1 i tuhUN RfL Ut VII INTEREST, ON TOOAY'S glesther' ae may chnce forup-1 sets and1 the results of the contestst will eliminate many strong contendersl DU frm thevarious races. Michigan is [0 Uj [practically the only school of any im-I portance in the country which hasno oehn tsaeo h rd iron today. allest opening pre- irlnrd~a.PnU. f! aro-Ohio State. A .. fcadets if the sm, , :r i 1 f K 't a t t i -iy-Notre flame to Attract Great:- sents itself. Navy will take' an St. IFICIWAN HARRIERS TO est Interest Xaviers at Annapclis in a game of an RUY AT CQLUNhIBUS TODAt - insignificant 'nature. WV. and d;, con- W1ISCONSIN BATTLE GITES conquerors of the strong LafayetteI (Continued from Page Six) CHANCE FOR C0IMPAISON machine last week, will encounter - ~~~~Wabash college at Washington, Penn-baIn thmotefnamite When the time for action on the Sylvania. Wabash is one of the three .coach thinks. Arndt also is a strong1 gridiron rolls around this afternoon, runner-uips for the Oioa ConferenceI rukrner who has ahown well this year. 1 Michigan wil be the only school in title and although her defeat is pros-! Stevre places great faith in this mant the Big Ten not sending her team into al there will b no want of campedi- and expects him to place well up int an important battle. In the east, itin for her opponents. Ohio Wesley- !the list. the south, and on the Pacific an, another runner-tip infthe Ohio; Grifin, Rearick, Shenefield, Reinkel Coast contests of consequence will <.1- Conference. will furnish strong corn- and Vande Visse are the, other men so take place.j petition for the Michigan Aggie s. It who will run for Michigan today. I Three of-the four contenders for theI is doiubtful whether the Farmers will" They are without exception' stron'g Western Conference titlo will, clash tbe able to check her Buckeye oppon- runners and ought to show up to ad- I 'with other conference team~s in hard ents although Coach Barron has been vaage. g'ames while the tail-enders will fight shifting his men in a hope of greater' Illinois has -a strong aggregation It out for last place. The Chicago- strength. "Stelb" Kip ke, brother to .iin the race today and will give St eve's Ohio battle at Columbus bids fair to M~tichigan's halfback, will prob~ably fea- r 'outdo the other games in general in- 'tore the contest. lerest. Although Oi snot consid- South of the Mason-Dixon. line two I I~ ~g 'eyed a title contender she is c onjced- battles of importance will take place. * 'eil a fair chance of spoiling the Ma- The powerful Georgia Tech eleven, I ®* -u roon's record. with out one defeat behind her, will 1, G6olpers Tackle Iowa Itry out the Georgetown squad at Atlan-! Minsota w.ill journey to Icowa City ta ini a game that, the engineers shouldI in an atmtt ontelakvs win by a small margin. Centre col- In spite of the reputation already lege will engage Washington and Lee gained by the Iowans, today's game at Louisville. Neither of the two teams Will be their first really hard Confer- have been showing up well but have a l ence game of the season and the :shown steady improvement in their BLLIARDS strong team from the North is ,likely last games. tstop them in their tracks. The i:floTor forgheenthils monsgroud game . betWeen Wisconsin and the ll.= California, a strong bidder for the w florfo tismotPo~l brii it likely 'to go'to the Badgers b' samne honors which she has held for g YOar.>reaing ar o a comfortable margin. The inter i'ttelatfwyer nth aiiccat ® the pleasure of college life in the game lies .chiefly in the fqc': will mzeet, the undefeated University of if you do not make use of S that the. result will' be a basis fol. Washington eleven in a struggle which I them regularly. compiaring Michig an with the two waill eliminate one of the two from the Conference teams which she has yet title, race." Stanford is taking it easy -- - I to meet. with the U. S. C. eleven Which she Mlountaneers Invade, Indiania should maniage to conquier with ease., Northweste'rn will meet Purdue at [: In the Missouiri Valley 'Conference __ Evanston i a battle which promises tfNeb raska will mix with Kansas in a to be full of thrills. Atho'ugh ni- game which will' probably decide the ther team has ailv' claim on the dham- Conference title winners. Althioughi 1 pionship, the old rivalry and the ques- defeated by Syracuse' in an intersec- ~ s~ n~ tion of which of the two teams shall tional game a week ago, Nebraska 'is' I Z AD CNDE have won one Conference game, will considered the likely, winner of today's U PIES LUNCHES6S 6l g be sure to result in a hot contest.-.In- game. :. I. ftwy -to treat you riht" elana will celebrate her home corn- Although no: Conf'erence titles will * o ®® * u s w u E6,9 wg ing day by taking on' the undefeated bhe definitely decided in today's strug-j Wes': Virginia eleven. The HoosiersI will he fortunate to hold the gentle- men from the south to even a- present- j Ir'r'rm'TTTVT TTTT 1Th A fT hill and dale men the greatest amount I SEND FACULTY DIETORIRS of competition as Ohio. State is be- TO SECRETARIES OF SCHOLS lieved to be weak. ___ - Faculty directors are out and have MARQUIS TO SPEAK HERE1 been sent to the secretary' of every - ~school and college in the Universityj " Yourth Down and One to Go" is the from whore they may be obtained by: title of the address to be given b y any instructor desiring them. Direc-1 Dean Samuel S. Marquis, rector of St.! tories for the faculty of the literary Joseph's Episopal church of Detroit, collegc: have been placed in the mes- at the second of the University, serve, uenger boxes of the, dean of the col- ices which will be held 'at 7:30 o'clock;. lege. Any other University officials tomorrow night in Hill auditorium. may secure their directories from the William Wheeler, head of the voice de- office of, the registrar., partment of the University School of The directory contalining the entire Music, is in charge of the music. i list of new instructors. is also ready Until recently Dean Marquis was "fr distribution and ay be obtained the head of the welfare department of at the same time. the Ford Motor company of Highland l Park. Previous to his nine years'! You will be ,surprised afthe large work with this comanyvie rwas de" n results obtained at low cost rrom ak of St. Paul's cathedral of Detroit. "Daily" classified ad-,Ady.. (v Ri]wU STARTING. ~THEATRE SUNDAY rrrrrriw- r nrn iin r rnis r . i ir r i. mr ir rwr wrr -:'-"."V M f LL T~jjfflV Shoe * $AM CANbgES ;STEAM FITTING 21.5 E. HURON PHONE 214-FI FOR M E N A Moancy-Savillg Walk -.-$1000 A BLOCK 4' WTILUAM FOX prescnt-. 'Jile sensational ,sgeed drama, which deighted al.l )c ok Qf .loive and thilM Shoes of the Highest Quality for $8.00 and $8.50 I- DAVIS.TOOQERY SHOP 119 S. Mein - [. I r _ _ i 13M _ ,. -- , _. . able score. In the East, Harvard and Princeton- will come together in their Annual Pig Three battle which the Crimson: is doped to in. The Yale squad which 'has been improving steadily. with the return of its captain short- ly after the Iowa game is scheduled to enjoy a. comparitive .rest, when it* takes on the, weak MVaryland eleven. Penn ,State and ~ Carnegie Tech, two of the, stron~gest elevens in the °section, this season,. will furn~ish an exciting exhibition of the game if past perform- ances .indicate' anything. Although Penn State was ,defeated by the Navy last 'week she is still considerd pow- erful. +~ Cornell is "doped" to conquer Dartmouth when the two teams mee~t at the Polo grounds. Cornell has ruin up the largest number of 'points in the country so far this season and it will be a~ task for the }Hanover boys to down 'her. of special interest to the Middle West will be the Army-Notre Dame game, Ao be played at ,West Point. Coach I, ockne has built up a strong outfit thiat is sure to "surprise the 7 a; y :. ; i CHURCH Fifth Ave. and .William ;St. REV. L. F. GUNDERMIAN, Pastor 6'a ? Cb urc b ervices FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST',SCIENTIST 409 S. DIvislon Street +3p i~Ieloo 'Subject: "Mortals. and Immortals:. El -9:30-Studenpt Bible Class. 10 t30-"Under Two Flags." will buy a Corona,' L. C. Smith, Hanmmond, Under- wood, Remington, Royal, or any standard. type- writer, you miay prefer. See us before you, buy. 6:3-Luther League. A. working religion appeals to every man. Con-. vince him that religion' is practical, calls forth the best that is in him, and holds something that satisfies, then he will accent it, use it, and let it possess him. Religion after all is a way cf living and not mere- ly a belief. The great religious leaders of all ages have spent their time showing men how to live, ancC have said little about beliefs. The difficulty we. now have in understanding Christianity is' caused by the fact that so many theoretical and theological explan- ations ha4ve been sp~tin round it, only adding confusiont to the already raixed inds of those seeking light. Applied religions, not theoretical religion, is 'the religion for the world. Of course, there is a place for, theoretical conceptions, but' in everyday life, one does' not nieed to concern himself with these ideas. Practical religion -consists of living life normally, maintaining a t riendly and brotherly attitude toward all who Atltioul'd one. if one applies himself to life in, a bmt an: way, ifei may. rest assured hie is applying religion. Sunday school, .11:45. Wednesday' Evening;' testimonty meeting, '7:,30. Reading Room, 236 Nickels Arcade. Open daily 12, to 5 except-Sundays and Holidays. ALL. ARE WELCOME. 7:30-"The Friend of God." EVERYONE IS WELCOME UNITARIAN CHURCH ZION LUTHERAN 0I . D. Moprill ~ 17 Nickels Arcade j CLOSES COE AT 3 P.M. lC ADVERT IS~ING AT 3 P.M, State and Huron Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister 10:40 A. M. "THE. STREAMS OF MOTIVE POWER" The third in a 'series of sermons on aip- plied psychology. CHURCH Fifth Ave. and Washington St. E. C. STELLHORN, Pastor BETHLEHM EV ANELCAL CHRCh (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 4th AY6 e nar Packard' G. A. NEUMANN, Pastor- . . w . } _ 9:30 A. M.-Pastor's Bible Class. 10:30 A. M.-Sermon, "The Savior Babes." Sunday school at. 9:15 a m. ofchurch service conducted fn the GeV man Laugu age at 10:30, A. M. Firsgt