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November 12, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-12

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1 f'i t,




main one for which he is present.
When this occurs in community after
community, it; naturally exerts a tre-


ublished every morning except Monday
ing the University year .by the Board in
itrol of Student Publications.,
rember of Western Conference Editorial




Associated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all
dispatches credited to it or not other-
credited in thispapert and the local
published therein.

Ennered at thenpostofficeaattAnn Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3 go.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: J$ditorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
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TeIephones, 2414 and 176-X


.s supposedly "being entertained," but AN ARMISTICE MINNESOTA CHALLENGED
wvho in reality is affording entertain- DAY WiTHOUT A (Minnesota Daily)
'nent to the entire countryside. L...~TREMOR
With the opening of the football sea-
Ann Arbor Is especially guilty in THE OLD ALUMNUS blew seven
:his regard, because of the' fact that son there comes from Fielding H.
so many organizations have a place smoke rings in unison. "It was my Yost, athletic director and football
here that visitors, no matter what particular pleasure to witness the coach of the University of Michigan,
their field may be, always engage the christening of the new chrysanthe- an openly declared and fearless stand
special interest of some few groups. mum at Barbour James Friday eve- against college betting on athletic
As a result, nearly every visitor to ning. As a consequence I spent a
the University must appear before good half hour afterwards working contests.. The fact that Minnesota re-
certain organizations to deliver short my wAtch out from unuer the floating ceives this knowledge in silence, is a
addresses, as a share of his entertain- rib. The crush reminded me greatly dirzct challenge to her reputation as
ment. of the Fall games whmn I was contrib- the champion of fair play.
Perhaps it is the inevitable lot of uting my presence to this institution Silence on this issue means what?s
the man in they public eye to submit g-or Hill Ad after a concert. It means that Minnesota is willing tot
himself to these circumstances, but "The ritual for christening a flower take a back seat in the purifying of
Ann Arbor entertainment committees - a charming mixture of the pagan Conference athletics; - it means thata
can do their share, at east, in helping and Christian. First she has not the pride to take up theI
to prevent American osptality from its head; and then challenge of a coach of a rival school.!
being too great a strain upon the dis- the floral infant was It means that among eight thousand(
tinguished guest while he is in our prayed over; then students there is not one to rise toL
midst. Ih they broke a bottle ;maintain either, 'We do not bet," or,r
of some flanbuoyant "We want to NTel discourage betting."
FOR PRETENTION and, I suspect, non-. Let us consider. Gambling, in the,
aORcPREVEcTlONqandoIep.first place, is unlawful; secondly, it is i
The campaign to reduce the mortal- acoholi lio e poor sportsmanship. In the latter con-
ity from cancer, which was, started last there was an esthet-nection Mr. Yost says, "The time when
ic dance of -the precocious children.
year, is to become an annual affair, Immediately after that I drew my t nea I mill i. np=rcia'e suport
and this week has 'been proclaimed first full breath of the evening. 'vi e Wosin l Ad r-ght then
National Cancer Week. The prime oh- "The children were delightful. They iV w h: ! e oie who hets usually for-
ject of this drive is to stimulate the were enthusiastic and prodigious in <ets all about his loyalty." True Min-
public, through jectures, newspape.r their yawns. But I sustained an olo- nesota spirit cannot maintain a prac-
articles, and pamphlets, to a realiza, factory disappointment. I had antici- tice that is at once unlawful and un-
tion of the danger of cancer as a pub- ( pated an overpowering smell of flow- sportsmanlike.
lic menace. As such it appears to be ere like a funeral for a holocaust 1 And gambling in general does not
justified. a hecatomb. Nothing like it. The exclude the jack-pot, so common a


""i A T






stepping on the red rattlesnake em-
broidered in the carpet.
"Vodka," said Lenin and Trotzky,
and they raised their boots to the third
button on the tail of Prince Michaels'
coat in order to help him through the
door. And the long night was short,
and the cold night was warm to Lenin
and Trotzky, because of the devilish
little saint made of rye and barley
and potatoes, the saintly little devil
that trickles down one's, throat and
into one's stomach and so on.-Vodka.

. ,



Just Received
A shipment of Scotch Grain Oxfords,
in Black and Tan

Much adverse comment was aroused
when the writer of "Don't Bring Me
Posies" failed to appear at the flower

News Editor....................Paul Watzel
City Editor ..........James B. Youbg
Assistant City Editor. ........Marion Kei
Editorial Board Chairman......E. R. Miss
Night Editors-
Ralph Byers Hairy Hoey
J, Y. Dawson, Jr J. E. Mack .
1,... Hershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
H. A. Donahue
Sports Editor..............F. H. McPike
Sunday agazine editor......Delbert Clark
Wore~sEdto:----------arion Ktc'.
Humor Editor-..--- - onad Cooc
Pictorial Editur--..-.....-.....Eolwr Tarr
Music Editor-- ..--- ...---.-.-/. H.1 Ailcs
Assistanta ~


M. H. PrLor
Maurice Petnaan
R. A. Billington
W. B. Butler
TI. C. Clark
A. B. Connable
Evelyn J. Coughlin
Eugene Carmichael'
Wallace 1< I'liott

Psal~el isher
1\ iit.or A. Hibbard
Samuel Moore
T. G. MeShane
W B., Rafferty
W H. Stoneman
Virginia Tryon
P. M. Wagner
1.t. Webbink
imk lin Dickman
Joseph Epstein
J, W. Ruwitch

Physicians are for the most partl
agreed that cancer if detected in its
incipient stages can be cured. Ninety
thousand people died last year from
cancer because the malady was not
found out until it was too late for ade-
quate treatment. Doctors hope to edu-
cate the people to a knowledge of the
early symptoms of cancer, and, con-,
sequently, redluce the death rate from
this disease, which has always been
abnormally high. The University Med-
icnl school is to co-operate with the'
national officials in conducting the
campaign in Ann Arbor.
If cancer is to be effectively com-
hatted it must be through educating
The public to the dangers of this dis-
ease and the manner -in which it may
he detected in its incipient stage. If
1his is done then the death rate from'
-ancer will und'oubtedly be reduced,
and it will no longer be looked upon
,s an incurable disease.

tG k.JIlN- 1h'.p a'; wllj L~cL1 y
v--calil them -lrumrs',."
Fra~dtic Esito a LLp
- .r
-AA Times Noos.
I Just love to dig up money
When there's any in my pooch.
Count on me to help the bootleg
When he drives to sell some hooch.

cihrysanthemum is rassive-in his at- cncom
k . o1 th nose. Ptrha sth t every sorority, fraternity, and board-

TelephIono %0' t
' . %'C--- -i
Acco u..s .....-t nc I V'
Ciru n............ ..a l J. . r
Ptiblicatin---.....-----L. neon ae

I<_nnelh S icy
Georne Rockwood
F'erry M. havden
Ptc !+G°Eugene L~. Dunne
Win. Graulich, Jr.
John C. Haskin
,iarvey . 1eed
C. I.. Putnam
r1 1). Armantrout
11. W. Cooper
Wallace Mlower
Ed" II.Ridl

1 1l . S. 'Morton
F -,es A. rver
Win. H. Good
Clyde ,. Hagerman'
A. Hartwell, Jr.
7. Blumenthal
Howard Hayden
W. K. Kidder
Henry Freud
Herbert P Bostwick
L. Pierce

Yestprday official Washington, in
observation of the signing of the Arm-
istice four years ago, visited Arling-
ton cemetery. There, short but im-
pressive rites were held to pay the re-
spect of the nation to those who fought
in the World War and whose lives aie
now nerely sacred memories in the
minds of thosse who have passed
through the struggle alive.
Yesterday also, official Washington
visited the home of Woodrow Wilson,
for eightyear president of the United
States in one of the most trying pe-
rio'ds of its existence. There, they did
homage to the man who has steppel
down from an active position in di-
recting the world's affairs, and whose
accomplishinent is a memory in, the
public life of today.
Four years ago, not a newspaper
went v 1 prcss but bore some nentiofi
of the namne of Woodrow Wilson.
His undertakings, his decisions, e
achievenents, were heralded in the
banners of the public press. Now they
bear only from time to time passive
articles attesting to his welfare, or to
some small respect that has been paid
Years pass rapidly, the world moves
on, and how quickly do the great fig-
ures in the 'moulding of* the history
of yesterday become merely reminis-
cences in the minds ,of the swiftly
passing today?
Sir Phillip Gibbs, who lectured in
Ann Arbor last winter under the au-
spices of .the Oratorical association,
has written an article for the Novem-
ber issue of Harper's Magazine de-'
scribing his lecture tour of the United
States. In this article the famous
war correspondent calls attention to
the hospitality of the American people
as shown in their reception of visitors
from other nations. Although wel-
come, this expression of goodfellow-
ship proved fatiguing, and Sir Phillip
made clear his decision that this
should be his last tour until he has
found time to thoroughly recuperate
from the strain of appearing before

The annual campaign for funds con-
ilcted by the Community Charity as--I
sociation begins today. It is worthy
of your support. Only once a year is
such a drive launched, and each of the'
*we've charity organizations repre-
sented is active in some phase of so-
vial work which is of importance to
the city. Some of them such as the
Y. M. C. A., are identified with student
Whatever is given in this campaign
will not be lavished on one organiza-
tion, but will be used to propogate
the activities of the entire twelve.
"Give once, but give enough for all" is
the campaign slogan. It behooves the
campus to support generously this one'
big effort.
You will be killing twelve birds with
one stone by each donation.
When Prof. A. W. 'Vernon of Carlton
college wrote his story for the "New,
Republic" arguing that fraternities, so-
rorities and intercollegiate athletics
helped to develop a "holiday seeking"
type of student, he no doubt seized the.
most convenient- .instruments which
-ould be used to explain a growing ten-
dency on the part of students to re-.
gard their academic work as subordin-
a.te to other interests.
The holiday-seeking proclivities of a

I buy 'Ensians every morning
Just to see the red ink rise
And I can't refuse a single tag
That's dangled 'fore my eyes.
I've a tender * spot for canvassers-
Their lot is very hard;
Should they drive me psychopathic
I'll go filling up a card.
But the evening paper jars me
And with sorrow fills my cup,
Is being "TAKEN UP".;
Let the bandsmen drive for breeches,;i
Mr. Mullison, for saddles;
'26 must drive for cushions
If the hazers drive for paddles.J
0. Howe Greene.
* * *
Buy a rose-only fifteeh cents-little'
yellow man for the game?-Oh, the
'mums! Aren't they gorgeous? My;
dear, those yellow ones-oh, and those;
tiny little ones! AREN'T they adora-I
ble!-Where is the orchid collection
from Ontario? That little box! Is that
all?-Buy a rose? only fifteen cents-
Oh, they are going to dance out there
-The little one 'in white--she's too!
adorable-What are they waiting for?t
My feet are so tired I'll fall down if I
have to stand a MINUTE lornger-Doi
you. suppose it's real champagne.

ig house on iho nsmpus. The fact
that the money of the pot is not staked
on either teani but rather on the to-
tal x:ce1- .of the game, does'not vindi-
:ate the act; it concentrates the spc
iFor's attenion on the score rather
f han lit 'lly of play. nd may even
cause him to rejoice when a touch-
down from the opposing team brings
li total score to the number he holds.
In -hort, ,here is nothing in the char-
at of the jabk-pot to lift it from
the fevel of ordinary gambling.
Sooner or later -the issue must be
met squarely; why try to dodge it? If
Minnesota is to carry on the trust left
try those for Whom she is about to
erect a lasting memorial, if her teams
are to be worthy bearers of their title
of "Fghting Giants of the North," her
student body must stand 100 per cent
behind this and every other movement
to raise the standard of intercollegiate
sports to a higher level. R. C.
(Harvard Crimson)
Great Jean Grigorovitch and little
Peter Mickiewinski stood looking at
the poster on the door of the Yasnaia
Poliana town hall.
"What does it say, Jean?" said Pe-t
ter, whose head came only to the third
button of Jean's great warm kaftan,
and therefore could not see.
"It says that the little saint who
helps the women keep the cold nights
warm and the long nights short is
coming to us again," answered great
Jean Grigorovitch to his friend, little
Peter Mickiewinski.
"And what, little saint is that?" ask-
ed Peter.
"The little saint that is made of rye
and barley and potatoes and trickles
down your throat and into your stom-
ach and so on," was the answer that
little Peter Mickiewinski received
from his friend great Jean Grigoro-
"Oh," shqted Peter, "the little saint
Vodka!" and he put his arms about
great Jean and kissed him on the
third button of his great warm kaftan.
Then they went away and pretty
soon along came great Mrs. Maria
Mickiewinski and her friend little Mrs.
Anna Grigorovitch, and the top of lit-
tie Anna's head came only to the third
button of Maria's great warm vorot-
neke. And little Anna said to great
"What does the poster say?" j
"It says that the little, devil who
takes our husbands away from us andI
makes the cold nights colder and the'
long nights longer is coming to us;
again," answered great Mrs. Maria
Mickiewinski to her friend little Mrs.
Anna Grigorovitch.

Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cara-
6: a.ni.,7 :> a,)aam.. ;ona.m., 9:o5
im and h utriy to 9 :o5 po..
Jackson Express Cars (local straps
Sof Ann .Arbor)--g:47 a.M., and
ci t\two hours to 9:17 p.M.
Loc% rCars East Bound-7 :oo a.m.,
a1 ,, very two hors- to g :oo 1).-tn.
S i:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only--i:40
o, . :15 am.:
o Saline--Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:50 a.m.,
To .Jakson and Kalamnazoo-1,im-
ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47,
4:-17 prn.
To'Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p.m.
1922 NOVEMBER 1922
s MT W T F S
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 2S 29 30
Start Right With a Good Hat!
We do all kinds of HIGH
CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking
of hats at low prices for GOOD
We also make and sell POP-
YOUR HEAD and save you a
dollar or more on a hat.
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where DU.R. Stops
at State Street)




Are Your Garments
SCleaned Properly?

that you could secure, for le
thani one - third their nornm
selling price, a pair of the far
Sower Field Glasses
d 3by (Tra ffinr ~

Footwear of Quality and Distinctloh


1 N V E S T I C A T E
We aim to give you the best workman-
ship possible; besides, you have the ad-
vantage of having your clothes thoroly
Energized-It's Odorless
Sn'issilized Garments Stay Clean Longer


useu y uerman o cers, wnat
iould you do Yes, of course
you would! Get in touch with
1 Cutting Apartments, Tel. 850
who will show you samples and
let you test them out. Prices as
low as $8.25! A great invest-
ment. Good for a lifetime. Use
them in a dozen different ways.
They vill get you
Eight Times Nearer the Line-Up
453 Washington Street


your head down, he's
they're beginning to

Phone 2508
209 South
Foruth Ai e

" e ;}Ca cof .Sneraine"F

C eaners
Pr ssers

student are not necessarily the prod-
uct of student organizations. They find
their root in human nature. While or-'
ganizations do encourage their mem-
bers to participate in extra-curricular
activities, it is equally true, especially
of late years, that they encourage good


dance!-adorable-Did you hear him?
He said "My lord, do I have to buy one
of those, too!"-Roses, only fifteen
cents-- Some women have no man-
ners whatever. She pushed her el-
bow into me and never said "Excuse
me."-Roses, only fifteen cents-ador-
able-roses-too sweet-fifteen cents


Will buysentirestock or interest
established business.


scholarships also. POWDER-PUFF.
Holiday-seeking is an ever present '*: * *
factor and cannot be eliminated entire- Today the white albatrosses are call-
drToday the white albatrosesa fre cl ah

iy. Practically every stuaent ee ts thei
urge to devote L ing, are calling,v "And what little devil is that?" ask-
urge to devote part of his time to The little white albatrosses in ed Anna.
some interest other than classroom pants; "The little devil that is made of rye
work. If there were no organized ac- They call in loud voices to those who cnd barley and potatoes and trickles
tivities on the campus other than acad- are 'neath them- down our husbands' throats and into
emic work, this urge would still be Albatrosses in lemon tweed pants. their stomachs and soon," was the an-
present and might lend itself to ac- - * * * swer that little Mrs. Anna Grigoro-
tivities of an unprofitable nature. I 'Sblood, She Weeps' vitch received from her ! iend great
Considerable significance must be at- We -overheard some of the girls say, Mrs. Maria Mickiewinski.I
tached "to the charge of holiday seek- as they were coming away from the "Oh," wept Anna, "the little devil
ing, and the problem of combatting it Maj last night, that they wept, it was Vodka," and she put her arms aboutI
is not in the least a trifling one. But so touching. We gathered that they great Maria and kissed her sorrowful-,
to blame organized groups for the hol-, were either weeping for the Kindred ly on the third button o% her great
iday seeker would seem unwarranted. or trying to lay the Dust. Bitters, my warm vorotneke.
The problem of every organization, of stick. Meanwhile Lenin and Trotzky were
course, is to guide its members into a LORD PERCY. looking at the same poster, their hand-
proper sense of the importance of in- * * * iwork, in the dining room of the ex-lit-
terests which compete for their at- "SALINE EDITOR SPEAKS" 0e father, Nicholas. And Lenin had
tention. The success of an organiza- -OOD. his feet on the table where Princessl
tion may be measured by its discrim- AH, at last! Olga once spilled her soup and Trot-
inatory powers i this regard. * * * zky was tapping with his knee the
And there's "Current Opinon." spot where the Czarevitch had once
One hundred and fifty paintings of * * * stuck a cud of Wrigleyitch gum.
the Russian artist, Roerich, are await- This is Sunday. "Trotzky," said Lenin, "now that we


In a hurry?

Want good



You'll get it at the

new M-Lunch! 32? S. State

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meal ticket is as good as cash here

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