THE MICHIGAN DAIL\i _ .Y. , ._.: AILYOFFICIAL BULEI Mication in the Bulletin 'is constructive notice to all members of BUniversity. Copy received until 3:30 D. in. (11.:30 a. mn. Saturday4) lume S FRIDAY, NOVDEIIER10, 1922Nuniem4u 1 lty, Colleges of Engineering'and Arehitecture: 'here will be a nmeeting of the Faculty of these colleges Friday, Nov. 4:15 p. mn. in Room 411 Enginieering building. LOUIS A. HOPKINS, Secretary. c~ Lectuare : r. Julius I1. Barnes, President of the United States'Chamber of Comn- 3and formerly President of the United States Grain Corporation, will- s Pi otessor Griffin's class in Marketin~g Friday afternoon, Nov. 10, at ock, ini the Natural Science Auditorium. The subject of the lecture will ueiness--National and International. The public is cordially invited :end.F. E. ROBBINS. andi a distinctive dress for the classofOo.Tersnibltishad willbe ecidd all in both victory and defeat. This Veterans of Fort-ign Wars wvill a1s. is not an affair of the team, or of the semble for 'Ensian picture at 1:45 coaches, or of the student body, but of o'clock, Saturday, Nov. 11, Alumni1 all of them" combined. jMemorial hall, rain or shine. Wear' "We have been too much dressed uniform,. Ulp. We have not gotten down to home- spun. We must get down to brass nrnua~ntacks. I would rather have all of the EUII .LI team member's knocked out on the O fFIH sidelines than have the sort of thing W RI INGII l~l that prevailed around here at the time Fiedin H.Yos, Iiretorof nte'-of and after the Mchigan and Minne- collegiate Athletics, dropped into the gmets.-peae Let's get dw Daily office yesterday afternoon. In'i to brass tacks!"' his hand he held a folded newspaper..! Coach Yost thought Wilce's plea a He ddn' sa muh, ut e idictedvaluable thing for The Daily to re- a passage' quoting Coach John Vii. print. We agree with him. Wilce, of Ohio State.i Perhaps you'll see nothing of imi- It seems that down in Columbusprtceii.Buthnito r-d they staged a big "fight" rally on tikbcsyaotaya ~Tuesday night in preparation for the.. coming Chicago game. Ini the pres-I ence of some, 5,000 Ohio students, A REAL GOOD MEAL Coach Wilce spoke in this wise: ci.,op $UEY , STEAKS "This week the majority of the men Everytinmg good at' s on the team have buckled down to work as, they never have before. I: Ann Arbor Chop Suey say, the majority of them have. They'j :314 S. State-Second Floor have gotten rid of some of these fool ____________________ fantastic notions, and are showing' fight, and grit, and effort.VITR LMNDGE "It is fundamental that the student PA O T N N body get the same attitude. It must 1A !!® T r (' get this fight, too. It can't rant, and ( School of Music Tuner. 'crab, and " lie down on the job. Nei- OPieatRe.I4N. D 6 ionSt ther can the people of Columbus, nor OfieaRs.41A.DvioSt Just Received- Sliti les NEW STYLE, $10.85 with leather case w it, HUNIVERSITY SBOOKSTORE - '. I 111A rica l Engineeirs ve for Detroit on Special car fromt corner State and Packard p -,m Friday, N ov. 10, to inspect the Industrial Lighting Exhibit 1er at 4 p. M. anda Counor's Creek .Power House of the Detroit any at 8 p. M. Lectures on this power plant will be given in ngineering building at 11" a.. on Wednesday, Thursday, and A. H. LOVELL. Service Meat and Women t The residents of Betsy Barbour House will have open house for all ex-j vice men and women, :Armistice Day, Nov 1.1, from 4 to 6 o'clock.I JEANETTE PERRY. Sigma-Junior Xesearb: Phi Sigma will meet Nov, 14 in Zoology Laboratory 1, at .7.15 p. fm. for Ines . At 8 p. mn. Dr. W. P.. Lombard wiilllecture on "The nature of the e-jerk and its reenforcement." L: E. WEI-MEYER, Secretary. fversity of ?Micigan varsity .B nd:.'. Saturday Nov. 11 formation at Lane Hal-i1:15 p. m. Capes issued 1- 5p. M. Formation for Sunday, Nov. 12. ,Postponed until further orders. WILFRED WILSON. A GOOD HOBBY Make riding your hobby. There is no hobby so benefi- cial, nor so pleasant. And through our cash coupon plan it is so economical that you cannot afford to be withpout its benefits. / I - VAN HEUSEN An adaptation of an exclus- ive English model to the needs of the American man who cares about style and correctness in dress. In appearance it's as smart theNewFall and Winter as a cavalry officer in pa- rade uniform, but in use, its stands at ease all the dlay' long. SBuy your collars of a reputable retail. er. He won't offer you a substitute when you ask for a VAN HEusiEN. Heo knows there isn't any. ANNOUNCING WHAT'S GOINGAONI TIC--Copiy for this column Should *e submitted by 6 t. Oecok of ke day before publicaton. FRIDAYI 0 a. m.-Mleetlng of Junior engd-j eering class.I 0-Intercollegiate Zionist'assocla- ion meets in Board of Directors ,oz, Lane hall. 5--Sealp and Blade meets In room the Student Volunteer group, \Ves'- ley hall. 7:30-Craftsmen meet in, Masonic temple. 8 :00-MO4'e nt. Wesley llall, "A the Sign of the Jack O'Lantern." U-NOTICES There.18 an- exhibition of the paint- fings of Nicolas Roerich, noted Rus- sian artist, daily'in the West Gallery of' Alumni memorial ,all. This cl colection is placed on display unuder; the au-3pices of the Ann Arbor Art association. Westerners club. fall dance will be held Saturday, Nov. 25, at the Pack- ard academy., Tickets may be re-1 served now by calling C. F. Gallo-, way, 2593-R. Freshman basketball vandidates re- port in' gymnasium, Monday night at.8:30.' o'clock. Bring own equip- ment.- Men out for football, report {at close of season.- Junior engineer class meeting at 8 a.# mn., Friday, Nov. 10. A: tthis meeting student councilmen and chairmen of' tthe social committee will be elected, 'HE MULLISON STABLES ATN SRFIET PHONE 87 326 RAST PEOPLE JUDGE A 4 OTHERS in various ways, but nearlmy ' . every body's opinion is more or less influenced ,by' the character of the. stationery used in correspondence. As you, judge, so wimll you be judged. Make sure your pa- per, cards, enveclones, etc., are correct as to form, size, etc., by pr ocuring them here, r the home of stationery of class. 0. D. MORRILL 17a XICKiELS ARVAD1E Tine Typewriter tmid Stationery Store ORDERS FOR YOUR NA-ME EM~fxRAVFI) ON CHRISTMAS CARDS ______- SHOUJLD BE PLACED NOW! ---- - No Starching W~yil NotW'r nklel No R0ougEdges~ 1Saves1Your Shirtst NearsLons Saves YouT es PATEN~te0 PHILLIPS.JONES' CORPORATION, Makers, 1225 Broadway, New York Nu meets .fourth hall. flonor, SATURDAY Earle morning hike of tlic. idents' guild. house for all ex-servico women at Betsy Barbour .. Dr. IdaS. Scudder. noted med.j worker from India, speakts tor atrick G'oreat Coats Bigger Than Weather No hurried, worried shopping tours, no dui- plication by others- when you give photo- graph s for Christmas The expense is happiness great. 6o1-W for an smnail, the Telephone appointment j ,, dignity and charmh been. priced so low. early. in the season Words cannot describe their beauty. Comie and see them ! o $39.o50 $4 .50 ' $69.50C$ SECOND FLOOR Ij' Qoo DYE AR' 124 SOUTH MAIN '~Quaity 619 East Liberty Street a An Op=a'coat of Dependability Tinker&-company 343 South State St. at William St. Tuxedo and Full Dress Suits for Rental TOMORROW mmmmommommommom I I 11 i 11 is - - - - - - r z ~.- -