meehanj youn'; football' coach there, a second I "Gl1enn Warner" or' 'Per~cy Haugh-I ton" as a result of his remarkable work with a green team at the Syra- cuse camp~us this season. And if 'thq Orange team tops off its showing tqj date with a victory over it's ancientI and deadliest rival, Colgate, Nov. 18, the Syracuse students and grads will gob somewhat out of- their. heads, foot- ballically speaking. {Meehan's men sounded a warning as to what mig~ht be expected of them when they held the usually formidl' b e B o n ee e o -0 t c r earl', in the season. Then, tackling the powerful Penn State eleven at the Polo grounds in New York a 1 , , :a k ;couple of weeks ago, Syracuse dupli- 1 first downs in that game against fourj cated this feat, playing a scoreless' tie! chalked up by Warner's mien. with Hugo Bezdeik's ' mien. I Captain Culver' Quarterback "Babe" Syracuse not only gave a great I Frugone4 Halfback Bill Kellogg and demonstration 'of' defensive football! "Dutch" Heers are the. outstanding in keeping its own goal line uncrossed, stars o't the team. H'eers, normally a but surprised the experts with its of- guard, is one of the most versatile men ; fensive power. 'iinthle game. I-Ic has played every po- IMeehadf's boys outplayed the Pitts- sitioni on- the line since he entered burgh team although". they lost', to college. GlOenn Warner's crew due 'to a seven- As Syracuse keeps coming this yearI~ ty-yard run for a touchdown by "Tiny"N followers of the Orange team 'are' al- Hewitt. Syracuse rigistered fifteejn ready looking forward to n ext sea-I I I I I - . Vif~i~ Itu't V~trWhichi you should halve in your [record Library }} i 1--, 7 _.._ , . I i. I .. ~1 was 1 inter 74436 74198 74500 74574 74554 74643 87301 Adestes Fidee Open the Gates of thlq Temnple La Partida Qtuartet in, D Major. McCormackg * . Williams Galli-Curci Flonzaley Quartet * . Williams HICKE Y-FRILEiJAN /~ clothes- the gave the Varsity's ended. Good.-$ye Prelude in G Major I Love to Tell the Story Rach~n ianinoff Hom'er finest, yet moderate in price. a~s many of th~e regular fnrst yen are out of the city. At the e"'Curran and Neisch, at tackl- e'anid, Rosatti, guards, Slaugh- VIan Orden and Blott at center. ackfleld Knode was at quarter, nd Ranl~in at' the halves and at MIlback. In the s~econd racy 4e aced Keefer at lefts ;, 87335 Messe Soennelle-Crucifixus 87534: One Sweetly. Solemn Thought Caruso r'' Cluc1e and Homer '. . Heif tz. 4' 1 74583 Osm dings :9f; Song 'w nMarion~, Parker; were outstanding 'ing. Babock, In 1d to advan~tage at ,through time aft- Ars. A. A. ilont Jor TIen G5 ~9SfCC S48,' O.r( - r eshnian oleo~ Club Meets Today, embers of the Freshman Glee ,club meet at 3 o'clock today in the cal activities room' of the Union. members who tried out are >re- ted to be present as important ess is to be transacted. oil 1-605 East 011amlolrrrt '1 ITT * -. 4. x k. , p For SpedadQuality. .,lQCAeU'c Ladies' and Cents' Shoe, Ski"' PRT" QTI AQ cunF VPAJD i I