THE WEATHER PROBABLY SHOWERS TODAY Y it ttl . I Secti ' One ;: ,. - PRICE FIVE VOL. XXXTII. No. 43 ILLINI CONQUER BADGERS 3 TO- 0 IN BITTER FIGHT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1922 PRICE FIVE _ f Vulcans To Test Eleven Tomorrow CLARK'S FIELD GOAL SCORE OF FIERCE STRUGGLE SOLE Eleven men will attempt to prove themselves worthy of becoming mem- bers of the ancient order oi Vulcans, honorary senior engineering society, in the annual fall initiation ceremon-; ies tomorrow afternoon. Following the public initiation, a banquet will be held at 6:30 o'clock at the Union in honor of the new mem- bers. Prof. Henry H. Higbie, of the electrical engineering department, willf represent the faculty in the program and. Richard Rowland, '23E, will speak in behalf of the society. Allies Keep Grip ,FRESH MNAN LITOS OTJM LLi,.On Turks' Capital FVrTETOMORROW Fr eshmen in the literary college will vote on their nominees for all - class offices tomorrow in the booths established for that purpose on the - campus by the Student council. The class dues of $1 can also be paid at these booths, which will be open from 9 untl 3 oclock t c f. (ONFERENCE STINDING~ BIG TEN TITLE DOPE WRECKED BY ZUPPKEI Ilinois Battling to Ruin Riva's Chiailpionship Chances, Far Outclasses app itnts. (By Associated Press) Madison, Wis., Nov. 11.- -linois gave Wisconsin her first defeat of the season today 3 to 0 in one of the most closely contested games played here this year. Wisconsin marched to the Illinois two yard line in the first period but never again threatened seriously to cross the Illinois goal. Clark's fieldi goal in the third period from the 15 yard line was the only score of the gam(. "Grudge" Contest Ilinois entered the game, a "grudge" contest, a hopeless second choice but determined to ruin Wis- consin.'s titular ambitions. Te grudge game was the result of pro- fessional and ineligibility charges made between the two Universites. Don Murray, a Badger star, was pro- tested because of professionalism and Coach Richards of Wisconsin retali- ated with charges against Illinois players. Murray was lost to the team i as a result of the -irotest and Auger an Illinois played was ruled inelig- ible. Illini Line Holds t r Neither team could score in the first half although the Badgers in the open- ing minutes of play carried the ball to the Ilinois two yard line where an impregnable line turked back' the bat- tering of Taft, Wisconsin's full:back. As soon as the first period ended Il- linois took the offensive and held it during the'rest of the game. All Conference dolye was blasted by the Ilinois victory which came at; a time when Wisconsin had counted on another step toward the Confer- ence championship.( But there Was no department of the game in which Bob Zuppke's elev- en did not outclass the opponents, The Badger's aerial attack was no mystery to the Illinois players who time and again intercepted them and returned for long gains. Clark Stars Clark passed, kicked, and an the hall for the visitors until his hard playing in the final period resulted in an injury which caused his retire- men:. Captain Williams at halfback for Wisconsin was thrown for severa-1 big losses during the game and only rarely showed offensive strength. Numerous substitutions failed to give' strength to the Wisconsin attack. Wisconsin got its long overdue of- fensive underway in the closing min- utes of play when three passes car- ried the ball to the Illinois 30 yard line, where the final whistle blew. NOTRE DAME-ARMY BATTLE SCORELESS# Iow03a . 14ilctilgan .' Cieago I' , UNIVERSITY, CIT M 9NIR OF ARMISTICE f 'II'' e9 9) A I'. 0yy 0 4) I fl T. 4) 4) l) Cl 1 Pet. 1.0"W 1.00 LAW, k .6671 Nrthiwesteiii . . 4 1 2 1 .33: -MAy Y WLASo State ..'.... 0 :13 P ru1 . [i ...... 3 0 3 0 .040 311(13;< .l . ..... 3 0 .1 0 Xo:. NE Effi -ONSIIIUION" Student f oiunell Conimlttee Will te- IOWA SECURESICTORY vise Preset Etandard MA2 PERNAN ENT (CONIITTEE ON CI.AS8FS MAY RIE FORMED) OLD GOLD TEAM DOWNS GOPHERS FIFTH CONSECUTTVE CONFERENCE Illinois 3. Wisconsin 0. Chicago 14, Ohio State 9. Iowa 28, Minnesota 14. Northwestern 24, Purdue 13. EAST Princeton 10, Harvard 3. Bowdoin 13, Tufts 12. 'Maine 14, New Hampshire 7. Lafayette 33, Rutgers 6. Pittsburg 7, Pennsylvania 6. Penn State 10, Carnegie Tech 0. Cornell 23, Dartmouth 0. Yale 45, Maryland S. Sohn Hopkins 58, Drexel 0. Bucknell 14, Lehigh 0. Navy 62, St. Xavier 0. Amherst 10, Trinity 0. Colgate 40, Rochester 0. I . & M. 19, Swarthmore 0. Hobart 28, Buffalo 13. Villa Nova 16, Muehlemberg 6. INTER-SECTIONAL Army 0, Notre Dame 0. V. & J. 32, Wabash 6. WEST California U. 57, Washington 7. Univ. of S. Calif. 6, Stanford 0. Nebraska 28, Kansas 0. Univ. of Detroit 13, Haskell 3. Oberlin 47, Case 7. West Virginia 23, Indiana 0. Butler 19, DePauw 0. Wooster 53, Kenyon 0. Ohio Wesleyan 9, M. A. C. 6. Drake 19, Colorado Aggies 6. Toledo U. 3, Muskingum 0. Kansas Aggies 12, Ames 2. SOUTH Vanderbilt 9, Kentucky 0. Complete revision in articles and - composition of the present standarC class constitution used by all of the owa City, Iowa, Nov. 11.-Univer- classes in the University will be the sity of Iowa's big ten champions by work this week of a Student counci a score of 23 to 14 defeated the Uni-' committee headed by T. J. Lynch, .ersity of Minnesota on Iowa field this '25L. s At the r resnt time each class from ftei'noon for the fifth consecutive the time of its entrance to the Univer- ime in their annual contest. Iowa sity to its graduation is guided in its taied scoring early in the first quar- organization and all of its activities ter piling up two touchdowns against by the provisions set forth in the ex- Minnesota's one, Lott and Parkins car- isting constitution drawn up by the rying the ball for long gains. through Student council. This constitution ihe Minnesota line. Lott smashed the provides for class, oficers; their. du- }ail over the nine yard line for the ties, appointment' of class committees. irst touchdown, following a long general class organization and the pass. Shuttlevorth kicked goal. holding and mnagement of elections. -- Some of the 'provisions, while they may have original'y 'been of service, are now entirely out of date, and will .ESTER HERE TO.FIT be abolished in the drawing up of the .I ew constitution. Other articles may cally correct under present day con- i Lions,-. and it maybe- found neces- COSTUMES FOR "IN AND OUT" EX-, sa.ry to draw up new articles to take PECTEI 1O EXCEL care of conditions which have come LAST YEAR up recently. One new feature which it is planned to iicorjorate,is the creation of a per- Lester, o Chicago, who is design.= nianent body known as the class cone- ' ing and constructing the costumes for niittee. This committee will be named this year's Michigan Union opera, "In by the Student council to keep that and Out," will be in Ann Arbor to- body in a more personal touch with the officers of the various classes and day. He will bring with him several to act as a liason between the two. It of the gowns that are in the process of will aso be the general executive coun- construction and will spend the day ;il 'in supervising all class activities, treasuring and fitting the ca:t and especially those of the freshman class. choru.,. The subject of 'class elections will Lester aso did the costuming for also be studied in .an effort to devise "Make It For Two,"Alast year's opera, some means lby which the larger but due to the more elaborate settings classes in the Univesity may become and the longertime- given for prepar- more closely organized in this re- ation, he expects to surpass his work spect. The. elections of this fall have of last year. Many of the gowns thin proven that under the present system year will have novel matifs and rich it is almost impossible, in the case of color combinations will add to their those classes which have grown ex- beauty'. tremely large ii late yearsi to secure In the first act, most of the costumes sufficient attendarpe at class nomi- will be patterned after the Dutch na- nations. tional costume and 'i keeping with 'Other points, taken up will be col- the rural Dutch setting. The second lection of 'class dues, duties of the act, however, with its black and gold treasurer,and class expenditures. Co- background, will give an opportun- operation between the various classes ity for .displaying some of the new- in'. working for a common end is a est creations in beautiful gowns. thing that the council wishes to in- Lester will probably remain here corporate in the 'new constitution. until Monday night, as the large num- ber of men to be fitted and measured Refet Pasha, New Governor of Con- stantinople Refet Pasha, new governor, has en- tered Constantinople, suppressed the Turkish senate, and heads the civil adminstration, but the allies refuse to loose their military grip on the city. STUDENTS TO HEARH OMAR HQ U ISTON'IGHT "Fourth Down, and One to Go." Topic of NotMd Exclesiasiic, Industrial, Worker. rnr rnia~r a Ct . Y" I 'r. C' 9 until 3 o'clock. The freshmen nominated by the class at the mass-meeting Thursday are as follows. For president, R. F. Cherry, and C. W. Grube; for vice- president, Margaret Rice, and Char- line Leonard; for secretary, Arlene Fleming, and Elma Walz; for treasur- er, K. E. Morganridge, and F. P. ;Weaver. QUAK Ed ANoD TIDAL WAVE SWEEP CHILI Ovef Hundred Reported killed and Iltay Wo dedWhenTremor I nOverturns Buildings !POOR COMMUNICATION MAKES 3 ESTIMATE OF lAMAGE HARM) I TAPS BLOWN, BELLS KNOLL, ENTIRE COMMUNITY DROPS BUSINESS MESSAGE CARRIED TO "GOLD STAR" FAMILI Rev. M. S. Rice of Detroit Is Spe at Afternoon Service in Hikl Auditorium Hundreds of Ann Arbor resid and University students gathered 3:45 o'clock in Hill auditorium ye, day afternoon to celebrate with fil services the signing of the armi four years ago. 'rhe Rev, E. lI Mitchell, assistant pastor of the gregational church, opened the ices with a pra'yer The Misses I Howe and Winfield Adams sang s which were followed by an ohs ance of two minutes of silence. The Rev. M. S. Rice, pastor of North Woodward Methodist Episc church of Detroit, gave an address propriate to Armistice day, in w he cited the tremendous tasks se the overseas men. "Our task is beacon of liberty which they set ag and which we must and shall ful he said. In explaining the mean which these tasks may be accomp ed, the Rev. Rice quoted the mot the Australian troops while over "Talk clean, live clean, fight c: and play the game." The audi joined in singing "America" at close of the service. Medics Dedicate Tablet Ampofagasta, Chile, Nov. 11. - Up- wards of 100 persons were killed and many seriously wounded by the earth- quake which overturted many build- ings early this morning in Copiapo, capital of the province of Atacama." The first shock was felt in the Am- pofagasta city a few minutes before midnight last night. The citizens were alarmed and almost imme- diately the telegraph lines were broken down. About '1:30 this after- noon a tidal wave inundated part of the city, flooding scores of buildings close to the beach. The radio station was completely flooded and the waters cut away the radio machines., The waters soon ebbed several hundred yards. I t t z r t Center 27, Washington & Lee 6. , SENY l Virginia 6, Georgia 6. CO-MIIENCES AT 7:30 TONIGHT Rocks Chile End to End Georgia Tech 19, Georgetown 7. Santiago, Chile, Nov. 11.-An earth- Samuel Simpson Marquis, nationally quake of great magnitude and far-' Iknown industrial and ecclesiastical spread effect rocked Chile from'end to end today. It was accompanied 'by tNnIAN.IwIa[o10eBE'8worker, Vill sneak at the second Uni- a tidal wave and the combined force, lrsityserviceloctonih i ill'huditor of the earth's tremor and the sweep c(7:30tngtnHlAdo water did vast 'damage, the extent of um. The title of his address will be which it is impossible, to estimate be' "Fourth Down, and One to Go." cause of lack of communication. The - Dean Marquis has. been heard incasoflcofomnito.Th SUBSCRIPTIONTOTALALREADY Dn arusI provinces of Antofagasta Antacama FAR IN ADVANCE OF PRE-A Ann Arbor on many former occasions, and Coquimbo suffered most, the cen- VIOUS DRIVES one of the most notable being a Uni- tral point of the quake lying in the versity service last year. His exper- latter two provinces. ience in sociological and church work Canaral in Antacama has virtually Subscriptions for the 1923 Mich- have enabled him in previous speech- Cnaain At acmahy vully been wiped out as many buildings' Iganensian will be accepted from 1:30 es to treat with diversified material of were wrecked by- the great waves to 5 o'clock every day this week at great interest 'to the college student. sweeping in when the earth shocks the Michiganensian office in the Press His' career as an Episcopal rector ceased. The greater part of the town building, in order that persons who bgan in 1893 at the first pastorate in was destroyed. ' the 'Trinity church of Woburn, Mass. Throughout the province of Coquim- were unable to subscribe during the Following this he was rector of the bo hundreds of houses were leveled' sales campaign last week may do so. Trinity church of Bridgewater, Mass. while the residents field to the inte- More than 2,000 subscriptions were In 1829 he moved to the St. Joseph's rior. obtained i the sales campaign con- Episcopal church of Detroit. He be-: From the southern part of Chile ducted last week, 600 more than ever came rector of St. Paul's church there came reports of great shocks but lit- procured before in a fall drive. The in a short time, and was made dean of the damage.s staff is thoroughly satisfied with the the new St. Paul's cathedral in the outcome of the drive, but feels that same city in 1906. He continued in 7 Die at Coquimbo there are a great many on the campus ths capacity for nine years. Buenos Aires, . Nov. 11-Seventy- who were unable to sign up during the' Recognizing his ability in the field five persons were killed and thousands four days of the campaign. 'Iof social service, the Ford Motor com- are- homeless as a result of the de- If 3,000 people subscribe, a decrease pany made Dean Marquis the head of struction of Coquimbo )and several in rtinnruuu~uuiii z int will mitno - r'iescolgc__eaten_1 serbytwsbytdy'1atquks_ 0 t] : ' t] !!., LI i 1, 11 t: r t s t I. t a a a c d t memorialrtablet was dedicated at o'clock yesterday morning, at the trance of the Medical building, b ing the names of 10 studenlts of Medical school who died during Promptly at 4'o'clock, a gen sspension of'business occui throughout the city and for two r ,tes only the tolling of church x broke the silence honoring the in ory of the hero dead. The players of. the Ann Arbor-: inaw high school football game, the large crowd in the grand sty reverently uncovered themse while a bugle sounded "taps" at appointed hour of 4 o'clock. Invite Relatives The day's arrangements inch the carrying f messages by for service men to gold star famili the families. of men who fell du the. war. The messages, whichdu sent by the local vetrans' organ tions, invited the gold star familiE attend the meeting at the audito and said in part, "It seems appr ate that we thus meet and by pr ceremony keep alive the memory of day that so many of our men and v en sacrificed so much to bring a but never lived to see." Red 4poppies, sold by members o; Y. -W. C. A. Friday and Satu about the campus, lent atmosphel the celebration. The funds rea. from the sale will be used by th W. C. A. and the American Legion overseas relief work. Following a custom observed 1920, Betsy'Barbour gymnasium n tained open house fog all ex-sei men and women from 4 until 6 o'( yesterday afternoon. 1 c i SPFECIAL TRlAIN MAY 60 TOl MINNESOlTA NOV. 241 will take a great deal of time. 'Orchestra Appears At Recital Today, I If West Point, N. Y., Nov. 11.-Notre Dame and Army battled with- out a victory before a crowd that crammed the enlarged stand on the plain todayhe Neither teamw scor4dd though' each had chances. The ca- dets were on the offensive through- out the first half but could not main- tain a consistent attack. Notre Dame was stronger in the last two periods but also lacked the punch to carry the ball over. 0. S. U. Forms "Boost Ohio" lub Columbus, 0., Nov. 11.-A drive to obtain names of men who would be desirable Ohio state students will be made this week by "Boost Ohio," an organization here. During this prospect week which be- gins today, students are asked to turn in to "Boost Ohio" information about men who they think would be valu-1 able to Ohio State University so that "Boost Ohio" may get in touch with them as soon as possible. l STUDENTS MUST RESERVE 200 The University Symphony orchestra, TICKETS TO INSURE S. P. Lockwood, conductor, will make SERVICE . its debut for the' season at the com- 4 plimentary Twilight recital at 4:15 I Students must secure. tickets' for special train service 'to Minneapolis o'clock this afternon in Hill auditor-' for the Minnesota-Michigan game, mum. On account of the large amount Nov. 25, at once if they wish to get of excellent material which has been special rates. Tickets are to be se- available this season the orchestra cured through Denny Donovan, house promises to exceed even the fine rec- manager of. the Union, who may be ord made in past years. seen in his ofice on the main floor. On this occasion in addition to sev- The necessity for getting train tick! eral orchestral numbers several fav- ets now is due to the fact that the l orite soloists will be heard: Mr. and special train cannot be furnished un- Mrs. William Wheeler, tenor and so- less '200 tickets for it are bought im- prano, and Mr. Nicholas Falcone, clar- mediately. inetist. The round trip over the special train The general public is cordially in- will cost $23.58, the approximate price vited to be present but is reminded of a one-way fare, and will probably that the concert will begir. on time provide for stop-over privileges at and that the doors will be closed dur- Chicago on the return trip. ing the performance of numbers. For in rodctin cstswinperit re athe sociological depar tment of this ;near by towns by today's earthquakes. bate of 50 cents on the original pur- enormous organization. This was the Great damage is feared in Antofogas- chase price of $5. For those who do first time in the history of the corpor- 'ta itself according to private advices not wish to pay the full price at pres- ation that anyone had been appointed from Valpariso giving a summary of ent, a deferred payment is 'offered, to an official position who had not pre- reports received here. whereby the cost may be divided into viously been employed by the com _ two payments, one to be made at the pany. His work in this capacity term- ATHLETIC BOARD SEEKS NEW c time of subscribing, and the other inated in 1921, and since then he has COACH FOR WRESTLING TEAM' when the year 'book appears next been engaged in his former field of .en- spring. The cost under this plan will deaver, St. Joseph's parish. Freshman gym classes have com-1 be $5.50. A rebate of 50 cents will At the first University service, held pleted their first tests in running, also be given to those making use of several weeks ago, President Marion jumping, rope-climbing, and work on this plan if the requisite number ot L. Burton spoke before a crowd of 'the bars, and the results have been subscriptions is secured. more than 3,500 faculty, students and tabulated that the men may note all townspeople, taking as his subject improvement as it is made. Instruc- WISCONSIN TICKETS "Living On a War Basis." As at the I tion in wrestling; shadow-boxing, and OINMILT DAY previous service, Mr. William Wheeler I stick-fencing will begin soon. Sheadof the voice department of the Dr. G. A. May, director of Waterman .rUniversity School of Music, will pro- gymnasium, states that sufficienit room Student tickets for the Wisconsin vide a suitable musical program. for all men desiring to go .ut for game will be mailed out from the ath- -wrestling has been provided. The letic office commencing tomorrow. I;Board in Control 'of Athletics haswap- Alumni and mail order applications F-To C rpropriated $300 to obtain a coach, and were filled Friday and Saturday, with ble;Tlo a y as soon as one is found, work for this more than 18,000 tickets being mailed Ball For A Week year's mat team. will be begun. A to graduates throughout the country. large room, outfitted with a mat, has Faculty and student athletic book. be'en set aside and is open at all times coupons not yet turned in will be rec-, (By Associated Press) for any men who wish to use it. ognized until 6 o'clock Wednesday, Kalamazoo, Nov. 11. Because seven Nov. 15. Standing room tickets are of his players fumbled the ball in to- WOOD APPOINTED HEAD OF still on sale and may be purchased day's game with Valparaiso, Coach UNION BILLARD COMMITTEE for $1.50 apiece at the ticket office. Ralph H. Young, of Kalamazoo college, l Standing room for this game will be gave each of the men a football at the L Reynald Wood, '23, has been ap- limited to 3,500. close of the contest and gave instruc- pointed chairman of the Union billiard tions that they carry the pigskins committee. The associate members everywhere\ they went during the of the committee are: John H. Tracy, week. He informed his men that in' '25, Francis C. Ward, '25, and George WANTED: case any were found without the ball { K. Zimmerman, '25. no matter where they were, during the Who wants a room for the week, they would be thrown off the New Parking Zones Established next week-end, over the Wis- team. Several new parking Isigns have consin game? It is not yet too Kalanrrazoo college, *evierthelss', been placed about the campus in the lae tor hrfriends homayur won from Valpariso 21 to 15. The vis- interest of traffic regulation by the, fbe coming down to the game I itors, who outweighed the locals, made police authorities. The signs limit Saturday. There will be a big their two touchdowns as the result of to parking certain spaces and will demand, but if you advertise fumbles. .. help the enforcement of several or- immediatelv in the "Wantea" I-dinances. COMMUNITY FUND 'WILL COMMENCE :_ LOCAL MERCHANTS TO FURI PRIZES FOR HIGH WINNERS' Ann Arbor's Community Fund c will open today, when 29 teams c men each will canvas the city. More than 200 persons attende night at the Y. M. C. A. rooms which the entire city was divided territories, and each territory as ed to a captain and a corps of a; ants. Much interest and enthus was shown, leading officials in cl of the campaign hoping that the munity budget of $45,608 will be scribed in full this afternoon. Various prizes donated to in competition among the teams w; awarde at the celebration meetii be held Friday evening, Nov. 17. ( Fielding H. Yost, representing Athletic association, has offered tickets for the Wisconsin game Staebler Oil company will pre: $10 gasoline ticket, and Cl Preketes. a 10 nound box of can 4 k The train, if secured, will probably obvious reasoris children will not be leave Ann Arbor about 4 o'clock Fri- alm'iicd unless they shall have ob-' day afternoon, Nov. 24, for Minneapo- taine1 idmission 'ickets at the School lis, .and will leave there for home at of Muaice some time in the early evening on The vrogram is as follows. Saturday, Nov. 25. Overture "Calm Sea angd Prosper- t"' ' ous Voyage", Op. 27.. Mendelssohn' WISCONSIN MAY SEND BAND Concertino fo;' Clarinet, Op. 26.. OF 100 MEN TO ANN ARBOR... ........................Weber -- - 'Adagio ma non troppo-Tema con Madison, Wis., Nov. 11.-A band of ! Variazioni-Lento-Allegro tu . . ", .il eran:..a " inm -rsii a n -n- - a ur ri>n m -,, Y~i Blomington Sees Klan in Parade Blomington, Ind., Nov. 11.-Bloom- Igton had its first vision of the Ku Klux Klan last night. I