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November 11, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-11

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Will Have 28 classrooms, Together
with Offices for Deans and
Faculty Men
Markng a departure from the plain-
er utilitarian buildings of the cam-
pus the new literary building the ac-
cepted design of which is shown
above, will satisfy more fully those
who prize the aesthetic value of mod-
ern uiniersity structures.
The first sketches of the exterior of
the building called for 12 large Ionic
columns so designed as to harmonize
with a memorial campanile equiva-
lent approximately to 16 stories in
height. Many alumni and members of
the faculty, however, registered ob-
jections to the original plans, so. that
the accepted study calls for 8 instead
of 12 columns four and a half feet in
diameter, rising three stories at the
center of the building. The exterior
will have an obvious classic motive.
With its large windows, straight lines
and cornice, It is designed to harmon-
ize well with the other buildings of a
simpler style stch as the Natural Sci-
ence building;and the Library.
Floor Plais Remodeled
Since the decision to change the ex-
terior of the building it has become
necessary to remodel the floor plans
slightly, so that the structure will
really have four stories instead of
three as previously decided.
Stakes now set out in front of Uni-
versity hall indicate that the first new
lit unit will be more than 12 feet from
State street, about 300 feet long and
approximately 70 feet deep at its wid-.
est point. The building will cover an
area extending from the old museum
nearly to the farther end -of Mason
In all there will be 28 classrooms
together with offices for the deans of
the literary and graduate schools and
for all men of the faculty whose class-
es shall be held in the building. Math-
ematics and economics libraries . as
well as other large rooms will be pro-
No Basement in Building
Considering the arrangement from
floor to floor, it may be said that there
will be no basement in the building,
although there will be necessarily
some excavations for fan and other
machine rooms, for the heating tun-
nels, switch Boards, and vacuum
cleaner apparatus. The first floor will
be enriched by the bronze doors which
open back of the Ionic columns andI
lead into the marble and plaster main
corridor. Opening fron this corridor
will be the offices of the deans of thej
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts and of the Graduate school. A
total of nine classrooms. are planned
(Continued on Page Eight)
"My Experiences in Scotland Yard"
will be the topic of Sir Basil Thom-
son's lecture Wednesday night, Nov.
15, at Hill auditorium under the au-
spices of the Oratorical association.
This lecture is the fourth of the num-
bers of the association this season
and promises to be one of the most in-
teresting. Scotland Yard is the head-
quarters of the famous British police
system. In this department are found
many of the world's authorities on
crimes and criminals.
Uncovered War Photo
As head of the criminal Investiga-
tion department of Scotland Yard, Sir
Basil has had many mysteries to un-
ravel. Particularly during the war he
was especially active in leading the
apprehension of many of the host of
spies which then infested. England.'
During this time he uncovered an ex-
tensive plot to assassinate simultane-
ously most of the allied war leaders.
Perhaps his most spectacular case
was that of the final discovery of the

New Literary Building
Michigan's new Literary building will be surpassed neither in beauty of design or efficiency in appoint-
ment. The state administrative board Thursday gave the University permission to commence construction of

Prof. A. W. Vernon of Carleton col-
lege writes in a recent issue of the
New Republic that fraternities, soror-
ities, and inter-collegiate athletics
should be abolished from our 'univer-
sities, in an effort to get rid the
student of the "holiday-seeking type."
Professor Vernon also desires the
ousting of the type of student who
comes to .college seeking a founda-
tion for material success, and those
who come with inadequate prepara-
tion, in a broad sense, for college
work.. He berates in no uncertain
terms the students who come to col-
lege after "learning the calories of
food, the intricacies of knitting and
carpentering, and abjuring all thought
not only of Latin and Greek, but of
the wicked German and the frivolous
According to Professor Vernon, "The
fraternity and sorority,or their cam-
ouflaged surrogates and the thrills and
publicity of inter-collegiate athletics
allure them (the holiday-seekers). I,
myself, believe the time is- -close at
hand to abolish both, these forms .of
extra-curricular activities. They have
doubtless done much good: the fra-
ternity has often been the chief enemy
of uncouthness and self-assertion; in-
ter-collegiate athletics have moraliz
ed the atmosphere of the college. But
they are both medicine, corrective and1
henec temporary."
Fin'iI Figures Show 600 More Than
Last Year; 700 Signatures Ob.
tamed Yesterday
Coming through on the final day of
their four day selling campaign with
over 700 subscriptions, 'the 1923
Michiganensian staff y'esterday com-
pleted one of the. most successful
sales drives in the history of the an-
nual. The total number of subscrip-
tions obtained during the four days
is well in excess of 4,00'0. This is
600 more than were obtained in the
fall drive last year.
Extend Campaigni
Because it is believed that there
were many who were unable to sub-
scribe during the last few days, the
'Enslan staff has decided to receive
subscriptions in the 'Ensian office on
the second floor of the Press building
during the coming week. The office
will be, open from 1:30 untl 5 o'-
clock every afternoon. It is hopet
that' in this way enough people will
sign up to enable them to make pos-
sible the. special refund of 50 cents.
Thomas G. Kindel, '24, in charge of
the drive, explained that the cost of
the year book for this year is $5.00
which is 50 cents less than last year.
If, as is hoped, a sufficient number of
people sign up during the coming
week to bring the total up to 3,000, a
special rebate of 50 cents will be
mailed to all subscribers. Believing
that many do not feel able to pay the
entire price at this time, the business
staff has instituted a plan whereby
the payment may be divided into two
payments, one at the time of signing
and the other when the book appears
next June. The cost under this plan
is $5.50.
Impression Erroneous
'Ensian ;officia; believe the3 'is
an idea prevalent among the students
! l++nMni~~nin i itnrd d

President of Chamber of Commerce
Urges Stability in Monetary
"Young people of today have untold
opportunities in the field industry and
it is their duty to take advantage of
these opportunities and to inform
themselves of t value of stability in
monetary currency and the bad effects
of unwise legislation," said Julius H.
Barnes, president of the United States
Chamber of Commerce, in an address.
yesterday afternoon in the Natural
Science auditorium. Mr. Barnes was'
formerly president of the United
States grain corporation.
Opportunities at Peak
"The door to industry has never
swung so easily and never have such
opportunities existed," said Me.
Barnes, "Science has standardized
production. The production per capi-
ta in this country has increased with
the aid of science and the devices that
science has given."
The speaker pointed out that at-
though the population of the United
States had increased some 30,000,000
in the past 20 years, the farm popula-
tion has increased only 2,000,000, and
yet farm production has increased.
The reason for this he gave as "the
adaptation of mechanical devices in
the place of manual labor.
Concerning the subject of transpor-
tation of agricultural products, the
speaker said, "The new means provid-
ed by the motor truck for transporta-
tion of products has aided tremen-
dously in the solution of this prob-
lem." He showed that the railroads
had not expanded to meet the increas-
ed need, but the automobile was filling
the need. "Twenty-four thousand mil-
lion tons of products were carried by
the railroads last year and 1,400 mil-
lion tons were conveyed by they means
of motor transport," continued Mr.
European Money a Warning
Turning to the problem of depreci-,
(Continued on Page Two)

Minneapolis, Nov. 10.-With pool-
room men estimating that tickets for
the Minnesota-Iowa game would bring
as high as $50 each, federal agents
this week rounded up several scalp-
ers who paid fines o- $100 without
going into court. All tickets found in
their possession were confiscated. Ev-
en students, crazed by the reports of
enormous profiits, have been detect-
ed in scalping activities.
The practice of scalping has within
the last few days paid such astound-
ing profits and involved such com-
paritively small danger that it now
bids fair to become an actual profes-
sion among the underworld gangs and
unprincipled individuals of the Twin
ather and Fisher Expect Hard Game;
Yearlings Concede Best
Chance for Win
Filled with a hope of making a cred-
itable showing and possibly garnering
a few points, the Reserves and fresh-
men first string teams, each playing
a half, will engage the Varsity in a reg-
ular game at 2 o'clock this afternoon
on Ferry field. No admission will be
charged and the gates will be open
to the student body and general pub-
Coaches Mather and Fisher have
picked their men with care and will
have two well rounded teams that will
give the Varsity a terrible battle from
start to finish. It is not known who
will start the game for the freshman
and the reserve teams, but it is clearly
understood that whoever starts will be
there with plenty of fight.
Freshmen Have Edge
The freshmen have the best team
(Continued on Page Two)

I ,

The Call Of The Crosses In France
By Herbert Atchinsop Jump
Today the white crosses are calling, are calling,
The little white crosses in France;
They call with the voices of those that sleep 'neath them,
Our lads sleeping 'neath them in France.
'Tis not of dead marble these crosses are fashioned;
No iron doth its strength to them give;
Ah, no, 'tis of wood, living wood, they are moulded-
And the lads sleeping 'neath them still live
They stand there so still, like ranks at attention;
They stand there and listen for aye.
What speech will they hear, those listening crosses,
As we who are living pass by?
If words are still brutal, if hearts are still selfish,
These crosses will call out, "For shame!
Hpw dare you be faithless to us who, lie sleeping?
How dare soil America's name?"
If partisan hate still shouts out its venom,
If bigotry still hurls the stone,
Those voices will call from far over the water,
"Alas, do you leave us alone?
"Do you leave us alone in our loyal devotion
As we walk the red highway of pain?
Why will you not go with us, dare with us, bleed with us,
Sharing the loss and the strain?"
But no, the crosses, the little white crosses
So silent in France far away
Will have no occasion to chide or rebuke us,
No, rather let each of us pray
ri~nt av r hite assmay call usto duity.

poisoned pen writer. He found in ex- unL Lne icill4aLdLi
amining the missives written that primarily for seniors, while in fact,
there were 17 misspelled words. Draw- not over 100 pages are deyoted to the
iig inferences from this evidence, to- graduating classes. The entire re-
gether with the police reports, within mainder is composed of matter of pe-
two hours he had come to a definite culiar interest for the undergraduate
solution of the problem and the crim- body.
inal was imprisoned.

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